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Everything posted by WhiteDove
Could be WW but as I remember he mentioned that it did.
T I find this odd as Chris has taught numerous tapes that have changed what is in PFAL on subjects such as In Christ, Bible Kinds of Faith/Believing,Kingdom of God/Kingdom of Heaven, holy spirit usages and so on.... That makes no sence that it is error free if there are changes..
No problem Thomas, you are correct in part we did have some of the CD's which we sold rather quickly. The others I believe I said we will have which was at that time my understanding. I have since been informed that there is a hold on production from that source. I am waiting to hear some clarification on when that might change. As soon as that changes I have a website sitting that will be in use again.
Lucca Being the designer dog that he is eats this- Sojos Read Here Now Linda I know you said - And for those who make your own super-healthy concoctions for your dogs, my hat's off to ya, but I barely cook for myself anymore, so that's out!) But this is pretty easy all you have to do is add water unless you want to add other things(Lucca loves peanut butter in his) They will pay the shipping to your door don't even have to go to the store,and you will have a happy healthy dog..... order here
And by the way, the things I did learn that were truth from years of Catholicism, I would still acknowledge that I learned there also. Even though the teachers were not necessarily moral and kind. Truth is still truth.
Thomas This is still a work in progress, this music is not in public domain, so I think you can appreciate that it has some kinks in getting it done and out there for people. Life would be so much easier if everyone was loving and had each others best interest in mind. Unfortunately that is not the case. Believe me it is as frustrating for me as it is for you getting what should be a simple task done.
TWI was not my introduction to Christ. But it was an introduction to a world of truth that churches or any place else could not offer, not that it was their fault they did not have it to give.......
Ok we agree in part. the non-truth is gone. Now I have materials that can be used for reference that have truth in them printed by the way.
If I believed that all truth learned in the way were full of weakness as you do Tom then that would be true, Yes, But I am not of that opinion I am perfectly happy to use the good building materials freely available.
LoL T Look at it this way -you won't both be fighting to get time off to go to Ohio...........
Coolwaters It is true we go back a long ways, and for whatever reason our paths continue to cross from time to time. And yes some of our twi experiences paralleled each others. You mentioned Bob it's no secret that at times he was treated badly in the way. But in the end it was exway people and an exway clergy that made sure he received the memorial service that he requested. These are not people that live in a bubble, if we were that would never have happened. It happened because of that foundation of love and service. Think what you want but my life has enjoyed a very different outcome. That is not to say that I don't face the same bumps in the road everyone else does. This is really not TWI related everyone faces challenges in life. Here is where we differ, The foundation I have to fall back on in those times, much but not all of it was learning/truth from my time in the way. Life throws us all curves at times I don't live in a bubble by any means. When the winds of changes shift and the house crumbles( I call HAPe4me's fix it service- sorry couldn't resist) When that happens you simply rebuild on the same solid foundation that you always had. Believe me I am not on a parallel course with your "friend" from KC it took all of about 15 minutes to see his deal, in fact I'm insulted that you put us in the same sentence. I'll say it again and again until I die truth is truth, that which is true one can use to build a solid foundation for life. Maybe that does not work for you but it has served me well. It is a better alternative at least for me than years of therapy and drugs that many turn to to function. I'm sorry that you choose to throw out truth because of an emotional response. Speaking of sleep my friend Mr. Dylan who will be playing in your town next month said: God don't make promises that he don't keep. You got some big dreams baby, but in order to dream you gotta still be asleep. When you gonna wake up and strengthen the things that remain? Maybe I'll see you there.........
Well Cool our experiences are vastly different that's all I can say. I'm satisfied with the truth I learned. That's not to say it was perfect by any means. None the less it is rare that a day passes that I don't use something that I learned from my time there.
I don't Tom........ As I said I doubt that I would use it these days. But speaking as one who has already been exposed to it I won't deny that there is truth there that could be of use. Be honest give credit where it is due, accept that which is useful leave that which is not. Above all don't let the fact that you have an personal issue cause you to make a emotional judgment that is not fair and honest.
quote name='CoolWaters' date='Mar 30 2006, 12:06 PM' post='227895'] OK, White Dove, I found your 'answer'...and I didn't know it was an answer...'cause it came across as flippant and more akin something you said to make your point...and it didn't include any explanation. Well sorry that was my final answer, I suppose I thought it was self explanatory. I really don't know what more there is to say like I said it is there because it is instruction in what we are supposed to be striving for. I'm going to say something I've been hesitant to say because you tend to stop reading once it is said...but here goes anyway... I never quit reading ,I just don't buy what you are selling sometimes. On the face of things, no, truth is not made 'untruth' by the character of who is speaking. BUT (now please keep reading...OK?...it makes for a better conversation, imo)... Truth is made into a lie by the character of who is speaking. Hold on before you stop reading and fly into a rebuttal...OK? The truth is made into a lie by weaving it with lies, by changing the focus of the truth to the lie, by using the truth to perpetrate and perpetuate a lie, by...and you should be familiar with this concept...adding a word, changing a word, deleting a word, etc. As I said previously (speaking of not reading) If you change it you do not have truth If one were to alter truth as you described above it does not change truth. The truth still exists and what you have is a separate or new idea. So that what you have in the end is no longer the truth, but a pack of lies made somewhat believable with a smattering of half-truths here and there. And the result is always death...of some sort. Which is the fruit of pfal. Your assessment, I don't share you view. As I said PFAL contains true and untrue things where you have true statements they stand, where you have untruth it falls, as it does not stand the test. One could still benefit from all of the work within that is true.
There are but you can never have to much I'd say, so why throw some away.....
Actually Cool I did not ignore you I answered your question on the PFAL thread at....... Mar 24 2006, 07:35 AM Post #133 QUOTE(CoolWaters @ Mar 24 2006, 06:29 AM) So, WD, why does the bible make such a big deal about character, then? Especially the character of those who have/take authority over God's people? Because it is what we should strive for in our life. BUT it does not define truth as Oak recognized, it is a seperate issue. I never said character was not an issue to consider but regardless of how good or bad that may be it does not change or alter that which is true. For instance when in PFAL VPW shared this truth from Isaiah 49:16 Behold, I have graven you on the palms of my hands; your walls are continually before me. He wrote God is trying to illustrate how much He Cares for us by saying "Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hand." He is saying that he has taken a most delicate,a most sensitive part of His being,and there he has tattooed our names. In reality He is saying, " I love so much I don't want my love to be hidden underneath the garments, to be covered so that it can not be seen"...... Whatever VPW did or did not do does not change the truth of this and other truths, his morals do not affect truth. You can accept that which is true independent of his actions.
See there is where you error, you assume things I did not say. I never said that speaking truth made anyone ok or that it did not. I said when and where truth is spoken it remains true despite, independent of, regardless of any of man's actions. If you change it you do not have truth. I know you get this, the very fact that you admit that the devil speaks truth tells you that it must be possible to speak truth and not have moral values change it. I also never said that just because a source of truth exists that, one would necessarily want to use that source. That said it still does not make what they said untrue.
Rascal this is simple if one speaks truth then it is truth. It is not dependent on anything I, you or anyone else can do, it does not change truth. It does not make one a good or bad person, thats another issue. Nor does being a good or bad person change truth. Truth is a constant, like gravity it is not susceptible to change by mans actions. You can have a good person speaking truth or a bad person speaking truth,a dog could speak truth if he could talk.......
Yeah if you close your eyes and ignore what the word means,I guess justloafing one can say it says anything you would want it to. Then again most respected people in the biblical field might not agree with your translation to prove my point. Just a thought!!!
Does anybody's moral character make the truth a lie? I can only answer that with what the bible says: QUOTE Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. Romans 1:25 (KJV) Cool This verse does not say that anybody's moral character makes truth a lie. If you look at the word changed (metallasso) you will see that it is properly rendered exchanged this is a different word than changed in the next verse. It does not mean that truth was made a lie, truth was still truth ,but was exchanged for a lie. If I exchange a dollar for a hamburger it does not make the dollar no longer a dollar. It is still a dollar (not changed) ,but I traded it for something else a hamburger. In this verse what God said was still true but it was exchanged (traded away) for a lie. Moral character does not change truth. Here it is in the Revised Std. Version Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, 25 because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed for ever! Amen. 26 For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. Their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural, 27 and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in their own persons the due penalty for their error. 28 And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a base mind and to improper conduct.
Yes Tom it is. It has nothing to do with a web site. Looks like they are (GEERing up) to run some clases here without having to ship the stuff from overseas.
Looks like Word Promotions has recently acquired a corporate charter in Maine. Here
Sorry Tom I added the quotations for you in the last set of quotes. They are all from the articles. Not mine. Hey you asked if I would post some so I dug it out and did. It is what it is I offer no comment either way. There is a section where he discusses computers as tools and what he does to disable the wizards and such so that they are usable for him. Like I said I was only offering some reasons which you asked for as to why I think he will not be having a website.anytime soon. Just my opinion /guess from reading his material.
Tom the whole thing is easily 30 pages or so but it starts out with scripture references and teaching on freedom of will and how God does not overstep ours. He then applies that as a background to the field of computers. Some highlights "I am careful to try to evaluate whether computer software is operating simply as a tool or whether it might be seeking to affect my free will." " I had felt for some time that there were mental influences in the programming of software that struck me as not simply being casually manipulative but rather as being actively manipulative" "I felt that there had to be a more active design to their intrusive and/or manipulative nature. Then I was given an article to read which spoke about how witches,wizards,warlocks and others involved either directly or indirectly with the operation of power which was derived from God's arch-enemy, the devil had actively sought out positions in software development, and programming and were using those positions to affect, and maybe even effect, the thinking patterns of the users of the software." "Secondly the more indirect implication has to do with the increasing introduction of terms associated with God's arch-enemy the devil,into the field. I really try to use the word symbol rather than the word icon, although the later has become more and more the selected term of preference. Historically the word icon bears a meaning of a religious image or idol"
If you ever read his series of articles on A Biblical Perspective on Computers, Electronic Learning and Cyber-Realities you would see why he does not have a website :blink: