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Everything posted by WhiteDove

  1. Yeah but hardly a fair and balanced one you assume that your opinion regarding fox news is the truth. Lets agree that CNN is more biased.
  2. Hey Rottie it won't help with the leg but you might want to look into this for the future so you don't have the upfront cost all at once. VPI
  3. Ha...... the last time that pig was sweet was when I dumped that jar of honey on her....... Hi Piggie!!!!!
  4. HaHaHaHa....... Rottie you used sweet and Psalmie in the same sentence. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  5. B.G. was invited to HQ by Steve Sann also I believe. This was during corps week. Many corps that day went to visit him and have him pray for them for healing, etc. One of my friends went and was extremely blessed. LCM went ballistic - off his rocker when he heard BG was there. He didn't just grouse, he was furious that BG Leonard had been brought on grounds. I believe he was ordered off, and to leave, or else kept isolated so no other corps could see him. [/quote Exactly Sunesis and as I remember Don whimped out and left Steve holding the bag for bringing him there (I guess he forgot that he suggested it in the first place)
  6. Dang Rottie I'm sorry what a let down for you. Our Golden blew out her leg a while back jumping out of the minivan to chase a squirrel so I know just how fast that can happen. That seems a bit high to fix the leg though I think it was about $1200.00 to reattach the ligament and pin the leg. We had it done at K-State regional vet hospital.
  7. This subject has come up before but thought I'd present this story. Some new research It works like a foot in a sock. Wait Upon the Lord After starting a new diet I altered my drive to work to avoid passing my favorite bakery.? I accidentally drove by the bakery this morning, and as I approached, there in the window were a host of goodies.?? I felt this was no accident, so I prayed ... "Lord, it's up to you, if you want me to have any of those delicious goodies, create a parking place for me directly in front of the bakery." And sure enough, on the eighth time around the block, there it was! God is so Good!"
  8. Ha now I wonder WHO could that be? .........Don't encourage her the place has been nice and clean as of late. I bet Paw has saved a bundle on cleaning costs.........
  9. HUA Chas here is a link for a shelter that specializes in long distance adoptions. I got my dog there but drove up to pick him up as it is only two hours away. The lady that does the flights just had a write-up in their newsletter she had just reached some number in dog flights like a thousand or so. She keeps a picture of each dog on her wall at home where they stay the night before their flight to their new home.
  10. Don't watch the show but I wouldn't miss her. If I never saw her face again it would not bother me at all.
  11. I hate paying that bill every month for the alarm system. I'm thinking of trying this method. HOW TO INSTALL A HOME SECURITY SYSTEM 1. Go to a second-hand store and buy a pair of men's used size 14-16 workboots. 2. Place them on your front porch, along with a copy of Guns & Ammo magazine. 3. Put a few giant dog dishes next to the boots and magazine. 4. Leave a note on your door that reads: Hey Bubba. Big Jim, Duke and Slim went for more ammunition. Back in an hour. Don't mess with the pit bulls--they attacked the mailman this morning and messed him up real bad. I don't think Killer took part in it but it was hard to tell from all the blood. Anyways, I locked all four of 'em in the house. Better wait outside.
  12. Perhaps Ex10 would like to share the story of how he was recieved at the Way. T are you around? If I remember correctly also I believe that Steve Sann had a part in him being there I think it was Steve with Don Wierwille's approval who invited him. I know Steve is a grad of BG's class.
  13. Oh No!!!............... tell me you just did not just say that....... Yer gonna be in trouble...........
  14. Notta Sojos will ship the food to your door for free, it is the same price that the vet charges for it. Here is their links Sojos and here
  15. I made Lucca a fresh spinach salad last night the same thing I ate so I guess we will both go if it is bad. He is the craziest dog ,I have never had a dog that likes fresh vegetables before. Hopefully the produce is fine it came from the river market in Kansas City, we stopped by while I was there last weekend to see Rod Stewart. Lucca did slap back on some BBQ ribs while there as well. No beer for him though he is way too young to drink
  16. It did appear that way but a good deal of the secrets relied on figures of speech from Bullinger Orientalisms from Pillai and lots of basic concordance work.
  17. Coolchef Sorry but I am far to busy to take time and compile a list of learning from the Corps Nights. I might be inclined to attempt it if there was a point to it other than fodder for more discussion that I don't have time to engage in. I don't know if you misunderstood or not everyone's experience is "what it is" . My point was /is that one can not make a statement of fair evaluation based on a handful of posts. In fact even without the duplicate posts 84 posts is less than 5% of the GreaseSpot membership opinion. In terms of the 100,000 or so that were involved with the Way it is ,well too miniscule a number to count to reach such a conclusion. It is a bit like thinking you would get a fair evaluation of a business - by polling the few people in the customer complaint line rather than the many satisfied customers in the store as well. Brainwashed Really? If you let your brain be washed I suppose that would be who's choice? Really if you look at the majority of the material from the Corps nights it is simply using basic research books to view scripture it was nothing unique to VPW. Obviously there was some wrong and some right learning in the mix I don't know anyone that would dispute that fact. And certainly one could dispute if the knowledge was beneficially applied in a persons life or not, I'd guess each case differed.
  18. Or not ... If one wanted a fair evaluation you might include a few replies not from a exway board where a very small percentage of exway followers gather with predominantly negative feelings about their experience. Hardly a fair cross-section to make such a evaluation from I'd think. I bet Way followers would think that Greasespot is a failure,but that does not make it so does it? I would expect as much from them, I expect bettter here.
  19. I guess you don't get it It's not the money, Someone in the business of providing service to animals was more interested in his stock than Oh maybe getting a recall out and saving some lives. That's the big deal........ And if the money was peanuts why was it so important to him to get the stock dumped? Apparently when the peanuts are his it is a big deal.... Yeah he's sorry he got busted!
  20. Whitey who you calling Whitey? I'm outraged at this racial slur, I think Oakman should be banned from Greasespot for his insensitive remark. I'm ruined and discouraged for life and I will never be able to rise above this image of me that was thrust upon me (although I might feel better if I had a little cash) Where is Al and the rainbow man when I need him? How long must I suffer this outrage?
  21. Now the real story ........ Never mind a few more pets are dying I got my stock to liquidate first... This really ....es me off Read Here
  22. Psychotherapy? Did someone say Melanie?...... Psychotherapy Artist or band: Safka Melanie ----------------------------------------------- Oh mine eyes have seen the glory of the theories of Freud, He has taught me all the evils that my ego must avoid. Repression of the impulses resuling paranoid As the id goes marching on. Glory glory psychotherapy, glory glory sexuality, Glory glory now we can be free as the id goes marching on There was a man who thought his friends to him were all superior And this complex he imagined made life drearier and drearier Till his analyst assured him that he really was inferior As the id goes marching on. Glory glory psychotherapy, glory glory sexuality, Glory glory now we can be free as the id goes marching on Do you drown your superego in a flood of alcohol - or something else - And go running after women till you're just about to fall. You may think you're having fun but you're not having fun at all As the id goes marching on. Glory glory psychotherapy, glory glory sexuality, Glory glory now we can be free as the id goes marching on Oh sad is the masochism, the vagaries of sex Have turned half the population into total nervous wrecks. But your analyst will cure you, long as you can pay the check's As the id goes marching on. Glory glory psychotherapy, glory glory sexuality, Glory glory now we can be free as the id goes marching on Is your body plagued by aches and pains that you can't understand Compound fractures ingrown toenails, floating kidneys, trembling hands, There's a secret to your trouble: you're in love with your old man As the id goes marching on. Glory glory psychotherapy, glory glory sexuality, Glory glory now we can be free as the id goes marching on Freud's mystic world of meaning needn't have us mystified It's really very simple what the psyche tries to hide: A thing is a phallic symbol if it's longer than it's wide As the id goes marching on. Glory glory psychotherapy, glory glory sexuality, Glory glory now we can be free as the id goes marching on.
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