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Everything posted by WhiteDove

  1. Back to the top for Belle...... I TOLD YOU HE WAS DANGEROUS Check out Peter Drucker on page 2 Do you still look like your bunny picture above? Rick Warren is more subtle, and his references to health versus disease cloak his hostility toward "unhealthy" members who resist his agenda. In The Purpose Driven Church, he writes: "When a human body is out of balance we call that disease.... Likewise, when the body of Christ becomes unbalanced, disease occurs.... Health will occur only when everything is brought back into balance. The task of church leadership is to discover and remove growth-restricting diseases and barriers so that natural, normal growth can occur
  2. Thanks for the clairification Paw I appreciate it ,it makes sense to me now. I'll try to restain myself from posting anything I think is funny until I have thought that through. And Jonny - Be nice dude........
  3. Sorry Jonny my intent was not to entice you to further posts. Having thought that your link was funny and having passed it on as such, I realized that could have been just as easily something I would have done also thinking it harmless fun. I did not consider it Pornography I suppose because of the animals, so I could see myself doing something similar. I learned something today that the politics forum was restricted I did not know that, of course I never go there so I wouldn't. Anyway it left me wondering what else I did not know about this board I thought the open forum was for any subject and not necessarily related to The Way., so I thought I better find out before I post something that gets me 86'th like a bad todays special.
  4. Ok I am a little confused here and have a question. Pawtucket said earlier that Jonnys link did not fit with the forum mission which is : The bigger issue is this: Our mission is to provide information that tells the other side of the story about The Way International and its trustees. Our hope is that GreaseSpot Cafe serves as a place where those who have been impacted by The Way can make connections with people and information which will support their particular process of recovery. So my question is upon looking at the open forum threads I see threads about Rocky Horrer (pretty offensive to some), Table Wine.Guitars, Sea monkeys , a baby announcment, Birthdays ,a murder trial and so on. I understand that his link was too graphic for the board, but I am confused about the second reason. How does any of the open threads have to do with the mission of the board as stated, to me they are as unrelated as his thread. You mentioned the politcs fourm and it being restricted, Were you asking about restricting the open forum also since clearly most of the posts don't have to do with the mission of the board? Since as Jonnys most of the open threads don't support the mission would making this a restricted fourm be an optiion?
  5. It was on VH1 last night ....They may run it again this week if someone is interested.
  6. Hey Jonny I thought it was funny. I have never thought of this place as a "family forum" either, and if kids are too young to be on the web without supervision where are the parents?
  7. Just for the record the license fee and a percent of the ABS from the group goes to Word Promotions The class fee is set by the area and stays in the group to pay expences or license agreements if they choose to. I think last I knew around here it was $30.00 or so. Also the 321 page book that goes with the class for first time students was $50.00 that also goes to Word Promotions.
  8. It's ok Groucho just thought the same standard should be in place for both to be fair and balanced .
  9. So...was Geer arrested for exposing himself? ...Who knows? I haven't seen any police reports yet... ...but what we DO know is that he was a bus driving pimp who solicited young girls and led them into the back of the motor coach for Vic to molest....he was a pimp. Who knows? I haven't seen any police reports yet...
  10. Here Ya Go Belle For Virgin Belle who lives in a cave........
  11. Ok yesterday I took my car to the Midas shop here and told them to fix it because I was a personal friend of Cowgirl. They just looked at me with a funny look, :blink: and then I remembered that I had forgotten to give them the secret password, so I looked them right in the eye and said SMARTY PANTS. :unsure: And boy you are right they started scrambling to get me help. They got on the phone to their home office and within minutes two people showed up in white coats to help me. They said they were special customer helpers and they took me to a very nice hotel room where I can stay while they are fixing my car. This place must cost a bundle not only do they have the nice carpet padding on the floor but they spent the money to have it on the walls too! They are serving me meals on them till I get my car back. Boy this custor service thing really works once you get the secret code. This afternoon they are sending in a special lady they said to help me personally with my car problem. This place is great ! I hope that they don't hurry to get my car finished too soon. The only thing is that the room doors don't have knobs to get out so you have to wait for the staff to let you in and out , they said the builder forgot to instal them and would be by soon to fix that. Thanks for the tip Cowgirl!!!! I'll keep you updated on my repair progress.
  12. Free At Last Hey folks can some one let ***** know who has her number that her email accouant is bouncing messages to the list ? thanks jim From Jim Roy has decided to post a personal letter I wrote to him in responce to a letter he sent to me. I sent the email to him in private and expected it to stay that way. He decided he had to start a discussion on it over there so it is there . here is the url if you care to read it and comment on it. Jim of the Way of Yahoo wrote me personally http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.php?s\ howforum=9 For the record he has not been banned from here yet , Though he has broken a number of our rules. I usualy try to deal with this stuff in private hence my private email to him but he has decided to post it in another forum for what ever reason he has because I have told him he needs to change his signature , style of writing and I have not let him preach here. take a look and make your own decision. jim m
  13. Cowgirl I have some car work that I need done since for some reason you seem to get yours for free would you mind taking mine in for me? Or do I just drop your name when I arrive. Personal friend of cowgirl.......
  14. Linda -or you could just get one of these, I have one ,a smaller unit they work great. Hot Shower add one of these and you are ready to go here
  15. Heartland Word Resources is the name of fellowship group that Dick runs along with some other board members and theWord Promotions licence is with them,or was I should say ,they droped the renewal. at least a couple of years ago. The cost incured for the licence came from their funding not directly from Dick.
  16. J is correct they live in Shawnee Mission Kansas a very rich area close to KC , but I believe that their lifestyle could be the reason for their debt. Heartland Word Resourses paid the bill to Word Promotions. Last I knew he was selling windows I don't think the insurance thing worked out. and yes Ida B@th seems like she was always working I hardly ever saw her.
  17. Dot I have never found anything in church except..... well church! left years ago won't be returning to the scene of the crime. So no ideas for you dear, I did find this for you though in case you went to one and were wondering? You Know Your Church Is A Redneck Church if ... the finance committee refuses to provide funds for the purchase of a chandelier because none of the members knows how to play one. You Know Your Church Is A Redneck Church if .... people ask, when they learn that Jesus fed the 5000, whether the two fish were bass or catfish, and what bait was used to catch 'em. You Know Your Church Is A Redneck Church if ... when the pastor says, "I'd like to ask Bubba to help take up the offering," five guys and two women stand up. You Know Your Church Is A Redneck Church if ... opening day of deer season is recognized as an official church holiday. You Know Your Church Is A Redneck Church if... a member of the church requests to be buried in his 4-wheel-drive truck because "It ain't never been in a hole it couldn't get out of. You Know Your Church Is A Redneck Church if ... the choir is known as the "OK Chorale". You Know Your Church Is A Redneck Church if... in a congregation of 500 members, there are only seven last names in the church directory. You Know Your Church Is A Redneck Church if... Baptism is referred to as "branding". You Know Your Church Is A Redneck Church if ... high notes on the organ set the dogs on the floor to howling. You Know Your Church Is A Redneck Church if ... people think "rapture" is what you get when you lift something too heavy. You Know Your Church Is A Redneck Church if ... the baptismal pool is a #2 galvanized washtub. You Know Your Church Is A Redneck Church if . the choir robes were donated by (and embroidered with the logo from) Billy Bob's Barbecue. You Know Your Church Is A Redneck Church if . the collection plates are really hub caps from a '56 Chevy. You Know Your Church Is A Redneck Church if ... instead of a bell, you are called to service by a duck call. You Know Your Church Is A Redneck Church if ... the minister and his wife drive matching pickup trucks. You Know Your Church Is A Redneck Church if . the communion wine is Boone's Farm "Tickled Pink". You Know Your Church Is A Redneck Church if... "Thou shalt not covet" applies to hunting dogs, too. You Know Your Church Is A Redneck Church if ... the final words of the benediction are, "Y'all come back now!! Ya Hear" You Know Your Church Is A Redneck Church if ... finding and returning lost sheep is not just a parable. You Know Your Church Is A Redneck Church if The Call to Worship is ,"Y'all come on in!" You Know Your Church Is A Redneck Church if People grumble about Noah letting coyotes on the Ark. You Know Your Church Is A Redneck Church if The restroom is outside. You Know Your Church Is A Redneck Church if Never in its entire 100-year history has one of its pastors had to buy any meat or vegetables. You Know Your Church Is A Redneck Church if The only time people lock their cars in the parking lot is during the summer and then only so their neighbors can't leave them a bag of squash. You Know Your Church Is A Redneck Church if There is a special fund-raiser for a new septic tank.
  18. TAP,TAP,TAP you were saying Linda........ Ok just for that POOF......... Now how do you like your cute little Kansas trailer? Oh yea and the bed comes complete with complimentary chiggars.
  19. Bingo !!!!! Dooji ......give the lady her prize This is the same person who years ago while here with lightbearers removed his wedding ring. An odd thing I thought at the time it did not take long to figure out why. What is this about the third or fourth group he is on now.
  20. Agreed and some did ,many for that matter. I know several that were healed because they were able to learn the scriptures on how to access the promise due to the material presented ,the same for the other things. but that is another issue. Rascal I believe we were discussing whether the materials distributed by Word Promotions had or would have directed a person to commit a crime against another and if the author, compiler of said material would therefore have any responsibility to or in the said incident. As I said having reviewed all of the material I can witness that it is just not in there there is not one tiny shred of evidence to the fact such an action was encouraged, which leads to the conclusion that the user was the one at fault that is where the blame should be . I wonder have you done the same or are speaking on a guess? How much have you looked into, read or listened to to let you make this enlightened observation about what it does or does not say, promote? To blame someone for material that is not in their writings is not logical. If the user did not get the desired results then it was the users error. Many others have received the results, so the product works. Like a computer there is a application process to make the product work if you leave it in the box it does not. So it is with the material in a class whatever class it may be. One needs to apply the material if you don't you don't get the result. When and where you do you get the result, If you apply part you get part result. And if you quit applying the learning you lose sometimes what you have achieved as a result, sometimes not. You can not like a person all you want your choice and right, but you can not hold them responsible for matters that are not theirs to have a part in, when they did not. Pink lady your half right I do understand your position but you are right I don't want to get it. Not for the reason that you listed but because there is not a connected logical reason to accept your ideas. Having had the same material I have not seen the same results that you have. There is nothing there to indicate that the presenter of the material encouraged or condoned this behavior, nor was any evidence produced that they had any direction in the fellowship so indicated. In short they are not involved in the matter, no more so than the song that the perpetrator heard on the radio that day is. No I won't hold someone guilty for a crime or action that they clearly have no part in. And I'm glad that most people in America see things that way without proof of guilt you are innocent. I hope to God you don't sit on any juries anytime soon if you think that way. Your story is indeed a horrible thing, and I do hope that those responsible are held to justice at least what we have in our land, I know it will never be enough. I know it must be a hard thing to believe, that someone who supposedly loved you would do such a thing to you, I can't understand it even from afar. But I hope you focus on the person who was responsible for your pain and suffering. I'm sorry that what should have been material to help direct this person in a different path failed, but I would submit that it was not the material, or presenter, but the individual that is at fault. I'm sorry he failed to be the person he could have been and for your loss and pain. I wish I could tell you why some choose love and some choose destruction but I can't, it seems an easy choice to me. In any case I wish you peace and safety in your life choices.
  21. I don't know if that is necessarily true Rascal people were attracted to the fellowships for a variety of reasons . Some for answers, some for a girlfriend/boyfriend ,some because they did not fit in with society and were loved, some needed healing ,some wanted to change their life, and some just wanted what they could get for free. What they did with the product was their result. Why ?if it is user error that does not mean the product is defective. First off the product does produce the advertised results if you apply what you learn if not then it will not. That's pretty much true in most learning situations. My new computer only works as well as I use it which at times is lacking due to user error, but the product is quite good. It will do far more than I make it do, but the user is not accessing it because he has not read and applied the manual. not the product fault it's me.
  22. Belle In my experience I have not known this to be the norm for CFF in this case they may have agreed to be a CFF referral fellowship. CFF has for some time supplied independent fellowships with teaching material and classes and so forth. At some point they wanted to have fellowships around the country that they could send people to that had left the Way they felt were a good place to send them. If you signed on for such then of coarse they expected that you were in agreement with their general teachings. The individual involved was involved with their clergy meetings and had taught at their teaching center in Ohio. He is someone who is well known from his Way days. I would guess that because of his ability to impact many, thinking he was teaching their beliefs they felt it was necessary to inform people that he was not. Much like the Geer discussion I suppose they did not want to be held accountable for someone involved with their group who may operate on his own and cause some damage to someone that others would feel somehow would then be their responsibility. They just wanted to let others know that this person was not speaking for them or their doctrine.
  23. Perhaps Rascal, then again I suppose we would all have to carry one of these stickers around. I've seen non -Christian hazardous information being distributed here at the cafe. So who chooses who wears the label? Except that this is a assumption not a proven fact perhaps the fault is with the user. It would not be the first time crazy people were attracted to a church group. Boy I can remember a few in my Way years. That does not mean the teaching of the group was the reason for their behavior. As I said I have listened to 362 Gartmore SNS CDs and read every newsletter published for years and sat through their classes and I can confirm that in application of that material there is not even a hint of direction to be abusive to another person. If those things are happening then I would suggest that one look for the real cause which would be the person responsible.
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