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Everything posted by WhiteDove

  1. MARK ALAN GLUCKIN 11-30-2004 SUMMERFIELD— The Rev. Mark Alan Gluckin, 54, of Strawberry Road, died Sunday, Nov. 28, 2004, at Moses Cone Hospital. A memorial service will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday at Forbis & Dick North Elm Street Chapel with the Rev. Walter Manthey and the Rev. Gary King officiating
  2. For those of you who knew him,Mark Gluckin fell asleep this afternoon in Greensboro, NC, after heart bypass surgery this week. There will be a memorial service 2 pm Saturday in Greensboro. I was sorry to hear this news. Mark was a good man, please keep Barbara and family in your prayers.
  3. WhiteDove


    And a second option I forgot to add is: You could give the T shirt to someone that wanted one but maybe was not in their budget at present. Then you could do two nice things!
  4. WhiteDove


    I don't know why the chatroom is down. Don't need to either. But it does take money to run this board. Some asked about helping with that cost,each persons choice. For those that wanted to I was just pointing out that the Paypal account was still there an easy way to do so if one wanted to. Sorry if anyone took that to mean that money was needed or requested. The Cafe Chat works just fine by the way.
  5. WhiteDove


    Hap the Paypal link is still working from the tshirt sales if you wish to contribute you can do it there if you dont want the shirt just leave a note in the box. Scroll down to Paws post here: http://gscafe.com/groupee/forums?a=tpc&s=9...09262#755109262 Geese you'd think Parachat would have better things to do on Thanksgiving Day.... Turkeys
  6. WhiteDove

    Paw's Birthday

    PAW Hey Paw why is Psalmie eatin' your birthday cake?
  7. Not to worry Dovey the only Draft George will be starting is some of this here draft.... Beer
  8. Dovey the booklets I sent were for you to keep. The info for flat THAT WAS IN HIS ENVELOPE hiS passport and directions you need to send along with him to Raf. 2 1/2 inches of snow here today I should have sent myself along with Flat!!! Steve I sent Flat in a box with some things for my sisterdove that was what she was asking about. Dovey everything in the box not relating to Flat Stanley is yours to keep.
  9. Roy some words of wisdom from Mr. Dylan: Don't wanna judge nobody, don't wanna be judged, Don't wanna touch nobody, don't wanna be touched. Don't wanna hurt nobody, don't wanna be hurt, Don't wanna treat nobody like they was dirt. But if you do right to me, baby, I'll do right to you, too. Ya got to do unto others Like you'd have them, like you'd have them, do unto you. Don't wanna shoot nobody, don't wanna be shot, Don't wanna buy nobody, don't wanna be bought. Don't wanna bury nobody, don't wanna be buried, Don't wanna marry nobody if they're already married. But if you do right to me, baby, I'll do right to you, too. Ya got to do unto others Like you'd have them, like you'd have them, do unto you. Don't wanna burn nobody, don't wanna be burned, Don't wanna learn from nobody what I gotta unlearn. Don't wanna cheat nobody, don't wanna be cheated, Don't wanna defeat nobody if they already been defeated. But if you do right to me, baby, I'll do right to you, too. Ya got to do unto others Like you'd have them, like you'd have them, do unto you. Don't wanna wink at nobody, don't wanna be winked at, Don't wanna be used by nobody for a doormat. Don't wanna confuse nobody, don't wanna be confused, Don't wanna amuse nobody, don't wanna be amused. But if you do right to me, baby, I'll do right to you, too. Ya got to do unto others Like you'd have them, like you'd have them, do unto you. Don't wanna betray nobody, don't wanna be betrayed, Don't wanna play with nobody, don't wanna be waylaid. Don't wanna miss nobody, don't wanna be missed, Don't put my faith in nobody, not even a scientist. But if you do right to me, baby, I'll do right to you, too. Ya got to do unto others Like you'd have them, like you'd have them, do unto you.
  10. For you Mo-Ks fans they pay the song on 99.7 KY on Turkey Day every year.
  11. Please....Make it stop......
  12. Mark looks like you got up on the wrong side of the bed. Go back and try the other side.... sdrawkcab era uoy
  13. But where are the ? 27- 8 by 10 glossy colored photographs with circles and arrows on the back of each one explaining what each one was to be used as evidence against us.
  14. Flat has left the building... er Kansas and is flying the the friendly skies of DoveAir to the sunny skies of California...
  15. Brian rerecorded that song Captain of salvation a few years back as well as some others on his tape "Electrified" Being that he is in Ohio I can't help but think that the way knew about it. He was also through here a few years ago with his son and played a couple of hours of his music on his electric baby grand.
  16. I use this one it works well for me. http://www.executivegallery.com/Pages/SCIdx.htm
  17. I found this today it is part of a several page article on forgivness by Vince Finnegan. "Forgiveness is not identical to trust,friendship,and fellowship and must not be confused as such. God does not command us to trust every man. Nor does He tell us we are to be friends of or keep company with those who refuse to live His Word. He does command us to love,forgive,not to think evil of,and pray for people. When we are forgiving toward another we do not place our spiritual walk in jeopardy; quite the contrary,trusting and fellowshiping with someone who continues to hurt us can very well jepardize our fellowship with God. To be forgiving does not mean to forsake wisdom and good sense."
  18. Maybe but I don't see anywhere in the verse where the clause repentence first is found. You are adding it. If we add to scripture then in fairness we have to alow others to also subtract. I think that if He wanted it to have a repentence first clause then He would have had it written that way. I can't assume He forgot to add it.
  19. Anyone wanna take a shot at this one: Since no one has mentioned this verse I thought I'd throw it in the mix. Matthew 6 KJV 14 For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: 15 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. Matthew 6 Amplified Bible 14For if you forgive people their trespasses [their [1] reckless and willful sins, [2] leaving them, letting them go, and [3] giving up resentment], your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15But if you do not forgive others their trespasses [their [4] reckless and willful sins, [5] leaving them, letting them go, and [6] giving up resentment], neither will your Father forgive you your trespasses. Matthew 6 American Standard Version 14 "(1) For if you forgive others for their transgressions, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 "But (2) if you do not forgive others, then your Father will not forgive your transgressions.
  20. HA HA when it's my turn Cool I'm gonna use my miss a turn card.......
  21. Much better now they are complete the six was devilish you know! :D-->
  22. Cool By the way you are aware that your smilies are unsymmetrical arn't you please fix them!!!
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