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GreaseSpot Cafe


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Everything posted by WhiteDove

  1. Ha ha ha Herbie what are those? Oh now I remember: I had some friends,or so they said Well I guess my friends they had me but before too long they did me wrong! So dishonestly....( Dean Ellenwood) Besides when the black helicopters start flying.....
  2. Flat went to Cancun no wonder we could not find him.
  3. Ok for all you Flat addict's the official Flat Stanley site.With lots of stories and pictures. And yes it has a FLAT CHAT --> http://flatstanley.enoreo.on.ca/ ****Typo edit*****
  4. You can find Walter Here. http://www.scnm.edu/news/article_7.php
  5. Rats I didn't think ya would see me down there in the corner of your party.
  6. Paw Speaking of clones there was this prototype for the GreaseSpot Stanley. http://gscafe.com/groupee/forums/a/tpc/f/1...884/m/315105356
  7. Paw the original is still MIA Steve asked if I would make two "transported" copy's. Which I did and sent one to Zshot and one to Onion Eater.
  8. Psalmie put the coffee down and back away!!!! I think you have had enough.
  9. David I like that mean ole pig just fine as long as she doesn't glue my feet to the ground. I hate it when she does that.
  10. Yea he is back on the road again....Z-man his passport should arrive today I think.
  11. TROUBLE!! "Why I've forgoten more about trouble than that boy will ever know"...
  12. Dancing Sunflowers Sounds like something they would do in Kansas....
  13. Me TOO!!! as I remember the highlight of my talent show was our music teacher Sister Mary doing a cover of that Singing Nun song Dominique
  14. Here is a nice box of chocolates..... For your head......Smash Squish HAHAHA
  15. Here is a little Pig Latin Birthday 4 Ya!!!!
  16. Here while your eating your cake let me tie some of these pig balloons to your tail. OOPS there ya go......Now where did I put that BB gun. What goes up must come down ya know.
  17. You know the ones where YOUR kid does great and then you swelter in a auditorium full of people while listening to what sounds like someone torturing a chicken. I was talking to my brother in California this week and his good friend invited him to his childrens school show a fund raiser for the school. He was not all that excited about it but these people sorta look out for him being that he has no family there and invite him for the holidays and so forth. So being the good friend he is he agreed to go. Realizing that he most likely was not really thrilled about driving two hours through LA traffic his friend told him that as part of the fundraiser there would be a catered dinner before the show.(Hey it's LA) Also he said that one of the kids Suzi had a grandfather that had aparently played guitar and performed at some live events in the past. As part of the show he would also be playing at the end. So my brother is thinking ok this may not be so bad at least dinner and maybe some good music. Ha! Well as promised after the kids did their thing Suzi's grandfather did play and play and play and play for almost one and a half hours...... OH!!! And now the rest of the story........ Well little Suzi's grandfather and his old time pals as it turned out did have some success in the music business, that live show they did Woodstock,you may have heard of some of their songs. Suit Judy Blue Eyes,Teach your Children,Ohio, Love the one your With,Our House, Find the cost of freedom,Carry On.... Yep there sat my brother at his first School Talent Show with little Suzi watching Grandpa and Uncle's Steven and David. Crosby Stills & Nash play. He says that it was not too bad in fact he may go again next year. Some people have all the luck.
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