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Everything posted by WhiteDove

  1. Bowtwi Hope your family enjoy's your new furry friend as much as I have enjoyed mine. God Bless You Dot! Well thats at least two Greaser dogs you have adopted now you only have about 1,981 more to go.............. Lucca says good job Too!
  2. They are $9.99 at Best Buy and $14.99 for the DVD 5.1 surround sound set which I bought. Worth the every penny lots of great tracks. The highlight for me the remix for While My Guitar Gently Weeps a strong vocal with one new set of lyrics from George than the origional. Accoustic guitar and a string track done by longtime friend/producer Sir George Martin. What a masterpiece. From the notes: During the process I was asked to write a string score ( the only new recordings) for an early take of George's poignant song While My Guitar Gently Weeps. I was aware of such a responsibility,but thankfully everyone approved of the result. Yesterday was the first score I had written for a Beatles song way back in 1965 and this score,fourty-one years later,is the last. It wraps up an incredible period of my life with those four amazing men who changed the world.
  3. We had a fire in our house when I was in the way it was no big deal of course that was in the early 80's. Also I remember another family had a fire and the Limb payed for a hotel for the family until they could get back into their home. Crazy people did not always run the show.
  4. Hey Pig could you send along a few more cats Crusher is wearing them out cleaning he could use a new scrubbie.
  5. Cats? Ha they don't scare me. Guess you have not met my new bodyguard Mr. Crusher. He loves to recycle cats into useful things like doorstops. Look at this nice sponge he made to clean the wall with......
  6. Gee Belle so many choices,but at least Now I know what to get you for Christmas Happy Household Holiday........... I'm guessing the paperweights will be a hot seller for members to hold down that stack of unpaid bills due to lack of funds :blink:
  7. WhiteDove

    Two New Books

    The books are Walters work except where referenced to other sources , there are no rights to buy. They are books on biblical subjects they have nothing to do with following an organization, group or man. They are only books ,expensive ones but none the less books. I have serious doubt's that they will possess the reader and alter his or her free will. Concerning the price time will tell if the market will bear the price. Anyway just letting those who may be interested know that they are out there. For all those who have emailed me your replies are in your mailbox.
  8. Psalmie the fire hose is busy right now I borrowed it to stick in your basement window............
  9. WhiteDove

    Two New Books

    Nope that is the price of the book.
  10. Belle See if you get any more packages.....
  11. WhiteDove

    Two New Books

    They are you can get them HERE Or you can order them directly from Walter.
  12. WhiteDove

    Two New Books

    A Journey through the Acts and Epistles The Authorized King James Version with Notes and a Working Translation Rev. Walter Cummins This study contains the Authorized King James Version in a parallel column with a Working Translation along with numerous footnotes on selected words and text for the book of Acts, the Church epistles, and the personal epistles of Paul. A 605 Page Hardback Book "In this publication, the Working Translation is presented in a parallel column beside the Authorized King James Version with selected footnotes regarding vocabulary, idioms, customs, figures of speech, grammatical constructions, and variant readings. The selected notes are attached to words in the Authorized King James Version to indicate that those words are being discussed in consideration of what is being rendered in the Working Translation. The notes are designed to help the reader to understand some of the unusual expressions as well as variations in the texts and the overall thought and meaning of the words used in the Scriptures. Further information regarding other words, grammatical constructions, and variant readings not mentionted in the notes may be obtained from other reference works as discussed in Appendix B." (excerpt from Guidelines to the Working Translation) ______________________________________________________________________ The Acceptable Year of the Lord The Life and Earthly Ministry of Jesus Christ Rev. Walter Cummins This study of the life and earthly ministry of Jesus Christ, which was first published as a serial publication in issues 1-12 (1998-1999) is now available in hardback book containing the complete study. A 479 Page Hardback Book _______________________________________________________________________ "These two works [Jesus Christ Our Promised Seed and Jesus Christ Our Passover] are in a sense like two pillars between which the records dealt with in this study can be built. They provide us with two major points of departure for determining the time frame for the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ at his first coming. Having assisted Dr. Wierwille with those two works as well as many of the details in the Gospel records that pertain to this study of The Acceptable Year of the Lord has given me a good foundation for completeing the central volume on the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ and the overall chronological harmony of the four Gospels. Having had access to these two works as well as to various other studies of the Gospels is why I have perhaps had an advantage over the previous works. With this advantage and by carefully observing when each event took place, where it happened, what preceded and followed it, who was present, and exactly what was said and done, I believe that the chronology of the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ at his first coming is detectable in the four Gospels." (excerpt from the Preface of The Acceptable Year of the Lord)
  13. Hey here's a receipe for making your own Pigmeat Take one large pesky pig ( if flying type remove the wings first) Chop into chunks and grind through a meatgrinder until tender Squish together and chill for one hour Roll out on board with rolling pin Cut out round slices with cookie cutter, layer with wax paper. MMMMMM Eat
  14. If you build it she will play... I wondered how long it would take till Psalmie showed up and made a mess of those fine fixen's. Looks like it's time to get out the roasted pig receipe.....
  15. Now Jonny we don't want to overload the poor girl all at once ,next thing you know she will be wearing tie dye and quit her day gig to sell flowers on the street. Next we'll start her off on something slow like break the news to her that Paul McCartney was in another band before wings..... :blink:
  16. Thanks for the belly laugh Linda Amen Linda thanks for putting it so eliquently that is exactly what I meant when I said I still have seen no other reason or gain other than the one offered to undertake the project. I don't really care one way or another what he does. I don't think he personally made a bunch of money from the books, had that been the intent he could have published them and sold them and kept all the money. I do think as you said The Way in Great Britain made some money from the books. There is a big difference between the two. In the end they were boooks and as I said like you I don't really care one way or the other what he does, in relation to publishing materials.
  17. Belle I have that boxed set I could send you some along / without paper of course...... if you email me a address.
  18. So sky do you have any real proof to back up your claim ? Remember this one........ I 've shown you a few reasons why that would not be possible solid facts to correct your guesses and assumptions. First it is a yearly franchise not monthly. Second the check goes to Word Promotions a company that in turn pays employees, and expenses to produce a product. Third the franchise checks have nothing to do with the books we were discussing. they are not part of the Word Promotions material. That being the case they could not qualify as I said before, as a reason for undertaking the project. If you have anything other than your guess,opinion,assumptions perhaps you would like to present some facts. If not I'll assume that you do not have a clue as to what you are talking about. That appears to be the case as you seem content to isolate my words out of context and change the subject from any real proof that you have. For the record I've seen none to date only your opinions
  19. In the context of the conversation if you had noticed : Which was books being produced and sold and skyriders assumption that was his reason for undertaking the project. And that my view was tainted by my choices Answer; My views have nothing to do with it facts do. He can print books /or not sell them /or not it does not change the facts Of course if you rip it from the rest of the posts here and use it as a stand alone comment it takes on a different meaning. Nice Try...... I expect as much when you have no real facts to offer to back up your point, speaking of the devil himself I think that is his motive adding and changing words out of context.......
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