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Everything posted by WhiteDove
Sky to answer some of your questions: First I don't go to a quote "Geer group fellowship" I have my own ,but I have attended at times one and some classes . We have been through this before but looked into the license agreement for numerous reasons it did not seem like an arrangement that I could live with. I do get his newsletter which is mailed free of charge (an expense ) I did subscribe to the Gartmore tapes and books for years which I found to be for the most part fine. Now regarding the Geer group actually there is as I have said no group each fellowship is independently functioning ( which would explain the good ones and bad) Word Promotions is a corporation that produces materials, books, tapes ,classes ,and such they don't run fellowships or have any governing rights in them as they are not Word Promotions to govern. Chris runs his own fellowship in which he does and is responsible there. This is the same as any Christian book sales company that sells books ie The Purpose Driven Life just because someone buys the book and uses it in their church fellowship does not make the author responsible for the actions of the group leader sorry it does not work that way. If they go psycho and kill everybody in their group the author is not responsible for the individuals actions. These individual groups by free will have agreed to give a portion to Word Promotions to continue to produce things for them (we could debate whether that is worth the price) but their business. Expenses- yes Word Promotions has staff and expenses for such, two in Scotland at least last I knew and I'd guess some here. yes they do have equipment but I don't have a list for you but you can probably figure it out (CD duplicating equipment ,Computers, disk imprinters, copiers, printing costs, office expenses,drambuie, mailing materials, shipping costs from Scotland for materials,and so forth. I believe that they also pay some expenses for those helping to do research and proofing of items. Don't know if a car or cars is included in their inventory or not - most likely I'd think. Travel expenses - don't know for sure what is happening now with the opening of the Maine office but Chris was traveling back and forth to Scotland for a few years to the office there, man that's a commute! Correct He is not running a counseling, fellowship ,outreach ministry like the Way. It's pretty simple when you break it down he is producing materials for independent run fellowships that is what Word Promotions does as such. He has no responsibility for people that use his products. No more so than The Beatles had for Charles Manson when he heard voices after listening to Helter Skelter. The problem is that people seem to want to put Word Promotions into a box like other ministries it is not, and Chris has been more than clear with his intentions for what they do. It is up to the public to decide if that is something they wish to access or not.
Shortfuse is right, it is also confirmed on audio tape. Craig never denied it at Corps week in fact he admitted it and asked for forgiveness in the center of the stage. It was also confirmed in letters from the trustees at a later point. I don't think it has anything to do with a power grab it was a confrontation actually a second one as the first did not work. They agreed because it was true and they knew it. Upon realizing what they were losing they decided that they liked the view of their future as it was not as it looked like if they continued to admit their ways. The only grab for power was the trustees scrambling to save theirs.
Sorry I can't relate to this , while there was certainly a number of words /phrazes unique to the Way I don't find that odd I've seen the same in other social groups also. I can say I never felt held hostage or stopped in my tracks by a word. Now ths would have stopped me in my tracks......
Hey Piggie fly on down..... I got your cream pie.... I can say for sure that I am a definite maybe, I might or might not be coming ,but don't quote me on that. I'm positive that I might be there ,or not....either way I can say with some assuredly that I most likely will be doing something one way or the other. Ex-10 I know you said to look for a cheap flight but the aircraft looked suspicious........ :blink: I think I'll fly Air Dove instead
Good job Piggy!!!!!!! I went up last weekend to see the new guys and for Lucca to visit. Took lots of toys and treats along the new dogs are all doing well some adjusting better than others some have new homes already. They are all so happy for any little thing a toy, a blanket, a pat on the head or a kind word. a lesson for all of us to relearn.
Pete Le Roux carved Pete’s Pond into the landscape as his answer to the rampant poaching and senseless killing of Africa’s wildlife, acts that bothered him from the moment he arrived in 1985 to conduct a leopard research project as a graduate student from South Africa’s University of Pretoria. Back then a consortium of conservation-minded landowners had established the 183,178-acre (74,131-hectare) range as the Northern Tuli Game Reserve. Game, however, was scarce. Le Roux believed wildlife could repopulate the reserve if they avoided the Limpopo River, where poachers lurked. Using the remnants of an old irrigation system from the area’s failed attempts to grow cotton, he built a pond as an alternative watering source. The idea worked. Almost too well. Today some researchers are concerned that the thriving elephant and impala populations have outgrown the land. Plans are now being made to include the reserve as part of the proposed Limpopo/Shashe Transfrontier Conservation Area. This transfrontier park would expand the animals’ territory into a protected reserve in neighboring South Africa and Zimbabwe. “We have effectively taken an area that was unsuccessful agricultural land and turned it into a viable wildlife preserve,” says Le Roux as he gazes out on the pond. “That is the most rewarding thing we’ve done here, to see the game come back.”
And then Mr. Martindale reversed many right back to square one, not only could they not ask for"stuff" but could not even ask for God to spit on them........ :blink:
I would think that the same pattern that we use in life would also work in prayer. For things already given us or things that we have been told are forthcoming thanks would be in order for things we don't yet have asking would seem to be the thing to do This is a childhood lesson if we are given a cookie we say thank you if we don't yet have a cookie and would like one we ask. We don't ask by saying thank you for giving me a cookie we say please may I have a cookie. Seems simple enough. This came about as a result of the believing/faith teachings. It was supposed to be a affirmation of believing that God would bring to pass that which we asked another words I am sure it will come to pass so I'll say thanks now in advance.
Ha Vic It may have been that GreaseSpot bumper sticker on your jeep! Ya think?
Here are some sites that may help been there very cool place Here Here ?I can't understand the rappers either so I suppose we have not changed all that much
Back at you! Mr. Chef Happy Birthday!!!
Thanks Guys for your kind wishes you rock! I am not worthy....... Everyone - thanks for the thoughts wishes and pictures Ex 10 - Who's old? I guess you! certainly not me! Act2- I am honored to share the day with my friend Cowgirl it was that fact, well and a few other things maybe that started us on the path to a long friendship. A gift for which I have been the richer. David that tipsy pig is a imposter! I got your card - in a key lime pie! thanks for the thought anyway. Ok I spent the weekend on a three state road trip tour starting with the Octoberfest at Crown Center KC Mo. drank some beer then off to The Kansas City Renaissance Festival Here Or Here Spent the day discerning spirits :blink: with the Wicca woman who I promised to take there. Drank some grog, ripped the flesh off a turkey leg, had some bread pudding, watched the cute wenches dance, sang along, danced a bit with the queens court, watched the magicians jugglers and so on..... Then off to Parkville Mo to the hilltop restaurant for a candlelight dinner overlooking the city. Here drove by - close to Bowtwi house waved as we passed by. Then off to Nebraska in waving distance of the Oakspears in Auburn to the shelter where Lucca dog came from to see the new arrivals from the puppy mill rescue and Luccas first return since he left the shelter. We took up lots of TREATS ,TOYS ,TREATS, TOYS, and TREATS for the dogs there and some stuff for the shelter to use for care of the animals. took a tour of the new improvements, played with some dogs. Lucca saw some friends that were left from when he was there. Then off to Indian Cave State Park Here and Here for a picnic lunch and to run the dogs and check out the fall foliage. Stopped at the casino and donated what money was left to the Indians and came home.. Well that was my fun for the year.
Hey Piggie I found just the thing for your dogs
Happy Birthday Psalmie! Oh wait it's my birthday.... Here have a balloon so you can really fly Now where did I put that BB gun?..........
Hello cowgirl in the sand Is this place at your command Can I stay here for a while Can I see your sweet sweet smile Old enough now to change your name When so many love you is it the same? Hey you, next year when I turn 30 we should go celebrate together again somewhere.
Mstar your recollections are correct. I have been looking for that book also as mine disappeared along the way. Good luck finding one but I will keep it in mind if one turns up. Perhaps you can supply the arm and I the leg it will cost if and when one shows up.
Well the good news is the 54 will be happy at their new home they will eat well, and each will get there own flannel blanket to sleep on. They just built a sun room off of the office for the volunteers to eat lunch and take breaks in. and around the edge of the glass walls are beds for the dogs to use. They bring a group each day to socialize them and they can enjoy the outdoors through the glass on bad weather days. Another group gets to go to the picket fence run area where they can play in the grass and trees. They have toys and things for them to do there also. They have a little golf cart train now that takes them there which they love riding in. All of the dog areas are air conditioned and heated for the dogs. They run the shelter on volunteers from the director down no one gets a check. They also have their own vet clinic on site. They receive no funding from city state or federal because they don't want to kill dogs. It is all run on private donor ship. If anyone would be interested they have a buddy program where you can help with a dogs care for as little as $10.00 a month until they find a home. You will get a note and photo of your dog. Generally the ones I have done get adopted within six months. They adopt out about 30 - 40 dogs per month. Be a Buddy Hearts United for Animals is a national no-kill animal shelter, sanctuary and animal welfare organization dedicated to the relief of suffering. We rescue dogs from all over the country and specialize in long distance adoptions. We take the creatures who are lost, afraid, hungry or ill and comfort them, give them a warm, soft bed, good food, medical care and most of all, love. HUA is a place of happiness, joy and love. Everything we do is in the best interest of the dogs. There are no cages. The dogs have big fields of grass and trees in which to run. Our primary interest is what will make them happy. HUA is a place to celebrate the joy of life.
Hey Kit Fontanna got ahold of him via Vince she said he is doing well He asked that we pray for the believers and the country ..political junk..etc... He has been out of jail for a few years now. And is working to stay in contact with all the people there which is a challenge it seems
Hey I resemble that comment...... I most likely will regret this but I just could not pass up the rare opportunity to agree with Belle. The store is about saving money generally you would find people that need to do that there which would not be those in mink coats. I have not noticed too many Beamers or Mercedes in front of the two here nor will I expect that the new one when finished will have many either. I've been on a three day bender before too Belle ,but eventually I ran out of coca-cola and had to go to Wal-Mart to restock so I could continue.....
Glad you made it! By the time I get there I probably wont be able to afford the donut hole Now you made me hungry.......
Psalmie check your vet they may carry it ours does here. It's the same price as online and they ship it free so the only advantage really is faster service. You can add anything you want to it Lucca likes peanut butter sometimes in his. Also if you want you can save time adding baby food veggies to the mix.
Oh I forgot to mention the newest item on the list. The shocking GreaseSpot Thread........... Gotcha..............
These things are everywhere........... Here are some to be on the look out for. Shocking
Bacon, Ham and pork chops......... maybe Eat Here Sojos