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Everything posted by WhiteDove

  1. I agree David I don't much care what people choose to do these days as long as they don't try to force or impose it on others like they did on us defenseless children growing up. I see no Biblical commandment as to this practice for the church today. I can pretty much get the dust idea from driving by the cemetery anyway. When we were little we used to have to attend mass every day if you were dropped off to school early. We used to skip church and hang out at the drugstore and blend back in line on the playground. On ash Wednesday we forgot about the ash thing so we tried covering our tracks with a cigarette butt, only it did not last very long and we were busted, before we could eat the candy evidence in our pockets. So every Lent I make it a point to eat candy in remembrance of my time in the cult, I find it very freeing! We used to call it lint when the nuns were not around, which given the fact that certain groups of males like to "brush the lint off your pants" perhaps in reflection there was a closer parallel than we knew with the church. That said If depriving oneself of food or other things ,flogging themselves with a whip, or other traditions makes one feel happy or spiritual in life, have at it. Me personally I gave up Lent for Lent years ago, I gotta go a Snickers is calling me.
  2. WARNING TO DOG OWNERS: This week I had the first case in history of raisin toxicity ever seen at MedVet. My patient was a 56-pound, 5 yr old male neutered lab mix who ate half a canister of raisins sometime between 7:30 AM and 4:30 PM on Tuesday. He started with vomiting, diarrhea and shaking about 1:00 AM on Wednesday but the owner didn't call my emergency service until 7:00 AM. I had heard somewhere about raisins AND grapes causing acute Renal failure but hadn't seen any formal paper on the subject. We had her bring the dog in immediately. In the meantime, I called the ER service at MedVet, and the doctor there was like me - had heard something about it, but.... Anyway, we contacted the ASPCA National Animal Poison Control Center and they said to give IV fluids at 1 1/2 times maintenance and watch the kidney values for the next 48-72 hours. The dog's BUN (blood urea nitrogen level) was already at 32 (normal less than 27) and creatinine over 5 (1.9 is the high end of normal). Both are monitors of kidney function in the bloodstream. We placed an IV catheter and started the fluids. Rechecked the renal values at 5:00 PM and the BUN was over 40 and creatinine over 7 with no urine production after a liter of fluids. At the point I felt the dog was in acute renal failure and sent him on to MedVet for a urinary catheter to monitor urine output overnight as well as overnight care. He started vomiting again overnight at MedVet and his renal values have continued to increase daily. He produced urine when given lasix as a diuretic. He was on 3 different anti-vomiting medications and they still couldn't control his vomiting. Today his urine output decreased again, his BUN was over 120, his creatinine was at 10, his phosphorus was very elevated and his blood pressure, which had been staying around 150, skyrocketed to 220. He continued to vomit and the owners elected to euthanize. This is a very sad case - great dog, great owners who had no idea raisins could be a toxin. Please alert everyone you know who has a dog of this very serious risk. Poison control said as few as 7 raisins or grapes could be toxic. Many people I know give their dogs grapes or raisins as treats including our ex-handler's. Any exposure should give rise to immediate concern. Laurinda Morris, DVM Danville Veterinary Clinic Danville, Ohio Here is some more info on this from Snopes Here
  3. Ok I dug out the Way magazines Oakman was correct it was 78 1973 - Sidney 1974 Sidney 1975 - Lima 1976 - Sidney 1977 - Sidney 1978- on The Way International
  4. Sockster 73 ROA was at Sidney as well as 74, 75 was in Lima 76 on at The Way Int. Here is a couple of shots of Pressed Down from 73 not a suit to be found................
  5. Exactly you lumped me into a supposed group that was going to go Jack Chick on you while speaking for me to another poster. I singled out my name from your quote as it was not for me to speak for others and because I take exception to your speaking as to what I will or won't do. Which by the way was not what I did. There was no reason to include me into this list I had made no comment on this thread concerning you or your beliefs. And without going through every past thread I'd say that generally I have limited my comments on the Catholic Church to my point of view due to many years of experience with the church, or recorded facts. I don't believe I have addressed your beliefs . Your preconceived "absolutely confident " apparently was not so absolute after all. I thanked you for what I saw as an attempt to be of help, while answering your question.
  6. Mark I acknowledged that your intentions were to be of help I believe that to be true. I then answered your question it was an attempt to add a little humor in the conversation while doing so. I never addressed your religious beliefs. But since you drug me into the mix...... I realize that you don't care what people think about you or your beliefs, good for you I don't either. Nor do I care what the church wants or not I rarely give it any thought. However this is a board where people do at times express their views of a variety of subjects religion being one of them. Taking my name off some dusty church roll is of little importance to me rates right below picking the lint off my carpet. Obviously you on the other hand have given it some consideration which is fine ,further you offered us all what I'm sure was a genuine offer to change the situation if we so desired. I as I said don't feel the need to do such a thing ,nor did I while in the Way or after. The Roman Catholic church is as much a cult as the Way ever was. It is evil, and believe me with three aunts that were sisters of charity and years of teaching I think I've seen plenty. They have ruined many lives, they are oppressive to their people, don't even get me started with how they treat the nuns, who in turn treat people the same. And priests how many thousands have been destroyed by them. These are not opinions they are facts. That is the Catholic Religions legacy. Religion aside there are many very nice, kind people involved, I'm sure you are among those, the same can be said of the Way. View of religious practices and views of people are not one in the same as I'm sure you know. You make a valid point if you no longer believe in the doctrine then say so and leave. I agree I did just that in both the church and the Way. I've said the same regarding those who stayed in the Way doing things they admit they knew was wrong. When it got to the point I could no longer stand in church and pray that I support the Catholic church I left, and I said what I had to say then .The same was true in the Way. I would submit that there are many who still sit in the church every week and pray that prayer who do not believe what they say, they do not follow church doctrine, or beliefs, I suppose they choke every week also? That is exactly the kind of thinking that I left for, do what you want but boy in church pray your support for the one church. If you are looking for a group to work with I'd suggest you start there.
  7. Thanks Mark I know you were trying to be of help........... Myself I don't really care either, actually I collect lapsed status's Although because they are hard to come by I only have two in my collection. Someday I was hoping to run across a swap meet were I could maybe trade or purchase some additional ones. Hopefully I will be able to do this before getting old and my brain reaches lapsed status, in which case I would have three but most likely would not know it. I do wish those cheap suckers would send out a certificate or letter like the Way did so I could frame it for the wall though.
  8. I don't believe he ever did in PFAL , I don't find that odd though I hear people quote sayings all the time without feeling the need to add a disclaimer at the end of their sentence. Case in point If life gives you lemons you....... What ? I bet everyone knows the rest Who knows who said it and adds that person to their conversation every time they say that. I'm sure he did get it from E. Stanley Jones as I do remember that he mentioned him a few times as a person that he learned from.
  9. Stop it you guys are killing me here! This is your brain This is your brain on Momentus
  10. Hey Jonny enjoy your cash while you can , most likely those Democrats will be pulling the plug on your oil well soon, to save us from certain environmental death no doubt. In which case "you'll be back" just like Arnold. And that's a good thing because I have been making a tidy side income selling your romantic escapade stories to True Confessions. Please return soon I have a car payment to make .
  11. WhiteDove

    Romantic Oldies

    I'm sorry I didn't realize that I left something in your hair...... :blink:
  12. WhiteDove

    Romantic Oldies

    Sniff Sniff..... and here I thought you were making me a Valentine present.
  13. Well Jonny, How about it? do you have any six figure jobs "available" for your old pals?
  14. Here are some links when you get paid including info on Good Seed Send all your money here!
  15. AHH Kathy there is so much more life left, this thread can take a licking and still keep on ticking I just heard a rumor that Jonny is buying a Jonny Rockets franchise with all his loot and starting his own cafe'
  16. It depends on the artist the Pressed Down and Good Seed CD's are just as the albums/tapes were. Which is fine with me, I expected them to be that way, much like Beatle music it reflects the period in which it was done . Some prefer updated versions of songs for the most part the ones I've seen with few exceptions are not an improvement over the original artist. Some way musicians have rerecorded their songs because there was a demand for them on CD. Dean Ellenwood, Dan Moran, Lisa Tracy, Leon Hanson, Brian Bliss, and Tom Burke and a few others. Most of the songs however remain as they were, with some new instrumentation and generally better recording. Many were done in Deans studio and Ken McCaw has been lending a production hand as well. So in the End if you are looking for a rap version of Accidentally you most likely wont find it. One exception Ken McCaw did produce a full marching band version of Standing on Solid Ground that was interesting. Sounds like the old Fleetwood Mack USC band on Tusk. I had never thought of that song as a marching tune but it actually worked well.
  17. I do , but it is another one that I have not got on to CD yet. Also have the other tape that Sue did ...with love, Sue
  18. WhiteDove

    Romantic Oldies

    What I meant was you could look up the titles and get the origionals if you don't like Rod's version most of those were old songs from the 30,40,50s
  19. WhiteDove

    Romantic Oldies

    I can't get out of bed anymore by Whitedove. Ok maybe it is not romantic but I'm old does that count? I wanna rock and roll all night comes to mind by KISS Ok seriously check out the Great American Songbook Collection by Rod Stewart there is a bunch ofthe oldies on those. My favorite The Way You look Tonight.
  20. Cause I got friends in low places I guess.
  21. Thanks also to GOOD SEED for the years of music. By the way if anyone is interested I have a few of the Good Seed Cd's Good Seed, Good Seed 2- Rooted and Grounded,and Fishers of Men. I dont have a bunch but I would guess I could still get some from the guys. They also had a tape of the best of Good Seed I'll see if they have that on disk as well now. The CDs are $15.00 each. Also Ralph Graham contacted me last week about the Pressed Down catalog as well as maybe the One by One album he and Joe did. I would love to carry the PDST&RO music as well in the bookshop. Funny story I was checking mail and listening to the first PD CD when Ralphs email pops up, talk about a interactive CD. Some day I will get the secular album that God Seed did on to CD forget the title the one with the prayer plant on the cover.
  22. I agree Cathy. It amazes me that so much heat can be generated from a simple statement. I swear sometimes I think pages could be generated on the hidden meaning behind the letter "a" Maybe its a slow day at the cafe? Later Jonny ........ Enjoy your financial freedom.
  23. I missed this until now also- I'm very sorry Lisa for your and our loss. George See Ya Forever
  24. Ok if all went well it should be in Sudo's mailbox by the time he is done converting it it will be "just an accident by Bad Seed" Thanks Sudo
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