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Everything posted by WhiteDove
I do as well............ Excathedra
I've been told that the Way is again selling books to those who want them don't know if that is true or notbut that is what I was told. You might try.
They who ? the only one I see posting is Oldies. I've been attending to other things but I have her book So what do you want to discuss ? The lack of any reference to the teaching of alleged doctrine of the Way International, of spousal beating. Or something else?
You can get Mrs. Owens Just The Way It Was book here I don't se Mrs. Wierwille's book Born Again to Serve but they have had some you might contact them. Here
Ok compromise............ lets just say it has not worked with me in 5 years here , and my opinion is ,it will not change because to do that would change the very core of what I stand for and I doubt that will happen anytime soon.
.Jeff I wanted to acknowledge your words here today, for the record I never saw you as a bully either, just stating your opinion It differs from mine but that's fine with me. It's yours not mine. I'm cool with that...... Your right about the giving it right back" to WD won't help anyone here at all. But I'm a big boy and can take it. it rolls away just like the dirty dishes did at Emporia. And I will never back down from that which is truth, it did not work when people tried in The Way, and it won't work here either. For me everyone starts out at point zero, from there they move one way or the other on their own merit, Others opinion good or bad of them don't move them I require truth to do that,
Without starting another battle I believe that I am the intended offender and you are the offendee or hero Rascal. I think her point is that for all the back and forth, in the end of however many pages it takes to wear out, leaves us at the same point when the first two posts were made........ on different sides of the issue.
I did not learn that either Dave but I see some here are teaching it.
Actually I can there are none in our city, You can contact Word Promotions and verify that. I'm not sure the one in Wichita is functioning and the next closest is in Kansas City I'd be happy to supply the name of a contact for that fellowship to you and you can verify that I do not attend there. I got your point here's mine there is a vast difference in people speaking about routine things in life like for example what they ate for lunch, when they left for work and so forth and accusing someone of a serious charge or crime. Most people would have no reason to be untruthful about what they had for lunch, in less of course they were visiting their diet counselor maybe. But generally if someone says they went to the store they most likely did. Serious charges and crimes generally require some merit,proof, as they have a personal effect on the person or organization.
Several years ago my sisterdove Dovey sent the following piece entitled Dear God. I was thinking about it this week as a group of dogs must think they have gone to heaven. In the past few months construction was completed on the canine condos. 12 units for dogs like Emile who will live their life out at the shelter. The Condos feature spacious rooms with cool water dispencers,ceiling fans 70 degree year round temperture and even couches and chairs for those who don't think furniture is a chew toy. Each apartment has its own private yard for checking out the guys next door or enjoying the view and voicing opinions on shelter activities. Several times a day staff members visit to share love and fun time. Emile has been at Hearts United for many years. He is now 17 years old. Emile has come to think of HUA as home. He is frail and easily upset by changeas a result of puppy mill abuse. We have decided it is in Emile's best interest to stay at HUA where he loves his caretakers and gets all of his special needs, including a special diet and frequent vet visits, taken care of. Emile loves his routine. He goes out to recess 3 times a day with the other dogs. Although he has arthritis he is one of the first ones out. He does a darling little pitty pat, bunny hop with his back legs on his way out the door to the yard. He does tons of exploring and greeting the other dogs. He is then one of the first back in because he knows he will get lots of after recess time kisses and hugs and will get special treats with whole carrots and peas. After treat time and kisses Emile settles in for a long well deserved nap. We are Emile's family and he is ours. We will care for him and love him for the rest of his days. Dear God, Why do humans smell the flowers, but seldom, if ever, smell one another? Where are their priorities? Dear God, When we get to heaven can we sit on your couch? Or is it the same old story? Dear God, Why are there cars named after the jaguar, the cougar, the mustang,The colt, the stingray and the rabbit, but not ONE named for a dog? How often do you see a cougar riding around? We dogs love a nice ride! Would it be so hard to rename the Chrysler Eagle the Chrysler Beagle? Dear God, If a dog barks his head off in the forest and no human hears him, is he still a bad dog? Dear God, If we come back as humans, is that good, or bad? Dear God, More meatballs, less spaghetti, please. Dear God, When we get to the Pearly Gates, do we have to shake hands to get in? Dear God, Are there dogs on other planets or are we alone? I have been howling at the moon and stars for a long time, but all I ever hear back is the Schnauzer across the street. Dear God, Are there mailmen in Heaven? If there are, will I have to apologize? Dear God, We dogs can understand human verbal instructions, hand signals, whistles, horns, clickers, beepers, scent ID's, electromagnetic energy fields, and Frisbee flight paths. What do humans understand? Dear God, May I have my testicles back?
OH P.S I don't run a Geerite fellowship
On 21st December 1957 Peter and Vivien Wade were married in Adelaide, South Australia. It was a very hot and sunny day. Now you can enjoy previously unpublished pictures of this event as they celebrate their 50th anniversary. Enjoy the slide show at Here (please be patient while it loads!) or follow the link from our Home Page.
I dunno. I don't think we can exactly separate ourselves from the past. It is still part of us. I think that is what some are trying to do.. That was you back there.. twenty or so years ago.. I haven't met ANYONE here, that I would say that they are wallowing in self pity or anything. On the contrary.. most are reclaiming their lives. What could have been is becoming what is.. I became, and am becoming what could have been.. I got a ham radio license.. in 1993. It's what "coulda been" thirty years ago.. I am a stones throw from a bachellor's in mathmatics and chemistry.. It's what coulda been, twenty some years ago.. but still the past is part of me. Rascal got the black belt.. "coulda" done it fifteen years ago.. The only FEW that seem to be going nowhere.. unless I just don't know enough details.. are those who staunchly choose to REMAIN in the past.. bound by the "shadows of a few great(?) names", bound by an arcane doctrine or set of doctrines that only those here can understand. Going from one offshoot to another, one "great" name to another.. Personally I am always glad to see people do things they want to , Mr. squirrel are you saying that to do that you have to do one or the other? I have started a business since leaving the way, Worked in the community with animals, I'm president of the dog bark board. I just curated a exhibit at a local gallery of Coca Cola memorabilia that I have collected for years. and a few other endeavors as well. I say this not to highlight my involvement but to say just because you are active in an offshoot (your term) does not mean you can't have or do whatever you want in life I don't see it as an either or. rarely does any of this get in the way of having a fellowship for me and if there is a conflict then it is resolved one way or another by shifting a date here or there. Having a spiritual commitment does not to me mean I don't get to have a life, but in the end all those things are like Paul said of little importance. I'm proud of the success of my business and the things I have done but they are just things they will pass with life. The other will not.
Along with John's verse I'll add this one which I have heard mentioned form time to time. Psalm 141:2 (King James Version) King James Version (KJV) Public Domain Let my prayer be set forth before thee as incense; and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice. Personally I never use the term too religious sounding for me, and as well if you mean prayer why not just say prayer It makes more sense to me to say will you pray for this rather than will you lift this. We did not always speak clear in a way that others could understand us .
Jeff I guess you missed this beneficial help: Quote Potato: at this point he serves another service to me, and that is regaining some of the acuity of thought that withered away with neglect in twi. where I was required to swallow in twi, I can question and analyze here and everywhere else I'm privileged to go.
Doojable I could not agree more and what it says is that I stand for truth only when it is so ,not because someone say's it is. It says I don't accept information as fact until proven especially from the internet by anonymous people despite the fact that I may believe it is true or not. It says in America a person is innocent until proven guilty, not by opinion poll, and until such time as one is their crimes are alleged. I'll say again for about the billionth time I NEVER said it was not true, or not false only that "I' do not accept information without proof as truth. You have that option if you want. I never asked you to convince me of anything you won't until you have something to convince me with it's called facts. Ask Rubin (Hurricane) Carter what he thinks about non documental testimony he sat for 20 years in prison, had it not been for Dylan and a few others he would still be rotting there. Why? because people just accepted what someone said without the filter that defines truth in place. He is far from the only one in that situation many have been released due to DNA testing finding their stories to be true. I have no problem with people telling their side of the story ,in fact that's how facts come to light, I do have a problem with people becoming judge and jury without fair representation.
It's post #64 on page 4 Ex and I agree it was a nice post.
you seem very concerned with what twi deserves and not at all concerned with the hearts of people who've been hurt. what do they deserve? it's twi who has a problem with speculation, fuzzy memories, and guesses. I proved that for myself when I called to get information about a meeting the RC ordered. twi accuses the brethren all day long. I was barely in when you left. I probably heard you made an example of, since that's what was done about people like you who stood up to leadership. they told lies about you, about your motives, and twisted your words and intent. I spent time at all the root locations (not much at Emporia, but plenty at the others) and lived around HQ for years and saw it first hand. twi never represented the other side fairly, EVER. it's taken me years to piece it together, but I've established the truth for myself. there is no meekness and not a scrap of godly sorrow inherent in the fabric of twi culture. individuals choose to live in a godly way the best they can inside... I know some who do, in fact, and they do it in spite of twi, not because of. the "ministry" itself is a corrupt machine, designed by corrupt men for filthy lucre's sake. the standard of "it is written" was shoved down our throats not to make us better people, but to make us easier to control. I am well aware of the actions of TWI I've experienced it firsthand ,it won't change me I don't base my life in response to what they do
Surely you are not suggesting we need some proof we all know we just except it because they said so it was their experience ,who are you to question it? Isn't that how you said it works or is there a different standard when it comes to people you don't like?
Personal attack noted........ I'll look into my options I don't see were stating my opinion did any of the things you accuse me of. Were you scared of my opinion ? If not then again I guess you misrepresent me.
So Sunesis is it your opinion that every heartfelt sharing should be considered truth? I guess OJ really did not kill his wife and Mr. Vick why he never hurt no dogs. Sorry I don't see heartfelt as a standard for truth There are some recent cases of heartfelt people pleading for their missing kids, only to find they knew all along where they were. If you choose to accept that as truth your choice it won't be mine. That's not to say that in this case his story was not true just unverifiable.
How come YOU didn't leave when YOU first saw it WD? How come YOU didn't leave when YOU confronted them and nothing changed? Don't fault others for something YOU did yourself. I believe what I said was they should have spoken up rather than internalizing their anger. Also, it's awfully presumptuous of you to state that "the ministry was built on the standard of It Is Written"... the "ministry" was built on the lives and souls of those sacrificed satisfying the needs of veepee, the BOT and others. You conclude a lot WD... what makes you the expert? What makes you think they were comfortable? Many have told you that they objected, tried to fight one way or another, but were eventually beaten down and submitted to 'the higher authority'... How come YOU didn't leave when YOU confronted them and nothing changed? Don't fault others for something YOU did yourself. Because they said they were look up her post those were her words[ not mine I never stated that everyone was confortable once again you failed to represent what I said. Hello Context ? ........ I see you conviently missed this point from my post Quote....... and while arguably that may not have always been the case in every situation. (that's a argument for a different day.) It none the less was the core of the groups teaching. Do you really expect me to believe that was not the case its everywhere throughtout any book or litature. Don't play dumb. WD, there are a number of people on these forums who have told you of the things that went on, the things that happened to them, that they confronted (like you're advocating here) and when things didn't change, they left... yet YOU respond to them that YOU don't believe it ever happened because it can't be proven. YOU deny. OK... I think I understand you now. IF SOMETHING IS TO BE CONSIDERED 'HONEST' BY YOU IT MUST AGREE WITH YOU AND YOUR OPINION. God forbid you should ever change your opinion... Again not what I said . I said is was not ducumentable as truth it may have happened it may have not until such time it can be documented " I" will not accept it as truth because it does not fit within the definition of truth as in the English language. It has nothing to do with what I think or believe I may believe it to be true but that does not make it so I think I said that just a few times but your selective reading may have gotten in the way.
Well you get the same challenge as the rest Can you provide a quote for your accusation or do you just Make s**t up as well? Supporting factual information is not equal to supporting TWI If you'll read my posts in fact you will see I have agreed with many points where TWI was wrong I guess you missed those ..... You see what you want to see............ Some people can see the difference in the wrong and right some only want to see wrong.
Exactly the point Thanks there are are those here on this board that think what you believe is superstition because of the fact that there is no proof. why don't you believe them when they tell you that as you do when they say other things ? Because its their opinion thats why..........