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Everything posted by WhiteDove

  1. That does not make something else not true now does it Two issues!! What the brochure said / The state of the way now. This is not mix and match answers night . Yes I did challenge your misuse of what was said. Which was the topic at hand by the way not the state of the way. Or course as I said if you can't reconcile your opinion of how you want things to read with the truth then I suppose you will stoop to any low to try to justify your point. It sucks when you know your wrong and you have to deal with the truth.
  2. Exactly TL if I had a dime for every whine I heard about how my career in so and so suffered. Hello..... not what the program was for. If you wanted a career go to college not the Way Corps. The truth is we are who we are and we own our life whatever our choices.
  3. Wrong word Sky! like Eve you changed a word, but nice try! It said where they serve not how they serve. That makes the big difference. You conveniently edited it to say what you wanted, Dishonest and not generic when you use the full statement in context. But then you knew that so rather than deal with the printed truth you misquote it . I bet that would work in court Yer honor I don't have an explanation for the defenses evidence so I'll just change it is that ok? duh........
  4. WW you would argue the sun did not exist if you had an axe to grind with it . (By the way that's another FOS there) It does not make it true just true you don't want to acknowledge it. Even Lindy understood what they were saying and asking for, so fine argue all you want truth is still truth the print don't lie.
  5. Actually that is not the case! It would have been simpler if each one had learned to seperate truth from eror as they should have learned, instead of thinking they were there for a career advancement, or to learn how to make money, or some other such ideas. As in most things in life you get out what you put into things. One could always use the excuse that it would be simpler if we were just like Jesus or Paul or Peter if that makes you feel better. The truth is we are who we are and we own our life whatever our choices.
  6. Nice story WW except you left out not what someone thinks are the needs, they may be right or they may be wrong in their guess. I would say to be sure one would consult those in charge as they would logically know. Which is the way it was set up they decide the needs and assign people accordingly. Kind of like the way it is in the real world too your boss tells you the needs you do them not the other way around yes he may ask your input but the final word is his.
  7. Oak Because you at least are honest enough to admit to their intent I'd love to dig through tapes and printed matter all weekend, BUT damn it's a nice day out and really what would be the point except to waste my weekend . The truth and deep down I think you know it is, no matter how many pages of quotes I'd print it would be picked apart word by word comma by comma. Anything printed can be that’s why we have attorneys. The truth is The Way was about training leaders in the Corps program. they would not have spent the money printing materials that were not representative of the program. They wanted people to sell out to the ministry and they made no bones about telling people every chance they got. The Corps especially was the place to let this be known. That said all of us here have departed from the intent of that program service to the Way in a leadership capacity. That's ok! In fact it’s a good thing , and they departed from what they said also. So were even! Many have gone on to serve God in other capacities, some have not, That does not however change the fact that most people that went through the program I believe if asked had no doubt that they were in it for a long haul and not two or three years and then you were done. It makes no sense to expend the time to train people that are not going to serve any time for them after graduation. there is no benefit to them to do that and as the track record shows they did things to benefit their organization. If you went in thinking only of the nametag and the glory of being a "heavy" then you went in for the wrong reason. Id agree that given the age of most it was an unrealistic even stupid thing to expect, but none the less I still see from the print that was what they clearly expected.
  8. I saw it it was not worth the time it was so pathetic. As I said before over the years the wording changed some but the intent was clear So fine A lifetime of Christian service running a fellowship whatever they called it from year to year. They expected you to serve running a fellowship, twig fellowship ,household fellowship call it what you want but they expected you to serve as a leader. Speaking of missing the point have you figured out what to do with this yet? A Lifetime of Service. Graduates of the Way Corps go forth to serve in areas of concern,interest and need. Where they serve depends upon the needs of the ministry. I didn't think so.....
  9. Sorry temple it's a biblical decision is it or is it not what the scriptures say. If you were standing for the truth as most in the way would have said they were, at least at the time. The choice was simple do what the Bible says . All other things that come into play although they might be unpleasant should not have detoured you from doing what you were claiming that is doing the word you just walk forth and believe that the power of God is greater than any threat that has no biblical truth. If ya didn't you didn't ,but that was your choice! Paul upheld the truth he knew despite being beaten. You don't see oh but they threatened me as an excuse to not uphold the truth.
  10. Gee they pretty much did I'd say. A Lifetime of Service. Graduates of the Way Corps go forth to serve in areas of concern,interest and need. Where they serve depends upon the needs of the ministry.
  11. Nice switch but that was not the subject Sky we were looking at a lifetime of service which the print in the brochure apparently gives you a problem reconciling so of course lets talk about moral issues because we can not explain why that little thing called printed evidence exists. Darn that print it just gets in the way of what I want it to say.
  12. Well Rascal some would say well who knew I was going to get shot at when I joined the army. But none the less guess what thats what they signed up for and they complete the agreement . Moral of the story READ before you sign up for anything.
  13. "?It is clear to me that the intent of the program was clearly stated in all of the advertising. You were expected to serve in some leadership capacity in the way after graduation . As the program grew in numbers I believe that the enforcement of the intent was lessoned (grace)at least until the mass exit in the late 80s then because of the lack of people the pressure was on again I'm sure. Each year at evaluation time you had an option of requesting an assignment for the next year. I think that those were generally honored unless they felt that you were needed in some other capacity in which case you would be urged to rethink and except their request. In the end your choice! you could stay with your original plan although I doubt that would make them very happy. So yes to answer your question if that was the agreement with your evaluation with your Limb then that would be your service to the Way that year. Bear in mind that the intent of the program was leadership in at least a twig capacity so one could not do nothing for very long and not expect to get called on the carpet to what the printed intent said. Back to the topic: No matter what your choice it was expected each year that you would serve for a lifetime.
  14. WW you can post peoples opinions all day long but you at some point have to deal with the facts that consistently through the years the promotional material for the Corps program all said essentially the same thing. If it was clearly stated and it was then anyone's surprise was due to their lack of reading what they were signing up for. That's like saying I did not expect to have to fight in the army. Pretty lame......
  15. Skyrider, on the above... His opinion ,The printed matter provides the intent and purpose of the program it would stand over the opinion of a person . If you failed to read what was advertised then as today you are at fault. The fact that one can not read what is written does not nullify the fact that it was there to see and understand. If ya could make people understand we would not be having this conversation now would we.
  16. Oak yes this one http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.ph...ype=post&id=657 and every other article ,brochure, ministry promo packet, and tapes say essentially the same thing. The terminology changed some but the meaning was always the same LIFETIME. I see no contradiction in any of them.
  17. I'm unfamiliar with any written contract in the Greek for the way corps, and if you're referencing a "lifetime of service" from the Bible, you'd better supply the CHAPTER AND VERSE. I found the word "lifetime" in 2 places in the KJV New Testament, and neither referred to service of any kind. Very few people-in fact, I think it was possibly a maximum of 3- ever said that they thought the commitment to go into the way corps- which they PAID FOR- translated into a lifetime of servitude, moving when twi said 'move', living where twi said 'live', and generally hopping whenever twi said 'frog'. Gee WW I thought a bright person like yourself would have seen the Figure of speech Sarcasmos. So you can explain this from the brochure on the Way Corps Program how? Do you really think they put it there for no reason if that was not part of the program? Yeah people always put things in their information brochures that they intend you to know was not true. Please tell me your not going to tell us about Marines again! TWI misrepresented The Way Corps program specifically to those of us who went into the 6th Corps, revealing only AFTER we were already in residence, that we would NOT have a recognized accredited degree, and that they were training us to be twig leaders." Exactly, Twig Leaders for a lifetime of service in The Way. Do you know anyone else that has Twigs?
  18. Lindy Yeah that word Lifetime in the Greek it means two or four years depending on the person, only they just used the english word Lifetime to confuse everybody. Like the wizard of Oz pay no attention to that claus behind the curtain the one that said. Graduates of the Way Corps go forth to serve in areas of concern,interest and need. Where they serve depends upon the needs of the ministry. I do think you are right it was a risky thing to ask of someone at that age in life and expect that they would honor it years later. And I'm sure as people in droves exited that the slack to pick up was massive.
  19. Last thing I remember I was running for the door I had to find the passage back to the place I was before Relax said the nightman We are programed to recieve You can check out any time you like But you can never leave .................
  20. T L It was always an option. We all faced the same obstacles yet many left, some stayed, Something to consider perhaps when one searched the scripture and found if these things were true or not the answer was easy, and fear was quickly squelched. As always it is the responsibility of each of us to search for the truth in each situation.
  21. WhiteDove


    Congratulations Oeno My sister works for Harvard but not in admissions :( PS tell him to save a few thousand dollars for parking when he gets there.
  22. Since departing The Way we (I say we because I consider it a group effort and not mine) have started Koinoneo Fellowship a not for profit, but for service ministry. We are independent of any affiliation with any exway group, but we do on occasion meet with or utilize resources from about 15 of them. Those who attend our fellowship are active in the community in other capacities we encourage and lend support to those efforts in addition to the Bible based fellowships.
  23. Me either Shellon, Now you'll have to excuse me I have to go witnessing so I can "get some people into Greasespot Cafe" I can't wait to undershephard them.
  24. The Harley for sale was not a three wheeler.
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