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Everything posted by WhiteDove

  1. Belle I was just happy to be able to help and that I by chance scanned him while he was here so we could replicate him.
  2. Shellon no word on Zach's original but the transported ones should be arriving at their next stop any day now.
  3. Then again it may have been that kick from the cheerleader that he tried to grope on the sidelines that did it.
  4. I have no advice to give ya Excathedra and it looks like you have plenty of good advice anyway here. Today is a new day hope it is going better than yesterday for you. I'll just pray all these things work out for the best possible way for you. Love! ME
  5. ROTFLMAO Ex Do you speak from your years of experience here in the nut capital of the world?
  6. Word on the street is that Flat has been nominated for a high paying Cabinet job.
  7. Word has it "on the street" We won't be forced to have to Hurt you, if ya just let Flat Go.... -->
  8. Where have all the flowers gone? Long time passing. Where have all the flowers gone? Long time ago. Where have all the flowers gone? (Pete Seeger) What a great post by UncleHairy in the "ministering to people" thread. Made me think back to the early 70's when the kids in the Way of Kansas sold flowers on the street corners. We were all kids then,fresh from the movement. John Lennon's words playing in my head "I just want to say that Apathy isn't it! We can do something! Ok so Flower Power didn't work! So What? We start again! And yet there they were,changing lives one flower at a time. Little Pandora,Steve & Suzi S*nn and Cobalt Kid you were there too! Long before I was a part of the Way I knew many of these folks. Oh there were problems even then. But what special people they were,and my life is richer for being with them in that moment of time. It wasn't really about the flowers, Oh sure they were a good deal,but it was really how you felt after spending a few minutes of your day with them. The Excitement and Love of Life. They were caring souls and your day was left better from spending a few minutes with them. They Were ministering to people! one flower at a time. A Day Gone By And How Sad.... The years have passed so quickly One thing I've understood I am only learning To tell the trees from the wood John Lennon
  9. Hi Bowtwi thanks for checking . Z shot check your PT's
  10. Pig Puke eeewww thats gross ya ill-mannered Ham.
  11. Ok Z-man Flat has left the building er a transporter that is. I'd beam him right to the coordinates that Steve sent but the transporters are down for maintenance. So he will be arriving in the post in a couple of days. Now if we can just keep the Borg from assimilateing him this time .....
  12. Sorry was not very clear what I was asking was if maybe at school or one of his classmates had a copy of the passsport cover you could copy it and we could all fill it out again and then catch it back up to him. then he would have his passport log.
  13. Ha this new Klingon replicator works great I can see Flats little original pencil lines.
  14. Yeah thats it Paw Transported Beam me up Scotty.... Ok Steve I got a lock on his particles I'll get him out first thing in the AM with a copy of his instructions. Flat has some ground to make up no goofin Flat. Steve can you recreate his passport and we can all fill it out again from where he has been. :(--> I did not scan it.....
  15. Maybe Not!!! When Flat was here as a precaution I scanned him in the computer and made a perfect clone of him to use to shoot some pictures with so the origional did not get messed up . I still have him. If you want I would be happy to forward him to whereever..... If that is ok to do.
  16. Yes I did Dot they did not last long I wonder if they came from the same kennel in MO. that Lucca came from. They can't keep the poms pens full they go so fast. Now Dovey needs that little hot dog. Oh Dovey.......
  17. Not to worry there!! I can fix that I'll have ya back to your ole' self in no time. Here let me mist ya down with my spray bottle. Sorry I'm outa water but this here sticky lemonade & some pink dye will do fine. Now back in the dryer ya go . Lets see 8 hours on air fluff and you will be good as new.
  18. OOPS I think maybe I got the heat in the dryer set a little to high yer lookin a little wrinkly Psalmie. Mmmmm Bacon.....
  19. Happy birthday from Lucca and me!!!! Have a Dog gone good day.
  20. OUCH Here before you move that dryer why don't you take a little spin in it. Let's see about three hours on high ought to do it. HaHa loook at the pig go round and round. Hey there piggy you look a little dizzy!! haha hoohoohooo
  21. All right since ya didn't like my hillbilly dancing pig Then here is another one.
  22. Well I suppose our valid points may differ but Who God is.... and who Jesus is.... seems to me to be a pretty valid point in fact at the top of my list. Jesus knew who he was and if a church does not accept his words then I would have to say the fruit is suspect. How can you be a follower of Christ when you do not follow his words. Someone awile back used the analogy of dang in the brownies regarding the way doctrine a little makes the brownie taste bad if that is true then it would also have to be true for churches. Jesus is God is dang in the brownie and people can kiss my cheek all they want and act nice and do all the social programs they want and say it don't taste bad but I know otherwise. I'm not buying their baked goods they taste like well you know......
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