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Everything posted by WhiteDove

  1. Sniff Sniff... I knew I smelled Bacon Now where did I put that tomato and lettuce?
  2. WhiteDove


    Pvt. Leaf Ha Ha Ha stop your killing me
  3. HEY ! You got some problem with White things there T-Bone?
  4. Snipes? Oh great ! now the snipes are coming here we don't need no more birds here find your own nest. Geeez next thing you know there will be flying pigs too.......
  5. Which is why I said The problem with "I seem to remember is that not everyone seems to remember the same" The claim if you look was specifically that he said it in the Advanced Class. Logically it would follow that it would then appear in a word by word transcript or at the least would be in the filmed version unless of course it was edited out, then again who would have known to edit that part out because years later a discussion on GreaseSpot ( aplace that did not even exist)may come up and we don't want someone to prove that. Pretty far fetched so we can assume that the video is in fact intact and it is lacking any place where he said that. It may have been said in classes in the years following I just can't document any place were it turned up . Generally speaking when something is not there it's safe to assume it was not said rather than assume it was said and just not noted. especially in the case of a transcript.
  6. Well we disagree ,but then I don't have an axe to grind with PFAL mindset either. I don't see PFAL as a part of it at all. I see no scriptural support for it, that is different. PFAL getting something wrong and the Bible getting something wrong are two entirely different things. Yes there are references to prayer to the LORD. That does not mean it is the same person,there are several Mikes here at GreaseSpot we are not the same person just because we have the same name. One would have to look at the usage of lord , note in the passage below that you offered the two lords. One is all caps one is not ,one is Jehovah, one is adoni ,properly translated as lord but not used of GOD in the Bible. Psalm 110:1-6 NKJV 1 The LORD said to my Lord, "Sit at My right hand, Till I make Your enemies Your footstool." 2 The LORD shall send the rod of Your strength out of Zion. Rule in the midst of Your enemies! 3 Your people shall be volunteers In the day of Your power; In the beauties of holiness, from the womb of the morning, You have the dew of Your youth. 4 The LORD has sworn And will not relent, "You are a priest forever According to the order of Melchizedek." 5 The Lord is at Your right hand; He shall execute kings in the day of His wrath. 6 He shall judge among the nations, He shall fill the places with dead bodies, He shall execute the heads of many countries. There is also no scripture forbidding that says specifically that I can not put a stick in your eye are you suggesting that we can do things just because there is no line that says we can't? It does not say we can not pray to moon men either do I get to say that's ok as well? When the scripture says pray to God and no other choices are given I guess he thought we could figure out what he meant. Your choice how you choose to act, but it does not follow even the logical pattern of human communication Do you when you want to ask your boss a question walk into the room full of people and just ask amiss and let them sort it out or do you go to the person that you wish to find the answer from? If you are asking your friend for a ride do you also just walk into a room and say hey Joe can you give me a ride and let everyone there sort it out or do you walk up to Joe and ask him? It amazes me that people follow logical communication patters in life and yet when it comes to communicating with God they leave all those behind and dream up a new plan on how they think it should work.
  7. Thanks Waysider I did read the exchange I may be wrong in how I read your post but it looked like you were reaching a conclusion here It appeared to me that you went from the may and/or situation that VP wrote about in your quote to an and only with no "may" qualifier. He said may be in body or mind not that they were in all cases, you then asumed that vp was either possesed or that he was wrong in his teaching. Two choices, there is a third..... May It may be that he was not either as well. This has been an interesting thread the truth is I was not sure at some point what was said so I started digging through some material. Funny thing the more I dug the less I saw that he said that I looked through a couple of AC syllabuss a class one ,and a Corps one and all my notes as well, could'nt find it. I read through a word by word transcript of the video class still could not find it where he said all or any cancer was a devil spirit. I think that this may be one of those Way myths that we sometimes think was said and it is passed on until it becomes he said it. Sometimes I have found I wrote notes thinking he said something he did not ,at the time it may have seemed that is what he said, but in looking back it ws not ,just the way I heard it maybe. I have one other place to look and that is the video itself, sometimes things said don't always make it into notes, although the transcript is pretty much word for word even including pauses in his words where he was thinking faster than he was talking and had to catch up and other notations as to what he was doing ie laughing, gesturing ect. Anyway just wanted to note that the and /or which ever it was ,is tempered with a may . found some other interesting things as well I may post later.
  8. Hey Dan the letter you spoke of is in the GreaseSpot documents if you would like to read it again sometime.Here I have no problem with fellowship with Jesus Christ but praying to and worshiping him is a different thing I'd draw the line there, that was also the conclusion of the repy in the letter. It seems pretty simple to me I guess , Right now I am talking to you, or with you ,although not in person, but I will not be praying to you. I think the same relationship can be had with Jesus Christ which is where he gets out of the unemployment line so to speak, there is plenty of work for him to do and I doubt he is wanting to take on the Fathers job as well anyway.
  9. David What's wrong is I can't seem to find that idea in scripture. I don't see any place where Jesus said to pray to him nor do I see any place where God said to either. It appears that the apostles who were with Jesus seemed to get the same idea as they did not promote such a thing in scripture either. While it may be a nice churchy, touchy, feely idea I don't see any scriptural support for prayer to Jesus. I personally don't want to be making up ideas and ascribing to God how I want things done. It appears from scripture that Jesus never prayed to himself either nor did he instruct others to. Paul seemed to understand where to direct his prayers as well, that does not mean Jesus is unemployed by any means just that he is not doing a job he was not directed to do ,and we know from scripture that he always does the will of the Father. Matthew 6:6 - But *thou*, when thou prayest, enter into thy chamber, and having shut thy door, pray to thy Father who is in secret, and thy Father who sees in secret will render [it] to thee. Matthew 6:9 Thus therefore pray *ye*: Our Father who art in the heavens, let thy name be sanctified, Luke 6:12 - And it came to pass in those days that he went out into the mountain to pray, and he spent the night in prayer to God. Luke 11:2 - And he said to them, When ye pray, say, Father, thy name be hallowed; thy kingdom come; Romans 15:30 - But I beseech you, brethren, by our Lord Jesus Christ, and by the love of the Spirit, that ye strive together with me in prayers for me to God; Philemon 1:4 - I thank my God, always making mention of thee at my prayers,
  10. :Exactly, last I looked may did not mean absolutely will! it is used to express possibility only
  11. Me either Oldies .... But there it sits :huh: :blink:
  12. Pretty much the same as Suda described we went every two weks for several months 15 - 20 hrs.
  13. Really??? I count 188 Sunday night tapes alone on the Gospels........... and that was only up to 1988 That does not include Corps tapes, Rock of Ages tapes. Classes, Tapes of the month, Special tapes or all the non taped teachings for that matter. Without doing a detailed breakdown it appears that most chapters and verses are covered I'd guess 95% at least in SNS alone. Wondering if you missed this volume of work somehow?
  14. WhiteDove

    San Francisco!

    Belle a little traveling music The Animals - San Francisco Nights This following program is dedicated to the city and people of San Francisco, who may not know it but they are beautiful and so is their city this is a very personal song, so if the viewer cannot understand it particularly those of you who are European residents save up all your bread and fly trans love airways to San Francisco U.S.A., then maybe you'll understand the song, it will be worth it, if not for the sake of this song but for the sake of your own peace of mind. Strobe lights beam create dreams walls move minds to do on a warm San Francisco night old child young child feel alright on a warm San Francisco night angels sing leather wings jeans of blue Harley Davisons too on a warm San Francisco night old angels young angels feel alright on a warm San Francisco night. I wasn't born there perhaps I'll die there there's no place left to go, San Francisco. Cop's face is filled with hate heavens above he's on a street called love when will they even learn old cop young cop feel alright on a warm San Francisco night the children are cool they don't raise fools it's an american dream includes indians too. San Francisco.......
  15. Defining God is one thing, I do believe that there is a understanding of who they are in the scriptures which is not the creation defining them. But when it comes to worship and prayer then that becomes a different animal I think scripture is clear on that as well.
  16. The Trinity Made no sense then - still makes no sense , that about sums that up.
  17. The other thing is the feds will be talking to him about what he knows about other dog fighting groups and people the more he sings the more he has to influence the judge on his sentence to go lightly He knows if he does not work with them he is in for some long tim, they also have a clause in the deal they can pull it anytime and go to full trial.
  18. Maybe he can take some English lessons in jail .......... I for forgiveness?
  19. Yeah well here is my cultural thing hooking up people like Mr. Vick to the same aligator clips he used on the dogs and plugging him into the wall. We'll see how cultural he thinks that is........... Maybe we could bet on how long it will take for him to beg for the mercy he failed to show the dogs.
  20. WhiteDove

    San Francisco!

    Well Belle you could always enjoy some : After all it is the San Francisco treat you know.
  21. WhiteDove, re your post #899 QUOTE Suda you are doing such a great job of reviewing the thread I wonder if you might do the Thread killer thread when you are done here it's only 63 pages but since it is locked now at least you wont have any pages added. I’m unfamiliar with the thread. Not sure if this comment is in earnest or jest. Have I stepped on your toes by something I have said? To everyone, if I have mis-characterized you, please do correct me. My posts are my observations and likely have errors in my understanding. I welcome feedback and constructive criticism Not at all Suda the comment was in earnest, I have enjoyed your observations. The second part of the comment was in jest "I wonder if you might do the Threadkiller thread when you are done here it's only 63 pages but since it is locked now at least you wont have any pages added. " Since this thread had no intentions of slowing down and it was apparent the work you were putting into your observations I was thinking man this is going to be a lot of work here, Me I would have picked a shorter thread to analyze if I were to do such a thing. It was a poor comparison to another long thread, the point was lost but, what I meant to convey was you are going to be doing this for some time I hope you enjoy it because it may turn out to be several pages. By the way the thread killer thread is pinned in the memorial section although originally in the open section it was placed there in memory of my sister dove Wyteduv or Dovey as she was known. Dovey loved that thread, even when she was ill and bedridden it gave her a place to go and laugh, when she passed away I asked Paw and he kindly locked the thread in her memory giving her the last post. She would have liked that .... Today it would be in the silly section. You can find it Here
  22. Some of my favorite Christian Family and Sex Song Picks Rise up O men of God How long has it been? Face to Face We Don't know when He's coming.
  23. Psalmie - I see her as long and lean with some wrinkles and a sizzling personality.
  24. Want to hear a good story? It begins with an abandoned pet left all alone in a cage, but ends happily inside a loving home. HAS AN ADOPTED PET TOUCHED YOUR LIFE? Enter the Second Chance Contest and share your story to help inspire more adoptions. You'll also have a chance to win $10,000 for your favorite Hill's shelter partner! HERE More Stories Here
  25. The Victors did two tapes Building a Bridge & In Hymn I have a copy of both as well as some live stuff that never made it to tapes. You can email me and let me know what songs you are looking for
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