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Everything posted by WhiteDove

  1. Thats very nice of Paw to pick up Mrs. Psalmie on the way........
  2. That sounds like fun,but it might be a bit out of David and my range for travel for a day. You might contact Kev*n and S*ra at CFF they are out traveling, and see if they are going to be around your area or would like to come.
  3. I couldn't find the CFF thread in a search so I just started a new one. Last Saturday night I went to Kansas City actually just north by Bowtwi's house,( did you hear us singing for you Bow?) for a CFF get together and to see Kevin & S*ra Wi*rwill* Gu*gou. I had not seen S*ra for at least 20 years and we had some time for a nice talk about a variety of things. We grilled burgers and sat around the campfire pit and enjoyed each others company. Kevin did a short sharing on some things he had been thinking about. I brought along another person with me who played guitar so we sat around the fire for at least an hour and sang some old songs. I think we rewrote some of the lyrics (that we could not remember.) Of course later on we finished the night up with S'mores. I must say it has been awhile since I have had a more enjoyable evening. I know that there are those here that have their issues with CFF and as a group they have their moments for me as well at times. But what a good time with old friends, the evening reminded me very much of some of those early 70s fellowship get togethers we had all those years ago.... In watching her speak and her mannerisms I sure noticed a lot of her mother in S*ra. Sorry Jonny I did not think to ask about the poodle mystery.
  4. I knew that you and the Mrs. know Anthony when I saw your post I was surprised that you were not aware it was them. The website was setup and included in the deal so I don't know if they added some items to the searching or if it was already there I have not noticed it until recently on GreaseSpot so I tend to think they may have reworked the site. But I do not know. Dolores was the previous owner. I believe that they get the books from the Way Int. They are selling some on a limited basis to people now. Oh and they get their CD's the same place I do from the artists Good Seed sells their old music.
  5. Sudo the Belizean BRC Anthony and Amy recently bought the bookstore from Delores she started it as a part time hobby and it became full time work. She was looking for someone to take it and keep it running I considered it but in the end declined having already absorbed the inventory of another store The Red Thread Bookstore also California based years ago, I did buy some of her inventory for ours though and Anthony took the rest.
  6. I have no clue what they do or will do today , but in the past they have recognized Memorial Day. If you check the SNS tapes you may find some #1072 Memorial Day;Ascension had a Presentation of Colors followed by Dean Ellenwoods song Freedoms Soil, and Star Spangled Banner,
  7. I'd agree with that Rascal as far as donations they should be a proper steward of peoples gifts, although in a practical sense it may be hard to do unless you sit on a financial board for the group. I've yet to find many groups where money does not find its way to other places. As far a classes and other products they are a free market product you buy it or not . Much like a bottle of water I don't get to control the money once I buy it ,the corporation does. As a consumer if I don't like what the corporation does then I can choose to buy another brand of water. But I don't fault the company for charging for their product, life is not free. And I'll add once again learning is not dependent on the instructors lifestyle. If one were to need info on how to repair a chainsaw, the best thing to do is find the best source to do so. You learn because they can teach you not because they fit your idea of morality. I know very little of my school teachers lifestyle's but what they taught me is still none the less true. I do know one who eventually was sent away for his lifestyle choice but none the less the math he taught still is true and still works regardless.
  8. Gee Roy ! Thanks but no thanks I never considered myself to be a robot nor do I wish to be reprogramed or programed for that matter.
  9. Actually God is the purpose not the wrapper around another product. The point of there being a product as you refer to it, is to develop your understanding and relationship with Him by growing in your understanding of a subject. Much the same way we become better humans and better at serving mankind by developing ourselves through educational classes. Which by the way most people charge for.
  10. Then again thats about three or four maybe good cups of coffee at a coffee shop, not exactly anything one could live on now is it? It is a small price to pay which by the way goes mostly for costs in developing more classes and materials. Life costs money ...... No ones making anybody sign on it's there if one wants it not if you don't. Check out licence agreements in the real world if you want to see a real scam.
  11. Except that even if Christ was the head someone has to conduct the day to day work here in this world. We refer to those people figuratively in business as the head. To assume that just because for conversation purposes that someone is refered to as head means that Christ is not, is not necessarily true. But then I suppose that you knew that already and just wanted to take the cheap shot anyway.
  12. This might be for the MP3 disk sets of all of the SNS and tape of the months taught by VPW. although not copyrighted they may be trying to force the issue and wear down the opposition with their money and attorneys.
  13. That would be pig mail not snail mail david and unless you want your letters to arrive with a side of pig slop and smelling ever so nice I'd suggest another service.
  14. Shell Perhaps I can be of help many many years ago I worked in a mail room , most people don't know but there have always been regulations for mail size and weight there has also been an additional cost for oversized letters. Ha leave it to the post office to write a handy simple to use guide for all to use Handy"simple" guide If you ask at your postal window I bet that they have an updated wall chart with a grid where you can place your letter on and it will tell you which catogory your letter falls in . If that does not work for you I have some friends that specalize in air mail so to speak although all letters flying south only are delivered in the winter. David the clasps get bent up when going through the machines to sort and jam up the machine and the line which results in downtime for the whole line thats why.
  15. WhiteDove


    Hey Holly I hope you are not going to mark and avoid us.... So if I see you around at the bar can I still give ya the secret ex-twi handshake?
  16. Way to go Psalmie Good job! Now about the food....... I know where there is lots of ham, pork chops, and bacon.
  17. I agree Chatty ,we all know we can't spell ,we just don't need everyone else to know as well.
  18. And you forgot 1 to ask why do we really need to change the light bulb anyway ? Maybe some of us like him the way he is . What are you the light bulb monitor? Leave him alone he is not hurting anybody Geeze.......
  19. WhiteDove

    Way Music

    Another song along the same line Father and Child - Claudettee Royal
  20. WhiteDove

    Way Music

    Enclosed are the copyright dates for Acts 29/Bob Stanley music due to production they may have run over to the next year for release but I think they were mostly the same year. Except God First I believe was released maybe in 1987 it missed the 87 bookstore catalog but made the 88 one. "Acts 29", by Bob Stanley, 1983 "Ready for Anything", by Bob Stanley and Acts 29, 1984 "It's Hot", by Acts 29 1985. "God First," by Acts 29. 1986
  21. I was invited to pray, and darned if by the end of the night I wasn't praying that the night would not end. Well that and that the bless patrol would not be by to "bless us" .
  22. It may be cheaper than you think I'd guess you will be in the $25.00 - $30.00 per month bracket you can get an quote at the online site. You are right about getting it young as they will write out preexisting conditions. I just had some dental work done on Lucca and I'm already ahead for the year in what I pay. and it's only April.
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