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Everything posted by WhiteDove

  1. I'll PM you later Bow I'm off to work now. The fellowship is actually in Trimble. I just had lunch with Kenny the oither day he was in Topeka for his job.
  2. Bow there is a CFF group that lives just up the road from you in Smithville/Trimble.
  3. I think that most Academic Catalogs regard Bullinger as a Biblical Scholar.
  4. Bow I have around 5 or 6 PFAL type classes some audio some video. To me they are pretty much all the same for the most part with some minor changes. The CFF class is 5 segments each one consisting of 6 hours. It has several teachers with is a plus. one upside is the statement bolded in the syllabus Not Everything Bad That Happens in Your Life is Due to Your Own Personal Fear the downside is they still see believing as a law. I don't agree nor do the scriptures as far as I can see. The intermediate class they have is the one I would recomend if any ,it is taught by Research Geek, there is a great appendix done by Geek and Catcup called Romans 14 The Ballanced Walk Of Love. The appendix's alone are worth the cost IMHO.
  5. No it is unsafe and unhealthy. We have 5 cities in Kansas that have tethering laws and more in the works. These laws make it illegal for a dog to be chained for more than 1 hour at a time. it then requires that the dog be untethered for 3 hours before being tethered again. Also prohibited Using any tether shorter that 10ft Chains weighing more than 1/8 of the body weight of the animal or inhibiting free movement Use of a choke chain to tether an animal Tethering a dog without access to proper protection from the elements. Tethering a dog in an open area where it can be teased by people,or in an area that does not have protection from attack from other animals. Tethering an animal where no steps have been taken to prevent the surface from becoming wet and muddy in the event of precipitation
  6. WhiteDove

    I'm Dying

    George I'll also be among those that will be praying for you. There is an old quote "Not where I breathe, but where I love, I live." Looking on the love here returned to you, It is clear that you have lived large. Peace to you .............
  7. David I agree I tried to convey that point. While not the tapes themselves I do believe that was the toe in. There were other toes also, some of them were mentioned here some not. IMHO they have clearly drifted off course. Whether they correct the compass time will tell.
  8. My Pleasure Stay safe Bowtwi! It looks like we are about to get put on ice for a few days.
  9. Hi, I'm Jussie. That's short for Justice. I got my name because when I was tiny I was put in a ratty old cage at a puppy mill in Pennsylvania. There were almost 600 other dogs at that prison. They put a chain around my neck. As I grew the chain grew into my neck - into my skin, the muscle and the veins - Yikes! It was awful. I was in constant pain. I was really lucky though because I got rescued from that hell. I had to go to a doctor and have surgery - it took four hours of surgery and 72 stitches to take the damn chain out of my neck. I was up for adoption but no one wanted to adopt me because I BITE. If you had been through what I went through, you would bite too. So I stayed with the woman who rescued me and she's my mom. I LOVE my life now. I am the designated toy murderer and am very talented at my job. I eat as much as I can - stealing from my brothers and sisters whenever they turn their heads even for an instant. I sleep on soft beds with wonderful covers. I vividly remember what it was like to freeze in the rickety barn. Now I love to lie in front of the furnace vent - the hot spot! Aaaaah!!! I have five brothers and sisters who I love so much. I show them how much by stealing their toys and their food and making sure I get in the middle of their attention. There are over 400,000 dogs across this country who are suffering just the way I suffered. They never get out of that stinking cage. They never get to play with a toy - EVER. They never get to sleep in a soft bed - they sleep on wires. Really. Can you imagine that? They don't get a blanket or a mat or anything. They sleep on wire. And it's so cold. I heard on the tv about the recent storm in Missouri where the electricity was out for a couple of weeks. The people were freezing. They had to leave their homes. The dogs suffer in that cold all winter, every winter. It gets really really cold in the winter - so cold it hurts. I curled up with the others dogs and cried myself to sleep. Sometimes it was just too cold to even go to sleep. And the food - yuck! No one ever loved me. I was sad, lonely, scared, bored, and cold. What kind of country is this that allows 400,000 dogs to suffer like that? I'm beautiful, brilliant, funny and loving. I never did anything to deserve to suffer the way I did. The dogs still in prison didn't do anything to deserve to be there either. So here is my wish. I want all of the dogs free from prison. It's that simple. Free the dogs.
  10. I posted the tapes it was not Tom, I think you missed the point of why I did which as you pointed out was not the tapes themselves, but was the path they were heading down. Once the Personal prophecies began it was not hard to see the direction they were headed in was not good. Knowing that they were relying on that information for direction it was logically a matter of time before there was a disagreement about the Personal prophecies when one did not quite turn out to the listeners liking. If that happened of course they (CES/STFI) would be in the right being the more instructed ones. Which would leave the other party as the one with the problem. It was an accident waiting to happen, and should have been no surprise to anyone when it did. Did anyone really think that the STIF person giving the prophecies was going to diminish their credibility as a prophet and say "Oh I must be wrong about what I said" nope they are logically going to "dig in and stand for what they believe is right". It is classic clergy laity separation thinking. It was one step on to Corporate Prophesies as Karen referred to them. Obviously if this was good enough for people to direct their lives by even better to run a ministry by. It was weird in 2000 and IMHO had no chance of getting anything but worse. Flash forward to 2006 - Whoop there it is! A mess! It is too bad because CES has been helpful to many people at times but they have IMHO taken too many uncharted roads that have destroyed their credibility like Momentus, hooking up with Da*e S*des,and a few others along the way and this, personal prophecies.
  11. This stuff has ben out in the open for years it is the result of heading down roads like these: when you teach people to rely on personal prophetic guidance for direction in life, would it not stand to reason that those instructing this are doing the same? And if they are leading your ministry would you think that they are not using this to do so? "Introduction to the Prophetic" Prophetic Seminar 1999 Indianapolis IN Partners' Price Only $30.00 Partners' Price Only $30.00 Tape 1 - "Introduction to the Prophetic" by Karen Anne Graeser Tape 2 - "Seek to Excel" by John Lynn Tape 3 - "Hearing God's Voice" by Karen Anne Graeser Tape 4 - "I Cor 14: Discerning the Genuine from the Counterfeit" by Mark Graeser Tape 5A - "Prove All Things" by Gene Speakes Tape 5B - " Evaluating Dominion Theology and the Prophetic" by Mark Graeser Tape 6 - "Contending for the Faith" by John Schoenheit Tape 7 & 8A - "Questions and Answers" "Walking Courageously" Prophetic Seminar 2000 Indianapolis IN Partners' Price Only $30.00 Partners' Price Only $30.00 Tape 1 - " Walking Courageously" by Karen Anne Graeser Tape 2 - "Action Cures Fear" by John Lynn Tape 3 - "Understanding Prophecy" by John Schoenheit Tape 4 & 5 - "Question & Answer Session" by John Schoenheit and Karen Anne Graeser Tape 6 - "The Genuine Vs the Counterfeit" by John Schoenheit Tape 7 - "See it Big; Keep it Simple" by Karen Anne Graeser (Jan '02) 4 Keys to Evaluating Prophetic Guidance Tape $4 CD $6 Prophecy, both personal and corporate, is one of God's provisions for the Church Age, and more and more Christians are embracing prophets and "personal prophecy." With its popularity, however, have come abuses and misunderstandings, and this teaching aims to empower the listener with the keys to evaluating all forms of prophetic guidance. Armed with this knowledge, the Christian need not fear the ministry of a prophet or even false prophets, but can separate truth from error and God's voice from the human element. How to stand responsibly in regard to a prophetic word is also discussed, in order to not bring discredit to God, the ministry of a prophet, or the manifestation of prophecy. By Karen Anne Graeser.
  12. "Tis the night before Christmas and all through the town, Every shelter is full - we are lost but not found, Our numbers are hung on our kennels so bare, We hope every minute that someone will care, They'll come to adopt us and give us the call, "Come here, Max and Sparkie - come fetch your new ball!!" But now we sit here and think of the days... We were treated so fondly - we had cute, baby ways, Once we were little, then we grew and we grew - Now we're no longer young and we're no longer new. So out the back door we were thrown like the trash, They reacted so quickly - why were they so rash? We "jump on the children:, "don't come when they call", We "bark when they leave us", climb over the wall, We should have been neutered, we should have been spayed, Now we suffer the consequence of the errors THEY made. If only they'd trained us, if only we knew... We'd have done what they asked us and worshiped them, too. We were left in the backyard, or worse - let to roam - Now we're tired and lonely and out of a home. They dropped us off here and they kissed us good-bye... "Maybe someone else will give us a try." So now here we are, all confused and alone... In a shelter with others who long for a home. The kind workers come through with a meal and a pat, With so many to care for, they can't stay to chat, They move to the next kennel, giving each of us cheer... We know that they wonder how long we'll be here. We lay down to sleep and sweet dreams fill our heads... Of a home filled with love and our own cozy bed. Then we wake to see sad eyes, brimming with tears - Our friends filled with emptiness, worry and fear. If you can't adopt us and there's no room at the Inn - Could you help with the bills and fill our food bin? We count on your kindness each day of the year - Can you give more than hope to everyone here? Please make a donation to pay for the heat... And help us get us something special to eat. The shelter that cares for us wants us to live, And more of us will, if more people will give.
  13. I'd have to agree it is not Why just the other day I was refinishing a floor, I did the same old thing I always do . I did not like the result. So I did the same old thing I always do again expecting a different result. I got one! a better one actually than I expected. Life is like that sometimes you do the same thing and get different results. Ever baked a cake and had different results doing the same thing? Sometimes we pray and don't get the results we desire and we do the same thing over and over until we do. Why years ago I remember someone who every Sunday went to the same place for months and invited a person to fellowship the results were always the same. Then one day after doing the same thing every Sunday this person changed their mind and came ,still around to this day you probably remember Miss Cool. That person did the same thing expecting different results. And guess what they got them. Well I gota go I need to buy a PowerBall ticket, And yes I am expecting a different result than last time
  14. I sent all the doves flying today it's a beautiful day 63 degrees. Anyone that has requested one it should arrive by Wednesday if it does not let me know. I still have a few left if anyone would like one.
  15. Now Cool it's almost time for Santa Paws to come and if you don't quit talking bad about me yer not going to get that Sony playstation you've been wanting. I'd hate to see a lump of coal in your stocking,besides that it hurts when you walk and throws your back out from walking sideways and all.
  16. But the real question is........... have you trained them to herd PIGS yet? If they can I'll take a dozen or so......
  17. Theme trees are fun to do like Belle's Florida tree. Of course you need room for all these trees. I'd love to do a Greasespot Diner Tree I see it as a fifties, diner, soda fountain,kinda place with coffee cups, and soda glasses,hot dogs and hamburgers, french fries and blue plate specials. and toys from the era like roller skates and saddle shoes and slinkies and hulla hoops of course the Lone Ranger and Tonto would be there and Lucy on the retro TV console and little glass coke bottles. Here are some ornaments I would include. And this one for my sisterdove........... a doxie in a retro crate. And these for a couple of posters we know..............
  18. Hey Belle pay no attention to that strange man behind the curtain. Sometimes the best ornaments are not the most expensive. I have several that my grandmother crocheaed. When I was little in school onr year we made these papers oragami stars and coated them with wax and glitter. My mom used to hang that thing on the tree every year, I used to beg her not to ruin the tree with it, we had so many nice ornaments it just did not fit. But she would put it up each year because it reminded her of me, now I have it to remind me of her,it's come full circle and I understand after all those years why she put it there every year. As styles of decorations have changed through the years we often find ourselves longing for the Christmas tree of our childhood. Each decoration had meaning and was cherished. likeaneagle What a kind offer I'd be proud to hang it on a tree, but I would want your family to have it first if anyone wanted it. Ornaments should stay in the family if possible I think.
  19. P.S. And no Psalmie we are not doing pigs! And yer gettin no piggie from me this year cause you have been nothin but bad to me all year. If yer lucky I'll send you a cherry pie ornament just to remind you of what's headed your way. Of course I'll wait till you got yer new Christmas clothes on before I drop the real pie off ..... MMM I love cherry glaze on my ham.
  20. I know there are a few here that collect Ornaments it's too late for this year but I wondered how many would be interested in starting a GreaseSpot ornament tree. I found a company that will produce custom pieces at a reasonable price we could include the GreaseSpot logo (if Mr. Paw does not mind) on one side and a design on the other each year. I would be in favour of donations going toward running this site if it works out. Before my sisterdove Dovey passed away we exchanged some doves to start a dove tree for her. This year I have 30 G. Duchin Brass Doves dated 2006 that I would like to send off to the first 30 to email me this year. I would like to send these out in memory of Dovey ,Pat Roberge, Jim Doop and other Greasespoters that we have lost along the way. Enclosed is a picture email me if you would like one and I'll get it out.
  21. Put me down as a 23 a compilation of several.
  22. Speaking of Christmas, this annual event presents many opportunities to Hamper. When the human is trying to wrap presents, go for the Paper Mice that hide under the wrapping paper that is on the floor. Do your best to shred their hiding places. Ribbons also make great toys! Be sure to attack the loose ends as the humans struggle to wrap their presents in spite of you. If there are any bows, try to steal them and run under the bed with them. If the human does not give chase (thinking he/she will "sacrifice" one for the sake of peace and quiet), go back and steal another! Snitch the gift tags before the human can put them on the presents, or for more fun, after they put them on. Watch out for sneaky distraction tricks like putting Scotch tape in your fur! Climbing up and lurking in the Christmas tree is also fun (though beware the sticky sap that some have) and makes for a good hiding place, provided you can stay still and not knock off any ornaments. Tinsel garlands make great toys (but not good food). Ornaments are not such great toys, however, because they break into lots of sharp pieces which can cut your feet (not to mention incite yelling fits in the humans).
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