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Everything posted by WhiteDove

  1. Me either, nor does it surprise me that you see reproof where there was none. Speaking of tightly wrapped packages, it's easy to blame someone else for your situations like the LC the TC the Way The dog. but as I attempted to point out just for your consideration something that often escapes peoples thinking ,that little two letter word me. While others may indeed have had a part in your situation, the old adage fits here "you might not be able to stop being kicked ,but you can determine where your land. Just saying here....that is a choice as well. I missed the scripture that said we were to survive as comfortably as possible in life . I don't see that in the life of the believers in scripture. I see plenty of uncomfortable situations for Jesus, Paul and others. Their example to speak the truth is ours to follow regardless of circumstances, I'm sure they could have had some reasons for not speaking up as well in their day. We have all at times failed, each day is a new one and we make adjustments. But if we never acknowledge that we had a part in where the situation ended up and write it off as someone else's fault in a nice package then we never get to the real solution to the problem. There were thousands of people who passed through the way and no shortage of jerks, and I understand that people in general want to be liked and all. But at the end of the day you either walk the talk or not. It's easy to say It Is Written tougher to live it. When the rubber met the road we all faced choices, me I felt I had to live with mine ,so jerks went by the wayside. That’s my POV yours differs........ so be it.
  2. Now to keep those tunes playing here is the solution Global Solar™ SUNLINQ™ Foldable PV Modules SL-6.5, SL-12 and SL-25 Global Solar thin-film photovoltaic technology is perfect for charging many consumer products. Lightweight, foldable and durable, their solar cell designs are a proven product already used in space, military equipment, and large grid systems. Their consumer products are designed to charge and maintain your batteries and provide power for your portable electronics including cell phones, PDA devices, and MP3 players. These solar products are great for campers, hikers or anyone who spends extended time outdoors.
  3. Well if I have limited electricity, I'm gonna use it for music I think. Those blenders are power hungry, and I can mix drinks without a blender ... just sayin' Agreed if thy were plugged into the power grid. but the blenders have a battery pack so once it is precharged it will take no power to use that which is already in the pack Which was the purpose for having a portable blender. Besides I can't whirl that ice as fast as it.
  4. Actually the issue was if I remember at the start of the thread. {Quote} My question: Have you found there are no easy answers after you left the way? That may have been the case in your particular instance, I don't doubt that, that was not in mine or many others which is why I clarified Depending on the person speaking and time period in question and a few other exceptions Generally I'm sorry that was your experience ,but I don't believe that was the norm in teaching. Most of us at some point heard the line about leaving and the prophesies of doom. Most also had access to years of teaching about the love of God and choose to believe what the scriptures said rather than the optional choice. But your right it depended on whether you made the scripture your own as learned in PFAL or just sucked down every man's opinion and PI as to which road you took. I'm glad you have made appropriate changes in your life no matter which way you went about it. If it took leaving and getting away then great, but because that worked for you does not mean that was the only option. One could have arrived at the same conclusions by understanding scripture which was one of the foundational things that we were taught. We all had the option of making the Bible our own some did some did not ...every man's choice.
  5. Well it would make the end of the world more enjoyable.........
  6. Absolutely ! All of the fellowship coordinators here met and had alternative plans of action. We had mapped out routs both on main and off-road routs for different time frame scenarios a few hours to a day. Each coordinator took an area of expertise to study, shelters, food storage, defense, survival skills ,first aid, and so forth. The information was compiled and distributed to each a copy.
  7. Depending on the person speaking and time period in question and a few other exceptions Generally I find their take on life to be for the most part biblical. Being right scripturally has nothing to do with fear of an abusive husband or FC or RC when I wasn't perfect. If you had that fear then I would sugest that their were some deeper issues within your thinking that you needed to address that let you allow that in your life.
  8. WhiteDove

    Iced Tree

    Wow the trees were beautiful today,at least until they started dropping branches on my head. `Holy Polar Bears Batman I think Mr Freeze is back. Personally I suspect a flying Pig for this mess She's been too quiet lately.
  9. I have Socks, I have one that I use camping, add the popup shower stall and your ready to go...... For families I sugest this model Here And to keep the toes clean during the shower Here Oh yes and as long as your packing the MAL -trailer since the situation may look dismal I sugest one of these as well to improve your outlook on things. They work well........ Here
  10. Mr. Socks not to worry that shower thing is a breeze, you just need one of these toss the hose in the nearest water supply and you have hot showers. add a large tank and you can setup business for the neighborhood. Here
  11. Well today with a half inch of ice covering everything and more falling as I speak, and the power flickering off and on I'm thinking maybe it is time to drag it out of storage...... Ya think?
  12. I guess these responses baffle me. I never saw wanting to be right as anything more than a goal to the end of knowing more to help more people. I think it is an ever learning quest..... hence I Wanna be right the key word is Wanna not I am right. although it is probably poor wording I think most got the point conveyed. Really? Who wants to be wrong when offering help to someone? Would you seek help from someone that said hey I have wrong answers but I'd be happy to help you? When my computer was toast I looked for someone who was right. I wanted it fixed and I looked for someone that had the confidence to do so , that said I did not not assume they knew everything about computers ever known. Any way all this made me think of Sue Pierce's song, " When Your Right" I got to thinking yesterday Don't know what all great men say Some say day while some men say its night All the different things I've heard I just go back to Fathers Word If God has said it, you can bet its right When you’re right..... All...... the birds and trees sing Melodies are sweet and green spring All creation sings your right And when you’re right All..... the fields and mountains Fill your heart with bubbly fountains Shouting out you know your right. Seeking answers everywhere Then you find, they've always been there Walking with you from the start Looking high and looking low Look to God, and then you'll know The answers they speak up within your heart. When you’re right..... All...... the birds and trees sing Melodies are sweet and green spring All creation sings your right And when you’re right All..... the fields and mountains Fill your heart with bubbly fountains Shouting out you know your right. When you’re wrong…. Mmmm…. hum your song Give the praise where praise belongs Learn and let go, when you know you’re wrong And if sometimes ya just don’t know Whisper something soft and low Look to God before you sing your song. But when you’re right..... All...... the birds and trees sing Melodies are sweet and green spring All creation sings your right And when you’re right All..... the fields and mountains Fill your heart with bubbly fountains Shouting out you know your right.
  13. Jonny search for funeral, here's one rascal Aug 5 2007, 12:34 PM Post #21 Least I can`t be accused of dragging THIS thread off topic I`ll add that his own wife was heard to say of him on the day of his funeral, *He was a mean, mean man* here
  14. WhiteDove

    Ho Ho Ho

    Would now be a good time to point out that Santa can no longer say Ho Ho Ho he has been silenced by the politically correct. You'll need to change your thread Title Shellon to keep up with the times. Ha Ha Ha
  15. WhiteDove

    Ex10's Birthday

    Happy Birthday From One Real Thing to Another...........
  16. I never said the abuser did nothing wrong or right for that matter. What I did say is that a person accusing another of a crime has a burden to prove that accusation, not expect it to be taken on faith just because they say so or because the are likable, and until the burden is met one can not assume or refer to the party as guilty or innocent outside of their personal opinion which does not establish either. What I choose to believe about an abuser has nothing to do with guilt or innocence. Just because a group of people one two or seven say one thing does not make it truth. And it is not enough to determine guilt or innocence. You think variation in eyewitness accounts is immaterial I hope to God you never serve on a jury , and if someone was serving on a jury and it was your variations I bet you would feel different. So your method is to get one side of the story in an event and believe only that side without a fair hearing? I don't think that is the way our justice system works. Show me a court verdict and you have established guilt, beyond that you have alleged allegations. They may be true they may be false but they still are alleged allegations not proven guilt.
  17. You need to reread what I said I never said that they were not. I said first hand witnesses accounts vary often at the same event., and there are reasons why that is. So how many does it take to convict someone of a crime? If I find two people to convict you will you serve the time ?
  18. I'd have to disagree with you on this David- (notice I referred to you by your name not GreaseSpot Worshiper ) Ever gone to a crime scene and heard the first hand witnesses? Often you would think they were at different events. The truth is there are various reasons why these differences happen. Ever been to court sometimes first hand witness find out that they really didn't see things, quite the way they thought they did. I said it before many a person is sitting on death row because someone believed another's guess at what the truth was. No matter how much we may like someone ,it's not enough to convict someone without a fair hearing ,which is not a one sided one.
  19. Exactly socks, So the question begs if it's not true why do we need to bait someone with an obvious lie? Why do we need a name to call them? Don't they just have normal names like everyone else that we could refer to them by?
  20. I'd take offence at being called a wolf, sounds personal to me.. I see no wolf like behavior here. Since when does having an opposing opinion qualify someone as a wolf? Besides everyone knows we have only one self proclaimed Wolf around here, well and and a shark maybe......
  21. Don't mind me I'm not reading......... Don't worry I'll be surprised when my Christmas gift arrives.
  22. Socks If he could restock the bar from water at the next wedding I attended, That just might do it. :blink:
  23. Glad Zippie is feeling better Keep her away from the PIG Poop too :blink: PS Sorry about the router plug , Ha that will teach that dern cat to mess with me. Try to eat me will it...... now whose laughing
  24. I know he came here to do a several day seminar at the Prophecy Club church. The church goes by light of the world Christian Center but they host prophecy club events. All I know is that there is money there they keep building onto the place,so someone is buying what they are selling.
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