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Everything posted by WhiteDove

  1. I never knew Chris Geer personally during my years in The Way. I knew who he was and that he drove the coach, heard him teach once. I did meet him briefly once at a Heartbeat Weekend in the 70's when he and Dr. Wierwille came out in the early hours of the morning with coffee for all those working around the coach through the cold night. When he read the POP at Corps Week I felt at the time that he came off pretty hard on everyone, but in retrospect I have come to see that much of what he said was true despite the fact that it was hard to hear at the time. I've listened to all 362 Gartmore Teachings at least once. (I am still awake and have no trouble sleeping when I do get to bed.) I have read all the Future Considerations Journals as well as the Glimpses of Truth that he now publishes. I have taken a few classes including the Walking in God's Power Class, it was not life changing but in fairness it may have been had I not heard most of it a zillion times. Many don't like his teaching style it is dry and to the point more like a lecture building to a point. I personally don’t mind it. I think it is purposefully done to accent the message not the teacher. In the Way many times it was the other way around you left thinking boy that John Lynn sure is funny or that person sure yells a lot, it seems the message sometimes got lost at times. I have to say I have learned or clarified some things because of the teachings at Gartmore House. The teachings on Bible kinds of Faith alone were most helpful to my understanding this field of study. I don't attend the fellowship things around here much because I felt that they were not very welcoming, an issue I have in general with that group. That aside I can attest that I have benefited from his ministry over these last years. I looked into running the Word Promotions classes at one point but found that the agreement was not something I wanted to sign on for. Is it perfect? Of Course Not. But I can attest to the good and benefit that I experienced.
  2. This is one of the top requested reprints from Dear Abby: Thank You...... I remember bringing you home. You were so small and cuddly with your tiny paws and soft fur. You bounced around the room with eyes flashing and ears flopping. Once in a while, you'd let out a yelp just to let me know this was your territory. Making a mess of the house and chewing on everything in sight became a passion, and when I scolded you, you just put your head down and looked up at me with those innocent eyes as if to say: "I'm Sorry. But I'll do it again as soon as you're not watching" As you got older, you protected me by looking out the window and barking at everybody walking by. When I had a tough day at work, you would be waiting for me with tail wagging just to say "Welcome home I missed you" You never had a bad day ,and I could always count on you to be there for me. When I sat down to read the paper or watch TV, you would hop on my lap looking for attention. You never asked for anything more than a pat on the head so you could go to sleep with your head over my leg. As you got older, you moved around more slowly. Then one day, old age finally took it's toll, and you couldn't stand on those wobbly legs anymore. I knelt down and patted you lying there, trying to make you young again. You just looked up at me as if to say you were old and tired and that after all these years of not asking for anything, you had to ask me to do one last favor. With tears in my eyes, I drove you one last time to the vet. One last time you were lying next to me. For some strange reason you were able to stand up in the animal hospital- perhaps it was your sense of pride. As the vet led you away, you stopped for an instant, turned your head and looked at me as if to say: "Thank you for taking care of me." I thought, - "No thank YOU for taking care of ME"........
  3. WhiteDove

    I Love Bagpipes

    Happy Birthday !!!!!
  4. Abi It is the most painful thing to let go of our furry friends but Belle is right You just know.....A poem from a dogs view maybe. The Last Battle If it should be that I grow frail and weak and pain should keep me from my sleep, Then you must do what must be done, For this--the last battle--can't be won. You will be sad I understand, Don't let grief then stay your hand, For on this day, more than the rest, Your love and friendship must stand the test. We have had so many happy years, What is to come can hold no fears You'd not want me to suffer, so. When the time comes, please let me go. Take me to where to my needs they'll tend, Only, stay with me til the end And hold me firm and speak to me Until my eyes no longer see. I know in time you will agree it is a kindness you do to me. Although my tail its last has waved, From pain and suffering I have been saved. Don't grieve that it must be you Who has to decide this thing to do; We've been so close--we two--these years, Don't let your heart hold any tears....... And a owner......... I Love You This Much Written by Penny Cary Suggested by Colleen Gentilcore, Suntera Shelties When you were just a pup, and you were new to home and heart, I used to laugh so hard and pick you up and hold you squirming and struggling in my arms and whisper to you "I love you this much." I laughed as you tried to rid yourself of those pesky tapes and watched as you struggled through the puppy stuff, and mostly I didn't mind for I knew that puddles turned to piddles, and piddles would soon pass. I even managed to grin when you decided that our house should be free of all wood products, and we fought constantly to decide who was right about the crate. I guess you were because I cannot imagine not having you at the foot of my bed at night. I don't know how I would have made it from room to room without your guidance or stood erect without your silken head to rest my hands on, but then, I never had to. And I smiled a lot as you grew and decided that squirrels were indeed evil, and that there was no really good reason for cats; that every dog in the neighborhood posed a potential threat and needed to be sent packing. And I was delighted when you discovered children, and you found they were much like you - they liked to run; they liked to play; and there was an endless quality to the day when they were around. You and I as adults together developed a deep and abiding respect for one another. Your constant devotion made life's valleys a little less deep, and there were times when I needed you: to listen, to love and to lick away the tears... and you were always there. You liked Chinese food, spaghetti and cheese. Lettuce and pickles and heartworm pills were for other dogs. We adventured, you and I. We camped, we fished, we hiked, and we played ball. Oh, did we play ball. And through all those years, you gave so much, and I could only hold you in my arms at the end of each day, and we'd both smile, and I would whisper "I love you this much." And now we've come to this. I don't believe I have the strength to say goodbye, but you tell me it's time. Neither one of us has smiled in a very long time, and the only part of you that doesn't indicate pain is your stubby little tail. I cried when the doctor told me, and I railed against the Powers That Be, and all the platitudes in the world and all the comforting friends can't make up for the undeniable fact that you will no longer be with me. And I don't think I can do this. I envy those with ones who passed so quickly. The shock must numb the grief. But now, as I have done so many, many times before through so many, many years, I fold you in my arms, lay my head upon your velvet cheek, and whisper one last time, "I love you this much." For all who have had to make the decision......
  5. Yes it would, but good luck getting that done. There would be 20 pages on each and every letter of every word. Someone tried that we couldn't even agree on what a Wierwillite was. Here
  6. I think many of us faced this same problem. Unfortunatly I see no solution in the future for this either. I wonder why anyone would want to involved with a church where you had to hide your beliefs in secret anyway? Having this secret always in the background hanging over your head like a time bomb waiting to go off can't be a good environment for spiritual growth. The fact that we feel we must hide this secret means we already know in our heart that we will never interact on a honest one to one basis. What kind of relationship is that really? Sure we can pretend and dance around the issues for awhile but at some point it will rear it's ugly head and you will be back to square one. If the only way to fit into a church is to compromise your beliefs then one would have to ask themselves is this really how I want to live and is this the spiritual environment that I want my life to be in?
  7. <--------- Cool have you been playing with the make-up again? Nice look but I think both eyes are supposed to be the same color.....
  8. Hahaha we'll get over it ! But your car may never be the same again......... :blink:
  9. You forgot: You whine about sex abuse but eat animals that are abused before they :blink: get to your table. No offence intended........ Oh maybe thats another top ten
  10. I am deeply offended by this thread making fun of birds. You should be more sensitive to our pain we are abused creatures. Where is that Moderator button I'm reporting you all..........
  11. Tommy you could if I had an address to mail it to. PM me with one .....yours preferably!
  12. Happy Birthday SOGWAP!]
  13. Sniff.... Snifff ...... I see how you are ,and I thought you were my friend! :( and I played some nice music for you and everything....... Guess it's true you have no friends when it comes to Gods Word Fine I don't wanna come to your stupid party anyway!!!!! So there!! I got friends in low places anyway to see..... Just remember you never know when a flying piece of food may come your way.........
  14. Ahhmm... Cough Cough.........
  15. Play Me A LITTLE MOOD MUSIC ....... Artist: Wilbert Harrison Song: Kansas City I'm going to Kansas City, Kansas City here I come I'm going to Kansas City, Kansas City here I come They got a crazy way of loving there And I'm gonna get me some. I'll be standing on the corner On the corner of Twelfth Street and Vine I'm gonna be standing on the corner On the corner of Twelfth Street and Vine With my Kansas City baby And a bottle of Kansas City wine. Well I might take a train I might take a plane, but if I have to walk I'm gonna get there just the same I'm going to Kansas City, Kansas City here I come They got a crazy way of loving there And I'm gonna get me some. I'm gonna pack my clothes Leave at the break of dawn I'm gonna pack my clothes Everybody will be sleeping Nobody will know where I've gone Cause if I stay in town I know I'm gonna die. Gotta find a friendly city And that's the reason why, I'm going to Kansas City Kansas City here I come They got a crazy way of loving there And I'm gonna get me some.
  16. COOL..... :blink: :blink: :blink: Got it shame on you! What? can't I just land outside of your window?
  17. Thanks Roy for your concern and prayers. As Coolwaters said we deal with Fred everyday sometimes several times a day. :( In fact I just saw some of his clan outside of the dog park a few minutes ago. Apparently he has a problem with dogs also. We have a message board for dog park some groomers and dog sitters wanted to post info on our board, but we had to tell them no because if we let them, then we would also have to let Fred post also his stuff the city informed us. So we had to limit it to official dog park info only. This is the kind of stuff we put up with here from Fred each and every day. Everyone was hoping that they would step inside the park because there were several dogs that had not had supper yet, but they thought better I guess.
  18. Then again there is always hope, their son Mark is a PFAL grad which changed his life for the better.
  19. Gee Ted has enough to do ..... Ok hear it is from the tape Electrified - Brian Bliss The Captain of Salvation Like a ship so far from home Drifting aimlessly alone Storm tossed by the troubles of this world Driven by the torrent and the mutiny of sin There I alone, alone a sinking man. Then the captain of salvation Like a lighthouse in the night Guided me into the harbor of God's love He gave me shelter from the tempest He's the prince of peaceful sea's Anchored in the harbor of God's love With a cargo of deliverance And the compass of God's Word Setting sail in search for others lost at sea Some will sink! but some will swim and we'll rescue them for him To the safety of the rock in the harbor of God's love Then the captain of salvation Like a lighthouse in the night Guided them into the harbor of God's love He gave them shelter from the tempest He's the prince of peaceful sea's Anchored in the harbor of God's love Yes the captain of salvation Like a lighthouse in the night Will Guide you to the harbor of God's love He'll give you shelter from the tempest He's the prince of peaceful sea's Full sail upon the ocean of God's love Full sail upon the ocean of God's love.......
  20. None the less Groucho had people responded a lot of years of grief could have been avoided now couldn't it? Given the choice it was the logical thing thing "if nothing else' to do......
  21. Like an Eagle I know that many here did not have access to such things Craig made sure they were erased along with other letters and tapes of their admitted apologies. I think it was outofdafog that said it seems prophetic, but I would agree! How many others got to hear and didn't see? Too Many! and TOO many Heard and Saw and Shut Up due to fear and to keep their stinking jobs. Considering the choice between the sources I have to say I'd go with the one I did.
  22. ( David you are not going to start with the squirrelly bird thing again are you? :blink:
  23. Belle I don't think that most people not present for TWI round 2 have a problem grasping what those that stayed around went through. I kept a watch on what was going on as best as one could from a distance. Speaking for myself I just can't comprehend why it seemed to be so hard to reconcile what was going on with what the scriptures said. It was no surprise the direction that things were headed in I 'd say the quote from POP pretty well made it clear for all to see. "If Craig does not come back to the integrity of the Word then before too long he will begin to blame others around him for lacking spiritual perception and will begin to blame the loss of power in the Ministry on others. I've seen it before and I see it in the Word. He will start to lash out wrongly. It will hurt so many. It will sound genuine, but it will not bring deliverance to those who follow what he says. Spiritually they will be empty words. Once God's Word is compromised in any way it no longer is God's true Word. You have error, and error is error. Just from the few quotes you have posted it is pretty plain to see that is exactly what happened. "If Craig does not come back to the integrity of the Word then before too long he will begin to blame others around him for lacking spiritual perception. Yes and will begin to blame the loss of power in the Ministry on others. Yep I've seen it before and I see it in the Word. He will start to lash out wrongly. Need we say more It will hurt so many. An understatement It will sound genuine, but it will not bring deliverance to those who follow what he says. Absolutely Spiritually they will be empty words. Once God's Word is compromised in any way it no longer is God's true Word. You have error, and error is error. That about sums it up
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