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Everything posted by WhiteDove

  1. Just like you ignore SEEING TWI FROM MULTI-VARIED POINTS OF VIEW that are out there in thousands of people in what you term offshoots. Do you listen and accept their words on the same faith you require Doubtful........... You choose only to accept the veiw of 2000 here of which most don't even post here or are double screen names. Thats about 5% ofthe people total who have been involved in the Way. I've seen it from both sides and continue to how about you? I'll state again you know nothing about what I have seen or have experianced don't assume you do.
  2. No I would say I believe that they happened to me but without proof I understand that you can not verify either way if it did or not. You can feel free to accept them based on my swell personality, my good looks, or just because you have a hunch I am telling you the truth ,but that does not mean that what I say is truth without first pasing the test of what truth is.
  3. I answered your questions , I never offered you any proof that it was truth I don't expect you to believe me you have no reason to. Trust No One!
  4. If one wants to stay close to their family roots....or stay put for career choices.....or stay in the warm weather, fine. It's your life. Your choices. But please.....don't come to GS and lecture others of "how good twi was".....especially when you didn't go WOW or Corps or HQ Staff or take yearly assignments. Sure, maybe in your small pocket of the universe it was fun and loving and few ventured beyond their comfort zones. Good for you......and enjoy those memories. It's a free country I can post my opinion all I want , Maybe I don't like what you post So what? If you don't like it don't read it. Why does it bother you anyway what I say or think? Why do you feel the need to silence me are you afraid of truth? You know nothing about me you just think you do.
  5. If that's not calling someone a liar, then what is it, WD? :unsure: We have threads upon threads about the "unwritten" teachings and doctrines of TWI. You know darn well that kind of thing happened. Why, after all these years of a preponderance of evidence, you won't acknowledge that and why you continue to doubt the experience others had, I'll never understand. Easy it is opinion it is neither truth nor non truth .Much like a criminal is neither guilty or inocent until they have their day in court and a verdict is rendered based on facts. which is not opinion.
  6. Not at all only here where there have collected a small group of exway in the overall number that participated over the years. One would expect the same from a site that only wants to tell the "other side" not equal sides In the larger scheme of all this would be a minority.
  7. One more time That is not what I stated. I said that they are not documentable as facts and as such can not be accepted as truth. because they do not fit within the definition... TRUTH 1. the true or actual state of a matter: He tried to find out the truth. 2. conformity with fact or reality; verity: the truth of a statement. 3. a verified or indisputable fact, proposition, principle, or the like: mathematical truths. 4. the state or character of being true. 5. actuality or actual existence.
  8. So another words you are admitting that I never said that, and that you just invented it from your idea of what I said. My very point people say things and others invent what they think they heard and swear it is what was said.
  9. You know nothing about me . Don't presume that you do. I take a "hard stance" as you put it against unproven opinions which don't fit with the english definition of facts. Facts are proven opinions are like a**holes everyone has one and some stink.
  10. Thanks for the timeline I did not look it up which is why I said I think. Idid look it up this morning that letter was dated simply March 1989 It was to staff with a return decision date of April 5th The letter I responded to was dated March 1990 and was the yearly Corps assignment letter.but was basicly the same in tone.the return date for a decision on that letter was the 31st of March.
  11. .No point in even trying to speak with you you obviously can't read Had you read what was written she spoke about nothing ,but asked a question My post was to Excathedra not you, keep your face out of it. I don't need to make decisions on the character of people. Some people just open their mouth and do it for me. She asked me a question ,because of her demeanor and class I will answer her. Do to the lack of yours I have nothing for you........
  12. Ex maybe if you would stop posting for Oh say five years I could catch up It's late but since you asked so nicely I will answer your question soon ,don't think I can do it in one line though but will try to be brief. For tonight I'll just say I am not mad or even mildly irritated I rarely get mad but if I was you would know it. I also wanted to say upfront it has nothing to do with your expierance.
  13. Hello WhiteDove.............i've been following along with your posts here on this thread for a couple of days now, as well as some posts you've placed on some other threads.......your last post here raised some questions in my mind, which i hope you won't mind answering.............. "I left on my own at the point where I felt there was going to be no change in the situation. I did confront the Limb and of course answered the Corps demand letter at a later point. I did so at a coordinators meeting so I had witnesses as to everything that was said and not said. I laid out point by point my concerns and why according to scripture I felt that their direction was not in the right way just like we learned ( well some of us did). I informed our fellowship the following day of our decision and offered an opportunity to anyone who wanted to transfer to a Way Twig with our blessing. None did At that point we continued with our home fellowship." I believe it was about six months before the letter that I informed the limb leader that we would no longer be holding a fellowship associated with the Way Int. that would have been late 89 I believe Craigs letter arrived in Feb 1990. There were many too many to outline in short here but since the 86 Corps week not much had really changed no direction, no nothing really Craig was lost in a fog and when he finally did take some action his response was to strike out at those that could have had any hope of producing any change. Following the POP at Corps week 86 he asked for our support but there was nothing to support his teachings were nothing but rants void of sound scripture. I would not profess that everything we learned was the right way I have never stated that it was. I do feel that I personally benefited from my years of teaching in the Way over all. The most beneficial of all was to endeavor to live a lifestyle of making the Bible, scripture, my rule of faith and practice. That it would be the guide for decisions in life, we have all at times fallen short of that goal. I think the difference is honest mistakes vs purposeful disregard. I saw that there was no regard for the scripture at that point and no signs despite their words that anytime soon they would return to any sort of relationship with God in the running of the ministry. Yes The fellowship has evolved over the years from start it was basically the same as we always had done while a part of the way. At this point we are more of a study group I'd say. We have done some community service things, We have spent some time looking at health issues because that was a concern at the time for some ,Having had great deliverance they were no longer a priority so we moved on to other things. I have an interest in biblical archaeology, and have acquired a collection of biblical artifacts to utilize in teaching. In fact I will be displaying them in a gallery here later this year. Tangible things can assist faith in its growth toward God archaeology brings forth the tangible remnants of history so that faith can have a reasonable context in which to develop.If I may digress: One of my favorite pieces is a terra cotta oil lamp from 100BC - 100AD period it has opened up the scripture to me Ephesians 1:18 The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, An eye does not produce light in and of itself it simply passes light from the outside in. Rays of light are reflected off of an object .Although the images appear to be seamless, each blending imperceptibly into the next, they are in reality being updated almost continuously by the vision apparatus of your eyes and brain. The seamless quality in the images that you see is possible because human vision updates images, including the details of motion and color, on a time scale so rapid that a "break in the action" is almost never perceived. God's Word brings light, spiritual light to our mind. Many times today we see prints with this verse on them and beside the Bible there is a candle. In reality the oil lamp of biblical times should be there. A candle only enlightens until it burns out of wax. A lamp like the one I have will light as long as oil is kept in the lamp base. With the wick at the top of the lamp and the filling hole in the middle as it is the lamp can be continuously refilled with out ever going out. I believe that is the true lesson from Ephesians 5:18 and the lamp vs candle. We have through the light of scripture an endless supply of understanding available to us not a supply that will burn out like a candle. . At some point before I pass on I hope to assemble a seminar on biblical understanding through archaeology. To let others share and touch and feel the history of the scriptures. We have and still do use outside Christian books in our studies too numerous to mention here. Some pan out some don't. I also resource with about 20 or so Exway groups/teachers and have used various classes and or books. . I've enjoyed Ken Petty's work and Peter Wade, Taylor Overbey will be here in February to teach his seminar Power from on High .
  14. Geez, WhiteDove, I guess in your world then we should blame victims of rapists, the child suffering child abuse from a parent, the boy raped by his priest. So you're saying the victim of a violent rape that has lingering problems never took personal responsibility to take the hit and work through it either, they shoulda stood against it and know inside themselves that they were better than being treated like that, they shouldn't feel bad about it. Huh...right. Only the strong survive, the weak, the fragile, the fearful can't hack it and it's their own fault. Hmmm? Say White Dove, just curious, how did you leave TWI, did you leave of your own volition, or did they bounce you out on your ear? Well I guess you want to join in the fun. I'll answer your questions point by pointsince you can't seem to read whats written either. First point I never said to blame anyone for anything ,accepting personal responsibility for decisions has no blame with it just personal fortitude.You get the same challenge as Tom and Rascal find a post that says that. Second I never addressed the subjects you wrote about above ,my words were addressing other issues you can't take those and apply them to whatever you want. Third I never spoke as to situations that involved non adults or adults in situations beyond their control. Here is the difference since you obviously can't figure it out on your own. Rape is a crime not a choice Abortion is a choice, there are options, none are easy choices, but once one is made the chooser then should take responsibility for that decision. I don't think I said that at all.Do you have a quote? again re read answer 1 above I left on my own at the point where I felt there was going to be no change in the situation. I did confront the Limb and of course answered the Corps demand letter at a later point. I did so at a coordinators meeting so I had witnesses as to everything that was said and not said. I laid out point by point my concerns and why according to scripture I felt that their direction was not in the right way just like we learned ( well some of us did). I informed our fellowship the following day of our decision and offered an oppertunity to anyone who wanted to transfer to a Way Twig with our blessing. None did At that point we continued with our home fellowship.
  15. CLICK Was it The Act of Marriage by La Haye?
  16. TRUTH 1. the true or actual state of a matter: He tried to find out the truth. 2. conformity with fact or reality; verity: the truth of a statement. 3. a verified or indisputable fact, proposition, principle, or the like: mathematical truths. 4. the state or character of being true. 5. actuality or actual existence.
  17. Noni lots of good ideas here I'll add one more to the mix. Although it may be too late for this year. Volunteer at your local shelter to help with The Christmas with the animals or take them some gifts. You'll make their day, but I'll warn you ahead of time it may bring you to tears the thankfulness they express for the simple things in life like a ball to play with. Here is the link to ours this year. Here Christmas at the Shelter "Tis the night before Christmas and all through the town, Every shelter is full - we are lost but not found, Our numbers are hung on our kennels so bare, We hope every minute that someone will care, They'll come to adopt us and give us the call, "Come here, Max and Sparkie - come fetch your new ball!!" But now we sit here and think of the days... We were treated so fondly - we had cute, baby ways, Once we were little, then we grew and we grew - Now we're no longer young and we're no longer new. So out the back door we were thrown like the trash, They reacted so quickly - why were they so rash? We "jump on the children:, "don't come when they call", We "bark when they leave us", climb over the wall, We should have been neutered, we should have been spayed, Now we suffer the consequence of the errors THEY made. If only they'd trained us, if only we knew... We'd have done what they asked us and worshiped them, too. We were left in the backyard, or worse - let to roam - Now we're tired and lonely and out of a home. They dropped us off here and they kissed us good-bye... "Maybe someone else will give us a try." So now here we are, all confused and alone... In a shelter with others who long for a home. The kind workers come through with a meal and a pat, With so many to care for, they can't stay to chat, They move to the next kennel, giving each of us cheer... We know that they wonder how long we'll be here. We lay down to sleep and sweet dreams fill our heads... Of a home filled with love and our own cozy bed. Then we wake to see sad eyes, brimming with tears - Our friends filled with emptiness, worry and fear. If you can't adopt us and there's no room at the Inn - Could you help with the bills and fill our food bin? We count on your kindness each day of the year - Can you give more than hope to everyone here? Please make a donation to pay for the heat... And help us get us something special to eat. The shelter that cares for us wants us to live, And more of us will, if more people will give.
  18. Not........ A ...... Thang I just want to build up my posts so I can catch up to you. :lol:
  19. Hello. Welcome to the GSC. There's different people, with different points of view here, who engage in discussions- after all, it's a "discussion forum". :) On the whole, I find that's a healthy process, and people can generally tell the difference between healthy speech and unhealthy speech, once they can compare them side-by-side. One of the things I find unhealthy, for example, is an eagerness to label other people. Here is an example of what I mean. The poster here has already labelled and categorized the people who disagree with you- or who don't agree with you 100%. He's already taken ALL their DIFFERENT points of view, and eliminated all the positions except the most extreme. This would limit your ability to see that there are MANY points of view, and limit the amount that all of them have to offer you. After all, everyone here offers SOMETHING, and sometimes, the most surprising things come up from the most surprising people. If you allow labelling like this to close you off to learning from them, you'll be the poorer for it. This poster did that based on actions on this board in multiple situations, and factual data for posters posting pro twi or presumed pro twi opinions. It is no secret that CFF has and does hold to and teach many of those same ideas. Therefor since Nathon is in one of their leadership programs he no doubt will also hold to and post some of those same ideas. I never stated that you can not learn from people here,or that you should not. Your right there are lots of points of view ,but in the end one truth.
  20. I'll get to it right after you find that link where I said This I'll make it easier for you you can skip the always I'll let you off on that one . Just find one example where I used those words. Or you can join Rascal in the can't find a quote to back up my accusations corner.
  21. Good guess but aaaaaaaaaa No prize! But you can have a few more chances.............. Here's a hint PSST It's because I don't like people making S**t up and ascribing words to people that did not say them.....
  22. Hi Nathon thanks for the contact You are getting a free pass here because you are new, but you may have noticed that the posts are starting to ratchet up already. They will get more to the point soon. You affiliation with CFF will soon land you a full fledged Weirwille Worshiper Title soon enough. No need to try to explain that you are not, it won't do any good. Enjoy the coffee while they are still offering it for free .........you'll be paying for it soon :blink:
  23. So I'm guessing you can't find the quote where I said that or else you would have posted it rather than dodge the issue. Well let me help you outHERE IS WHAT YOU SAID WORD FOR WORD YOUR WORDS NOT MINE.......... Rascal Ouote - The only reason that I finally broke my silence on who taught me this stuff, was dove thinking that he knew and was privy to everything everyone taught in every situation and scenario. I never (as demenstrated by your lack of a quote from me saying anything remotly like that) said that. I never implied that I thought that anywhere in my posts. As a matter of fact anticipating that you would add to my words my intentions, like you do everyone elses I anicipated that move and posted the following just to make clear what I thought. Post#281 Rascal I'm not going to debate advances with you I have been to all, but not every advance but I have attended a women's advance, This was in responce to your post: Dove, Couples advances were very different than the women's advances. I have attended both. Corpes women and wives were different even more so...I don`t believe you were corpes or a womn, so for you to atte,pt to speak authoritatively about either is silly. I specifically said that I had been to all types of advances.......... But not every advance. Not having been at every advance was a purposeful admission that I was not aware of everything ever taught anywhere. That should have been commen sense but just to make sure having knowledge of your previous actions of past I posted it. Clearly I never said anything like that and you know it but it didn't matter to you you just wanted to say I did anyway so off it goes. Further not only did you make it up (that's make s**t up as I have discussed in the past) but you ignored that fact that I confirmed that was not my thinking in post 281. prior to yours. To recap 1. You put words in my mouth that I never said. 2. You ignored words that I posted telling you that was not my thinking 3. You can't deny it ,Because there are no posts to prove it. 4. You then still try to justify your actions by changing the subject You have proved my point exactly For whatever reason you think it is ok to add your personal interpretation to other's words and call it theirs. You just did it with mine here and you do with topics on the Way and former people involved therin here consistently. The point was not as you put it: Quote Rascal Has not the WHOLE point of this discussion been YOU claiming that because you weren`t there and didn`t hear what was taught ...there for the rest of us are liars...and our experiences never happened??? The point was that you misrepresent what people say by adding words or intentions not supplied by them to their words . Here is a classic example today, and yet you wonder why people accuse you of not speaking the truth and wonder why I don't trust what you say. You just did it here and you consistently do it to others because of your emotional anger ,I suppose you feel it is just ok to say what you want because you are angry. It Is Not and I will challenge it . Right so there was no post to that effect another words...........Like I said
  24. Yes White Dove, let's make it all about you instead of helping. No one can be helped until they realize what they are doing. One must first show them that they are adding to statements people have said and calling them their words they are not Thats the first step to speaking honestly....... Whats your solution you seem to only want to sideline critic mine? Let me guess just accept and believe everything anyone says as truth?
  25. I'll give you the same challange I extended to Tom Show me a post where I ever said this. Otherwise quit misrepresenting what I say. Which by the way is the discussion here How people think they hear things Guess this is a perfect case to prove the point. You wont find those words because I did not say them I'll expect the retraction forthcomming.
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