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Everything posted by WhiteDove
I just got a shipment of Sojos today my vet carries it but with the pet food crisis they were out so I had to order it from them, they ship for free by the way Sojos here
Ok Oak I'll buy that, Maybe... :unsure: Maybe we have more players they just are not on your turf........ YET! either way at least the conditions are not favorable we'll say when you have 15 or twenty people posting at you and you are trying to keep up. I suppose that there are less players due to the nature of the place, the greasespot membership is a very small part of the total exway community most have moved on in life to other adventures that leaves the others who need a support board to congregate here while evaluating their next move. I don't expect to find a majority of posters that have moved on to other things as they are most likely busy with those things. most of them have resolved their exway issues and left them in the past they don't have a need to rehash the "good ole days" They don't have a need to make TWI good or bad it was what it was for each of them, for most a mix, Much like not sitting around talking about the place where you used to work, most just went out and got a new job instead. There are other things on the menu here as well prayer threads, politics, music threads, a place to connect with old friends and lest we forget food fights, these also draw people here from time to time. I don't expect the balance of the board to change anytime soon nor do I expect the opinion to change either but just because a small percent of a large group think one way does not make it truth either. A majority here is a drop in the bucket in the exway community, looks are deceiving because those of the same opinion have congregated in one place.
Come on John you are better than that, I realize that the unlevel playing field can be frustrating at times but that's probably a little over the top. Not that he needs my speaking for him as he is perfectly able to handle it himself, but regardless of what you think of his opinions here, one thing I would not question is his faith.
I do and there were no names on them to associate them with anyone. The reason for enclosing them in an envelope and sending them off without looking them over was to keep the data private, in case you recognized someones handwriting. I believe the data was supposed to be for feedback for direction in future classses, but I don't think that ever happened .
David I'll take two tickets front row for the movie of the week "Demolition Derby" No popcorn for me though......Do you have any hot dogs left?
Well that is good news! as it requires a night before, for a morning after...........
Well? Which morning would that be ?
Well I did not remember it from memory so I checked the CD.
Amen CHOICES CHOICES CHOICES it's all about Choices. Do we respond to what the scriptures say or do we not. One could ask this question another way, Does TWI have to be bad? Do some need it to be bad to make them feel ok about their choices?
So are you too weak in the knees to make it to your computer to post? Now?
We're standing on the W-O-R-D Clap your hands. . . Cause we're a FAM-A-LY The Word is the will of G-O-D Hand-in-hand on The Word we will stand. I'll teach you what I know and together we will grow Clap your hands. . . along The Way Stand up and sing this song you can all sing along It is a hap-py day! We're standing on the W-O-R-D Clap your hands. . . Cause we're a FAM-A-LY The Word is the will of G-O-D Hand-in-hand on The Word we will stand. The Word is the will of G-O-D Hand-in-hand on The Word we will stand.
Why Dogs Don't Live As Long As People ====================================== Being a veterinarian, I had been called to examine a ten-year-old Irish Wolfhound named Belker. The dog's owners, Ron, his wife Lisa, and their little boy, Shane, were all very much attached to Belker and they were hoping for a miracle. I examined Belker and found he was dying of cancer. I told the family there were no miracles left for Belker, and offered to perform the euthanasia procedure for the old dog in their home. As we made arrangements, Ron and Lisa told me they thought it would be good the four-year-old Shane to observe the procedure. They felt as though Shane might learn something from the experience. The next day, I felt the familiar catch in my throat as Belker's family surrounded him. Shane seemed so calm, petting the old dog for the last time, that I wondered if he understood what was going on. Within a few minutes, Belker slipped peacefully away. The little boy seemed to accept Belker's transition without any difficulty or confusion. We sat together for a while after Belker's death, wondering aloud about the sad fact that animal lives are shorter than human lives. Shane, who had been listening quietly, piped up, "I know why." Startled, we all turned to him. What came out of his mouth next stunned me. I'd never heard a more comforting explanation. He said, "People are born so that they can learn how to live a good life like loving everybody all the time and being nice, right?" The four-year-old continued, "Well, dogs already know how to do that, so they don't have to stay as long." Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly.
AWWW Cowgirl you don't need to get me an Easter present, how thoughtful. You don't want to be weak in the knees you'll be falling down all the time when you are running,speaking of which Sudo is right you have been asking some mighty odd questions as of late, me thinks you have been running in circles on that trail by your house a little to long. It's time to come in now and go with the nice man for a little rest. Weak in the knees? hell my leg is still sore from your kicking. Aramis is nice, popular in the seventies. Here is my pick They also make another one called HEAT, that is body activated so the hotter it gets the better it works. Now since it is always frikkin freezing up there in that wasteland you call home I know there will be no heat produced except the bare minimum to keep off the hypothermia. So in a pinch you can just do some jumping jacks while listening to the Dixie Chicks to get it going.
Lucca would like to go, he'll be needing some spiritual partners though to sponsor him. He also has way too expensive tastes so he will be needing a little more than $30.00 to live on as well. Also he can not write so you will not be getting mail .
Exactly right Hap and in addition to changing dates also wach out for times, Some close there business day at 2:00 so if you pay after that while still the due date they charge you a late fee. I just had one reversed this month for that reason. It is about late fees and interest rates.
Ya just had to tell her that didn't you J? Now we'll never here the end of it.
Wow great I'll forward the message on to the one who sent me the note as well. Tell her not to be too hard on herself I have read these lists before many times and somehow missed the grapes thing as well. Lucca has eaten smal amounts with no sign of effects and as I said he loves to play with them before "killing" them as they roll around well. But his grape days are over..........
Ok then...... 1 case of clap coming right up
Oh he is lurking in the shadows , you can bet on it.
Hey Dot In addition to the upgraded police work which they like as they get extra shifts at overtime pay. There is much more one of the first things they did here was installed triple the streetlights to light the place up so no more lurking around in the dark. they also went after the slum lords with the fix it or it gets leveled plan. Once the wrecked houses were down they work with Habitat for Humanity to rebuild new low cost housing in its place. They also offer some low cost loans to repair housing and a 50/50 plan to repair sidewalks owner pays half the city pays half. Business in the area partners with the police in offering free or discounted meals to on duty police so that even if they are not on patrol in the area they drive through on the way to and from eating so there is a constant cycle of cars through the area. It is a whole package of lighting ,patrols, community involvement, loans, code enforcement, housing upgrades, and development. Of course like I said the downside is you have to play by the same rules so your vehicle better be in order as well. They are firm but fair for the most part. I swear I did see a stray cat in cuffs the other day being busted for jaywalking and attempted assault on a bird so nobody gets missed. I was driving through the area after working late the other night and they stopped my work van, for a burned out license plate light. Once they saw the businesses signs on the van they were a little less on guard but they still ran a check on the van and license, insurance and so forth. They also as part of the program get the new flashlights with the alcohol detectors sniffers in the ends so when they shine the light in the car they also sniff it for DUI. Fortunately the Dovevan passed the test and they just told me to get it fixed or rather than the dollar light bulb I would be paying a larger fine and court costs which you pay in Kansas whether you go to court or not. I'm not much on government programs and this one is not a total cure all either but it has turned around this area of town.
Dot you should check into this program part of the program is a grant for money to hire extra police based on community support. One of the things they will do is basically harass the criminals until they leave through traffic stops and patrols. Of course you will also be inconvenienced as well during these stops. They will ticket them for any car violations lights, broken glass, no license on person and so on. If they have no license on them they impound the car also on the spot as well resulting in towing and impound fees. Kids on the street will be stopped and checked for records and moved along For the most part it is a intense concentration on an area until the criminals have no room to move. Here
I was surprised to hear about grapes myself I've given my dog grapes he likes them first to play with then eventually to eat. He experienced no problems but I did not give him large quantities either. The same is true for onions all of our dogs have eaten pizza or spaghetti over the years without problems. I have heard varying opinions on the garlic thing, some pet foods have it in them. Also as far as vitamins and pain killers. The same ingredients are in both that are in the animal versions as long as the dosage works out to be the same they work fine. I say the list is a good rule of thumb and most of the items there is no reason that one would need to feed a dog these things. No more grapes for the fur buddy.