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Everything posted by WhiteDove

  1. I'm assuming you are meaning all with exception.
  2. Ha!!!! in your dreams Pig
  3. Jonny I hear there is an opening for the lead in a new production Athletes of the Spirit 2 - The Final Dance The last guy who did the lead just did not work out.
  4. Ha ! I can vouch for that! Having spent the better part of an hour stuffing a piece in someone's suitcase. I still can't believe that they let you on the plane and out of the country with that club in your suitcase. Ok I'll admit it Cowgirl left me in the sand gasping for air after running halfway up the causeway to Nahant Beach. I could have died you know but instead of administering CPR that I badly needed she went springing up the beach like a mule tailed deer. To add insult to injury I know she was probably running slow although she would not admit it because she felt sorry for me. Ok here is your chance Cowgirl fess up ...... I know you were....... Which leads us to the driftwood part of the story, Once I had recoiled my tongue back into my mouth and the cardiac arrest stopped, the pain of the embarrassment was too great so I drug myself down to the bay to put myself out of my misery casting myself into the ocean . Which is when I found the earlier mentioned piece of wood which I'm guessing is a permanent fixture by now in her back yard, probably painted. Sometime later she appeared again on the beach (still running like a mule tailed deer) where I offered her the afore mentioned wood as a peace offering. Being such a nice piece of wood she had mercy on my soul and no more running . PS I admit it I am THE THREAD KILLER
  5. Cheetah the chimpanzee, the animal star of 12 Tarzan films in the '30s and '40s, celebrated his 75th birthday yesterday. Officially the world's oldest chimp, Cheetah, who was "discovered" by an animal trainer on a trip to Africa in the 1930s, is said to be in excellent shape at a primate centre in Palm Springs, California. He has outlived both his human Tarzan costars. Johnny Weissmuller, who played the lead, died in 1984 aged 79, and Maureen O'Sullivan, who was Jane, died in 1998 at 87. He was a movie star by age two, went on to have a 30-year film career and now lives in comfortable retirement as Bob Hope's neighbour in California where he is admired as a prominent local artist. Not at all bad, for a chimpanzee. The chimp, Cheetah, played alongside Johnny Weissmuller and Maureen O'Sullivan in the classic Tarzan series of the 30s. The film has just been re-released, so Cheetah is back in the limelight. Not surprisingly, he's the world's wealthiest chimp. He's also one of the oldest - 67, but he doesn't look a day over 40. Until his retirement in 1967 Cheetah had virtually cornered the market in chimp roles. Fans still shed a tear over his final cameo performance alongside Rex Harrison in Dr Dolittle. Old Ape - Cheetah today, and below, with Johnny Weissmuller and Maureen O'Sullivan in 1936 In the United States, youngsters are falling over themselves to learn about the "real" Cheetah, and tour buses now drive past his house in Palm Springs in the hope of catching a glimpse of the great star. The guides say there is almost as much interest in Cheetah as in his close neighbours Bob Hope and Kirk Douglas. Cheetah lives with his companion and owner, actor Dan Westfall, who says he is honoured to share a home with the "last of the simian icons." Home, "Casa de Cheetah," also provides shelter for a multitude of apes, dogs, snakes and birds. The weekly pet food bill is in the region of $500. Cheetah, who worked with Weissmuller and O'Sullivan (as Jane) on 12 Tarzan films, was inherited by Westfall from his uncle, Tony Gentry, an animal trainer who went to work in Hollywood in the 1930s with animal expert Frank Buck. Gentry went to Africa to find chimps with movie potential and discovered Cheetah. Cheetah, who is still alert but taking things easy on account of his age, still gives interviews. He doesn't actually speak English, but, claims Westfall, can understand what is said to him. The interview begins with the star slumped on the sofa watching tv. "Put your feet down while you are watching tv," suggests Westfall kindly. Cheetah does as he is advised. "Blow your nose," is the next command. Cheetah takes out a hankie. Once comfortable, the chimp takes a can of soft drink and expertly opens it, before nodding as Westfall elaborates on the secret of Cheetah's success. For starters, there are cigars and booze. He likes both, or at least he did before Brigitte Bardot poked her nose in. The animal rights campaigner complained that they could do damage to Cheetah's health and threatened protests and demonstrations. So, Cheetah was denied his little pleasures. But he's still allowed his favourite food of burgers and chips along with monkey chow and fruit. These days he prefers to stay at home watching old films, especially his own, on tv, but on special occasions can be seen at his own table at McDonald's. He doesn't do as much painting as he once did. Works in his "apestract" style fetch between $NZ250 and $2,000 apiece. A couple of years ago he held a joint exhibition at London's National Gallery with human artist Peter Blake, of Sgt Pepper album cover fame. Chimps usually die before 50 so Cheetah appears to be a good ad for the a-little-bit-of-what-you-like-does-you-good philosophy, although at 82kg he is a little on the heavy side for his height - 1.37m (4ft 6in). - The Independent
  6. WhiteDove


    I guess I don't As far as I know they buy the books from the way bookstore and resell them that does not violate any copyright laws. You can resell books, I think we may still have some left in our bookstore for sale. You can make up a test on any book they may be using the Corps book tests a s a guide?
  7. WhiteDove


    How did they get their hands on TWI materials to hold courses like that with identical titles? Krysilis Easy you can get all the books you want here Here
  8. WhiteDove

    I'm coming out

    Yes please do ..........:P P.S. I know! I know! I'm going to be hurtin ,so what else is new? I'll just go over here and assume the position......
  9. WhiteDove

    I'm coming out

    How right you are, glad I have the sky giant to help me in life so I don't need to spend my time and money on one. That leaves more for other things in life, being in bondage to pay a therapist is sorta like being in bondage to tithe every month isn't it?
  10. Actually he was wrong as well We were not "the way" we were followers of THE WAY did he never read his promo sheet.
  11. Suda here is the link to The B. G. & E. T. Leonard Ministries here
  12. One of the biggest things from PFAL that I learned was read whats written.........
  13. Rascal I went back through the posts I can't find the spot where this happened can you provide the quote because I missed it? I did see records of people myself included refer to the account as anonymous I believe that to be true as there is no name presented. I understand the reason but the truth is that is what it is by definition. As such it is not verifiable as you have no reference to do so with. I see no record of anyone calling her a probable liar Not verifiable is different than calling someone a liar which you can't seem to grasp. This why you feel stalked at times and that people pick on you ,because you say things that are not factual and honestly some times just fabricated, and then they call you on it. Not verifiable does not = your a liar there are many reasons why things are not verifiable which have nothing to do with the person being a liar. It's very much like if someone here said I did not like a thread you did and you would then say That person said they hate me. Not what they said at all just that the did not enjoy what you wrote. Big difference and the same is true in the other case as well. An example from another thread you might consider. Quote WhiteDove No one said anywhere that anyone's story was trash just unverifiable big difference Awhile back I got a ticket went to court the officer told his story I told mine the Judge did not know either of us so which was true? He dismissed the ticket because he accepted the facts or proof that I presented. Did that make the officer Trash? No Did it make him a liar? No it made him unable to prove his words that's all. Did it make him a bad person? No He probably was a nice guy when he was not in cop mode. That's the thing in life we understand these things but some how here when we question we are trashing someone, making them a victim again and on and on. I wonder by what magic that only applies and works here only?
  14. I have brought up this point before Groucho and the only one I know of that agreed was my northern neighbor Oakspear. I respect his honesty. But that's the double standard here for the most part, When its beneficial on threads like this people quote it as a reason why one should not expect positive things to be received well. But when you point out that someone is doing just that and it is not a level playing field and their statements are not treated with courtesy. Then howls of denial quickly come up. It becomes oh no we are fair we say nice things all the time . You can't play it both ways ....... Personally as you said I expect such treatment because this is a site that wants to see that side. Just don't weasel out of it when someone calls you on it .
  15. Suda your analysis should go into a new GreaseSpot category required reading before labeling anyone as a “pfal/twi/vpw” fan/lover/defender/apologist worshiper. Thank you Suda I just knew someone would get the point eventually I'll also add nor did I ever ask anyone to prove or for proof either just that there was only one side of the record on the table and it without the other was inconclusive for me to verify. What my personal opinion is or is not may differ but my opinion is not verifiable either.
  16. Except I did see some documents and I also talked with two people who were there as eyewitnesses. Glad you got the point WW and I was doing the same regarding the abuse stories except somehow that leaps out of the real of logic that you pointed out here which was the point by the way. Just making the same stupid claims that others made.
  17. Suda you are doing such a great job of reviewing the thread I wonder if you might do the Threadkiller thread when you are done here it's only 63 pages but since it is locked now at least you wont have any pages added.
  18. Dear Mr. Squirrel I hate to break your bubble but Craig was quite well on a fit of insanity long before Chris entered the picture.
  19. Of course, as John already pointed out, this means this is hearsay. It may be that NONE of it is true, only REPORTED as true to you and others. Except for the documents that would be true as I indicated Couldn't agree more in fact that was my point all along on the PFAL thread see on every other topic as I also pointed out when non eyewitness accounts are brought up this is the reaction not documentable of course some subjects just leap out of that perimiter and don't followthe rules of logic. Of course using the same standard you are calling me a liar Wordwolf and trashing my story. It amazes me that there's this impression still being held by some- in spite of documentation to the contrary- that you can negate plagiarism or any other phrasing of taking the work of someone else or some other source, by paraphrasing, or moving some words around. If cg retyped the work of others and did not cite his sources, that is plagiarism. If cg paraphrased the work of others and did not cite his sources, that is plagiarism. If cg took a PART of PART of the work of ONE person, and did not cite his SOURCE, that is plagiarism. The wigp has been claimed to be an improved version of pfal- and even you're admitting that- BUT PFAL IS NEVER CITED ANYWHERE IN WIGP. That's plagiarism. It's not "right" when ANYONE does it. I don't think I spoke to the issue of plagerism one way or another I was only pointing out that the trustees never challenged the account that was sent out in printed form only later did they try and regain what they lost and they never claimed in court that they had not given it away. That seems to offer more than hearsay they wanted the rights back if they could have claimed that they never gave it over in the first place they would have started there they did not.
  20. I thought I would respond as best as I could to John's questions as well as some others. To the best of my knowledge along with some documents that I referred to as well this is what I can tell you , of course I'm not claiming to be an eyewitness or anything as I was not on the scene nor am I verifying anything with the exception of that which I have written documentation for. First the classes - The subject of reworking the Advanced Class was brought up in the November 17th -19th 1987 meetings which were attended by the way trustees as well as several others at Gartmore House to my knowledge it has never been disputed by the way to this day. The foundation class revision came about later due to reworking the Advanced Class material ( I know john thinks that it was just copied but the truth is that is not the case it was studied) Because of this it came to light that before the advanced Class material could be done the starting point should be the foundational problems should be fixed and then work forward. Thats how the WIGP series started. Way Material Rights - The rights to the Way of Great Britain were transferred to The Way in Great Britain's Trustees in late 1986 (December I believe) I believe at that time the publishing rights were done as well. I don't know if they were subsequently transferred to Word Promotions or not later on. I would guess so since they were used in the WIGP class. Hard to say technically the class was produced by Word Promotions but Chris was still an employee of The Way in Great Britain at that point. Why didn't the Way sue them? They did ! Eventually when Craig realized that they had signed away the material after parting company, it went on for about 10 years and millions of dollars in costs. The Way never disputed the fact that he had the rights, only their attorneys concocted this grey area in which they said that the rights were for Europe alone and not for the US or other countries distribution. Years later the way in Great Britain won the suit and reportedly The Way forked over major cash settlements, for which I doubt they ever mentioned to their followers. It was also rumored that Chris paid their attorney bills and gave the rest of the cash to the church of Scotland not wanting their money. The fact that they did not dispute the rights only the how of use seems to confirm that they were indeed transferred in late 1986. The class was released while Chris was still employed by the Way in Great Britain it was that first class that was supposed to take place at Gartmore House that was the downfall or fall out. the intent was that The Way in Great Britain was to be the first licensee. Not all of the trustee's saw it that way and the fight ensued. I don't think he was expecting to be leaving the employ of The Way in Great Britain at that point. I don't believe that the Way in Great Britain is a viable entity at this time but There has been talk of re-releasing the books that were done there ,so it again appears that Word Promotions may have access to the rights as those books are old way material.
  21. I think many people thought that in a sense they did own them all though not technically ,having given years of time and lots of money to promote these classes. They also felt that the Way had breached it's contract with them as they were promised to be able to repeat them whenever they wanted to. Since they were not honoring their agreement they did not feel any duty to honor theirs to not duplicate them.
  22. No I do not think he was a false prophet, but then again I never thought he was a prophet at all in the first place.
  23. Mr Squirrel glad you got the joke it was a little play on your comment
  24. Open post to all the docvic apologists ----- Did I hear my name being tossed around? See David that's the thing this has zero to do with VPW it has only to do with Whitedove, me how I choose to process information typical when one can't grasp the idea send it to the VPW apologist file. I spoke for me and me only how I choose to process thought that enter my mind. It's mine and I can do what I need to for my life. You can function anyway you like or need to. I never said everyone needed to think like me did I? Your experiences may differ from mine and other's (in twi). BUT because they didn't happen to YOU, doesn't mean they didn't happen to me (or others). Can you show me anywhere that I said they did not? No because I did not. See comment one I spoke for me and me alone. You DON'T need to know who I (or others) real name is, to evaluate what (my or others) PERSONAL EXPERIENCE is. Many of us have been here for YEARS --- so evaluate the posts made, scrutinize the content posted, and you will see that there are -- no strangers at GreaseSpot Cafe. There is a commonality. Posts are CONSISTENT with the given poster -- (same info, over and over), and that by the same posters. Nice thought David I'll file that right along with world peace, but everyone is a stranger here unless you have formed some live personal bond with them I know of many people ,some things about them, but they are strangers, internet avatars. What color hair do I have? How much do I weigh? How tall or short am I? and if I gave you information what makes you think that you can verify that it is right? You can't, you can accept it as true or not. Here is a thought David look at VPW the image he conveyed to many people was that of a kind Fatherly figure, only he had another image as well. Do we just accept what we see without examination ? without proof? This whole site is dedicated to exploring that proof we pick apart every word action day and minute of who he was ,no one has a problem with that, no one believes it because VPW said it yet when someone else says something we are just to accept it? Who chooses who gets accepted by faith and who does not? I think scripture says prove all things hold fast to that which is good. Anonymous names (over the years), here on this site --- have become friends with others, and (also) with a verifiable history, because posters here are CONSISTENTLY posting the same info. True names and phone numbers have been exchanged. IF --- you take the Word of God at FACE VALUE (personal experiences of men/ folks you have NEVER MET), and BELIEVE THAT WITHOUT FAULT --- you're believing words on a written page. Are you really equating humans with God? I take what He says at face value because He is not subject to the character flaws of humans, and because there is proof at least I think so. What's the difference with cyber-space?? Not GOD-BREATHED enough for you???? Oh -- scuse the H outta me -- Simon and Schuster didn't publish it??? Can't find it in a Barne's and Noble Bookstore?? So when a sister here tells a story that has impacted her life GREATLY (here at GSC about twi, docvic, lcm, etc.), it's discounted as so much TRASH ????????? (No witnesses -- eh?? -- So it's *unbelievable* -- or at least *suspect*). Perhaps if a major publishing company picked up the story you MIGHT believe it? No one said anywhere that anyone's story was trash just unverifiable big difference Awhile back I got a ticket went to court the officer told his story I told mine the Judge did not know either of us so which was true? He dismissed the ticket because he accepted the facts or proof that I presented. Did that make the officer Trash? No Did it make him a liar? No it made him unable to prove his words that's all. Did it make him a bad person? No He probably was a nice guy when he was not in cop mode. That's the thing in life we understand these things but some how here when we question we are trashing someone, making them a victim again and on and on. I wonder by what magic that only applies and works here only? Sorry --- (No -- I'm NOT -- but I'm saying that for form's sake) --- You folks that are quibbling and debating *definitions* about situations used in OTHER'S posts, while DENIGRATING the women who have put their entire soul out here on the line for the advancement of other women, men, & children of twi who have sufferred EVIL at the hands of those who were supposed to be Godly, Loving, Biblical, Comforting; (are---IMO) Doing an EVIL DEED. May God have mercy on (ALL) our souls. (I started this thread so that the women who have so BRAVELY come forward to say what they did be recognized on post 1, and NOT lost in a multi-page thread -- such as the one is, that is now going on *What I Learned In pfal*.) This was written to no one in particular, even though I have a few posters in mind. So while I am a fan of the Word ---That's a bunch of *posts* by folks from a past era. If you believe them as true experiences --- (first hand accounts of what happened back then), you're a sorry bunch to criticize what is being said today, given what you think about what was said previously by *prophets of old*. Sorry I don't believe them either without facts. If you think *first-hand accounts* were valid then, it's axiomatic that you you think the same today. Your right but I don't. I have heard many versions of the same story through the years we are human subject to memory, time ,wrong perceptions and so forth. sometimes we just want to change history. Exactly why one can not trust the stories which one? This will be my only post on this thread. I really don't care about any responses I might get. I had to get that off my chest. No matter how right you think you *righteous ones* are --- there always seems to be someone *more right* than you. Think that through -- just once. Please. Again a misconception, it has zero to do with being right for me, it has everything to do with is is truth? And what ideas I accept into my mind. Mr. Squirrel I am too busy to bother with your post :unsure:
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