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Everything posted by WhiteDove
I'm not exactly following you as to why you think that people leaving The Way and moving on in life in different directions is a victory for The Way. Could you explain a little more.
Top Ten Old West Phrases That Will Never Sound The Same After That Damned Gay Cowboy Movie 1. "I'm gonna pump you fulla lead!" 2. "Give me a stiff one, barkeep!" 3. "Don't fret---I've been in tight spots before." 4. "Howdy, pardner." 5. You stay here while I sneak around from behind." 6. Two words: "Saddle Sore." 7. "Hold it right there! Now, move your hand, reeeal slow-like." 8. "Let's mount up!" 9. "Nice spread ya got there!" 10. "Ride'em cowboy!"
Well Belle maybe after you are done parting with the girls I'll fly an hour down the interstate and buy you a drink. That is if you think the towns big enough for the both of us at the same time!.:blink: Wouldn't wanna leave Cools town a mess you know.
Hey!!!!.......I 'm not a bit scart of yer ole cat ,besides Mr Eagle owed me a favour anyway.......So there! !@*##! Darn Pesky Pig......
Oh Belle how was I to know you'd say YES.........
Well look it's another Dove!!!
LoL Hap now that you mention it it is all girls :blink: Perhaps fred would be interested. david everyone knows pigs can't really fly.......
I think it was the drugs......... For you! Click Here
There are some great prices on Air Dove Flights ,but since I'm not invited the heck with you all......
Not everyone is here for the same reason as you Mo. I'm here to expose truth be it the fact that things were sometimes F'd up or be it that sometimes things went well. In 17 years I experienced both ,and either one does not negate the other. Each is a separate experience much like each is a new day. Maybe posting about a good experience is not meant to "start a fire in the kitchen" as you say. Perhaps they are sharing only their truthful experience. Perhaps you see that as Pro TWI because of your mindset, when it really is just a truthful account of ones experience.Speaking of truth: The truth is that not everyone has developed a calloused thick skin. As Safari said There are those that avoid conflict at all cost... mainly for their health mental & physical. there are other reasons also but the truth is there are some that don't/ wont post because of the grief it's a fact and their choice. A quick look around the board will tell you that the majority of the posts are negative regarding way experiences the minority are the good that people experienced. I would expect this as such, due to the nature of the board Other Exway people that have moved on in life in other directions and generally hold a (as you say) pro TWI view do not frequent this cafe. Many have read here and figured what is the point? The message sent is pretty clear. They are not going to change anyone's opinion even if they wanted to which I doubt they do. What is to be gained is a lot of typing and grief.... Who needs that ? Which is why this will never be a balanced board or level field. Not the end of the world either..... just as long as you don't pretend it is something it is not.
I don't know how I rose to that status Bow but I will say this. On days when we fight like children here and Paw wonders if it all is worth the headache he can always take pride that he made a difference in Sandi's life. This little cafe was a connection for her when she could not get out and about and it brightened her day. If for no other reason that makes it worth all the time and effort.Her posts say it best! "BTW we WERE BATTERED by twi too, and lost all our friends. Thank God for Waydale and G.S. Cafe, now I got lots of friends right here." "I feel so bad for you as I also have no friends except these wonderful people in hear. I live clear across the country from you so I guess that leaves me out. But if I lived near you I would love to be your friend. Dovey" "To all my friends, I love you sooooo much that words can't describe how I feel. Who da ever thunk that you could love people that you haven't even met face to face, but it did happen to me and I'm so thankful. the only freinds I got are in here, not because I don't try, but because I am mostly home bound so I find my friends in here." "At first I felt like someone dear to me died, I was in so much pain I couldn't even get out of bed. I was so depressed I wanted to die, but then I found others who left that I knew but wasn't allowed to talk to and they were the ones that came to us and loved us. The ones that twi threw away were our real friends. Then I found Waydale and GS cafe. and I thought I died and went to heaven. I love these people in here, probably more than they will ever know. They lifted me up when I was down, they cryed with me and laughed with me and I started to live again" "So thanks everyone, thanks Paw for providing this place. I love you all very much. MMMuuuuuaaaaaaahhhhh Youse guys are the greatest thing since sliced bread.......LOVE YA ALL Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... ]"
Today is the anniversary of Sandi’s birth and I have to admit I have been struggling with what to write here in this blank space for a number of days. It used to be simple; usually this is where Happy Birthday goes. But today is not happy..... Not for either of us. In fact it's sad, and truth be told I guess I am still a little angry about her senseless death. She was too young to leave us! She should be here, rocking her grandchildren and telling them dove stories. She should be killing threads, and sending Smilies, and playing with her little dogs that she loved so much. She should be reading this Birthday thread, and breaking her computer yet again for the hundredth time……. But she is not….. And the only thing breaking today is my heart….. Today as I read through her Memorial thread the one thing that I again saw was, for those that came to know her, the difference that she made in each of their lives. Even at times when perhaps she was terribly sick herself, she always had time, and a kind word, and an ear to lend to those around her. Dovey often loved to send out little stories that she would come across, and here is one she sent to me. Today I return it to her…. To Someone Who Made a Difference: Two people met on the beach: Good evening friend, What are you doing? The one asked I’m throwing these starfish back in the ocean. If I don’t they’ll die up here. The other replied. Why there must be thousands of starfish on this beach, you can’t possibly get to them all. You can’t possibly make a difference. She smiled and picked up yet another starfish and threw it into the sea. Made a difference to That One!!........ She said. I can picture Sandi making her way down the beach tossing starfish into the ocean…… “Made a difference to that one too”….and laughing! And so today as we celebrate her birth and life maybe that is the message Sandi left to us: Make a Difference in Someone’s Life Today! You may not get another chance…….. I miss you so much my Sister Dove. See Ya Forever ………. Love your Brother Dove……. Prayers to the family....... Please keep them in your thoughts today
It's not my fault Bowtwi it was Belle and Rascal they drove me over the edge...... More Baby PFAL
Friends did you throw the baby out with the bathwater? Well your in luck through this amazing TV offer you too can have the baby back. Yes folks it's baby PFAL!! Simply send $1,000.00 to : P.O. Box 328 New Knoxville Ohio 45871 And for a limited time you too can relive the famous lines from your favorite class........ Just Listen Here But wait..... Send your money in the next hour and we'll give you an amazing flea from tic the dog absolutely FREE
Happy Birthday Donner Deer (Lake Donner)
Happy Birthday Jonny
You silly Canadian Girl must I explain everything about your country to you. CIAU - Canadian Interuniversity Athletic Union
Why do we continue to hound those who are clearly
WhiteDove replied to Abigail's topic in About The Way
And that just might be exactly why this doesn't happen. Oak just some for for thought, My experience is that you are not in the "having fun"category but there are far to many IMHO. What would be the point in providing sport for someone that by their own admission has no real interest in a conversation? There is no rational argument that will suffice for someone who only wants to "have fun" at another's expense. It's a circle jerk at best. And if their pals join in then all you will accomplish is spending the day trying to keep up with the questions on multiple posts meanwhile those "having fun" only generally have one person to respond to. It takes a lot of thought to lay out a quality post to compose it in a way that brings your point across, and with consideration for others ideas also. But it's never good enough for those who want to "have fun", there were not enough disclaimers, the grammar was wrong, and on it goes...and when all else fails lets talk about abuse because it has to do with every subject you know. If people don't like the response or lack thereof then maybe it's time to look at the message sent. -
Bow Better do the 12th street and Vine pics in the day if not you may be a greasespot by midnight...... :blink:
Twenty-one years ago today May 5th, in the courtyard of a Botanical Garden a few hundred feet from the little study where Charles Sheldon wrote his now famous book “In His Steps ". I was quietly taking some steps of my own. Three in fact…. Onto the cobblestone courtyard where I quietly walked through a gathering of family, fellow workers, and long time friends. ( Of course I did not know at the time but some of those would find their way to this cafe many years later) Ahead I could see an old friend Tommy C. awaiting my arrival. And it was there before all assembled, with my best friend, my lifelong love, my bride, that I pledged to honor, to cherish, to sustain, and to love with all my heart, in every situation, under every condition, according to God's Holy Word, as becometh a Christian husband, so long as you both shall live. That day, I thought love would conquer all and we would live "Happily Ever After" But I was wrong...... Still, all these years later I have to say Loving you is something I couldn't stop, Even if I tried.... I’ve loved you, rightly or wrongly, For so many reasons- And those reasons haven’t changed, No matter how things have worked out. I’ll always remember you – and us The way we were at the beginning And I’ll always treasure the things we’ve shared, And the things you’ve taught me, Deep In my heart, Tucked away in a secret, special place…… I loved loving you! Perhaps Dylan said it best: "And though our separation, It pierced me to the heart You still live inside of me, We’ve never been apart."
Remember the book? I loved it and still live by it. I cannot find my dang book. But found links to the info. Do you remember what you are? I am a winter. Nope, then again I always wear white otherwise I'd be a orangedove. Looks like I would be a summer but with the white winter snow I'd have guessed winter. Ok I'm a confused bird. Except for this! Dot, your beautiful no matter what color you are wearing.
Perhaps this gets to the root of the problem. Too often when someone posts something that is true or a true fact at least in their life experience. Because it does not agree with the "by and large majority" who have the hurt perspective that you described above, and because of their "feelings" they perceive it to be an attack on them., or as supportive of that which they they hate. To acknowledge benefit is not the same as support or denying or accepting other behavior. For instance someone may post I learned some beneficial things in PFAL That alone is enough to bring on the attackers. Truth is the poster may have learned something good, that does not speak to behavior issues or excuse them. And yet the message sent although maybe not stated in English by the volume of immediate posts is that you can't be right and here is why: It was plagiarized, VPW abused women, you learned at the expense of others who were victimized, how dare you! appreciate such a thing and on and on.... Perhaps if we could separate feelings from other issues and read what the poster is saying only without adding what we feel because of our experience into it we'd have less problems.