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Everything posted by WhiteDove

  1. Happy Birthday Piggie Here is a Birthday bowl of ice cream for Ya ! FOOD FIGHT!!!!!!
  2. Hey Eagle I am lost too but the song I posted was an eagles song.
  3. Gangsta rap/hip-hop? :unsure:
  4. Hey relax Rascal I never called anyone a Whited Sepulchre or said they were of their father the devil yet ,like Jesus did I guess I got a little room to work with yet!. No but you can't mix and match questions and answers on different subjects and expect to get a true representation of what was said. Oh maybe that was the point..... No I said what I said ,if you want to quote me fine just don't make $*@! up.......
  5. GEEE being misquoted ,and putting words in my mouth that O never said, and oh yes attaching lables like appoligist and Wierwillite to me. Because I don't endorse her belief system has nothing to do with it I suppose!
  6. .........Find the other one I always say then you have a pair. This should be in the the rock and roll lyrics hall of fame......
  7. Hahaha I didn't know the Eagles wre wierwillites . EAGLES - Get Over It I turn on the tube and what do I see A whole lotta people cryin' "Don't blame me" They point their crooked little fingers ar everybody else Spend all their time feelin' sorry for themselves Victim of this, victim of that Your momma's too thin; your daddy's too fat Get over it Get over it All this whinin' and cryin' and pitchin' a fit Get over it, get over it You say you haven't been the same since you had your little crash But you might feel better if I gave you some cash The more I think about it, Old Billy was right Let's kill all the lawyers, kill 'em tonight You don't want to work, you want to live like a king But the big, bad world doesn't owe you a thing Get over it Get over it If you don't want to play, then you might as well split Get over it, Get over it It's like going to confession every time I hear you speak You're makin' the most of your losin' streak Some call it sick, but I call it weak You drag it around like a ball and chain You wallow in the guilt; you wallow in the pain You wave it like a flag, you wear it like a crown Got your mind in the gutter, bringin' everybody down Complain about the present and blame it on the past I'd like to find your inner child and kick its little foot Get over it Get over it All this bitchin' and moanin' and pitchin' a fit Get over it, get over it Get over it Get over it It's gotta stop sometime, so why don't you quit Get over it, get over it
  8. Exactly John but thre is another part you also have to post in a manner that is P.C. and be in the majority side of the "Cough" level playing field.
  9. Another of your untruthful fabrications I never said anything like that.That is correct I never made that statement you will not find it in my posts that means it is a fabrication and untrue. Do you have a quote? I didn't think so. QUOTE Then again you still can't seem to get it after I have told you several times this is about truth not PFAL OR TWI I refer to an earlier post of yours Exactly an earlier post this thread has changed topics a few times since a few pages back we were discussing level playing fields that is to what my comment was addressed to . I never said truth was exclusive to the way or PFAL. Thanks for the compliment it always feels good when we really get honest and renew our minds to the truth. Change and learning is an exciting adventure. The golden rule is not a biblical concept. Doing unto others is not dependant on what they do or don't do.
  10. Another of your untruthful fabrications I never said anything like that.That is correct I never made that statement you will not find it in my posts that means it is a fabrication and untrue. Do you have a quote? I didn't think so. QUOTE Then again you still can't seem to get it after I have told you several times this is about truth not PFAL OR TWI I refer to an earlier post of yours Exactly an earlier post this thread has changed topics a few times since a few pages back we were discussing level playing fields that is to what my comment was addressed to . I never said truth was exclusive to the Way or PFAL. Thanks for the compliment it always feels good when we really get honest and renew our minds to the truth. Change and learning is an exciting adventure.
  11. Not really your past track record speaks for itself you have picked apart any post that does not mirror your stories of how you perceive life in the way was . Another of your untruthful fabrications I never said anything like that. Then again you still can't seem to get it after I have told you several times this is about truth not PFAL OR TWI.
  12. You assume too much TL. I already told you I'm not playing your circle game. If I would have posted my account then you would have asked why I only had mine and no others . As I said I'm not wasting my time I have nothing I need to prove to you. You do not seek the truth.
  13. I suppose Templelady that I would except their stories at face value when they tell you that they were turned around from suicide or drug overdose. I figure they would be the one to know. Of course you expect us to accept your stories of abuse at face value. I'd give them the same benefit. I did post Dean Ellenwoods song his story of a WOW helping him on WW thread . I guess you could ask him about it if you care to.
  14. Oak I agree and if some people would see it is that way rather than try to paint a level playing field then I would not have an issue here. As I said just don't try and tell me it does not exist.
  15. Hey Johnny your story reminded me of this song. The WOW Ambassadors- Dean Ellenwood There's a group of people speaking forth God's Word today... There going to grow with God this year they believe and pray. And God will bear his arm for them, that is for sure! There our WOW Ambassadors. And a Wow Ambassador they work for God it's plain to see. They do their best to walk like Christ who set the captives free. And their true believers and they believe to give their all, and then give more. And their growing as they learn to live, A WOW Ambassador. Early in the morning they rose up from their beds. They might of felt like going back to sleep, But they read God's Word instead. And as those sunny words of life woke up their sleepy heads. Well they grew excited as they thought about the day ahead. And one by one their family well they gathered round to pray. And it's always so exciting just to hear what God will say. Well that day was bound to be special to the people in that town. It's a blessing when a son of God stands on holy ground. And a Wow Ambassador they work for God it's plain to see. They do their best to walk like Christ who set the captives free. And their true believers, and they believe to give their all, and then give more. And their growing as they learn to live, A WOW Ambassador. Now early that same morning another man in that town. Had been awake all night, he lay wishing for the light... He was hungry nigh unto death to know the truth. He thought what's the use of living? if there is no truth to be found? And he found himself at a lonely end just wondering what's the use? But...it was then that WOW Ambassador arrived upon the scene He was on his way to work, but then he saw that man in need. And he had the love to speak those words of life to that man's heart. And to cast away the darkness there, and made a brand new start. He said at last here is the sunshine, at last here is the son! As excited questions flooded from a heart held down so long. It had been so many lonely years but at last this man was free. And he's thankful to this day I know... Because that man was me. And a Wow Ambassador they work for God it's plain to see. They do their best to walk like Christ who set the captives free. And their true believers, and they believe to give their all, and then give more. And their growing as they learn to live, A WOW Ambassador. A WOW Ambassador.......
  16. Excuse me ! I gave you an answer. One is enough you don't seek the truth you seek to have things to pick apart. I guess you admit people living is a good thing HUH? So there is your good!
  17. Yes I understand your point WW some things regarding truth especially in the case of beliefs are relative. And some things are documentable by facts in the case of The Way. Some choose to ignore the facts because it says something other than their agenda of hate ,rape, and pillage. But is still truth it does not go away because you don't want to hear it. Those are the documentable truths I was speaking of. A supporter of truth. In the case you mentioned OJ neither did the judge attach a label to OJ. that did not represent him. Show me any post where I said I was a twi supporter or apologist. I can show you many where I said I was not so yeah I do have a problem with people telling me who or what I am. I'd guess you would not like people speaking for you either. And no I gave my answer but since you also mentioned it What I said was it was not worth the time not that I did not have the time. Just don't want to waste it on a pointless discussion.
  18. Thanks for the space- I do appreciate the kindness WW. Of course if the rest of the board was really a level playing field then we would not need to be in the section 8 housing would we?
  19. Templelady First things first if you would have read my posts you would have seen that I never said I was a supporter of twi. What I did say was I am a supporter of truth (several times). A concept which you apparently have a difficult time with . Thanks for proving my point our posts are not read much less considered in this level playing field. If you had you would have known that. Second you conveniently left out the rest of my post the part where I gave my reason for not wasting the time. Just following Jesus' lead he never wasted his time on foolish questions either. I gave you one and one would be enough. Guess you wisely did not have a problem with people being alive. So there is the good you asked for.
  20. Oh --- and a PS here -------------------- ) I'm NOT a twi supporter by any stretch of the imagination. Although I believe some of what they taught, it's some of the teachings I support (endorse), not the org. Exactly David one would think most people would get that, AND YET YOU ARE LABELED A TWI SUPPORTER IN THIS FAIR PLAYING FIELD. PERHAPS WHEN YOU POST A LITTLE KINDER YOU WILL EARN YOUR WAY OUT OF THAT PIGEON HOLE THAT YOU HAVE BEEN FILED IN, NICE BUT A WAY SUPPORTER.
  21. It's not twi supporters it's supporters of the truth being spoken and it's real simple Rascal I'll spell it out for you- they don't like being harassed ,called into question at every word ,beaten up, belittled, constantly under pressure to explain why they dare post such a thing, and generally abused because they see good and bad as opposed to only bad. gee I don't know I'd like that day after day...... Now me I am at a loss to understand why people in the Way didn't have the conviction or courage to present their pov either. Guess it works both ways HUH
  22. It's not worth the time it would take to post it Templelady. And what is the point so it can be picked apart. No thanks got better things to do like email the people who were driven away by the flat playing field here. I will tell you one thing. I know several people who are alive and breathing as a result of there being a ministry started by VPW and hearing the scriptures who would not be otherwise. They heard the words of the Bible from him when others could not reach them. They lead happy productive lives today because they learned things like - that it was Christ in them, that God loved them despite their failure in life at that point, about God's great Grace and a zillion other things because they finally heard it from someone that they could relate to. Today their kids can look up and see a father or a mother and we have a new generation of those who hold truth to help reach others. For the parents of kids ready to end their life, or the man with the gun to his head disillusioned with the world ,to the young people going off to fight for our country today. I'd say I bet they are thankful that someone was there to reach them so that they could see this day standing on top of the earth rather than under it........
  23. Don’t try and twist my words Rascal because you don't want to answer the question you have no answer for. I never said it was a fight neither is karate is not a real fight either no one is looking to kill one another. It was a question not a declaration hense the words Would you ? I was attempting to show you how the odds are in this level playing field of yours. Wrong! it is more like 49 people expressing their view on why what you posted is not acceptable with their view of the way. Of course it does not seem that way to you because you are always in the majority. Wrong again that’s the biggest bunch of BS I have ever heard. Tell me when does the majority view point ever change regarding the Way, When hell freezes over...... People post here because they want to interact not spend the day responding to the 50 to 1 odds of people picking apart their view word by word based on unrelenting unresolved anger. Not because the view is untruthful but because it does not fit with the PC agenda. Of course Rascal you will see the playing field as flat because you would not have to see the numbers stacked against you day by day because you will always fit the majority profile- at least until hell freezes over. Yeah your right Rascal everything is Fine ,Hunky Dory Flat as a F@*$!@# pancake. Gee I guessed I missed it. It's all so clear to me now...... Ok you get your wish..... NOW It Is About Me......
  24. No Rascal it is not what I said it is what others have said. I've tried to post it several ways and you still insist on making it about me. It is not, I've said several times I don't care one way or the other really. It is NOT a complaint it is a response to something you posted which is untrue. there is a difference. As I said I expect agendas that is life. People have them heck I have one too -to see the truth spoken. I've said it before if you really want to reach people with your message one must be creditable. or at least perceived as such. That means acknowledging what was good and bad true or untrue. Attaching first grade names to people like cornfield Vic and Der Way may get you a few laughs among your peers here . But it screams to others that this person has an ax to grind which means what they say may or may not be truthful. That does not advance your case any toward belief of your story. Not at all again you wrongly make it about me. I posted three quotes by people who you yourself mentioned as being respectful and gracious in their posting. Certainly not by any stretch Wierwille sympathizers. Their posts showed that despite their manner they felt resistance to continue posting because of bias, agendas. Because they were in a minority point of view. I asked and by the way you declined to answer how if it was just us who you classify as Wierwilleites had this perception then why they would post such things. Apparently they also know that the playing field is not so level as you think. Then justloafing said yes he had an agenda an honest admission - Mine is to slam twi for all it is worth. Do you think that is a level playing field? Hardly! you can be as kind as you want but any pro way or even perceived as so points will be immediately met with distain. If you have a bunch of people with this agenda then you have no chance of having your point heard honestly because Oh it is something good being said Gee can't have that it must be all rape and pillage. And the gang bang starts. The same holds true for other subjects as well as exhibited by the quotes. A pro Catholic post is often met with the same resistance . Exactly and that is what keeps you despite others words from being able to see that it is not as it seems to you. Either you see it and don't wish to acknowledge it or your desire to be offended keeps you from honestly looking. It is never fair or level when one competes against greater numbers. Would it be fair for you to compete against 50 others in karate at once in a fight. One could say gee it was fair you got to fight just like everyone else . Never mind that it was you against 50 others beating on you at the same time. Hardly level. Not true you are dealing with people that have agendas that's like saying a Democrat has a fair chance of being heard at a Republican rally or vise versa. This is an exway site, but it is more than that it is a exway site where a good percentage of people have an ax to grind with the way. It is that way because they have congregated here. That means by logic you have more resistance in being accepted and heard than you have support. You can post however nice you want about how nice you think a Catholic church is if 80% of the board are victims of abuse you have not got a prayer of being heard. Yes in the sense that everyone may speak it is an even field but that you will be heard unless you are on the PC side is next to nill. Again this is an observation only not a complaint. I expect it to be that way , just don't tell me it is a level playing field.
  25. Thanks for your honesty J L . I really don't mind that there are agendas it is the way things are. What I do mind is someone telling me that it is not true and that it is just someones martyr complex or he needs a conspiracy, A clique.
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