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Everything posted by WhiteDove

  1. Happy Birthday Hope!!! Enjoy your day and your party.
  2. OOOOH Mrs. Psalmie is not going to like this story ending. If I were you I'd...... Duck Incomming......
  3. Never understood why people thought that I thought we were redeemed by the blood of the lamb by the grace of God.What did people owe their life to prior to The Ways existence?
  4. Better but I also today got the same message twice.
  5. Now I like my cow meat well done,but Dang could you take the bovine off the grill she is past well done!! It's safe to say that I know Cowgirl pretty well and I really don't think her intentions were to judge anyone. Her crime may well be poor composition. (I can relate been there done that) I think maybe this is what she was trying to convey. One of the signs of spiritual abuse is that the abused person will feel like he or she is both on the verge of a breakthrough and on the verge of a breakdown. Most books on spiritual abuse have a chapter on stoping the mouth of the abuser or seperating yourself from the abuse and abusive environment. In the case of physical abuse the victims will be removed to a safe house. Most books encourage people to rid themselves of things that remind them of the abuse. This could be books tapes or anykind of things. often we do rid ourselves of physical things but hold on to the mental ones. The abusers mouth must be stopped. Quite often we can not get the abuser to actually shut up,but we can seperate ourselves from the influences of abuse This may take days or years depending on how bad you were abused. Maybe her frustrated intentions were that she likes you guys and wished it would not take years.
  6. Cowgirl ole friend For what it's worth I understood your question. Is this the part where I say I told ya so? :)-->
  7. Can Ya Hear Me Now? C.O.W. Cell Over the World
  8. Shhhhh Now you had to go and ruin the surprise. I told that goofy pig they were flowers.
  9. Flowers??? Something wrong with all those pretty Dandelions I planted for you all over your yard. I'm glad you moved closer now I can visit more often.Yippeee This little piggie went wee wee wee all the way home......
  10. Bowtwi you might wanna wander over and check on Jim he said he had been sick. http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/The-Way/message/18787
  11. His memory would be better...... ;)--> :)-->
  12. Ok Mark I agree but what you are describing is the "process" or "search" for the truth. But not "the truth" itself. 1+1 =2 if you believe it or not,confirm it or not the truth still "is" What three witnesses confirmed God's truth in the begining? I will try to find out the info but it most likely is a long shot this many years on.
  13. Hey stayed to long Since when is questioning the rules a federal offence? I would have done the same thing especially since the rules it sounds like are not even rules yet. What is wrong with going to bat(no Pun intended) for your kid's.
  14. Ha I hope not if you have a second base you are playing some weird basketball.
  15. Oh I forgot some words of wisdom to guide you from the sign on my attorneys office. Ah Hell.... Sue the bast*rds ( then buy the team and fire the coach or better yet keep him on as a waterboy.)
  16. Hey Excathedra Can I have the concession stand rights? Please Please.... I promise not to throw food unless that mean ole pig Psalmie comes around.
  17. Speaking of Churches my old friend Peter Wade sent this to me today. Behind closed doors! Easter has passed and Pentecost lies ahead. But where do we find the early church? This was the most dangerous period in the life of the followers of Jesus, and it is the most dangerous period in the life of believers still. I recently was able to obtain a secondhand copy of a book on Pentecost titled "The Christ of Every Road" (1930), personally signed by the author, E. Stanley Jones, a popular devotional writer from the 1920s to the 1960s. A missionary to India, he conducted retreats around the world and was a sought-after speaker. The rest of this article are extracts from this book. "The Church [universal] is not living in Pentecost. It is living between Easter and Pentecost. Easter stands for life wrought out, offered; Pentecost stands for life appropriated, lived to its full, unafraid and clearly and powerfully witnessing to an adequate way of human living. The Church stands hesitant between the two. Hesitant, hence comparatively impotent. Something big has dawned on its thinking--Christ has lived, taught, died and risen again and has commissioned the Church with the amazing Good News. But something big has yet to dawn in the very structure, make-up, and temper of the life of the Church--Pentecost. Easter has dawned; Pentecost has not. If the Church would move up from that between-state to Pentecost, nothing could stop it--nothing! Now it is stopping itself by its own ponderous machinery... "But suppose for a moment there had been no Pentecost. The situation would have been impossible for them. Here were men commissioned to proclaim a crucified Jesus as Saviour and Master; they were to replace the present world-order with a new world- order: the kingdom of God, and all this in face of a deep hostility--with their pre-Pentecost resources an impossible task. Without this inner transformation and moral re-enforcement we would expect to find them just where we do find them: It was evening on that day, "the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews" [John20:19]. A Church behind closed doors! A Church living between Easter and Pentecost is always behind closed doors... "They had the message the world needed and awaited, the one message that would heal the sin-hurt of the world, and yet that message was shut up behind closed doors. The only power that could and did get them out from behind those closed doors and loose them and their message upon the world was Pentecost. It was not enough for them to see him and to hear him say, "Peace be unto you: As my Father hath sent me, even so send I you." His presence and his commission were not enough, for a week later we find them still behind closed doors. His assurances and his commission did not get them out. Only Pentecost got them out. For up to Pentecost the whole thing was on the outside of them, objective, something spoken, acted before them. It wasn't IN them. At Pentecost this gospel came within them, became identical with them--what they had heard and seen and what they were became one, hence they became irresistible apostles of a mighty passion. "The Church is behind closed doors of mere routine of ritual for fear of breakdown. The early Church was spontaneous. No one knew what it was going to do next. Now you can anticipate what the Church will do. It is in ruts, and "a rut is a grave with both ends knocked out". But ruts are so safe! When life ceases to be spontaneous we groove it in order to be sure we have something. We do have something, but whether it is life is a question. On my trip to America I was struck by the growing grandeur of the houses of worship and the increasing ornateness of ritual and liturgy. The feeling seemed to be that the millennium lay just on the other side of an elaborate new church building, a vested choir, and stately processions. Europe is filled with stately cathedrals and stale Christianity, with religious processions and with religious paralysis. No, this is not the way to life; and yet, feeling the emptiness within, we add to the outer, hoping that the appearance of life will make life appear. History says it does not. Nevertheless, we close our doors behind "safe" ritual for fear of breakdown... "There was a time when the Christian Church celebrated Whitsunday, the anniversary of the coming of the Spirit, more than it did Christmas, the anniversary of the coming of Christ. Now Whitsunday has largely dropped out. Did we find it was easier to celebrate Christ's birth than it was to be born again? Was it easier to commemorate his coming into the world than it was for us to go with his message into the world? Did it cost less to give gifts at Christmas than to give ourselves at Pentecost? Christmas is the festival of God with us. Pentecost is the festival of God in us. Is He more with us than in us?... "There are four pillars upon which Christ's gospel rests: his Life, his Cross, his Resurrection, and his Coming into the lives of men--Pentecost. The gospel rests upon ALL FOUR. Take any one away and you have a crippled gospel--a gospel insufficient to meet human need. The theme of this book is Pentecost, but I dare not discuss Pentecost except in the light of the other three, for Pentecost isolated is Pentecost emasculated. It is true of any of the others." -- E. Stanley Jones.
  18. I don't know Mark to me truth is not all that complicated. It Is Or It Isn't * It happened or it didn't * It was said or it wasn't * It was done or It was not done. If you have three versions then you have not the truth you may have part truth. Anyway Speaking of doing I may just run by the old school and see if they have a copy of The Church History Book under Antiques in the library.
  19. Well we disagree I think it is more than a few. But like the Way there are good people everywhere that is why I did not vote in the poll. But I do seperate the "church" and the people, the "structure" is evil. It has a history of evil, death, rape ,murder, greed,torture,and pedophilia. It has been there from the early days and it remains today, it is documented in it's history. They just have gotten better at covering it up. Well until lately.... I see nothing Godly in it's practice so My choice is to have no part of it. **Typo edit**
  20. Mark These accounts were presented as church history in a Catholic high school. Now if anyone would want to weasle out of these as being true, One would think it would be there. If a Catholic priest in a Catholic school believes that they are true one would think that just maybe they would know.
  21. I don't have the time or desire to research all of the Pope's for you it was boring enough in Catholic school the first time. But you can google it or read up on it yourself. Here is one I did find online though from Catholic Answers. It happened get over it!the poops were sicko's. http://www.suite101.com/article.cfm/heresies_heretics/86201 http://www.catholic.com/thisrock/1998/9801fea4.asp
  22. Mark I have long since lost my high school church history book in fact I doubt we ever got to keep them as I remember. But this is common knowledge even the priest Father Thomas who taught us knew this. I'm sure the textbook is out of print by now but it was simply called Church History I believe. Okay so maybe there are some typos in the information above I'll give you that. Does that make the truth that it happened any less valid? I guess if you don't get all of the dates right then that means it never happened I'm sure those molested will be happy to know that. Speaking of logically flawed and intellectually dishonest it is hardly just a few as you imply it is years and years of Pope's and it is still rampant today in the church.
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