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Everything posted by WhiteDove

  1. Well Jonny you gave it the old college try anyway..............
  2. One thing about White Dove that you have to understand is that he is one of the few on this site who are Jack Chick-like in his hatred of the Catholic Church and anything Catholic at all. (click on the link and you'll see why in this case). Now Mark I did not even know who Jack was until you brought him up awhile back actually I thought he might be a new action star like Bruce Lee. I was expecting a movie Jack Chick in Battle for China town..... It's sort of funny. Whenever I bring up anything overtly pro-Catholic on this thread, he immediately pounces (I think his mission is to warn mere mortals like yourself about the evils of the Catholic Church) Well it is a cult site so I thought I'd share my experience in one. If there is a pedophile priest thread and I say something to condemn the practice, he jumps on and criticizes me because I am either not critical enough or that I don't realize "the real reason they're pedophiles is because they're Catholic..." (note the quotes there) Come on Mark I took the father molester off the discussion table for you ,just wanted to make sure you did not forget him. I never said the reason they're pedophiles is because they're Catholic. But I do believe that if they had a normal sexual life available to them rather than hanging around men and little boys perhaps there would be less of a problem. I think there is a growing opinion in the church to support that as well these days. It would be foolish to not consider that perhaps church policies are are creating an environment that is enabling to this kind of behavior. If I attempt to correct a mis-statement, well, I am not qualified to do so because he graduated from a Catholic High School and thus knows more about the Church than the Pope (which is really funny, considering Ratzinger's background as a theologian). Mark you misrepresent me here, I never claimed to know everything about the church, only what I was taught which may at this point be outdated. You know how those popes are one is God breathed at least until the next one comes along and decides different. I never said you were not qualified I'm sure you are well indoctrinated in church beliefs. Again I can only share what I was taught. The message content such as that posted by White Dove, and the open hatred expressed therein, is the reason why there are some who post on this board (as I mentioned to you in that other thread) who are afraid to admit that they have either a) converted or b) gone back. I'd say the same is true towards Exway beliefs as well here wouldn't you? I wonder why one would hide the fact anyway why not stand up for what you believe does someone's opinion really bother you that much? People voice their disagreement with things we were taught in the way that I may hold to . So what? I'm not afraid to speak up . I don't dislike Catholics as people only the doctrine for it's unscriptural practices. I know lots of nice Catholics including my Aunts who were Sisters of Charity, nice people can be wrong as well as the next person. I'm sure Sister had a good intent for telling us that story I'm sure she probably thought it would inspire a respect for the Eucharist in us but in a cold war era when we were already ducking under desks with our letter cards over our heads to protect us from certain nuclear death I think given the age group it was a poor decision. By the way I liked that nun she was one of my all time favorite teachers she had a brother who played baseball for the Pittsburgh Pirates they were in the world series that year and we listened to the games while we did class work. So did I get the transubstantiation wrong? I checked it again from Catholic answers Here Quote Third, you must believe in the doctrine of transubstantiation. "For anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment upon himself" (1 Cor. 11:29). Transubstantiation means more than the Real Presence. According to transubstantiation, the bread and wine are actually transformed into the actual body, blood, soul, and divinity of Christ, with only the appearances of bread and wine remaining. I did not make the doctrine here just pointing them out. It looks to me like if you eat the flesh and blood which are no longer bread and wine that pretty much qualifies as cannibalism and vampirism. (Corrected to add this one comment) But, don't get me wrong. Other than this one subject, he's a pretty nice guy. There's just that one chink in his armor... Mark I bet your a nice guy as well ......It's just that your in a cult thing............
  3. Even setting aside the large problem of Father Molester for the moment I don't think it is the lack of faith that is the problem here Mark. The Roman Catholic Church teaches that once an ordained priest blesses the bread of the Lord's Supper, it is transformed into the actual flesh of Christ (though it retains the appearance, odor, and taste of bread); and when he blesses the wine, it is transformed into the actual blood of Christ (though it retains the appearance, odor, and taste of wine). I don't see cannibalism and vampirism as any lovely family values. Eating Christ's flesh and drinking his blood is by far worse and sicker than anything the Way came up with. A teaching on fear seems to pale in light of this sick twisted doctrine. Speaking of the mass let me share my lovely experience of the mass as shared to us at the tender age of 8 or 9, third graders. We were told the story of saint (? someone who's name escapes me) who during mass was interrupted by German soldiers who promptly executed the church clergy in the aisles. After ripping them to pieces with their machine guns they threw the communion hosts down the aisle. But when all looked bleak saint Tommy Gun here rose to the occasion despite being ripped to pieces by machine gun fire, he managed to crawl up the aisle undetected eating each of the defaced hosts. Just as there was one more host left a guard noticed what was transpiring and let out another blast from his machine gun but saint Tommy Gun in a feat of great strength managed to claw his way to the last host and swallow it before succumbing to the hail of bullets. Of course like Christ he declared It is Finished, and prayed for his killers to be forgiven in true priestly fashion, before he expired as well. Now this lovely little story caused me for the rest of the year to make sure I always sat on the end of the aisle where I had a straight shot to the confessional booths to hide just in case some crazed Russian or German decided to invade our church and mow us all down. I figured it was the best plan for survival because I was not about to eat any father ,son, or moldy toast if there were machine guns involved. I was not a big fan of the stale bread to begin with, (I mean they could have at least used wonder bread ,so it would build our bodies stronger 12 ways. And I sure had no plan to be fool enough to crawl up some aisle like saint Tommy Gun and get myself ripped to shreds in slow motion. I'll probably need years of therapy to get this vision of loveliness out of my brain. Yes what a delightful thing mass was ...... Tune in next week for another story from school days where we'll see poor Joe get his knuckles split open by sister crazy and her ruler for committing the crime of making a pencil mark in a test booklet. Can you say cult?
  4. Well the Stupidbowl is over...... Me I'm just glad Charlie Brown caught the Coke.....
  5. I don't know, we had a limb TV in the way home we used it whenever we wanted to no one ever seemed to mind. And if you sleep on the living room floor while watching TV I guess that qualifies for being in bed by midnight. :D I suspect that the stringing came from a chalk line idea without the mess of chalk all over everything.
  6. WhiteDove

    Pick a Car!

    All terrain! Now if that's what your needing you need a Duck. You could just pick up the driftwood as you float by. Now Cowgirl as I remember you are a certified duck driver, as a matter of fact if my memory is correct I believe it was this one Kenmore Karla that you drove in the Boston harbor. Quack Quack.... eh?
  7. What? you mean you didn't commandeer the limb TV, what else was it good for when no classes were running?
  8. Last month I posted what Ana Cooper was doing these days This month I would like to share what Sal Arico is doing. Hey Dear Friends, Musicians, Brothers & Sisters! Just wanted to let you know that Home Again is now playing on 51 Radio Stations across the country, as well as an Independent Christian Artist site called "Indieheaven". tRs is an online radio station that you can listen to while on your computer... great Christian music. They are also promoting Home Again to 50 other traditional radio stations across the country! God is good!!!! You can request songs on either site, so it would be a great blessing if you'd go and request some of your favorite songs! Check out some of the other artists as well. I've been meeting lots of new friends, musicians, brothers and sisters there! Have a beautiful day, filled with the love and presence of God! Love always, Sal http://www.thespiritradio.net/index.asp] http://www.indieheaven.com/ http://www.thespiritradio.net/artisthome.asp?id=3137
  9. You can reach Claudettee here CLICK
  10. Exactly! Speaking of PFAL.........Another case of not reading what is written, seems some of us need a repeat after all. ." And I opened my eyes, and it was pitch-black, almost pitch-black outside, and the snow was falling so thick. I have never seen it fall that thick since that day Never said the snow was black, only the outside. It never ceases to amaze me the grasping at straws and straining of words to try to make a case.
  11. Flashback visions, personal spiders, seems to relate to each other Sounds like it all comes from the same source to me.
  12. Is this the CES thread?> Will more spiders appear soon?
  13. Si Senior Oakspere..... I'll quote you sabihondo a**
  14. Well in any case it was more like a R2 droid designation than a nametag. My model number was SPF-3 It did provide some amusing moments though people would stare at the tag and wonder what it meant, you could see the wheels turning. Once someone asked if I was in the Spanish Corps. Do I look like I live south of the border?
  15. Continued from Who comes to the Cafe? per Twinky's request Everyone, please: Can I remind posters that the purpose of this thread is to consider who comes here to the Cafe and not to debate treatment of spouse Corps. That is a significant point that perhaps should be discussed - maybe someone would like to start another thread? (Mods, feel free to lift some of this thread to start a new one!)
  16. I was not speaking of the 90s. The first hurdle one had to jump was to actually be a spouse I know of several that behind their backs their so called friends talked the spouse out of getting married they needed to marry the "best don't Ya know." Translated that meant you could be a complete looser but if you sat in a desk for a space of time you were the best. ( I think I'm hearing an O'Jays song about now) Once you crossed that hurdle there were always those that thought they were somehow more informed, more spiritual than you. Thankfully not everyone thought that way. Now you know No naming names........I'll just say but if the shoe fits............
  17. Aint it the truth........ Apperantly an attitude that has not yet been resolved for some to this day.
  18. WhiteDove

    How Long ?

    Another poster here cobaltkid's husband used to play drums with some of those guys. They were 7th Corps
  19. WhiteDove

    How Long ?

    Not to my knowledge just friends. Now they may have dated some of the same women but that's another story........ for another time. :o
  20. I think what they said was that the class offered keys to have a more than abundant life , not so much the class itself but through learning what scripture declares. Sometimes it works sometimes not ,I attribute those times to user error. Roy I don't think the abundant life has much to do with whose car is better, I think that was a misinformed view.
  21. WhiteDove

    How Long ?

    Hey Oak they played Lincoln Thursday night before our show, they said they used you guys as lab rats to hone the show. Their days of fellowship would have predated their days of fame no one in TWI would have promoted them the were not yet in the public eye . Only in the policemans eye on occasion.
  22. WhiteDove

    How Long ?

    Kansas and the early kansas way leaders came out of the same hippie crowd People like The S*nn's hung around in the same circles the connection was probably more drug related than fellowship. They were just local kids that everyone knew and saw at the head shops. Kansas came from White Clover and Saratoga which had merged and reformed several times. They came from other bands like Plain Jane and Rain. Kerry had Saratoga and Steve had White Clover. Because of their friendship with early way leaders some may have attended a fellowship at some point but none were involved in the way that I know of. When I first started coming to fellowships in the early 70s we would many times head off to see them play after fellowship. We used to see them for a $2.00 cover charge, sometimes free. That was back in the days when the way kids sold carnations on the street corners. Kerry is active in the local church scene as a speaker. His book seeds of change would give you some info on his journey with some Kansas history. He has a studio here and has recently reformed some of those original Kansas members that never made it into the final famous group, into a new band. He plays with Kansas on occasion as a special guest as he did last night. Carry on Wayward son was written way to long after any way involvement to be related. That song oddly enough almost never made it on the album. They were finishing up the songs for the record when Kerry said he had one more song they might like to hear. Everyone liked it so they took it to the studio and soon decided it would end up being the title track. From that album probably the song more about his spiritual journey was The Wall one of my favorite Kansas songs that drew a standing ovation last night. Written on his dads Lowery organ it was a song about his search for a meaning to life and the at the time feeling that he had reached a wall that he just could not penetrate to get beyond. One probably unknown Kansas fact was that in December 1970 they opened for the Doors at the Warehouse in New Orleans Jim Morrison invited some of them on stage for a instrumental blues jam. Several months later at Jim's death they realized that they had shared the stage at the last Doors concert and the last song the Doors would ever do.
  23. WhiteDove

    How Long ?

    Kansas's native sons came home tonight! Back to where it all began some 34 years ago, back to The Point of Know Return, to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the rock classic with the home town. Backed by a full symphony Orchestra KANSAS played a sold out show at the performing arts center. Those hippie kids down the street as our neighbors used to call them played hits from their eight gold and three multi-platinum albums. I've seen these guys so many times I've lost count but tonight they were truly amazing, of note was the rendition of Cheyenne Anthem with the full orchestra it was Absolutely Stunning. Somewhere in the happy hunting ground Chief Burnett was smiling. Cheyenne Anthem * Kansas * From the mountains to the sun, Life has only just begun. We wed this land and pledge our souls to meet its end, Life has only just begun Here my people roam the earth, in the kingdom of our birth, Where the dust of all our horses hides the sun We are mighty on the earth, on the earth You have come to move me, take me from my ancient home, Land of my fathers I can't leave you now We will share it with you, no man owns this earth we're on Now the wheels are rolling hear the howling winds of war It's my destiny to fight and die Is there no solution, can we find no other way, Lord let me stay Under the endless sky and the earth below Here I was born to live and I will never go, oh no But we cannot endure like the earth and the mountains Life is not ours to keep, for a new sun is rising Soon these days shall pass away, for our freedom we must pay All our words and deeds are carried on the wind, In the ground our bodies lay, here we lay
  24. I talked to Ana and she does not yet have a date for filming the DVD I may have a clip for you soon. Stay tuned..........
  25. Since we are talking legal terms now I just wanted to add one alleged Oh I thought it said legalsystem..... Never mind Carry On..........
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