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Everything posted by WhiteDove
WG please share it with us if you do. WW Thanks I thought so as well I thought I might post the link to our website as well. Hill's Bark Park
I thought I would share a letter from a local pastor I received this week that he distributed to his church over the Fourth of July Holiday. An interesting perspective of our dog park letter_to_dog_park.pdf
Oak It's dishonest to leave someone with the impression that VPW and Hitler or Dahmer are somehow similar in nature due to some small point of comparison. If you want to compare them in some small point then define your parameters for your comparison. Most people realize that this is dishonest and in poor taste which is why our president got an apology for the exact same thing. here
Or he could just say I just look alot like this guy Nah I would be ok with that ,I would not be insulted in the least
Gee Oldies now you can compare me to a liar anytime you want after all it is only a figure of speech, only a comparson, not really literal as you are not calling me a liar in exactly all points.
Dan Moran did Magnify the Name of The Lord it is also on the We've Got It All Tape I have a file if someone wants to post it for Excathedra.
It's ok David even Bob has said he can't sing. Here 's one for you" Bob has a voice like an angel.".........
Yep and when he came here with the light bearers the wedding ring came off into his pocket, and the same same s**t went on.
Last time I was there the signatures were still there I believe that they planned to leave them as part of the history of the building.
Yes Waysider Word over Kansas I think the Minutemen were in 1976 . Not sure if they continued past then or not.
Kansas had Fellowlaborers as well. in the 70's also WOK summer outreach ambassadors
What is your non-spiritual, non-relgious stress reliever?
WhiteDove replied to Tony Soprano's topic in Open
Even after all these years like the sun by day and a star by night you are still a shining light in my life. I'm sorry we never got the time to see the star..... but then life is not over yet I guess EH? -
What is your non-spiritual, non-relgious stress reliever?
WhiteDove replied to Tony Soprano's topic in Open
Hey You ! Perhaps looking for the cowgirl star? Did you ever find it? -
Just an observation but, It looks like you have answered your own question there tell us what you think about the girls that Wierwille dragged into the back of the motorcoach If he had to drag them to the back of the motercoach then they would not be willing participants now would they? If they were willling on the other hand they would have walked there one would think. You have predetermined the answer to your question when you offered one option on how they got there dragged. It would be imposible to give any other logical answer than the one you wanted to hear, by your predetermined question. sorta like saying a willing murder victim ................
Hey Raf if you can do it your by one of the great unspoiled wonders of the world The Biobay just off the coast by ferry to Vieques Enchanted Island Here You can do this......
Sorry but this question just begs to be asked...... Will it be obvious that his offshoot will just take all of his teachings at face value and not ascess them as well?
Hey Tom I do not perceive your question that way that way at all. I defend Chris as I would anyone else that I felt I had enough input for to do so who was getting misrepresented. My interest is in that he gets a fair and balanced ,honest evaluation. Part of that is considering each topic or subject on it's own merit. For example someone may not like me personally but what I may speak may still be truth. that does not give them the right because they don't like me to make .... up and say what they like or misrepresent what I may say. They can not like me all they want their choice and right but they should be honest in what is truth. I feel that John is less than honest in many of his comments it may be purposeful or it may be accidental. Personally from what I see so far I believe it to be the first option, that may change with more information of which I must say he has failed to provide. There are several reasons why that may have happened as well some of which may be he is too busy or maybe doesn't see the value in it. By the same standard I acknowledged that much of the information on his site was in fact factually correct as well. I called into question that which to me appears not to be. A reasonable request as everyone's statements here are often called into question mine as well as some think honest or fair is pro TWI. Even though it is not the same thing. I full well agree that I took exception with some little points in his words, but little words often change big impressions of how one perceives ones words. I don't for the record consider John's work blaspheme of TWI I do consider it to be factually inaccurate in places and as such misleading or at least implying such a course. My thought patterns are just that thoughts no more no less.. Being Christian in belief I try although not always accomplish admittedly to think according to biblical standards, which by the way does not mean taking one verse that supports the cause. Biblical thought patterns are not TWI thought patterns they are learned from and supported from the BIBLE., they are biblical in foundation although some of the patterns that were learned in TWI in fact were biblical. That makes them just that not TWI thought patterns. The parts of John's work or any others that speak truthfully I have no contention with, it is no secret that all in Way world is not happy. I accept that as well, although I don't feel I need to keep discussing it every moment, day or hour the rest of my life. Once it is established do what you can or need to with the info and move on along, at whatever speed you need to as well. Really though at some point we all hope for progress if an individual is not progressing then perhaps another avenue for advancement is needed. Regarding Chris Geer's character. 1. it was not the subject of the discussion, 2. I don't have a desire to pass judgment on his life I don't see that as a biblical action. 3. Even if I did want to pursue such a matter I don't feel I have enough factual truth to do so, so I'll refrain. I don't just make .... up because I don't like someone. So Tom the long and short of it is speak honestly and fairly without bias and I'll have no "problems" (see not a way thought pattern I did not say opportunities). Misrepresent the truth and you may just hear from me.
.Mark has it correct Jonny, the campus center was used for a number of years by the VFW I believe as their local post they did bingo in the sunlight room, but have since moved. The circle drive is also cut off due to the rebuilding The plan was to offer Kenyon to the city by the developer who is from here in my town Topeka. They need a auditorium for the city you may remember they came to the campus while the restoration was taking place to see the work they had at one time intended to restore the William Allen White facility in town but lacked the funds to do so.
White Dove, While I can appreciate many of your comments and arguments, at the same time, you must see that John is coming at this from his set of beliefs, just as you are coming at it from your own set of beliefs. You spend a great deal of time and thought in discussing statements about Chris Geer and what he teaches because you apparently share many of his beliefs. You bristle at some of them being challenged. While everyone has beliefs and you are correct to some extent they do govern how we think, my response was not do to my beliefs it was in response to the facts concerning some of his statements only. It is there in black and white so to speak in printed and audio form. I generally don't spend a great deal of time thinking about what Chris Geer is doing, but this is the GreaseSpot and when responding you had better have your ducks in a row and be smart enough to anticipate the response forthcoming, so yes I did have to check and recheck what I posted as best as One could. I did not bristle because my beliefs were challenged as you assumed. I think my record speaks for itself my interest is that people speak honestly that those whether in the Way or out are spoken of in a fair or honest way. Having some limited knowledge of Word Promotions it was apparent to me that was not the case. My contact with Chris at this point is receiving a newsletter when he gets around to sending sending one. I also took no part in any discussion concerning his character as it was not the topic at hand and another story. My interest was challenging the inaccuracies in Johns article because I felt it was not factual or honest. He is entitled to any view he wants but when you post those views just as it is here you better be sure that what you write is correct, honest if not I will bring it to his attention, period. When I posted my response it was challenged as well for proof. But then you turn around and say: "I do question why he fails to look at the hurt caused by his own church and their doctrines like worship of a three headed God. " What a silly thing to say when you know that is part of his beliefs. Of course, he's not going to look at that because he doesn't believe it is wrong. Just like you don't believe Chris Geer is wrong in many things. I try to evaluate the work of Word Promotions on a factual basis as well as a Biblical one. If John's mission is to help those wronged by doctrinal error as he covers extensively in the Way, my question was why only limit it there? why not if he has no agenda with the Way limit it there? why not look at his own church a well ? We all have evaluated what we believed for many years and made adjustments for error. why shouldn't he do the same and expose it there as well especially when that error causes such hurt in his own church. I don't know logic tells me that would be my starting point something close to home first then worry about other groups. I find it odd that someone with no agenda seems to only want to focus on one group with which he has had little involvement by the way. Shrug, sets off my alarm bells something stinks here. It would be like me suddenly out of the blue devoting myself to extensively writing on the problems of the Krishna's. And yet I see nothing written about his denomination despite the well documented problems , and that’s not doctrinal even. Defend your own beliefs all you want. You usually do so in an intelligent way. But you certainly lessen your own credibility when you descend into what amounts to a cheap shot picking at someone else's beliefs. He has just as much right to his beliefs as you and Geer have to your own. As to John picking up his denominations dislike of The Way, I find that doubtful. I was raised Lutheran and they are very much run on a local and regional level by the synods. I think this is John's personal mission (for whatever his reasons), not a "Lutheran" thing. You may be right I was aware the synods function very differently but my experience at least on the local level is/was that they banded together on issues like the Way. I think there is a case to be made for one God vs the Trinity it was just an example from his denominational background if you don't like that one why doesn't he write to expose the sex abuse in his church men and women included, and adultery there? Just why is he so concerned only when it is in the Way or Exway and only with disputing their doctrines. I don't always agree with the end result of many who post here but I must admit there have been many posts some from those who are non Christian in belief that challenge me to consider why I believe what I do. My response was not to defend my beliefs it was to set the record straight concerning the facts in his article regarding WIGP class. It is apparent he is writing from afar and possibly only from information that comes to him from people that have a predisposed view of the author. I on the other hand have sat through the actual thing as well as have some background info on it. John has not, apparently, only gleaning a book for info he has not either had access to or chose not to accessed the research to understand the product.
Mo I doubt anyone would be able to dispute an anonymous letter. That's the thing , how would one respond you could guess I suppose? as to whose story it just might be . That's the thing that makes it so safe post letters that have no real way of being disputed. If anyone did that here it would be immediately called on the carpet. Yet because it fits with some peoples view it is accepted as truth without question. I for one would like to see the data on who and how many people he really contacted for his research. Did he only hear from disgruntled exways? I see no pro opinions so I would assume so at least from the data. That if so could hardly be considered a fair assessment. I know many people that were involved in groups over the years, for instance Amway it was just the greatest thing since sliced bread couldn't say enough about it. Next time you saw them when their vision did not come to pass, it was the worst thing on earth. If you take their word for it you have a skewed view of the company. I know a couple of people PFAL grads in fact by the way that are multi millionaires from Amway. But the data will reveal that they sold their soul to get there and they had sales ability that those walking in off the street did not have like previously being a Million Dollar sales club member in the insurance business. They would present a different view of the company as well. Additionally there are many things to consider in who you gather facts from like prior history, mental state and so forth as it will affect their experience and outcome. Even here at the GreaseSpot Cafe excluding all the double and triple name changes and one shot posters is but a very small percentage( estimate 1,500? ) of those who were involved in the Way less than maybe 2% of the rumored 100,000. Although here it appears to be a large contingent simply because those of the same view have gathered in one spot. Just some things to consider when reading six or seven anonymous letters. I'll be waiting to see some more concrete data before I would accept John's view based on what he offered so far.
Some facts in dispute here........ Here Here
If I may Ariel the address you posted above which I also posted way back on page 2 is the address for Word Promotions Inc. It is not his address just for the record.
Like Arnold He'll Be Back........