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Everything posted by WhiteDove
Well we both stand corrected I thought it was toward the end of the class as well. welcome to the world of old But I was really posting to Goey's question of where they ended up at ,although it is still not clear but it looks like they were sent to the extension and outreach dept. Although like him I bet they crossed VP desk at some point. I seem to remember him saying at some point he tracked them or the data from them.
Also in regard to the directions for the sheets enclosed is the directions from the instructors guide (see #5 and 9.) CFS_Instructors_Guide.pdf
Sorry , I rescanned the page pg1.pdf
No you definitely did not imagine it, as to the purpose I don't particularly see one either. My guess they started out in the early camps as a feedback thing and became part of the machinery that just rolled along. They did not update the class enough to use them for that which the said they were for, in fact they did not update the class period since it was filmed in 1975. I'd think that any comparisons if made would have been more on a local level where people would have known others handwriting especially in their fellowship, when I did home studies they were graded and returned to me and were done on a state level, that may have changed later on . But I suppose they could take a sign up card for the class and maybe sit down with a list of 12 papers and try to piece it together, seems like a lot of work for not much end result to me though. The other thing is I think most people put down what they thought was the right answer that they wanted to hear. I know in my class I remember students talking about it and that was the case anyway, we had a pretty large class as it was the first one run since the video was out and they had moved away from the camps.
Actually doojable it was on the God Bless Your the Best album and I have not made it to storage to dig mine out to see but I will at some point just for you. I seem to think it was on the back cover but I cant remember for sure - however I don't think it will keep me awake tonight...... :blink: just for the record the first audio usage I found for the other poem God has no hands... was SNS tape 222 done 8/14/1966 although I am sure that it was used probably before somewhere , but VP read it from the album of verse booklet after a brief background about the booklets at the end of the teaching. He did not list her as the author but I'm assuming that since he was reading from and mentioned the book where it was properly credited he may have assumed that was good enough.
We had this poem: I never thought he wrote the poem, and just because someone got their facts wrong or assumed something that they should not have. That somehow makes someone else responsible for their error? Like Jonny said people quote things all the time without giving the history behind it. He may not have given the author he also did not say he wrote it either, if you assume things that's your fault. I did not author the phrase .... happens either but I have said it I don't think anyone assumed I wrote it.
I don't believe that I could say that in each and every case through the years that poem was read it was properly credited without exception. But I do believe that in most cases it was one of the things that VPW used that was. I personally, in all the many times on tape and in person that I heard it read don't recall it credited as anonymous. You may remember differently. Could it have been read at some point without a credit? Maybe , But I think through the record of print and tape one can see that more often than not it was properly credited. I would submit that speaks to the intent more so than the one or two exceptions.
Thanks David Jonny & Watered Garden you most likely knew because it was properly credited with her name in the little Album of Verse Booklets that were sold in the bookstore over the years in various reprints.
Tom thanks for the driving information but if I were to come I would fly in. As much as I would love to come down and spin some dance music for you all, I don't think that will be the case. Besides you might toss me on the fire , and that would not be good. I'm perfectly happy with you BBQing Psalmies relatives.
K C Pillai: fishy story, or just another red herring?
WhiteDove replied to Pete's topic in About The Way
.It appears that the plants are around today and grow to the height mentioned in the link I posted earlier. I have never seen one and I can't say if Pillai ever saw one,but I have no reason to think he did not ,as it does not seem out of the realm of everyday things like seeing corn grow in the midwest. It's not like it was some unbelievable event. The seeds are commonly used in Indian cuisine, so it should not be a rare thing to see ,why would you think that he would have not seen one? -
T your requested package is in the mail. I sent it Air Dove...... White Dove Dance Party
K C Pillai: fishy story, or just another red herring?
WhiteDove replied to Pete's topic in About The Way
I believe that he was referring to a necklace where they put a seed into a little sealed ball or a glass holder of some sort not actually making the jewelry itself of the seed. here Some info on mustard seed Here Lightfoot also confirmed this information in his commentaries he said the enormous growth was because of the climate there. -
I believe as I remember it was to France. That explains why they choose to sit out the war ,they are too busy counting all of our gold still.
I doubt he will either it's not his first time around the block here. We shall see.........
Here's a theory: It is a pretty well known fact that GreaseSpot is not a Christian site a fact that is routinely brought to the readers attention.(Usually at the first whiff of leather) Just why exactly would you expect someone to share something like that ? I believe the last person that asked for chapter and verse earlier this month was properly disected and burned at the stake in the usual record breaking time. You can't have it both ways complain because some one does not share and complain when they do ..........
Then again I don't think VP had any wise men bringing gifts of gold, and frankincense and myrrh. to him at a young age to start and finance his ministry either like Jesus.
I have no disagreement that there are two issues here one being did they make a profit?, and the other being was it beneficial to the individual? Others expressed their obvious dissatisfaction with the product I expressed my satisfaction, each to their own. I'm not sure how you arrived at your cost estimate on producing the materials but I'd think it was higher than $20.00, but I have better things to do today than argue over what it may have cost or not some thirty years ago. That said as I acknowledged they did make some sort of money on the class, I don't see the profit as all that much, you may. Despite the fact that the books as you pointed out were not printed shall we say at "spare no expense on materials" I still have my original set and they are in fine shape, for the use they have had they held up far better than many books that I have purchased since then for a far greater cost. Perspectives change over time on the worth of products a fact of life I just wonder what the point is of making such a big deal of it . I rarely see people whining about the cost of the Miami Vice white suit they bought in the 80's and how it is worthless today or how about that expensive rubik's cube that is worth ? today. As for me my books have held up well and served me well for the most part, probably among the better purchases in life as far as long term quality. Now the Beta machine that's a different story.........
[quote 'GrouchoMarxJr' In 1975, I paid $85 bucks ... I recall at the time, asking where the money goes. 7 people at $85 per person is $595. It seemed like a lot of money to sit and listen to a bunch of tapes (that were sent back) and receive a few paper back books...(nobody running the class got paid)... ...I was told that twi made no money on their classes!...simple math showed they were lying...and THAT was the first "sign" that I ignored when I first got involved. ...and for those of you who still embrace pfal as the greatest thing since Jesus walked the earth, I challenge you to show in the bible where teaching and preaching God's word was a money making enterprise... As I remember it went from $65.00 t0 $85.00 somewhere in 74-75 I paid $65.00 which was a sizable amount of money in those days for me. But when you consider that you got five hardbound books and a syllabus in binder and a one year subscription to The Way Magazine. In addition to the taped material thats pretty cheap. I don't think at that point they made that much off each student as the books got cheaper or nonexistent and the price went up they did better on the profit end I'm sure. Either way I think it was money well spent in terms of the benifit to me over the years. Despite the way things turned out and the fact that everything was not as beneficial as I once maybe thought it was today, I still feel it was a bargin.
At the December 7th and 8th 1958 meeting at New Lyme Ohio regarding the Way Biblical Seminary two issues were discussed that pertained to PFAL Quote 1. The Fee - Some of the members of the Board recommended charging a registration fee for the class plus a class fee. 2. How Dr. Wierwille could best use his time - Some members felt that Dr. Wierwille was spending too much time traveling and teaching PFAL classes and that it might be a better usage of his time if he stayed at South Washington Street and got some of his writings into printed form as well as worked on new material. Ermal Owens suggested that the Board should have a meeting the following month so that some of these matters could be decided after everyone had time to think and pray about them.
That may be because they hacked off, too many pieces of the tree, before they discovered that they did not have enough pieces to make a new one.
Well I just want to know if your closets are organized and your shoes are filed by brand alphabetically? I wouldn't want to pick up some leather spirit that would make me want a pair of red pumps, you know
His contact info is here at the website Here
All right piggie you don't fool me!!!!! We know you are building some sort of new pie hurling machine and just want to know how tight to torque the bolts. Math Question ....... PFFFFFF
Ha the 285 is a city in itself :blink: