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Everything posted by WhiteDove
I wasn't at the world trade center either but I know what happened. You assume that you need to be some where to be in the know.
Today, 30 years later, at least a portion of the Jonestown story has not yet been told. Despite repeated requests by religious scholars under the federal Freedom of Information Act, the government has declined to release all of its investigative files on Jonestown, saying some of the information could jeopardize national security. Exactly why would it if there was no CIA goverment involvement?
Nope the answer.....
You might want to read some of the supporting documents ,some of the peoples articles who were there, listen to the audio of tapes made there before you become an authority as usual on the subject from an opening paragraph.
The point is you are trying to grasp at some parallel between two different things and make them the same. They are not . Jonestown was a drug medicated event people at the way international were not part of some CIA experiment where they were drugged day in and day out. People left of their own choice at times and were also dismissed from the program. Unlike Jonestown where no one left..
So who said it was haphazard? To comprehend this well-financed, sinister operation, we must abandon the myth that this was a religious commune and study instead the history that led to its formation. Jonestown was an experiment, part of a 30-year program called MK-ULTRA, the CIA and military intelligence code name for mind control. A close study of Senator Ervin's 1974 report, Individual Rights and the Government's Role in Behavior Modification, shows that these agencies had certain "target populations" in mind, for both individual and mass control. Blacks, women, prisoners, the elderly, the young, and inmates of psychiatric wards were selected as "potentially violent."[There were plans in California at the time for a Center for the Study and Reduction of Violence, expanding on the horrific work of Dr. José Delgado, Drs. Mark and Ervin, and Dr. Jolly West, experts in implantation, psychosurgery, and tranquilizers. The guinea pigs were to be drawn from the ranks of the "target populations," and taken to an isolated military missile base in California.In that same period, Jones began to move his Temple members to Jonestown. The were the exact population selected for such tests. The meticulous daily notes and drug records kept by Larry Schacht disappeared, but evidence did not. The history of MK-ULTRA and its sister programs (MK-DELTA, ARTICHOKE, BLUEBIRD, etc.) records a combination of drugs, drug mixtures, electroshock and torture as methods for control. The desired results ranged from temporary and permanent amnesia, uninhibited confessions, and creation of second personalities, to programmed assassins and preconditioned suicidal urges. One goal was the ability to control mass populations, especially for cheap labor. Dr. Delgado told Congress that he hoped for a future where a technology would control workers in the field and troops at war with electronic remote signals. He found it hard to understand why people would complain about electrodes implanted in their brains to make them "both happy and productive." They also had to poke holes in them at first to keep them from exploding from their own gases, another reason that they would have seen bodies piled on top of each other.
I never suggested anything like that , that is your fabrication, what I said was the unanswered questions there are on a much smaller scale , in relation to the ones at Jonestown.
She also said after about 6 weeks when she got her mind straight she changed her opinion about her decision. On the scene at Jonestown, Guyanese troops discovered a large cache of drugs, enough to drug the entire population of Georgetown, Guyana (well over 200,000) for more than a year. According to survivors, these were being used regularly "to control" a population of only 1,100 people. One footlocker contained 11,000 doses of thorazine, a dangerous tranquilizer. Drugs used in the testing for MK-ULTRA were found in abundance, including sodium pentathol (a truth serum), chloral hydrate (a hypnotic), demerol, thalium (confuses thinking), and many others. Schacht had supplies of haliopareael and largatil as well, two other major tranquilizers. Sounds like physical restraint to me, as such not a parallels to non drugged choices to speak up. A CIA experiment is far different than a religous experiance, not even close in comparison.
Perhaps there are on a smaller scale.
Jesus also said Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures.
There seems to be a lot of unanswered questions in Jonestown. There were no autopsies performed on the bodies in Guyana. Cause of death was not an issue. According to the Army. The initial death Toll was 408. Then 913. American authorities first explained the discrepancy by saying that that the Giyanese "could not count" . The story was then changed to that bodies were piled on top of each other. How could 408 bodies.82 of them children cover 505 other dead bodies? It was theorized that 408 died and 700 fled into the jungle. Some of them were hunted down and brought back to the compound. There were supposedly 1100 people in Jonestown. 913 Died ,167 survived, 20 were unaccounted for. Most of the Bodies were left to rot in the Jungle. After a press conference, former Jones aide Michael Prokes went into a restroom and committed suicide after hearing of an audio tape that was in the possession of the FBI and CIA. Jeanie and Al Mills, would be authors of a tell all book on the Jonestown massacre were found Murdered in their home. More than 20 months after Leo Ryan was killed, his five adult children-two sons and three daughters-filed a lawsuit based on extensive investigation into what had precipitated their father's death. The lawsuit charged that "the Jonestown Colony was infiltrated with agent(s) of the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States. It alleged that Dwyer "as an agent and employee of the Central Intelligence Agency ... negligently, maliciously and intentionally withheld crucial information about the Jonestown Colony which would have prevented harm to Ryan." It further charged that Dwyer "knowingly, intentionally and maliciously led The congressman into a trap at the Port Kaituma Air Strip, which cost Ryan his life." The Ryan's' lawsuit was dismissed for reasons that have to date never been fully disclosed Here
I'll take scripture over belief in tri headed God's
I think that is a wonderful idea Belle but as I have said before I tend to deal with people on the same level that they deal with me . Perhaps if one want's the same respect of a private conversation they should not call someone out in a public forum. I tend to agree.
They have the same choice to know as everyone else they don't want to. Jesus also said Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures.
Then again some joined because we had an adult experiance with a church and found it lacking. 35 years later not much has changed they are still praying to the three in one oil can
Send me to the back of the bus???? What makes you think I was ever allowed in the front of the "mission" street bus? :blink:
Whats to view different? several people posted political opinions one was told to move elsewhere The record speaks for itself.
I never suggested that he did not own the place or that he could not do as he wants to. I just expected that the end result would be equal for everyone. I did not realize there were different rules for different people. I thought better. I guess I was wrong
I had no problem understanding the electoral vote it was the "Landslide" real vote that I disputed 47 % of the people voted for the other candidate that's 3% from a split hardly a landslide. I never disagreed that this was not the forum for discussion only that only one person was being told not to discuss in a thread that does not belong here to begin with IMO. and by the way correct interpretation of factual data is not by nature politically motivated, it is just the record. As to news there are several non news posts on here this one for instance sounds pretty politically motivated for one candidate. I failed to hear anyone deciding that they could not speak. It was much lower before the election. The economic crisis started long before the primaries were even concluded. Sure, some people are freaking out for no reason, but don't let them fool you. Obama is working with some of the smartest people available on the economy, and will work with Congress and the private sector to do what is necessary to get us all back on our feet. Simple requests are fine with me as long as everyone plays by the same rules not just some ,or one only.
So what's new isn't that how it usually goes? It's too cold to be at Memorial today why arn't they drinking beer at the Rock Chalk didn't you teach them youngens anything? I must say I am a bit confused at your response though it did not look like an opinion to me it apperars to be a little more, shall we say forceful. It appears to me the administrator was involved....... pawtucket Group: Adminisrators White Dove, If you want a political discussion of this topic go to the political forum and start one, this isn't the thread or forum to do it. I rest my case.......
. What would you call it northern neighbor when everyone but one is free to discuss politics without repremand?
Thanks for noticing Kimberly I wondered that same thing I also wondered why a political thread was allowed in the open section that invites comment, I mean really ,what were we expecting 43 posts that simply say Yes He Is President. beyond that every one is political discussion. Thanks for your concern though I do appreciate it. Not to worry though I have excepted it ,it's part of the level playing field here. Which is why so many sadly do not post here anymore. But I have new Hope with Barack Hussein Obama he promises change for the oppressed kept down by the man.
Gee I did not know that offering a different point of view was disrupting the peace, one by the way which is shared by some on the internet news as well. Depending on how one looks at the data determines a landslide or not. So are you really proposing that only ideas that agree should be allowed here?
I know, but it such a good story I thought I'd send it around again, He still may visit but by now he's probably not scary. I think it's great the artists that do this ,another is David Crosby who visits his granddaughters music class. He brought along a couple of his pals and they did a fundraiser concert to build a new gym for her school. His friends of course were Stephen Stills and Graham Nash, they played at the end of a talent night for the kids. My brother had the fortune to be able to attend that night they brought the house or gym down) in this case with Teach your Children.
Some young Calabasas California children are complaining that a "weird man" keeps popping up at their school and singing scary songs to them. But are the parents worried? Not Really!!! The man is Bob Dylan, who likes to visit his grandson at school. The kids don't appreciate that they're in the presence of a musical legend said one parent .They just think of him as that weird guitar guy. :blink: