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Everything posted by WhiteDove

  1. It all comes back now .......... I am in a room full of strangers........... we're all sitting waiting for something to happen........... the smell of patulli oil fills the room......... Then suddenly the lights dim and a flickering light appears on the wall............. there is a tick tick tick sound coming from the back of the room. A skinny black tie appears on the screen, with a man attached to it.... I hear a voice.......take your Bible and open to John 10:10............flash forward ....... I find myself typing on my keyboard today....... Spin Spin Spin by H.P. Lovecraft is playing on my computer speakers. Pretty pictures are exploding on the screen.............I am really hungry........... Lunch calls.............. Later I noticed the album contains another track Wayfaring Stranger...........Is that a clue?
  2. click Sniff Sniff.......I knew you were ignoring me Belle :( It's alright it's only me Mr. Feathers.....
  3. Hopefully not too busy Shaz to get the new Pony for Christmas Ornament from Hallmark :unsure:
  4. Ouch who pulled my feathers.......... The Happyman Pond it was originally a song Dave Lutz did did with Branded or Made in America. I thought it was on one of the Branded tapes or the High Country but it was not. I would call CFF and ask Nancy if they have any copies of Taste and See left they may have pulled them in light of his recent passing. They don't usually have the music CD's on the website. Christian Family Fellowship Ministry 1575 St. Route 571 West Tipp City, Ohio 45371 Tel: (937) 669.3090
  5. My spaghetti tasted pretty good ,my complements to the chef. It does improve with whine, at least some say so.
  6. Shame on all of you It's Thanksgiving ............... And you can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant Exceptin' Alice...... What's in your iPod?
  7. WOW I'll have to give this some thought can't say I ever considered what my first memory was, But I know I don't remember pulling the Christmas tree into my playpen but I have seen some pictorial proof of the deed. Personally I think it was staged or they photoshopped the that old Brownie picture.
  8. Wow Zix I guess you were right.
  9. I know Rick he was a WOW here in Kansas in 1975 despite the superhero website he is a pretty cool guy. I'm guessing it was a bad day attempt to sell his teaching DVD's.
  10. Where's that Moderator button I'm reporting this porn.....
  11. What a great idea now I can get all my pork specials coupons in one bag. :)
  12. 1) God's "moves" were described as done nearly 2000 years ago-long before our lives. Relative to our lives, God's moves were prologue, preparation, setup. (Without any of the "stringing chair" fixation of anyone's.) God then CEASED acting nearly 2000 years ago. I don't believe his moves were done, you may, nor do I see where they are setup,preparation with the exception maybe of the first part of Genesis. Nor do I believe he ceased in the scripture.
  13. That was not my idea of what God was doing ,your the one who thinks He was doing setup. I was just pointing out what a silly concept it was at least to me anyway, but its a free world you can believe whatever you like. Right "Again" which means He moved first not that we made Him move.
  14. I agree It is throughout the class, and all possible not because we invented it but because God made the first move in providing it.
  15. Well what about Froggy which seat was he in? You didn't leave him behind did you? :o :unsure:
  16. The original post implied that we took the lead in moving, that's BS ,long before we even thought of moving God was moving on our behalf. You want to believe that he was only doing setup and stringing chairs Fine WW the scriptures say otherwise. By definition He moved, and then waited patiently for us to move. There was no time requirement and there is none in which we have to respond either except during the span of our existence. I was never taught that I controlled His movement or that I was to imagine or trick my mind into anything.
  17. quote'WordWolf' You see all 36 definitions as relevant to your post? Or was that meant to camouflage the shortness of the reply? Or was there another reason? Nope not at all just being inclusive you can pick your choice of the applicable ones, the point I guess that you missed is that none of them have time as a factor in moving. One does not need a long reply unless you are trying to dodge the obvious. I thought if I kept it short you might see that to "advance ,take action,progress" is movement without any time requirements involved, as opposed to setup as you defined it.
  18. WhiteDove

    Texas BBQ 2007

    Ok Tom your host just told me on the phone there was BBQ'd bird there. :blink: Ha I knew it......... You can't fool me. Now what do you have to say for yourself?
  19. I saw her a few years ago in California at The Pond with Bob Dylan She had an amazing set with a four piece group where she did a lot of Jazz. The thing that impresssed me though the most was on the way in the venue she was standing outside the pond chatting with people and signing autographs. In all of the years of concerts I have ever been to and it's a long list I have never seen someone do that.
  20. No he wouldn't he would see his move as another move in a game in progress due to the fact that there was a previous move on the board which one would note by the fact that the board was not in the start position. Yeah setup............. Please Nope I would say I responded to His first move. move /muv/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[moov] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation verb, moved, mov·ing, noun –verb (used without object) 1. to pass from one place or position to another. 2. to go from one place of residence to another: They moved from Tennessee to Texas. 3. to advance or progress: The red racing car moved into the lead. 4. to have a regular motion, as an implement or a machine; turn; revolve. 5. to sell or be sold: That new model is moving well. 6. to start off or leave: It's time to be moving. 7. to transfer a piece in a game, as chess or checkers. 8. (of the bowels) to discharge or eject the feces; evacuate. 9. to be active in a particular sphere: to move in musical society. 10. to take action; proceed. 11. to make a formal request, application, or proposal: to move for a new trial. –verb (used with object) 12. to change from one place or position to another. 13. to set or keep in motion. 14. to prompt, actuate, or impel to some action: What moved you to do this? 15. to arouse or excite the feelings or passions of; affect with emotion (usually fol. by to): to move someone to anger. 16. to affect with tender or compassionate emotion; touch: The tale of tragedy moved her. 17. to transfer (a piece in a game) from one position to another. 18. to dispose of (goods) by sale. 19. to cause (the bowels) to discharge or eject the feces. 20. to propose formally, as to a court or judge, or for consideration by a deliberative assembly. 21. to submit a formal request or proposal to (a court, a sovereign, etc.). –noun 22. an act or instance of moving; movement. 23. a change of location or residence. 24. an action toward an objective or goal; step: a move toward a higher tax. 25. (in chess, checkers, etc.) a player's right or turn to make a play. 26. a play or maneuver, as in a game or sport. —Verb phrases27. move in, to begin to occupy a place in which to live or work. 28. move in on, Informal. a. to approach or make advances toward usurping another's success, authority, position, or the like. b. to take aggressive steps to control or possess: The company has not yet moved in on the consumer market. 29. move on, to approach or attack as a military target: The army is moving on the capital itself. 30. move out, to leave a place in order to start or continue a planned march, maneuver, journey, etc.: The troops will move out of the encampment at dawn. 31. move over, to change or cause to change to another position, esp. to make room for another: to make space by moving over. 32. move up, to advance to a higher level. —Idioms33. get a move on, Informal. a. to begin; act: We'd better get a move on before it rains. b. to hurry; hasten. 34. make one's move, Informal. to act, esp. to assert oneself at an opportune time. 35. on the move, a. busy; active: on the move from morning till night. b. going from place to place: Infantry units have been on the move all day. c. advancing; progressing: an industry on the move. 36. put moves on, Slang. to make sexual advances toward. Also, make a move on. Time has nothing to do with movement a move is a move unless there is some predetermined time frame noted that the movement has to take place in.
  21. WhiteDove

    Texas BBQ 2007

    T I see dust on those shelves all the way here in Kansas And water those poor Sunflowers too that one is turnig red. Looks like you are having fun without me Imagine that!
  22. I would think as Christians that we would rely on scripture to show us what to do, as well as letting Him show us what He is doing. That would have to be coupled with scripture at some point or as we have seen in the past God Told Me to do So and So happens. I would agree that there was a great deal of emphasis placed on us, but that is probably true in most church settings. We are the ones that need to learn to accept what is given, it's not God who is in need of learning. Much the same in school the emphasis is on us learning math or history. The information is there we now need to learn it. The goal of most Christian organizations is to teach each other to be more Christ like, so it is natural the subject would be more about us as we are the deficient party. That said you are correct in that the package was wrapped a little to tightly as the years went by and it did become dependent on it's own set of rules outlined in PFAL. That is a classic mistake of learning, once someone finds a system that appears to work then it becomes the only way to consider that it works. We forget that there is always a bigger box.
  23. Not at all what I learned, God was the first or prime mover, because of His move we are able to move You can split hairs between technically or practically but in either case our move was a response to His Move. Time has nothing to do with movement nor does distance, movement is movement period. Those who play chess by mail often take weeks to move, but their move is still in response to the one who moved before them. It matters not how long a time period between between moves there was. Likewise the space between God's move and our response to that move has no bearing on his movement .
  24. Belle's giving out SUGAR... Give Daddy some sugar :o
  25. Been listening to the Eagles new double album Long Road out of Eden
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