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Everything posted by WhiteDove

  1. Well I'll see them later, Guess I'll say hi! for you.
  2. I wonder if I stayed at your house ex10? JL you may have stayed at mine if you did .. Me too ,yeah what Ex said. :)
  3. Well Tom as soon as Radar quits bringing it up maybe. But it is revevent it is the documentation to the point.
  4. Radar Your Wrong radar ,you have no idea when or what I have done.or for how long. I did not say the line was there I said the intent was the same from 71 on who do you think directed who ran classes,ran branches ,limbs? Quote Whitedove. I think maybe you misunderstood my post, I have no disagreement with what you have posted. Obviously the program changed that I never contested. Only the fact that the lifetime of Service was somehow sprung upon people later on after arriving. Starting with The Way Living in Love 1971 on every (and there is more that one) printed item, tape shows the same intent as I said the wording changed some but the message or idea did not . The Corps was not a two or four year program and then you are done do what you want thing. It was a lifetime of Christian Service. You and your family understood that as did most others. Honestly if you did not get that by the time you were through with your apprentice year you must have been asleep. Either way if your requests on how ,where you serve were met or not your expectation was that you were to serve in a leadership capacity in some manner for the Way. --------------------
  5. I see you caught that David youjust don't miss a thing do you.
  6. Oh come on David you know that as soon as a position for a fiddle player comes up you'll be on it like a dog on a BBQ pork chop. :blink:
  7. Sorry its not a personal assumption when the people in charge are telling you what it is. It is a personal explanation a first hand account by the people in charge. By the way I never said I did not participate in the program I said I just came in through the backdoor so to speak and I was not the first or last to do that. I never said your expierences were not true only that the people in charge and the printed matter and the founder all seem to agree that -one more time. A lifetime of Christian service. Graduates of the Way Corps go forth to serve in areas of concern,interest,and need. Where they serve depends upon their desire, ability and the needs of the ministry The facts show that it was the intent of the Way to train leaders who upon completion would serve a lifetime.
  8. You base your premise and assumptions Dove, on your personal impressions on one of many changing publications through the years. Not on actual experience.... you want to attempt to disavow other peoples personal experience here with your private impressions disregarding the personal testimony of several here who experienced first hand the change of defininition and the ever changing moving of hoops. Actually I based it on several and several audio clips starting in the 70s in which the words did change slightly but the message was consistant, but that's ok. You still refuse to read what I said I never disavowed anyone's stories. I never addressed hoops down the line. I never said the program turned out well. I only spoke as to what the intent of the program was. Which is clearly outlined in the printed materials. Is is preposterous for anyone to think that they were not going to be serving after graduation for a life time.
  9. I just dug out the tape set that was I believe required listening during your apprentice year at least the later Corps after it was done. The Heart of the Way Corps Tape 1 The Way Corps a Call To Serve- John Lynn He seems to think that at the end of the years of training it will be expected that you will serve in the Way in some leadership capacity. Boy I guess I need to call him and let him know that skyrider thinks he did not understand the program he was a coordinator of. Ex-10 perhaps you can call your buddy John and he can settle this or maybe I will. Ask him if he thought that they were training leaders to serve in other ministries or not serve at all after graduation. In fact maybe we should just call all of the Corps Coordinators and poll them? Anybody want to bet how many would tell tell you that is what they thought . I'd guess they would be the one to know since obviously the printed material is all printed wrong.
  10. I did not presume anything Rascal I read and listened to the same things you had access to. It's pretty simple the purpose of a brochure is to promote the program or service . When the bank says in their brochure the purpose of the bank is to offer free checking one can read and assume that since it is their bank they know what they are talking about. When one says A lifetime of Christian service. Graduates of the Way Corps go forth to serve in areas of concern,interest,and need. Where they serve depends upon their desire, ability and the needs of the ministry. I also assume that they know what they were talking about as it was their program. No one said you could not have Christian service outside of the way. No one said that things did not change over time. Listen close The premise was put forth that the Corps program was some how a two or four year stint and after all this Way training then you were free to fly away and serve ice cream at dairy queen I guess, with out any service to the way. Now why would anyone waste time training people who would offer them no return on the time? To that preposterous idea I responded ,and only to that. The printed facts show that it was the intent of the Way to train leaders who upon completion would serve a lifetime.
  11. It changes nothing sky, it is what is written or it is not! The intent of a program is not based on my experiance or opinion ,but that may be lost on you. Hey by the Way I'm still waiting on your tangible proof! Do you have any quotes to back up your straw man position? Didn't think so ! Nah I have no clue I just reprint other peoples opinions to prop up my case. Show me just one printed place one sound bite where it says the intent of the program was something other than what I have stated.
  12. So that makes his idea of what the program was of none effect? Hardly it makes his promise to you broken and the intent of a program a different thing still the same.
  13. T I never said I knew anything but this VPW remember him the founding president and of the Way Corps. He said and I suppose he would know since it was his program. " The Way Corps is a lifetime of Christian Service. Graduates of the Way Corps go forth to serve in areas of concern,interest,and need. Where they serve depends upon their desire, ability and the needs of the ministry. It's pretty simple to see the intent in his statement. Do you really think that you were being trained to serve in some other ministry. You were being trained to serve in the way tree structure ie twigs ,branches ,limbs ect. that is unique to one group The Way. Obviously they intended your lifetime service to be in the way. Seems pretty simple.
  14. I never said it was not. different issue. I only spoke to the fact that it was never intended to be a 2 or 4 year committment Your right T I did come in the Corps through the back door so to speak,but I was held to the same accountability as you were. And don't think for a heartbeat that I did not or do not take that commitment seriously. And you have no idea the price I paid or do each day either T
  15. Sorry you are feeling grouchy T. I never claimed to be an expert but sorry the intent is quite clear it has not changed over the years.
  16. Right sky two different quotes from different printed documents As I said the wording changed slightly but the intent never did. Always a lifetime of Christian service was the expected result.
  17. Chas Don't know about the 90"s questions as I had departed by then but as early as 76 in the 700 series tapes WP talked about training twig leaders #797 Stones of Witness he talked about it if that helps.
  18. Actually what I gave you was the consistent intent that never changed through the changes or growth in the program. A lifetime of service.
  19. Shaz Your story is a sad one indeed a poster child for what should not have happened, and you are correct about; Sounds to me like "their desire, ability" means the desire and ability of the Corps graduate, not the desire and ability of the BOT. We seemed to have a bit of a switch here in topics some want to debate the success of the program or argue the semantics of each word or if the program changed.. The question at hand was did you think going in it was a lifetime of service it is to that which I addressed my response. I offered the brochure one of many printed documentations that upfront it was stated the programs intent. Could it have been better stated maybe ,it would be hard to cover everything in a brochure and impossible to cover the changes years ahead. Of course they did not tell you every little thing you would be doing neither do the army brochures. BUT the one point clear through all the years was they were training leaders to work in their ministry. It was not a few years program and your done,service in the ministry was expected for years to come. I believe as lindys parents did most people got that . If People some ,years later dissatisfied with their choice, their lot in life and PO'd want to act like they never knew what they were getting into fine so be it. But I'm not buying it. Way to many things in taped teachings and printed form to have missed it. It's much like working for a company for years where it is just the best place to work, couldn't be better. Until they get laid off then all of a sudden the job sucked the whole time ,horrible place to work. They did this and that. The honest thing would be to say you know I enjoyed working there for the years I did I liked my job but in the end it did not work out like I would have wanted. The honest thing here would be to say you know I knew I was signing on for ,the long haul I read the program brochures but I did not like the way it turned out And as I got older I realized that I could not or did not want to honor the commitment made at a very early age when I could not foresee how I would feel in the future. Sorry I don't believe that this idea was some secret sprung on anybody when the got there.
  20. WD, your brochure is helpful, but I assume it is from only one year, maybe a few years. There was more than one brochure. Like I said, when we went in we were thinking lifetime of Christian service....but perhaps as "twig" leaders or perhaps as branch or limb leaders. This is what my parents wanted to do. This was in the mid-80's though, people going in earlier may have had different experiences. As Sky pointed out, there have been a few changes over the years. Lindy I think maybe you misunderstood my post, I have no disagreement with what you have posted. Obviously the program changed that I never contested. Only the fact that the lifetime of Service was somehow sprung upon people later on after arriving. Starting with The Way Living in Love 1971 on every (and there is more that one) printed item, tape shows the same intent as I said the wording changed some but the message or idea did not . The Corps was not a two or four year program and then you are done do what you want thing. It was a lifetime of Christian Service. You and your family understood that as did most others. Honestly if you did not get that by the time you were through with your apprentice year you must have been asleep. Either way if your requests on how ,where you serve were met or not your expectation was that you were to serve in a leadership capacity in some manner for the Way.
  21. Your correct WW,but it does show the intent of the program so you know what it about and some of what to expect if you are going to be involved. And this idea was not limited to a brochure either if one is honest,it showed up in training also. The point beng it was not only later that it showed up it was there all along.
  22. Nope it is three things they consider in making one choice in your lifetime of service. Each is not an end to itself just another part of the process in consideration. Thats right individual desire on how ,where you wanted to serve was considered but you still were expected to serve a lifetime which was after all the point in this thread. Glad you agree.
  23. Some more from the brochure Graduates of the Way Corps make up the heart of the leadership of The Way Ministry. The Way Corps is not a substitute for college. It is advanced training for specially selected men and women.
  24. Actually you are incorrect the brochure said what I printed only which is. Graduates of the Way Corps go forth to serve in areas of concern,interest,and need. Where they serve depends upon their desire, ability and the needs of the ministry. It is logical to assume that since it says WAY Corps they were talking about The Way Ministry when they printed this booklet for promotion of their program the Way Corps. Do know of another Way Corps? By the way straw man do you have any tangible evidence to prove your point? It is called supporting your claim. You seem content to misquote, add to ,and misrepresent what I can and have produced to support my claim yet I see nothing from you. Could there be a reason that is so? AAAAAH maybe there is none. Yeah I thought so!
  25. Wrong again TL you missed the point. Which is it is misplaced attachment. blaming something that had nothing to do with your choice If one chooses to spend their life in a religious program that is setup to serve others you can not expect to be furthering your career in the secular world. Most people doing mission work know and understand this they don't come back from the field with a law degree. It's simple if you want a career go to college if you want to serve in the way you involved yourself there. Whatever was your choice was YOUR choice own it and don't expect it to be different years later because you did not like the path you took. Choices, Choices, Choices.
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