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Everything posted by WhiteDove

  1. Oldies showed up for work on his day off ?????? Well I'd stay and chat but I must get on the road been busy this weekend with Taylor Overb*y he came down to teach his seminar on Your Authority in Christ ,been recording some additional parts this weekend so as soon as they are edited they will be on disk
  2. Written in the 60s I think they sold the hardbounds in the bookstore here is the info........ CLICK CLICK CLICK then go to bookshelf
  3. Well I guess we are all named Dooj then arn't we
  4. I think your comment was made in response to doojable's post which was about GreaseSpot posters and their use of scripture how did it suddenly become about Wierwille, Martindale, Geere, You seem to miss the point Christians should not have personal will when it comes to living scripturally ,scripture should not back up anything it should be their standard for truth. In effect their will is what scripture declares,they are one in the same. The scriptures tell us that is what we are to speak, your free to accept it or anything else you want. Either does not support or void scripture it stands as is.
  5. It was either Pressed Down or Cookin Mama that used to play the Doobie Brothers song Jesus is just alright with me at the rock, I doubt that would fly these days.
  6. Then again when a Christians personal beliefs are beliefs that scripture confirms and tells us we should be thinking and living then they would not qualify as scriptural gymnastics to lend legitimacy to their argument but biblical beliefs that they have accepted as truth. The same mental gymnastics to lend legitimacy to their argument could be applied to atheists.
  7. Mr. Ham I'm following your story up to the part about no God, I wonder how you made that leap from the frailties of man to God getting the "credit" for them . From your list it appears that the man's problems, are human, human's cheat, human's betray....I'll give you that it is lot to have on ones plate, but it seems to me rather than forgetting about the one who can help in the situation, someone with years of biblical learning would run the other direction to him not away. What you describe is a classic difference between those who were believers and those who assented to doctrines of the Way and rode along. I see those who believed doing things every day with God they are not bound by a ministry framework. Those who do/did, walk off grounds with God and start over. Those who never understood or believed that God was their constant in life chose other choices .
  8. Maybe a Nun with a ruler in hand with a loop of Beat It playing.........
  9. Interesting but wrong group, The Eternally Blessed Bookstore does not have any PDSTRO CD's in their listings at this time.
  10. I can help you Thomas I'll email you this weekend.
  11. I think I have consistently asked for truth and credibility look back through the threads here I have often taken the most heat because of that stand. You see, that's just it I have never said people could not talk about whatever they wanted to. I have taken exception when it was not factual. There in lies the problem ,there is often no evidence as you said to point to, just opinion, likewise no conclusions because there is nothing to base a conclusion on unless of course you just say I believe it without any evidence. Your post is an example of why that is not a logical choice. . As I stated my drive is for truth, not made up information, dishonest information, non factual information. When people can't even be honest about their own emotions how can one trust them to be honest about weightier matters? I have no desire to shut people up . That's the difference I've observed between what some would call Wierwille worshipers and those who have issues with the Way, I often see those seen as pro Way post give and take on issues, most acknowledge that there were valid cases of wrong done, on the other side it is rare to see the same give and take, Even at the sake of being dishonest about ones own emotions they will post whatever is necessary for the cause of only seeing bad. Sorry but to me it is a red flag when someone will be dishonest about how they feel, their words on a face value basis are suspect.
  12. Well Rascal my point was not so much in reference to you specifically it's a widespread problem and not limited to your post. Although, you have been a voice often for just accepting everything posted at face value perhaps you can understand why that is not a logical choice now. Maybe not. I think it's important that we speak honestly and accurately and while we all face challenges sometimes in conveying our points in cyber land, sometimes obvious issues do play a part in poster credibility as well. While our nature may be to just accept everything as truth because we may like someone, that ends up often in those situations as a poor choice.
  13. Why I don't take words here at face value, because they blow like the wind Exactly why Proof is needed here, people say whatever gets them out of the argument. Accuse them of being bitter and they will act indignant who are you to know what I am? When it suits them moments later they admit that they were exactly what they were indignant about. Trust No One..........
  14. Then again I have offered some evidence or reasons for what I have posted ,you on the other hand have offered none to support your ideas, when you have one that is. Mostly you just post stupid little comments like the above post Change your little sign from white dove to jack foot. That just might be a clue as to what you know.......
  15. Perhaps Mstar, then again post something considered pro way and see if everyone starts their own thread in response, Won't happen. This is a discussion board and if one puts out for discussion the loveliness of a groups doctrine then I would expect the same treatment any other cult doctrine gets here. Sorry but I did not invent the doctrine they did, and apparently there are more than a few besides myself who see this as an issue do a search and you'll see many others see and feel the same. Is there another kinder word for eating another's flesh? Because admittedly that's what the church says they believe. I don't believe that is what Jesus would have us doing I don't see that habit pattern in his life nor the lives of his followers. I find it odd that people are appalled at Jeffery Dahmer yet seem ok with the fact that Catholics every day promote eating the flesh and blood of Jesus. I think that qualifies as cult like activity and in fact has more in common with Satanic worship than Christian.
  16. I was there, and I did review the tape as well today the evidence from both does not support your claim, Keeping the facts straight is not equal to being mean it is keeping the record honest. It's quite possible that your memory has failed you on this teaching it has been a number of years, other issues could have played a part in your lack of factual memory as well. In either case there is no record to support your claim unless you can provide one. There is however a taped record where the facts you have alleged do not correspond with the facts on the audio tape.
  17. Based on whose opinion? Yours there are many besides myself that would think otherwise.
  18. I think perhaps your memory fails you. I believe what he stated was, that the Current Psychological Hoax was getting men to fear, he never called Jonestown the Current Psychological Hoax.
  19. Then again when someone touts the loveliness of cult doctrine that is anything but lovely I think it is fair game for discussion. I don't recall seeing Jesus eat other peoples flesh and drink their blood it seems out of character for him to ask us to do that which he did not. Never mind something that is clearly against the law. I also wonder why this practice did not surface until the 9th century A.D. Just some things that make you go......HUM
  20. It's always inteesting to see some different sides to things. Mark gives me too much credit and it is late and I'm being lazy today but here are some other POV on the subject. Click Click Click Click
  21. High five here..... Although I was M & A after I departed I later found out.
  22. Ok then , no problem everyone has typo's. Now that we cleared that up I'm sorry that you think it is insulting that I questioned the practice of eating flesh and drinking people's blood. Insulting would not be the word I woould use for people who do such things.
  23. Tell on........ I don't think anyone was stoping you from speaking. But just a question which is it? the title says for Catholics ,above you say you warned us it is not for Catholics. Which do you mean? Do you know ? Are you confused?
  24. What makes you think that I am not? There are some here that would disagree with your point of view there, some think that VPW was useless to God . Now Me personally, I'm not interested in a God or anyone else for that matter that uses me. I think someone said things are to be used people are not. "Lord use me" That sounds like something Saint Francis would say, it makes a nice song to wave your hands to, but no thanks no church with you.
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