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Everything posted by WhiteDove

  1. Larry Rod was as animated as always, not his usual band but very good as well. He brought along Katja the German Sax player Katja who he gave a lot of play time to as well as sold her new CD. Played a lot of older Faces songs. None from the American Songbook series. A couple from the new CD ( not his best work) he has plenty of talent he does not need to do cover songs. Also the Bagpipers pre show was a nice touch Everyone..... My concern was that we not equate making money with having your head up your ............ I saw Walter and Joyce a few years back they were traveling, visiting, and teaching. They had a itinerary all mapped out and were driving in a little camper much like the Winegarner's did years ago. While older and greyer he was very much the same ole Walter, he was not flying in and staying at some fancy hotel, the camper and his pipe were enough for him. I don't remember the exact event cost but it was in the 25-30 dollar weekend rate, most of it I'd say went to the hotel for the room and refreshment service. Things New and Renewed was interesting though not earth shattering Figures of Speech was a sleeper at least for me. I'm sure Walter knew what he was talking about but it was tough to follow, Walters not your riveting public speaker but a great guy none the less. One thing for sure he was doing what he liked to do because he wanted to ,he can go where and when he wants, I think he is enjoying his post way life although I'm sure it was rough at first. As I said I think his book publication cost may be high due to the low volume of copies compared to other Christian best sellers, but I don't know just a guess. Either way he looked happy and very much down to earth and if selling a few books helps him to make ends meet I can live with that .
  2. Hey you can pass or think about it all you want I have no stake in it either way Larry asked, I answered his question. My guess is that the size 680 pages and the small amount that he probably ordered for a hardbound book run he most likely was in a fairly high cost bracket per book. While I'm sure he is not loosing any money on the deal I suppose that was the point in doing the book at least in part, to make money. Much like everybody else. Either way it's a free market who cares? I just spent $175.00 for tickets to Rod Stewart who sang for about 90 minutes, my choice I could have bemoaned the fact that I could have bought all his CDs for that price, but it was my choice , He also was making money So what? no one forced me to buy the tickets Walters book is not for everyone which is fine. Perhaps the real issue is maybe some are jealous that he can market a book for that kind of money and you can't. PS I don't think the book comes with any blessings that would be the Catholics that sell blessings they have the market pretty much cornered on that scam.
  3. Books You can get the books here looks like they only have one listed now maybe they are just restocking Walter moved from New Breman to Franklin Ohio I have a address and phone for him I believe that he is still traveling teaching some classes Things New and Renewed Figures of Speech another one on enjoying the scriptures don't remember the name.
  4. Mr. Squirrel Thought you might enjoy Dylans nod to your classic blues song by Memphis Minnie and Kansas Joe McCoy (you may be familiar with the Zeppelin version.) With lines like....... They can't take me back unless I want 'em to........ Some of these people gonna strip you of all they can take and Some of these people don't know which road to take It may speak to you as well. He'll be here next month cain't wait to hear it live........ The Levee gonna break Bob Dylan If it keep on rainin', the levee gonna break If it keep on rainin', the levee gonna break Everybody saying this is a day only the Lord could make Well, I worked on the levee, Mama, both night and day I worked on the levee, Mama, both night and day I got to the river and I threw my clothes away I paid my time and now I'm good as new, I paid my time and now I'm as good as new. They can't take me back unless I want 'em to If it keep on rainin', the levee gonna break If it keep on rainin', the levee gonna break Some of these people gonna strip you of all they can take I can't stop here I ain't ready to unload I can't stop here I ain't ready to unload Riches and salvation can be waiting behind the next bend in the road I picked you up from the gutter and this is the thanks I get I picked you up from the gutter and this is the thanks I get You say you want me to quit ya, I told ya, 'No, not just yet.' Well, I look in your eyes, I see nobody other than me I look in your eyes, I see nobody other than me I see all that I am and all I hope to be If it keep on rainin', the levee gonna break If it keep on rainin', the levee gonna break Some of these people don't know which road to take When I'm with you, I forget I was ever blue When I'm with you, I forget I was ever blue Without you there's no meaning in anything I do Some people on the road carryin' everything that they own Some people on the road carryin' everything they own Some people got barely enough skin to cover their bones Put on your cat clothes, mama, put on your evening dress Put on your cat clothes, mama, put on your evening dress Few more years of hard work, then there'll be a 1,000 years of happiness If it keep on rainin', the levee gonna break If it keep on rainin', the levee gonna break I tried to get you to love me, but I won't repeat that mistake If it keep on rainin', the levee gonna break If it keep on rainin', the levee gonna break Plenty of cheap stuff out there and still around that you'll take I woke up this morning, butter and eggs in my bed I woke up this morning, butter and eggs in my bed I ain't got enough room to even raise my head. Come back, baby, say we never more will part Come back, baby, say we never more will part Don't be a stranger with no brain or heart If it keep on rainin', the levee gonna break If it keep on rainin', the levee gonna break Some people still sleepin', some people are wide Sample
  5. Are you discussing a song or a literal here if a literal then the ones I have read Philippians 4:13 "I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Christ who infuses me with inner strength." VPW I don't see where Christ was dropped looks like it is there.
  6. Raf it was foreknowledge I just knew that you would have a valid point at some point on this subject And now you do............. you are not brothers............ Point Taken
  7. Raf has a valid point here the literals seemed to change from year to year even depending on the person teaching the Corps notes. I will say in the case of Philippians the literals I have read as Philippians 4:13 "I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Christ who infuses me with inner strength." VPW The Aramaic reds I believe "I find strength for everything in the Messiah who strengthens me."
  8. Craig did teach a U of L course The courses mostly consisted of edited Corps night presentations. The University of Life Courses are Thessalonians, Ephesians ,Romans pt1, Romans pt2, Timothy - Taught by VPW Figures of speech - Thomas M Reahard The Renewed Mind - Walter Cummins One God - John Lynn Acts Eight Great Statements - L Craig Martindale
  9. I think Hooner is refering to the literals from Corps nights generally at the end of each chapter of notes is a literal derived from working the verses line by line. The only other set of literals that were as such ,a set that I remember were the Pastorial Epistles An English int'erlinear to the Pesh itta Version of the Aramaic New Testament. Which covered Timothy Titus and Philemon They were given out at Corps Week 85 edited for nasty word filter.............
  10. Belle Belle Belle :blink: what am I going to do with you, looks like someone needs to sit through music 101 again. Beatles....Bee Gees, well at least you got the B part right and didn't think it was the Simpsons You did know it was not the Simpsons didn't you? Right?..............Hello?............Tell me you did.............Belle? ..............
  11. White Rabbits are counterfeits of White Doves anyway...........
  12. Cover - who are these people? Album cover See also: List of images on the cover of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band The Grammy Award-winning album packaging was created by art director Robert Fraser, mostly in collaboration with McCartney, designed by Peter Blake, his wife Jann Haworth, and photographed by Michael Cooper. It featured a colourful collage of life-sized cardboard models of famous people on the front of the album cover; and, as a bow to the interest that Beatles songs now inspired, the lyrics were printed on the back cover, the first time this had been done on a pop LP. The Beatles themselves, in the guise of the Sgt. Pepper band, were dressed in eye-catching custom-made military-style outfits made of satin dyed in day-glo colours. The suits were designed by Manuel Cuevas.[4] Among the insignia on their uniforms are: MBE medals on McCartney's and Harrison's jackets, which were given to them by the queen of Britain The Royal Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom, on Lennon's right sleeve Ontario Provincial Police flash on McCartney's sleeve Art director Robert Fraser was a prominent London art dealer who ran the Indica Gallery. He had become a close friend of McCartney's and it was only at his strong urging that the group abandoned their original cover design, a psychedelic painting by The Fool. Fraser was one of the leading champions of modern art in Britain in the 1960s and beyond. He argued strongly that the Fool artwork was not well-executed and that the design would soon be dated. He convinced McCartney to abandon it, and offered to art-direct the cover; it was Fraser's suggestion to use an established fine artist and he introduced the band to a client, noted British 'pop' artist Peter Blake, who, in collaboration with his wife, created the famous cover collage, known as "People We Like". The couch gag for The Simpsons episode "Bart After Dark", which is a parody of the album cover.[5]According to Blake, the original concept was to create a scene that showed the Sgt. Pepper band performing in a park; this gradually evolved into its final form, which shows the Beatles, as the Sgt. Pepper band, surrounded by a large group of their heroes, rendered as lifesized cut-out figures. Also included were wax-work figures of the Beatles as they appeared in the early '60s, borrowed from Madame Tussauds. The wax figures appear to be looking down on the word "Beatles" spelled out in flowers as if it were a grave, and it has been speculated that this symbolises that the innocent mop-tops of yesteryear were now dead and gone. At their feet were several affectations from the Beatles' homes including small statues belonging to Lennon and Harrison, a small portable TV set and a trophy. A young delivery boy who provided the flowers for the photo session was allowed to contribute a guitar made of yellow hyacinths. Although it has long been rumoured that some of the plants in the arrangement were cannabis plants, this is untrue. Also included is a doll wearing a sweater in homage to the Rolling Stones (who would return the favour by having the Beatles hidden in the cover of their own Their Satanic Majesties Request LP later that year). The collage depicted more than 70 famous people, including writers, musicians, film stars and (at Harrison's request) a number of Indian gurus. Starr reportedly made no contribution to the design. The final grouping included Marlene Dietrich, W.C. Fields, Diana Dors, Bob Dylan, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Sigmund Freud, Aleister Crowley, Edgar Allan Poe, Karl Marx, Oscar Wilde, Marlon Brando, Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy, and controversial comedian Lenny Bruce. Also included was the image of the original Beatles bass player, the late Stuart Sutcliffe. Pete Best said in a later NPR interview that Lennon borrowed family medals from his mother Mona for the shoot, on condition he not lose them. Adolf Hitler was requested by Lennon, but the cardboard printout of Hitler was placed behind the Beatles themselves and cannot be seen in the final photograph. It can, however, be seen in place as well as leaning against the wall in several photographs taken of the photoshoot. A photo also exists of a rejected cardboard printout with a cloth draped over its head; its identity is unknown, but may possibly be Elvis Presley. Even now, co-creator Jann Haworth regrets that so few women were included [1]. The entire list of people on the cover can be found at List of images on the cover of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. The package was also one of the first 'gatefold' album covers, that is, the album could be opened like a book, to reveal a large picture of the Fab Four in costume against a yellow background. The reason for the gatefold was that The Beatles planned to fill two LPs for the release. The designs had already been approved and sent to be printed when they realized they would only have enough material for one LP. Originally the group wanted the album to include a package with pins, pencils and other small Sgt. Pepper goodies but this proved far too cost-prohibitive. Instead, the album came with a page of cut-outs, with a description in the top left corner: SGT. PEPPER CUT-OUTS Moustache Picture card of Sgt. Pepper Stripes Badges Stand-up of the band The special inner sleeve, included in the early pressings of the LP, featured a multi-coloured psychedelic pattern designed by the Fool. The collage created legal worries for EMI's legal department, which had to contact the people who were still living to obtain their permission. Mae West initially refused — famously asking "What would I be doing in a lonely heart's club?" — but she relented after the Beatles sent her a personal letter. Actor Leo Gorcey requested payment for inclusion on the cover, so his image was removed. An image of Mohandas Gandhi was also removed at the request of EMI (it was actually just obscured by a palm tree), who had a branch in India and were fearful that it might cause offence there. Lennon had, perhaps facetiously, asked to include images of Jesus Christ and Adolf Hitler, but these were rejected because they would almost certainly have generated enormous controversy. Most of the suggestions for names to be included came from McCartney, Lennon and Harrison, with additional suggestions from Blake and Fraser (Starr demurred and let the others choose). Beatles manager Brian Epstein (who died just after the album's release) had serious misgivings, stemming from the scandalous U.S. Butcher Cover controversy the previous year, going so far as to give a note reading “Brown paper bags for Sgt. Pepper” to Nat Weiss as his last wish. The collage was assembled by Blake and his wife during the last two weeks of March 1967 at the London studio of photographer Michael Cooper, who took the cover shots on March 30, 1967 in a three-hour evening session. The final bill for the cover was £2,868 5s/3d, a staggering sum for the time — it has been estimated that this was 100 times the average cost for an album cover in those days
  13. It was 40 years ago today Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band was released . It took 129 days and over 700 hours of recording to complete. It is often cited the most influential album of all time by prominent critics and publications, ranking number 1 on Rolling Stone's The 500 Greatest Albums of All Time. The Grammy Award-winning album packaging was created by art director Robert Fraser, mostly in collaboration with McCartney, designed by Peter Blake, his wife Jann Haworth, and photographed by Michael Cooper. It featured a colourful collage of life-sized cardboard models of famous people on the front of the album cover; and, as a bow to the interest that Beatles songs now inspired, the lyrics were printed on the back cover, the first time this had been done on a pop LP Info
  14. I was hoping I could be a Greasespot by midnight but hard as I have tried I can't seem to come back as one.
  15. Like I said I think the decision is a fair one. What I do find interesting is that an organization that says "The display of religious symbols and the spread of religious messages belongs to America’s clergy and their houses of worship." Courts, city halls and other units of government should refrain from displaying religious symbols because such actions send the message that the state has a favored religion and that people who do not share that faith are second-class citizens. had a lawsuit against the government to make them display religious symbols. One would have thought they would have asked that no symbols be paid for that would be the separation of church and state that they seem to stand for. But I guess if it is a Wicca and/or Pagan symbol that makes it ok. So I guess that makes those who don't get a holy spirit dove or a Way Tree are second class citizens because clearly the government favors pentacles on their list but the don't allow doves or trees, but the Americans United don't care to help with that because why? Wrong symbol........
  16. Not sure where you got the ten years It looks like Sgt. Patrick Stewart, was killed in combat in Afghanistan in 2005;Either way like I said Do one ,Do them all. One could just as easily blame the Clinton Administration they did not change it during their tenure either. The point was I doubt that the Americans United’s attorneys will lift a finger to see that done it is not on their agenda.
  17. I agree, not that I want one anywhere near my marker. Do one, do them all..... I say. Now to be fair and balanced I wanna know when the Way Tree is going to be approved? And I wanna see as much uproar as there was for the Wiccan symbol.
  18. What if his view the writter is many view Then his words would reflect that. I have not seen where that is the case from scripture. If you are asking about individual cases yes I believe that circumstances have altered His will not always for the better, but I do not believe that He is double minded. what if he wrote it to help us when we are living by our five senses and when we are living spiritual Of course He did we were all living by the senses and not doing a very good job of it at that. That does not mean His view changes quite the opposite our view does. There are plenty of scripture references that tell us not to live by the flesh The purpose of scripture is not to perfect the flesh but to transform our view to a spiritual view. what if he wanted it to be personal help and all so be for the whole family help Ok, that does not again mean His view changes For instance My view might be - It is good to be kind to people..... an individual could benefit from that view as could a family or the family. Either way my view remains the same - it is good to help people.
  19. I'd say the author of the Bible is right His book, His words, His view.
  20. Thanks Sudo for adding the previous thread and the explanation.
  21. WhiteDove

    Datin' forum

    Free here is the link for Diane's site Likeminded Singles
  22. I don't know Carol but I suspect they will. After all you have written I don't have a clue what you are talking about which is fine . I may be wrong but I bet that I am not the only one. All this back and forth drama between the parties I may tell you but then again I wont , to me just makes people ask the obvious question or questions what the f**k are they talking about? Just a thought here and I am not saying that people need to settle their differences here in the open for us all, but if you are going to, don't assume the world knows what you are talking about. I'm p*ssed off at ________ because__________ works for me Once the unfortunate victim is completely isolated, deprived of defenders, nothing can protect her or him from the aroused crowd. Everyone can set upon the victim without having to fear the least reprisal." You may feel this way but really I doubt that everyone else does again I may be wrong but I doubt it ,there are a variety of people and opinions here that's one thing for sure that I do know Hope all is well with you.......
  23. WhiteDove

    Sex and Drugs

    Tuesday, May 22, 2007 Public High School Assembly Speaker Promotes Sex & Illegal Drug Use to Teens! Yet another outrageous but true incident of government schools infringing on parental rights and promoting irresponsible behavior to young impressionable minds: Boulder High School in Boulder, CO recently held a mandatory student assembly sponsored by the University of Colorado's "Conference for World Affairs". The CWA sounds like it ought to be a forum for discussing international events and public policy similar to Harvard's JFK Jr. Forum. Instead, this panel was called "STDs: Sex, Teens and Drugs". Students as young as 14 were required to attend and listen to Professor Joel Becker of UCLA make the outrageous comment: "I am going to encourage you to have sex and encourage you to use drugs appropriately....I want to encourage you to all have healthy, sexual behavior. Men with men, women and women, whatever combination you would like." When Boulder High School sophomore Daphne White and her mom Priscilla complained to the school board, the board president Helayne Jones told Mrs. Jones to stop reading excerpts from the assembly because Ms. Jones deemed the language "inappropriate." This is the same language that Boulder High School administrators allowed students to hear during the assembly! Audio
  24. WhiteDove

    Datin' forum

    Now Free what gave you the idea some of us have baggage?
  25. Sorry Bow I should have stopped by or called. Bad Bird !!!!! I'll make a note next time, I did not read mine either Kenny called a few days before to let me know. There were some teens that the princess would have had fun hanging with, they hung around for the food and part of the campfire then split to do their own thing. Yes Free it was......
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