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Everything posted by WhiteDove
Followed BY: It appears that Mr. Dove only answered the above questions and did indeed not start the conversation in question. Get you facts straight. If one waves the red flag in front of the bull you really can't cry fowl when he charges now can you? whitedove's refusal to stay "on topic" in that "important subject" thread, as well as his refusal to answer pertinent, honest, questions posed to him by me, and several other posters on that thread,........questions which solicited HIS "opinions" on issues central to that thread, and his posts on that thread..........was discourteous at best, and really more rudely condescending than at all necessary, imho For someone that seems interested in staying on topic COUGH.... it appears that you seemed to stray from the one here I don't recall Mrs. Skedgells book being the point of this one. Lecture me when you can manage to do so yourself. Your questions were not honest ones you seek no answer, only to spew your hate further ,my choice if and when I answer questions, and I respond in the manner to match the tone of the question. .........my thoughts regarding his posting behavior on that thread are pretty well summed up in post #7 of this thread, which he supposedly started to welcome you back from "cyber-jail" (his term, not mine) Jonnys term by the way............... not mine but. which, imho, was started as a snide response to pawtucket's actions as i quoted above.........and he used his "implied" friendship with you as a brazen "cover" to try to prove some kind of spiteful point, as i said, less than 13 hours after the removal of his "sickening" posts on that thread............i thought that this thread he started was unfair to you, and was intended not as a "welcome back" like yours to rascal is, but rather, as an immature, angry, "slap-in-the-face" to paw, as well as the rest of us who posted questions to him on the topic of that thread...........imho, he used you to make his point...............and tried to cover it by patronizing you to post stuff you apparently had sent to him in pm's........ If you make assumptions that is your mistake I never implied anything, I never stated that Jonny was my best friend anywhere your assumption at best we have emailed each other on occasion ... He offered his story to me as suport for my position last week in that he felt the same. I welcomed him back and requested something from him his choice if he does it or not. I did so because his story blessed my life and I think it could others as well I was happy to see others who did not bow under the pressure to obey others who believed the it is written motto. that's why i posted what i did in post #7 here, and continued to try to help you avoid any "guilt by association", which may have been sparked in the minds of many of your fellow greasespotters by whitedove's smarmy, patronizing proclamation of not just "friendship" with you, jonny, but more importantly the implied "ideological kinship" he seems to think he shares with you...........i.e."oh, jonny's a good guy, and he thinks like i do".............well, on this particular issue, i don't think that's an implication you deserve, nor is it appropriate to allow it to go unchallenged............and, i thank you again for clearing it up in no uncertain terms in the third paragraph of your last post here on this thread! I think he stated he did agree, just a dumb question here but if he did not why would he feel the need to send the story along, it was his choice to do so . I made no proclamation of any such. Pure untruth.....
First off I'll point out that this thread was to welcome back Jonny, of course you decided to derail it with another subject matter namely Mrs. Skedgells book and so of course being the attentive person that I am I will answer your posts which will most assuredly generate more and more answers. Just for the record down the road when it ends up to be pages. Ill point out now who disrupted the discussion, just as in the other one I think it is clear who started that discussion if one looks back at the posts. The answer to your question is simple Motive While we never can establish motive beyond doubt there are factors that can be considered in making a best guess. In Jonny's case he emailed me a story of his own free will ,he did not have to but he took the time to write it out and send it along. He received nothing in return other than my thanks. In Mrs. Skedgells case she had a product to sell, a book nothing wrong in that but none the less the intent is to make money. If it was not it could have easily been offered as a free download or a blog. As such I consider the motive. If the Browns were to write a book about OJ I would consider the motive and bias as well in belief of their story, if one does not they are foolish in my opinion. Second unless she has posted under other names here and that may be. I see her show up here promote the book in what 6 or seven posts under Tex, Jonny has a record here of posts I don't recall that he has ever attempted to sell anything here for a profit and was not profiting from his story to me. Third GreaseSpot is the market for her book I doubt it would sell well elsewhere say CFF. as such one must give the market what they want to hear. Those are a few of the considerations I make in determining stories. Since you accuse me again I will defend my position. First I never trashed her story I stated a few times she has every right to her account and to publish it as she sees fit, I personally have no interest in it ,my right. There is not scriptural truth in her account it is not designed to be a scriptural book in subject matter. Third her book is a one sided opinion it's her story, her account ,her testimony, and is not documentable as the other party is dead. You are correct in saying that I don't find it worth considering, however I never stated that anyone but ME ,Myself, I could not do so. I think I answered you first question above as to your rambling comments some questions just can't be answered here as much as I would love to respond It appears we have different rules for posting good and bad opinions of the Way. Apparently good opinions go against the site agenda and are not allowed to be posted under threat. this isn't FOX News so it is not required to be fair and balanced One sided versions are ok. It's not my space so I abided by the request for the thread.
None I agreed it was an opinion when I stated Which you are entitled to I agree you could be wrong In fact noting that since you were not me, who would know the purpose of the thread being the startee, indeed you were wrong I undersdtood you perfectly and confirmed that you were in fact wrong....
Now I see - It’s doubtful that you do, if you did you would see the obvious. I think that was the point of the previous thread not being owned. You offer no redeeming subject content in your post; it appears to be a personal attack (which I thought were against board rules by the way.) I'm not an Eagle but a Dove, but you brought to mind this song by Brian Bliss, A testament on living from victim to victor. Eagle Inside He doesn't say yes if he doesn't want to He's got a mind of his own There's no man or beast going to drive him from his home. He's lives on the mountain top He's never coming down. He knows that there's no freedom for him on the ground He needs a lot of room to move cause he's still free and wild And when the cold wind blows he knows how to survive Instinct tells him when to come and when it's time to go Just how he stays up so long nobody really knows That’s the way the eagle flies That's the way he rules the skies That’s the way the eagle flies Lord I've got an eagle Feels just like an eagle Lord I've got an eagle inside. He's not afraid to go in the valley but he doesn’t like to stick around There’s some kind of fire in his heart that keeps him heaven bound The way he lives up high nothing escapes his view He doesn't care what anyone thinks He does what he's got to do That’s the way the eagle flies That's the way he rules the skies That’s the way the eagle flies Lord I've got an eagle Feels just like an eagle Lord I've got an eagle inside. Lord I've got an eagle Feels just like an eagle Lord I've got an eagle inside..... I don't disagree but his misuse does not change the right meaning of the truth that God Is Love. Good Point Which you are entitled to, But you are not me so you don’t really know do you?
Well sorry for neglecting my thread here but I had a couple of social engagements to attend to this weekend the first a hundred and fifty dollar a plate fundraiser for a historic building, the second a wedding reception featuring a very nice Jazz group. I'm flying a little sideways now as I realized I can't work and stay up into the wee hours like I used to, but it was entertaining and I experienced a first, I usually drink brand name liquor but not extreme priced , but I tasted my first taste of what a $80.00 bottle of rum tastes like. Tasty but I doubt I'd pay the price. Well down to business of catching up: I see Mr. Tongue man has been entertaining you all with his assuming again but before I get to that, some of the others. David - not sure what your quote had to do with the topic but since we are discussing body part quotes here are a few more of my favorites. Some people have hands but can't carry a tune if their life depended on it. Some people have ears but are deaf in one and can't hear in the other. Not really , knowing what the word says and your lifestyle are not dependant on each other. While that may be the end result desired ,if one does not reach the goal ,the rightly dividing of the word does not change. George - An assumption, and a wrong one at that. I've considered many things, some have proved to be correct and I've made adjustments along the way ,some have not. Johnny's story however was of a different nature than the other for various reasons which I'll take up with Mr. Tongue.
Why for the life of me anyone would consider sharing personal stories of achievement baiting is beyond me. I suppose if one just could not tolerate any good then maybe it would be to them. It's generally accepted that sharing such stories helps to inspire others to success.
I see you have escaped Cyber Jail , I told you that file in the cake bit would work. Just wanted to add my greetings to the list. Just wanted to say would you consider posting that great story that you emailed me a few days back. On living the it is written lifestyle vs compliance. Some here think it is a special talent perhaps if more people were to post their experiances they would see it is not the exception to live this way but indeed the Words Way. It truely is available to all who choose.
I'm not surprised ,only that they did not anticipate the problem and have a plan of action
Officials in Kern, Calaveras and Butte counties say they’ll stop performing weddings for all couples because, among other reasons, the increased demand would overwhelm their staffs. “We’ve done them when we can,” said Karen Varni, the clerk-recorder in Calaveras County. “They’ve been squeezed into other things, and due to budget restraints in our county and no actual place to do them, we’re not set up to do them.” It looks like they will be using volunteers sympathic to the cause to solve the log jam To help absorb the crowds, they are adding staff, extending hours and training and deputizing hundreds of volunteer marriage commissioners. San Francisco expects to have trained more than 200 volunteer commissioners, most of them city staff, to help marry same-sex couples. In San Diego County, more than 50 workers from other departments within the clerk-recorder’s office have volunteered to issue licenses and to keep up with demand. In Los Angeles County, about 100 people have been deputized over the past two weeks to perform nuptials.
I doubt one could judge a ministry on one event, one could judge an event such as this one on it's own merit. If your question was is this unscriptural the answer would be yes. Then please tell me just how much Kool-aide you drank... None ,I was gone at the time of this event, because at that point they had ceased to follow any scriptural pattern in their decisions. The proper response should have been scriptural not compliance.
In previous threads you often don't believe anything anyone else says if you didn't experience it yourself, you did not experience this. You likening twi cu giving back your checking acct to someone loosing their life's calling while being defrocked in a town they never would have been in save their assignment similar? The subject was threats and responses to them. The point that went over your head was that we should respond to whatever the threat with biblical responses, not turning tail and crawling across the line You have no authority to logically comment on this thread, you can spout in an angry misguided huff whatever you want to here, but you have no basis of anything close to what people experienced who actually were kicked out did. No authority? You know this how?
Nick I did not offer that reason as a line for me, I simply used the example someone else posted as their gripe that they were forced to endure, that person being Waysider, I merely attempted to show what an empty threat it was as it was not possible for them to follow up and make good on . That said one would think the believability of such a threat would be minimal in the least ,and certainly would not be considered any threat at all, given the obvious. Don't assume I have such a list I don't..... And yes I am amazed that you and others did many of those things as well. I find that telling in itself........ In retrospect I think you will see that in fact it was not something that they had to endure, it was an empty threat which they took the bait for upon themselves. A mistake , own it.
It always amazes me that no matter how many times one states their point someone always comes along and accuses them of saying the opposite. Had you read my post you would have seen this No I understood what he said exactly nor do I doubt that they attempted such threats. I then made a point to show not only did I believe it but experienced it myself. And after all this you start off with I don't care if you don't believe it it's no myth. exactly what I did not say. I believe you even without your fifty people. Now I did speak of a Myth. The myth however is that somehow you were compelled to believe what they said and blindly comply like a whipped pup. and then years later still lament how you were forced to do such and such. I admit it I don't get it I'm always amazed that people of such caliber Corps Grads ,Fellow Laborers, Clergy, people who have years of teaching in the scriptures and years of experience, those who have taught this over and over and somehow level one baby food they seem to miss? How can it be? What ever happened to On Guard, Chapter and Verse. Excuse me but wasn't the main teaching drilled into our heads from PFAL on that the scriptures were our only rule of faith and practice, it is written was the standard. The word the word and a million other catch phrases. How is it that fear of loss of pointless things became our standard? It seems to me one quick look at scripture would tell one that there was really no loss at all only gain. If you can't do the most basic thing taught what is the point in being around anyway all those years? Were we really to cower in fear like some whipped dog because the big bad man said BOO Do we wet our pants in fear and mindlessly follow like BAAA sheep at their every command or do we check it with the scripture as we were taught in lesson one PFAL. Leave the state why you should still be on the floor laughing from that one. Why anyone would feel compelled to do such a thing unless they choose to of their own free will is beyond me. Does anyone think Jesus cowered and left when the men of his day roared, Doubtful. Wasn't he supposed to be our example? If it's not enough to have complied in the day but then years later actually with a straight face imply that they somehow had the power to make you cross a state line.... Ridicules They can move you off their property period that's it. I don't care if it was The Fellow Laborers or the Corps. They have ZERO control over where you live unless YOU allow them to. Geeese even The Beastie Boys knew that You gotta fight for your right to Party, it seems we could muster up at least the same fight for the scripture. We agree on this it was a crock ..........and should have been met with resistance from scripture not compliance from a whipped dog. Sure they can kick you out of their house and you can rent the one right next door or down the street.
Exactly socks, but what did they really have to claim you stand to loose , a PFAL class? , A way Magazine? , no bookstore privileges....l.. OH I am quaking in my boots....... Kick you out of the Corps? logic tells you you can't un-graduate a graduate....Your always a grad, if they choose to recognize it or not. Take away your ordination? Get another ,actually I don't think most states really cared. Excuse me but wasn't the main teaching drilled into our heads that the scriptures were our only rule of faith and practice, it is written was the standard. How is it that fear of loss of pointless things became our standard? It seems to me one quick look at scripture would tell one that there was really no loss at all only gain. If you can't do the most basic thing taught what is the point in being around anyway all those years? Yep.......... a Masterpiece in fact
No I understood what he said exactly nor do I doubt that they attempted such threats. I just can't figure out why someone would be dumb enough to do what they told them if it made no sense, and second especially if they were removing you from the grounds. I most likely would not have had time to pack either , I'd have been to busy on the floor laughing at their powerless threats. Me I would have found the first space available three feet off grounds to reside and sent them postcards every day just to let them know they had Zero power over where I lived. They once tried that same logic with me they tried to tell me where and who I could write checks to on my Credit Union account. After again picking myself up off the floor from laughter I made it a point to write enough checks to keep the account current to every exway person that I could think of. They tried to close the account twice , mailing me a check which I refused, having worked in the banking industry I simply called the Ohio Credit Union Board and made them reopen the account which they closed illegally. I know it burned their butt having to process checks to People like John Towns*nd, Chris G**r, Walter C*mm*ns. D*ug S*ed, Vince F*nn*gan and a host of others. They wanted a war and got one. If a Limb leader was dumb enough to resign without having his stuff in order then that's his problem. He should have known better being in that level of the loop. Exactly my point Oak as usual you got it. If your foolish enough to roll over for them then own your decision you can't really blame them for your choice.
So I guess that makes you an unfavored sponser
Speaking of denial........ despite the obvious, you still assume that the group that you have apparently taken upon yourself to pigeonhole with a name is in denial. I wonder just what qualifies you to speak for others?
I heard on the news today that they are out of funds to pay the staff to marry all the gays that are influxing into CA. So if any with ordinations that would be so inclined ( that would not be me) to do a ceremony there's gold in them Hollywood hills to be made. Oak my northern neighbor Go West young man Go West..... Maybe you could do a drive -by or take a lesson from the VP and do a mass wedding at $100.00 a pop.
How did the ordination of clergy thing work in TWI?
WhiteDove replied to fooledagainII's topic in About The Way
Last I know James is still here in Topeka. He had a kidney removed about a year ago. Here -
There is that chance but as the article said Plastic tanks are typically the target, he said, since there is less chance of a catastrophic spark, and they are easier to drill. I'd think that since it is below the gas line it would be safer it's generally the fumes that ignite not the gas itself but it is to me not worth the chance either way.