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Everything posted by WhiteDove

  1. Thieves drilling into gas tanks to steal 'liquid gold' Dale Fortin is getting a new kind of customer at his Detroit auto repair shop, customers who have not just been in a fender-bender or had a windshield smashed by a rock. The soaring price of crude oil has turned gas tanks into a cache of valuable booty, and Fortin has replaced several tanks punctured or drilled by thieves thirsting for the nearly $4-a-gallon fuel inside. Story
  2. I used to enjoy Drambuie once and a while. After reading posts here in Greasespot, I can not drink Drambuie. (It gives me the heebe jeebies) but I am content to read and study the bible... But sparingly, and, perhaps with more "fear and reverance" than ever before... M L Kent Ok, the Bible is accounted for, the Drambuie is gone, now inquiring minds want to know what happened to the girlfriend?
  3. $3.71 today for reg unleaded.
  4. I filled up at $3.77 but I see today it is back up to $3.89 in Kansas
  5. Socks I still enjoy those first three Joyful Noise albums all though now in CD form, simple songs by today' standards but the heart in the music makes up for that. To bad they used such cheap tapes back then it didn't do the music justice. Sometime in the 90s Mark Gl*ck*n sent me a remastered JN 1. I swear it was a new record, I think I finally heard your guitar work for the first time, rather than this muffled vibration. I remember VP at Emporia brought some of the first tapes, They had the masking tape strips like they used for the old Sunday reel to reel tapes for a tape label.
  6. So why is that any theories? I have observed the same, not only in financial giving but in volunteering time in service.
  7. I'm surprised he did not ofer to wash off the bumper and slap one on like Uncle H.E. used to do.
  8. hi whitedove, i don't think it was just a study about tithing... but rather a study about all donations (by americans) to all non-profit organizations... i agree; the donations were not limited to churches... and although only 5% of americans "tithe" per se, 84% of all americans did make donations in 2007... with over 1/3 of all adult americans making donations of $1000. or more... and 4 out of 5 evangelical christians making donations of $1000. or more... i think americans are a very generous people... :) peace, jen-o p.s. we must have been posting at the same time... i agree with the last conclusion you posted! "Born again adults remain the most generous givers in a country acknowledged to be the most generous on the planet," :) I guess this means I can still come to dinner......... :)
  9. George you can take it or leave it I have no desire to convince you. As one who likes tangible proof myself, I can appreciate your position. I can offer you none. I can't even tell you why it happened for sure, only that it did. It did indeed happen one time and really there was no big moment from it at least for them. It's not like they signed up for the class and became some great believers or anything they enjoyed their visit and went home never to be heard from again. I do believe it somehow gave them some peace of mind, maybe that was all it was about Who knows ? I do find it interesting that people seem to believe things at face value around here in a negative light yet when it comes to something positive anecdotal evidence comes cheap. I'd think anecdotal evidence comes cheap from any story to be fair.
  10. Oak I can only tell you this many years ago at a fellowship one of the guys who came brought his parents from out of town who were visiting. They wanted to check out this thing he was involved in. After fellowship they came up to me and asked where I learned to speak Spanish. I told them the only language I know is English and some people are not so sure about that even. They looked puzzled and said well in fellowship when you all spoke in different languages and interpreted you spoke Spanish and then interpreted in English. It seems that they thought that people were speaking in foreign languages known to them and then in English. That's the only time that ever happened, but it put them at ease and they felt ok with his involvement in fellowships . I think it was just for them
  11. Jeno In answer to your question I think that is correct if I'm reading the quote I posted at the start correctly. "Born again adults remain the most generous givers in a country acknowledged to be the most generous on the planet," said the veteran researcher. "But their donation decisions must be seen in the larger context of the changes occurring in a wide range of religious behaviors. With millions of people shifting their allegiance to different forms of church experience, and a more participatory society altering how people interact and serve others, many Christians are now giving their money to different types of organizations instead of a church. They attend conventional churches less often. They are expanding their circle of Christian relationships beyond local church boundaries. And they are investing greater amounts of their time and money in service organizations that are not connected with a conventional church.
  12. Jeno and Oak As I understand it this study was about tithing 10% period Thats why I bolded the word any . I guesss I should have done the whole line. Only 5% of Americans gave away 10% of their income to any charitable origination in 2007 As far as I see that was not limited to churchs but included any charitable orginization. That means if one gave to save the earth that would be included. I am surprised at the Catholic percent growing up we always got the tithing envelopes mailed to our house. It was preached in our church, they even had a program where if you tithed you could attend the Catholic High school at a discounted rate or sometimess no fee. I just talked to someone the other day that have kids going there. $4,000.00 a year......
  13. Now. Now. be nice or else I'll be forced to comment on the pathetic less than 1% the Atheists and Agnostics managed to scrape up.
  14. This subject came up on the who deserves your money thread I saw this study by the Barna group in an article today Christians vs Atheists Who's being more Stingy. Only 5% of Americans gave away 10% of their income to any charitable origination in 2007. Evangelicals were the elite with 24% tithing 83% gave at least $1,000.00 Charismatic or Pentecostal 11% tithed Conservatives 12% Protestants 8% Catholics 2% Atheists and Agnostics less than 1% "Born again adults remain the most generous givers in a country acknowledged to be the most generous on the planet," said the veteran researcher. "But their donation decisions must be seen in the larger context of the changes occurring in a wide range of religious behaviors. With millions of people shifting their allegiance to different forms of church experience, and a more participatory society altering how people interact and serve others, many Christians are now giving their money to different types of organizations instead of a church. They attend conventional churches less often. They are expanding their circle of Christian relationships beyond local church boundaries. And they are investing greater amounts of their time and money in service organizations that are not connected with a conventional church. I was surprised at the percent of Catholics, I thought they would have rated higher. Here
  15. Congrats I always wondered something about that group? If ya get the speech wrong do you get to keep toasting until you get it right? Cause I'm thinking if the wine is good it may take me awhile........
  16. I thought that was where one goes after smoking one of Jackie Paper, papers But really it is on the island of Kaua'i, Hawai'i. By the sea of course... And now you are telling me that little Jackie beat that Rascal Puff...Oh this is to much.....
  17. Ha! friends indeed..... Do they plant kudzu for you like Mr Feathers does?
  18. I work with Hill's Pet Nutrition, they are our corporate sponser for the dog park. They have a program to feed the animals. Last year alone they donated over 30 million dollars worth of food. I have a meeting there this Thursday I 'll see what they know about this program . Hills Also Here
  19. Paw I sent you an PM for a company that will do this for you with no upfront cost, and handle the details as well . It might pay for some bills for the site.
  20. I believe we covered this point fix the terminology not change the definition of a word. We have men's bathrooms and woman's bathrooms, there is a reason for each. Just because someone decides that they think one or the other should admit both we don't change the words. Both have however equal rights ,one can use the toilet wash hands ect. and yet they have different words to describe what they are. It is a misnomer to claim that a civil union is not equal rights any laws that are unequal can easily be changed to include in their reading marriage and or civil union as both qualifying for the same benefits. Many of the benefits have already been changed. Going back to the bathroom analogy if some benefit is lacking in the men's room that the ladies has we don't need to change the name, we just correct the situation so that both have the same benefit.
  21. Actually I don't object to the spotlight, but it's the three cases of bulbs that we have gone through. I wonder if it is not light overkill? This spotlight seems to have turned into a permanent fixture. And in regard to stories I simply said that they are not documentable, that makes them neither true or false for me, I don't accept things as truth without some fact or proof to substantiate the case. I have seen the results of such foolish actions, and they are less than attractive.
  22. You make the point that it is not honest approach to disagreement, to attempt to discredit someone by insinuating that they engage in twi-like thinking, and yet that is exactly what you have insinuated concerning me on numerous occasions. Wrongly of course as Oakspear pointed out. now, back to our regularly scheduled program... or has this thread been thoroughly hijacked now? i wonder if bumpy is sitting in a little cafe on the coast in riec sur belon... :~) peace, jen-o
  23. Maybe that flying Pig will toss him a pie with a file in it. Shhhhh .......
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