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Everything posted by WhiteDove

  1. Blood of Heroes Link Click the remember 9/11 clip.
  2. Hey I just heard from the city today that we did just shy of $600.00 for the pool event. Not bad for a rainy day event a little less than we hoped for and less than last years hot day. Thats about 300 dogs and owners that took the plunge. With a 50/50 split with the shelter that gave us about 300.00 for the dog Park. This is my favorite picture so far for the pool any ideas for a tag line?........... Here
  3. Ok not the best shots but our booth is in set 1 Rain what Rain) Paws in the Park- page 1 picture #8 and in the second set for the park( Hang Ten) Page 3 Picturtes #49,50,51,52 And yes the pool looked like a Attica riot. None of my dog he came for a while in the morning had pancakes walked around and stayed at the booth but the pool was too busy to have him around.
  4. Here are some pictures from Paws in the Park and Paws in the Pool from last Saturday. I think we raised about $60,000 for the shelter here with both events now in the 10th year. The dogs just love it ,it's the canine social event of the year. Paws in the Park from 8- 12 with a pancake feed starting the day off and hundreds of venders giving away thousands of pounds of treats, tennis balls Frisbees, toys, dog food collars, leashes,safety lights and dog food. Lucca came home with 12 lbs. of treats alone, Bacon bites, Snausages, SnawSomes, Beef and Cheese Sticks, Rawhide Chews, Bacon Strips, and Jerky Strips The bark Park did a booth, the theme was surfs up this year. We dropped about 250 lbs of sand on the lawn and built a surf shop complete with beach. We had the booth of the year, (guess all that attention to detail training finally paid off). We raised in addition about $500.00 for the Dog Park. Following that was Paws in the Pool where the dogs and owners get the pool for two hours to play in. I don't think they got a picture of them lined up at the gate but when the door opened they stormed the pool, it was mass uncontrolled chaos jumping and splashing everywhere. It was lots of work but those happy faces and kisses were worth every bit. You can click the thumbprints to enlarge them and forward through the pictures. There are a few of our booth in the park sets. Paws in the Park More Paws in the Pool
  5. By the way here is something new from Ken McCaw if anyone is interested Here
  6. As I said Sky each fellowship is self governing if the leader of that fellowship decides to rely on and focus his attention on a license agreement only, I would say that was the leaders fault I doubt you would want to be held accountable for someone else's decision and I doubt you could hold a completely different man or organization accountable either for a leaders decisions in another state. Your looking for blame that is not there. It is as independent as each leader wants it to be. It is their choice to apply for licencing or not. Sounds like a independent choice to me? Of course once you do you lose something in the trade, that is no different than any licence with a company,review a Coke licence or a Zerox one sometime everything has it's pro's and con's. If you don't like the choice don't do it ,Pretty simple to me. By the way the agreement is rather strict , not one I would do, but each to their own....That's the thing about independent choice.
  7. The money from Gartmore House would be in the account and control of the Way In Great Britain LTD what the trustees did with it I don't know. As I said Chris was a paid employee with a contract. As I remember he declined to accept the balance of the money for his contract. You could assume anything you like but the demise of Gartmore occurred relatively quickly over a license agreement and a promoted class that people showed up for all around the world and never happened. Until then there was no sinking ship as you put it .
  8. Hey J I don't disagree with your assessment of the group as a whole. My point was that they don't have a Way Tree structure like the Way did. The fellowships run independently, Word promotions is a supply center for materials. Much like CES was in their early days providing tapes,classes,books and so forth. So it is incorrect to say really that someone goes to a Geer fellowship unless they live in Maine and do attend his, Otherwise they go to a local independent fellowship. The one around this area is called Heartland Word Resources. In The Way we ran Way Fellowships at least in the later years they were not stand alone entities with separate directors and bank accounts that's the difference.
  9. 35. (But should be number 1) Pigs don't really fly
  10. Pretty close Twinky except Word Promotions was in existence before the close of Gartmore House although it has relocated a couple of times to different addresses for the office it has always been based out of Scotland. Word Promotions holds the licensee agreements and materials for The Walking in God's Power Classes as well as the Gartmore SNS Tapes. Any affiliation would be limited to holding a license to run those classes. There is no fellowship structure setup, although as most people tend to compartmentalize things, you will often hear they are part of Geer's fellowship or Vince's fellowship or ......... It appears that they are in the process of setting up to do business in the states I'd guess to avoid having to ship out of Scotland as they have done in the past and to eliminate travel back and forth.
  11. No, I don't, most people that know me know that I was a Catholic for many years. Till I escaped the bondage and went in for a lifetime of therapy.
  12. You might want to recheck your facts there twinky I don't think their fellowships collapsed. Gartmore house and The Way in Great Britain may have, at least it is not functioning, but Chris was an employee, It was run by a board of directors of which he was not one. Word Promotions is quite active in Scotland with an office there and just recently one here in the states. They have affiliated fellowships in most of the states I believe. And there are many differences in their teachings and the Way Int.
  13. Here is the link for Vince's Web Page if anyone would like to see for themselves what he is doing. LHC
  14. It's not uncommon for bands to return to where they started the small clubs and bars sometimes I think they were happier there but the grass is always greener or was that better ? on the other side. You can add our native sons Kansas to Garths list they are on the casino tour these days. Except for Kerry Livgren who you can hear rocking in church around here, and on occasion as a guest with Kansas. His new project the ones who did not make the cut for Kansas........ Kansas
  15. Lifted Up is quite right they did not, nor did I think that they did or for that matter do I recall them claiming to have. HELLO !!! Book of Acts.... And neither is this the reason for avoiding church...... I have no fear of churches, as I said before I on occasion attend some, obviously one can not know everything about a church from one attendance, but you can generally get an idea about where they are concerning the Bible. One of the main things I look for is spiritual understanding, I'm not interested in someone's best guess, nor am I interested in spending time hearing things I know to be not true. I would not go to a school that taught wrong information in their classes either so why would I want to go to a church that does? Nothing makes my skin crawl faster than the I'm stoned out on JESUS repetitive trance music either, I'm late for the door. I also don't go there to hear about some persons new book on how he thinks we should live our life while paying him millions so he can live his the way he wants to, in luxury I might add. How dumb is that? There are some things like that in life once you learn them, you don't need to question them when someone thinks different. Likewise I know who Jesus is and who God is and I took a bath this morning don't need another but thanks anyway. My dog and grandmother are not floating around in the sky either. And thank you but I am aware of my short comings I don't need to be kept dwelling on them I'd rather be reminded that I am forgiven and can do better. So you see what's the point of going and sitting where the truth is not spoken, a Singles club? Pass, or maybe chicken dinner? Now I'll admit some of those ladies make a mean chicken dinner, but even that is not worth the price paid for "fowl doctrine"........
  16. :blink: :) Lucky husband!!!!! I've been a bad Bird........
  17. No it is the church..... I don't go to church because I attended churches and groups before getting involved in The Way and there was nothing there. Home based fellowships offered something that was never in churches which was why I became involved with The Way. I wanted an understanding of the Bible and a relationship with God. Found both it works why would I want to go back to something that didn't? Yes I have been to a few lately, still the same,social sermons and whatever the new purpose driven book of the month is. No thanks
  18. Dang I guess I missed the bondage, I missed all the cool stuff. Got Ropes?
  19. It might have been the bottle of Captain Morgan's Parrot Bay Rum...... But the coffee works for that too thanks.......
  20. Hey this molasses makes good cookies they are hard as a rock great for shooting at low flying pigs. clack ...clack... clack...There that should take care of that pesky pig. Hey look if it isn't a little piggy school room. CLANG...CLANG...CLANG, Hi kids my name is Mr. Feathers and I'll be your substitute teacher for the day. Well look it's recess time you guys go out and hide in the forest and when I'm done counting I'll come looking for ya....... Now run along......... Suckers!! Why look someone removed all the glue off of this floor these desks slide too easy someone could get hurt. GLUG... GLUG...GLUG.....there a gallon of gorilla glue should do the trick those desks aren't going anywhere now. Now to spruce up the paint job lets see some purple, a little red and some nice black now I'll just spray it into this big fan and make a beautiful nice tie dye look for the walls. Now some nice plants to accent the look. first this truckload of dirt SPLAT..... and then a pound of kudzu seeds. a gallon of miracle grow. there all done. Lets check out the books here "The mud is your friend" .....Boooor......ing "How to slop your way to the top"......So last year. "Food Fights for Dummy's" "The big bad wolf and the three little pig HO'S"..... :blink: :blink: hmmm I'll save that one fer later. Well these have to go, what kind of school is that pig running here? Here's a good book..... "Kids give all your money to the nice birds and your mom and dads too from their wallets." lets see....... here is another one "Whining, kicking and crying to get your way." and this one "Why can't Mr. fork and Ms. electric outlet be friends?" Hey all this work is making me hungry let's see what Psalmie has on the lunch menu.....Slop n corn :blink: No way I'll just fix this menu here MMMMM Pizza a little crust, some sauce a little birdseed...... there. Now I'll just change these heat settings on the computers and into the CD drive it goes. Type run program and it will be all ready when the kids get back. Well my work is done here. OOOPS I almost forgot to water the new plants let me just pull this hose through the basement window and turn it on . There all the plants can get a nice drink............
  21. WhiteDove

    Spoiled Kid

    Wow that was fast......There's hope for the P.O. yet. You are most welcome enjoy and now you can turn off that song in your head.
  22. I guess we can now move this thread past the soap opera section to the FOOD FIGHT SECTION..........
  23. Ha Ha Psalmie- this is from a pig that for 63 pages argued to convince us that she was really the thread killer.
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