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Everything posted by WhiteDove

  1. Again I'll point out that the problems occurred from or a result of non - Way doctrines, not (where the victard's teachings led them at all) but in new directions they sought after. Personal Prophesy ,Jesus Worship, Momentus , dialoging with people such as Dale Sides, and other ideas are not Way doctrine nor do they fit into the category of keys to the Word's interpretation. One can theorize that there is some hidden meaning that was not spoken on the screen, but that fails the test in establishing a valid link to any of these ideas and VPW or Way doctrine. I think it must be there somewhere, even though it does not appear to be, because I want it to say that is not a valid claim.
  2. Then again if one looks closely at the doctrine that inspired those actions one would see that it clearly was not fish at all. Personal Prophesy and Jesus Worship were not part of Way doctrine by any means. Rather than eating the fish they seemed to think spiders were a better choice on the menu.
  3. WhiteDove

    8 Years

    Authentic? That pie case is older than you dear. You would need to have peeled off some ABC gum from under the table chewed it and replaced it to be original at your age. But if there ever is a diner I'm keeping my eye on you just the same.
  4. Were we supposed to sing this song at the stroke of midnight? :blink: Ram On - Paul McCartney Ram on give your heart to somebody Soon right away, right away Ram on give your heart to somebody Soon right away, right away Ram on give your heart to somebody Soon right away, right away........
  5. None .......I believe that I had the last word..they had nothing to say, what could they?
  6. WhiteDove

    8 Years

    Hmmm......Wonder if the old bookstore building is vacant?
  7. WhiteDove

    8 Years

    Congratulations on 8 years Paw I'm thinking for the 10 year anniversary you should take the GreaseSpot Cafe out of the electronic world into the physical for a big party. In December I did an exhibit for a gallery the theme was Coca-Cola Christmas but I just couldn't pass up the chance to showcase the diner. So I did "Christmas at the Diner" for part of my contribution. I had limited space to work with so a lot of items like booths would not work there. but it turned out to be a large draw for the gallery. How rewarding it was to talk with people about their memories of diner days. Here are some pictures of my vision of what the cafe might look like in real time. P.S. Note to Belle Notice no gum under table..........
  8. I'll do a search for where I said that........ Unfortunately your search didn't return any results. Try broadening the search parameters by searching by different keywords or altering the format of your search. Remember to use the wildcard '*' to increase the number of matches. Apple* will match 'apple' and 'apples'.
  9. David I never said that being a WOW or a nice guy counted toward anything, everyone is entitled to an opinion. "I knew him as a WOW "was context for how I met him nothing more. never did I say those were qualifications for anything. Judging the website? Really? As we see it soon crosses into judging who he is and truthfully most don't really know. Does not agreeing with someone make him a bozo? a Jerk? So he likes VP ? maybe his life was greatly impacted in a positive way by his experience. So what? no one has to buy what he is selling. Is there some law that says he has to address what you consider discrepancies? It's not my cup of tea either but that hardly makes him a bozo now does it?
  10. I know Rick he was a WOW in KS in 1975. He is a nice guy. I doubt one could make an accurate judgment of who he is from a website.
  11. Linda my Pomeranian eats paper also, I've tried to break him of this habit any scrap will do. He is obsessed with getting every bit he can he will grab it off the street when walking.. Don't know if this applies to your dog or not but I have a theory, Lucca is a rescue dog from a breeder he lived in a cage for the first three years of his life. He was breeder stock until he was used up and too old at three. I wonder if they used shredded paper for bedding? Maybe that was all he had to play with in his cage to pass the time. Hopefully he had enough to eat and did not have to eat paper to fill his stomach. I think it is just a carry over from his prior life. After 4 years now I've pretty much given up and just try to limit the intake as much as possible. Next to paper he loves his ball which I think may have been his first toy ever, which I brought to him at the shelter while I was waiting to adopt him, he keeps it close by, another reason I think he had nothing but paper to play with.
  12. I beg to differ Oak, Sarcasmos - A figure of speech where the speaker intends to convey a sence contrary to the strict signification of the words employed, not with the intention of concealing the real meaning, but for the purpose of adding greater force to it. In either case we agree on this I think I said that in the first post and had several people accepted what was true as such rather than expounding on a book they never read, and proping up someone that was wrong in their assumptions as right, it would have been a short thread and no need for Sarcasmos..
  13. Me I agree with Ham there! I find it very appropriate prophetic almost..........
  14. You mean the one where he said quote: The underlying foundation for this entire study comes from the masterful teachings to the Way Corps by Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille regarding the two epistles to Timothy. These teachings were presented from September ,1973 through August 1974. This series of teachings is the finest exposition of God's heart concerning church leadership and administration available today. Dr. Wierwille's in depth understanding of these epistles is in large measure responsible for his tremendous leadership and development of The Way International. I am truly privileged and grateful to have been a part of the group of Way Corps volunteers who heard those teachings live from the heart of the master teacher. The impact upon my life continues every day as I strive to accomplish the life-style of leadership outlined in that scripture. I am eternally grateful to the heavenly Father for the knowledge of God's Word which Dr. Wierwille imparted to all of us there. Or did you mean the part where he said Quote: They will engage in "perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds" They will get together with other former leaders and distort ,turn, and twist things that they used to stand for. These are believers, former leaders, who willfully separate themselves from God's Word and the believers, and then distort the things they stood for to make others suspicious. Yes! interesting that one contribution there was.. appropriate.
  15. Hey Psalmie I wondered the same as Cowgirl about Regular school. I know it flies in the face of the home school you spent years at but it does have some advantages as well as disadvantages. Maybe it's time ,that this would be an option for you. You would need to decide if that trade would be worth having your family in tact. I bet by now you have taught Isaac a good solid base to draw from when he needs it. Also you should qualify for some programs to get any testing you need done for the boys. Please look into this, you paid taxes for many years ,thats one of the things your dollars supports. I'll be praying for you and family. I know I'll regret saying this but I miss my pie throwing piggy friend...........
  16. If people would read what is written , rather than trying to squeeze some hidden meaning into things that is not there. There would be no fight now would there?
  17. Thanks Thomas for the start, first a small correction the book was written for VP's 65th Birthday not his retirement. While as you pointed out the book was compiled to honor VP for his work, the chapters were written concerning specific subjects, as such they are not exclusive to the honoree. Now Doojable thanks for your patience, as you requested the previous lead in to the quote in question Truth has only one interpretation, which is self - evident and not subject to critical examination. Truth itself can be ascertained, but not analyzed. Men's words and the variations man has introduced into the Biblical text may be analyzed, but not the truth inherent in the text. Through studying the Word on the basis of Biblical research principles and a God breathed original ,we can again declare the truth as originally given in the first century. A system of Bible translation which takes only the external evidence (MSS) into consideration without weighing the inherent evidence of the Scriptures fails to produce the best translation. No translator can translate accurately if he fails to understand the subject concerning which a word or words are used. All translators should work from the inside to the outside. All manuscripts have the words or marks of having been in the hands of ecclesiastical men, men who have amended the text to support their stand. A researcher must consider the inherent accuracy of the text and then seek to convey the exact thoughts and meanings of the original in current vernacular. Such a rendering is a literal translation according to usage. *16 *16 A literal translation is a word -for word translation which often makes no sense when read. A literal translation according to usage reproduces the thoughts and meanings of the original, based on the words in the original in relation to the verse, content, remoter context, and to whom it is addressed. It is not a free translation or paraphrase which merely gives the gist of the original. From the context it seems perfectly clear that Walter was discussing texts, translations and methods for arriving at the best translation. His use of a researcher clearly had no mention of VPW , nor was it implied any more so that any other researcher that he mentioned was. Clearly he meant any researcher as he stated. He also did not say that VPW literals made no sense he said literals (in General ) often do not ( because of the rough way they translate into English ( See Socks post) He clearly said nothing about VP or his literal translations it is pure fabrication to assume so. Further it is a stretch to assume that because a book is dedicated to someone, that then every use of a ______ in the book refers to the person to which the book was dedicated. Point in case PFAL was dedicated to Karen Wierwille so does every usage of a believer refer to Karen? Does every usage of a saint refer to her as well? Of course not ,but some how in this book some seem to think it leaps the laws of logic and applies. Speaking of the book The Word Speaks I suppose since some think when Walter says a Researcher it means VPW. Then following that logic when in other chapters John Crouch says a believer it only applies to VP as well, when Craig Martindale says a player /coach then that must be VP only also, Hey when John Lynn says a leader, and a father only VP will qualify, and boy when Bob Moynihan says a son yep you guessed it VP again ,when Rossie said a Christian yep that's only VP too, hey how about Vince Finnegan when he said a Shepard gosh VP again, a light bearer David Craley, you guessed it VPW, and when Elena Whiteside said a doer, a teacher, a writer, a tennis player, a businessman I suppose she meant VPW as well. Gosh but no, some how out of all these logical understandings Walter somehow leaps out of the book and his words only apply to VPW. Oh speaking of Walter he also said a noted scholar I guess that meant VPW as well....... Oh wait I forgot Walter was head of the Research Dept. so that makes it different. Gee wasn't John Lynn a Corps Coordinator, and Craig wasn't he as well and the rest of them Region Leaders ,Limb Leaders Trunk Leaders and so forth, guess if Walter by reason of his position changes his words to only apply to VP then I suppose the rest would follow suit as well. I think it's abundantly clear that this stretch of logic is flawed and agenda driven. It clearly is not consistent with the rest of the book, and wanting in proof.
  18. I could do that ,but I doubt that he would care to post. Besides I'm sure there are several people who would be happy to tell him what he meant despite what he said. Clearly John understands what he said better than he does.
  19. Well David it seems we were discussing a book and the quotes there in. What was stated what was not stated I fail to see what that to do with an area differing, books are the same in every area. Its pretty easy to document open book, read, close book .
  20. Sure you do otherwise you would not assume jumps knowing that you have not read the material. So if one states the teacher gave me an assignment do you make a jump to say that must be about VP cause we all know he was referred to as the teacher. Doubtful.... A teacher is a teacher a researcher is a researcher, none are exclusive to VPW not to difficult.
  21. And that would be the problem you are making a jump based on what you want to see, not what is written. And that would be wrong. Exactly why ae you feeling the need to jump ,Why can't the work speak for itself? He clearly referances Lightfoot,Stephen's as well as Clement,Polycarp,Ignatius,Justin, Also Vincent Taylor and his book the Text of the New Testament, as well as Elden J. Epp's work from the Journal of Biblical Literature the chapter is about texts and how we arrived at the place where we are today. Researcher is not exclusive to Wierwille or followers of the Way.
  22. Girl your quick , but I'll answer your question anyway I think that Lamsa's Bible falls under the literal according to usage as a researcher he said himself he reflected into the translation things such as customs and orientalisms.
  23. Your free to offer your opinion on anything you choose to here. We all know about those...... If one chooses to accept your ideas is the receiver's choice, personally I like facts, or truth not peoples speculations. I've found that trusting those seems to get one in trouble down the road when they don't quite work out. So if you want me to accept your words provide proof if not ,that's ok too . I'll feel free to point out that you did not provide any documentation to support your ideas and as such that is an opinion.
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