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Happy Birthday George
Hey doug hope this birthday wish finds you well. Maybe we will see you in the chat room some late night.
Ex you must be having a way music lecture flashback :D--> Here is some snopes info for you. Claim: The Peter, Paul & Mary tune "Puff, the Magic Dragon" is a coded song about marijuana. Status: False. Origins: No, "Puff, the Magic Dragon" is not about marijuana, or any other type of drug. It is what its writers have always claimed it to be: a song about the innocence of childhood lost. The poem that formed the basis of the song "Puff, the Magic Dragon" was written in 1959 by Leonard Lipton, a nineteen-year-old Cornell student. Lipton was inspired by an Ogden Nash rhyme about a "Really-O Truly-O Dragon," and, using a dragon as the central figure, he came up with a poem about the end of childhood innocence. Lipton passed his work along to a friend, fellow Cornell student (and folk music enthusiast) Peter Yarrow, who put a melody to the words and wrote additional lyrics to create the song "Puff, the Magic Dragon." After Yarrow teamed up with Mary Travers and Paul Stookey in 1961 to form Peter, Paul & Mary, the trio performed the song in live shows; their 1962 recording of "Puff" reached #2 on the Billboard charts in early 1963. The 1960s being what they were, however, any song based on oblique or allegorical lyrics was subject to reinterpretation as a "drug song," and so it was with "Puff." (For Peter, Paul & Mary, at least, the revelation that their song was "really" about marijuana came after the song had finished its chart run; other groups were not so fortunate, and accusations of "drug lyrics" caused some radio stations to ban songs such as the Byrds' "Eight Miles High" from their playlists.) "Puff" was an obvious name for a song about smoking pot; little Jackie Paper's surname referred to rolling papers; "autumn mist" was either clouds of marijuana smoke or a drug-induced state; the land of "Hanah Lee" was really the Hawaiian village of Hanalei, known for its particularly potent marijuana plants; and so on. As Peter Yarrow has demonstrated in countless concert performances, any song -- even "The Star-Spangled Banner" -- can be interpreted as a "drug song." Here is what the people who created and popularized the song have said about it: Leonard Lipton (co-writer): ["Puff" is about] loss of innocence, and having to face an adult world. It's surely not about drugs. I can tell you that at Cornell in 1959, no one smoked grass. I find the fact that people interpret it as a drug song annoying. It would be insidious to propagandize about drugs in a song for little kids. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Peter Yarrow (co-writer): As the principal writer of the song, I can assure you it's a song about innocence lost. It's easier to interpret "The Star-Spangled Banner" as a drug song than "Puff, the Magic Dragon." This is just a funny rumor that was promulgated by Newsweek magazine [who ran a cover story about covert drug messages in pop music]. There is no basis for it. It's inane at this point and really unfortunate, because even in Hong Kong it's not played because of the allegation it's about drugs. But I assure you it's not. When 'Puff' was written, I was too innocent to know about drugs. What kind of a meanspirited SOB would write a children's song with a covert drug message? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mary Travers: Peter wrote the song in 1958 [sic], and it is not about marijuana. Believe me, if he wanted to write a song about marijuana, he would have written a song about marijuana.
It was in 1961 when Peter, Paul & Mary stood on stage in front of the infamous brick wall at The Bitter End coffee house on Bleeker Street in Greenwich Village. The Bitter End is still there today and Peter Paul & Mary are still performing 40 concerts a year. What began as individual solo careers in the Village became a "family" through the insight, creativity and foresight of Albert Grossman, their mentor and manager. Grossman at that time was managing Bob Dylan, who two years later in 1963 wrote the "In The Wind" album liner notes - - the album is a classic and Dylan's notes are a poetic tribute to Peter Paul & Mary.
42 (can you believe it ) years ago this week Peter,Paul & Mary's Puff The Magic Dragon hit the charts. Puff The Magic Dragon Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee, Little jackie paper loved that rascal puff, And brought him strings and sealing wax and other fancy stuff. oh Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee, Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee. Together they would travel on a boat with billowed sail Jackie kept a lookout perched on puff’s gigantic tail, Noble kings and princes would bow whene’er they came, Pirate ships would lower their flag when puff roared out his name. oh! Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee, Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee. A dragon lives forever but not so little boys Painted wings and giant rings make way for other toys. One grey night it happened, jackie paper came no more And puff that mighty dragon, he ceased his fearless roar. His head was bent in sorrow, green scales fell like rain, Puff no longer went to play along the cherry lane. Without his life-long friend, puff could not be brave, So puff that mighty dragon sadly slipped into his cave. oh! Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee, Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee. Happy Birthday Puff...
Actually truth be told it was not a rebuttal to Vickles and Ex10 that was the second usage of truth is truth the first was used before in the rebuttal prior to that. Now you see ya failed to check that first usage of a word like ya was taught and now you have gotten yourself in a truth quandery there neighbor. And thats the truth... :)-->
:)--> yep throughly....
Absolutely Because of the fact they came from the same teaching sources they will probably have a lot in common. And that could be good or bad depending on what it is.
Don't know about readily apparent, and black & white, those are not my words. I think I said truth or error. But just because something is readily apparent does not mean that everyone will see it. Some people like religion it is safe and comfortable to follow along and not to have to think for yourself. Neither does it mean people are perfect. Despite the fact that many Christians will never rise up to claim all that God has made them to be in Christ Jesus, it is still the privilege of each and every one to believe God at his Word. To those who do the riches of His revealed blessings are theirs. To those who do the price paid is appreciated and claimed. Those who have eyes to see and ears to hear will.
Happy Birthday!!! I see ya blew out your candles already so hope your wish comes true!!!!
Understood I was just saying for anyone that could and wanted one I think they are still around. If not I will get them one. I don't think Jeff would mind you posting at all. Here is a link to his homepage you can read it online under teachings. http://home.flash.net/~jwr2/
Yep they were! Belle this is written by Jeff Rath and distributed by Christian Family Fellowship. He also has a follow-up called Recovery from Spiritual Abuse. I think you can still get them free by contacting CFF. Or I think I still have some also here.
Well Well Well looky here two of my favoritest persons! This is what I get for trying to help Mrs. Vickles with her crap collecting hobby. Thanks for the thought, but really (you know Ex) I collect Coke things, not that it does not look like fine crap and all! Maybe it was that giving and receiving thing but it appears I now am the proud owner of very own pile. Well I was wondering how long before you would join in Mrs. Ex. :)--> Now I don't know much about black n white but you could ask Mr. Jackson about that I think he wrote a song about it. I think he decided that there was no difference between the two.Then again, he looks kinda busy at the moment. Yes T I know we have had this conversation a few times looks like we will need to have it a few more times till ya get it right!! :D--> Sorry but I will have to disagree it IS that simple! truth is truth error is error. In general this is true in science, math and most areas of life. We teach our children truth and lies. Go to court for speeding and see if the judge does not find for truth ,either you were speeding or you were not. Now he may listen to your story and he may even give you a break in your sentence if he feels sorry for you in fact he may even dismiss it all together but he will still find you guilty and then give you probation. The truth being you were speeding. I always find it interesting here that when it comes to the Way or (offshoots) we seem to be able to see the truth so clearly (black n white if ya will) yet when it involves churches they have this gray area that is afforded them it is never that simple. I wonder why in all of life they transend truth and error. Jesus seemed to have no problem in telling the difference between church doctrine and truth and speaking very plainly about it . Does not the scripture itself tell us to prove all things and hold fast to that which is good. I Thessalonians 5:21 "But test and prove all things until you can recognize what is good to that hold fast.[Amp Bible] Now I'm thinking since we have God's instruction this must be possible. Now this thread was about why people go to (offshoots) not about churches and I really do not have anything against churches. I have gone to several here and in fact have a pretty fair friendship with a couple of pastors. I have done work for a couple of churches and in fact I was just asked to be on the board for a church camp here. Our fellowship has done volunteer work there and we have contributed equipment to the camp the people that run it are great people and it benifits the Christian community as well as us. I am still considering that offer. That said I became involved in the Way because I was tired of untruthful doctrine. I wanted to know truth. Why would I want to regress to church something that proved to be in error with the scriptures? I may as well regress back to the Way then. You said: The main problem I have with "offshoots" and that I have with TWI, is the arrogance. You know, the "I know more of 'the truth' than you do, so I'm not going to fellowship with you" attitude. Really I have found just the opposite to be true churches are very much like that. We are the_______ (fill in your favorite) church we have _________ amout of members we are worldwide we must be right . How could a little group like you know anything? I stay in contact with about 10 or 12 groups and their respective exway leaders and I just don't see that type of attitude in any of them. CG's group would be the exception. The truth is we do know alot about the Bible by the grace of God and years of work and I will not be ashamed of that fact. There is plenty more to learn and if others want to invest the time they can learn too. I figure if I can get it, about anyone can. The truth is if you are looking to learn something you find people that you know to be informed and know truth concerning that issue be it car repair or the Bible. Being confident in what you know does not mean that you are arrogant. Well it looks like our experiences with churches have been at opposite ends of the page. I wonder if it might be that way because of what you both said about going when you want to. It seems here they were quite happy with people until they were trying to take on more of an active leadership position then they looked a little harder at what they believed, before that they were just lost in the crowd.
You people have quacked up...
I'd have to disagree with you there it is using the Bible,scripture,to decide if a church doctrine is true or false. Just like in math 2+2=4 if someone tells you that it equals 7 I can use math to see if that is true or false. If it is false then it is false it has nothing to do with judgement of anyone. Truth is truth error is error. And yes I agree that same test holds true for Way teachings and I would agree many have been found not to have passed the test.
Well!!! then again this guy has a different view.
Well I swore that I was not going to get sucked in to your thread Mrs. Pickles but then I felt sorry for you in your quest for more crap. I know that wolf dog is working overtime to produce but he needs a rest so... I guesss I should do my part. :D--> I stay in touch with people from many "offshoots" (I really hate that term) most I don't find to be like the way at all. I did not go through hell or hit bottom before leaving. Rather it was a logical biblical choice for thinking people. Really the hell started after I left. I have seen no attempt to control anyone in the several I keep in touch with. Quite the opposite realy there seems to be a lack of direction at times due to not wanting to fall into that rut again. People attend these groups because they want Christian fellowship that is missing in churches. Many have tried churches after leaving the way but do not like the menu of unscriptural doctrine. and if you survive long enough by laying low and being some fake person eventually when they find out (and they do ) that you dont hold their views just like in the way you are quickly put on the shelf for any leadership roles. That leaves two choices do nothing which many are content to do or be involved in some way with one of these groups.
This is the question lovers and poets have wrestled with for years. I Don't Believe You( She just acts like we never have met)Bob Dylan I can't understand, She let go of my hand An' left me here facing the wall. I'd sure like t' know Why she did go, But I can't get close t' her at all. Though we kissed through the wild blazing nighttime, She said she would never forget. But now mornin's clear, It's like I ain't here, She just acts like we never have met. It's all new t' me, Like some mystery, It could even be like a myth. Yet it's hard t' think on, That she's the same one That last night I was with. From darkness, dreams're deserted, Am I still dreamin' yet? I wish she'd unlock Her voice once an' talk, 'Stead of acting like we never have met. If she ain't feelin' well, Then why don't she tell 'Stead of turnin' her back t' my face? Without any doubt, She seems too far out For me t' return t' her chase. Though the night ran swirling an' whirling, I remember her whispering yet. But evidently she don't An' evidently she won't, She just acts like we never have met. If I didn't have t' guess, I'd gladly confess T' anything I might've tried. If I was with 'er too long Or have done something wrong, I wish she'd tell me what it is, I'll run an' hide. Though her skirt it swayed as a guitar played, Her mouth was watery and wet. But now something has changed For she ain't the same, She just acts like we never have met. I'm leavin' today, I'll be on my way Of this I can't say very much. But if you want me to, I can be just like you An' pretend that we never have touched. An' if anybody asks me, "Is it easy to forget?" I'll say, "It's easily done, You just pick anyone, An' pretend that you never have met!" WindowsMedia http://bobdylan.com/audio/albumtracks/Wind...eve_another.asx "And though our separation, it pierced me to the heart She still lives inside of me, we've never been apart."
Actually the state fixed that problem years ago. Kansas (here is a few more) All cars driving on major roads must have a chain attached to the front of the auto.( so the horse or mule can pull them out of the way if they breakdown.) Mules may not be used to hunt ducks You may not shoot a rabbit from a motor boat It is required to wear a tail light when crossing the highway at night It is illegal to catch a fish with your bare hands Topeka: you are not allowed to have more than five cats at one time If two trains meet on the same track, neither shall proceed until the other has passed.
Dang 3Cents I was wondering why my car quit working thanks for the auto help. :D-->
:)--> Oops double post
Here is a quick tip to make it go faster for you. just write this save them the trouble and you'll be good for at least another year... :D--> Yes you are right!! I am a complete and total f*ckup. I have more spiritual problems than Clarita bitten by devils. Your right I am not worth the powder it would take to blow me up!!! Thank you for for pointing this out to me you are so spiritual and I am such a dirt ball. I'm glad you are around to make up for slackers like me.... Yes I know I need to watch that..... --> -->
Hated them what a waste of time! Outandabout is now a good time to mention that it is almost April and your annual mark and avoid review is due!!!
There you have it, folks. Even if you prepare with food and water, it is certain that predators-in-waiting like him will see you as prey the first time their stomachs growl.As a devoted leftist, he's fond of proclaiming his compassion for others less fortunate (at your expense, of course), but when the rubber meets the road and the .... hits the fan, you'd better run for cover. My point exactly earlier Satori I was not brushing it off. Friends in the way stabbed us in the back for the right to keep taking a class and get their way magazine. when it comes to live or die do you really want to trust people?