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Everything posted by WhiteDove
Quote:Garth: It takes careful reading as to why people post like we post. Why 'the rest of us' doesn't seem to grasp why you view Harry Potter as spiriatually dangerous, and then use insinuating comments about those who are into Harry Potter, and yes, I agree with Wordwolf, they are there. _________________________________________________ Exactly Garth You don't like the fact that I think differently than you guys do about a book or spiritual matters in general and that I have a opinion that frankly sounds to Wayish to you so you must squash it. My other comments came after Belle fired the first shot. As she said treat people as you like to be treated.
WordWolf I don't care to drag Raf into this and you are right later on after more posts he did have a different view but directly following that post that was not his impression at least it appears that way. That aside I don't generally try to tell posters what they are saying when they post. I figure it is their words they should know what they were saying. But If I did have a question, you could ask maybe. Not assume. I could assume that in your last post you called me a name but you did not. Does that make it so? I say no. Even in a court the testimony of a person is considered true I think they call the rest hearsay. Quote WordWolf: It seems obvious to me that you refuse to see the slant in what you posted, And it is obvious that you wish to slant it to see things your way to me. And for the record I never invoked child molestion. Someone posted that somehow the books were ok because it taught children to read. My example was that if I gave them a book about child molestation they would be livid and rightly so. The point! just because something may have some reading benefit does not make it a healthy read or a unhealthy one either. It is not a point to value or disvalue a book with. By the way this same point came up in the article that Raf posted later on. I guess someone else made the same conclusion. I suppose its ok as long as I don't make the point. ------------------------------------------------ Quote: I am not persuaded by the most common argument I hear in favor of Harry Potter: "At least children are reading. Anything that gets my child to read must be good." Would parents say this if the Harry Potter books had clearly objectionable content, like scenes that glorified teenage drug abuse? I hope not. As good as it is for children to read, we parents must make sure that what they are reading is good for their souls. http://www.fuller.edu/news/pubs/tnn/2003_October/3.html ________________________________________________ By the way I also saw a show discussing The book. The same argument came up there. They pointed out another thing. Yes they are reading but they are reading Harry Potter it is not like it has spurred a wave of interest in other books. Quote WordWolf:I hope nobody's relying on your ability to communicate PRECISELY what you mean. Gee I never seem to have a problem with other people just HP lovers here. By the way I would never post them but judging by my emails other people reached the same conclusion that I did. Unfortunatly they did not care to post and be BBQ'd.
Mabe Garth but immediatly after each of our posts we were both taken to task. We were the only ones that had a other opinion. Every one else that agreed gets a Good Post Nice Job (MY words) approach. Lets just say due to the facts it looks highly suspicious.
Hey Jonny Your right that was exactly what I was asking and I understood your point perfectly. The problem is you and I are the only ones that feel that way here I guess. We dont agree with the crowd so they have taken you to task as well. Sorry You can post on my thread anytime you wish. But if you don't agree with the crowd they will be happy to inform you why you should.
Quote WordWolf Well, I'll be a good Christian, but all of you who enjoy Harry Potter and await the 6th book are NOT good Christians,", I thought that was quite a polite response. That was not my post and you know it. I never called anyone a good or bad Christian only stated MY point of view how I felt about the book. I never attacked her personally. If you read the threads before mine there were 45 posts all pro the book. I read them all thought fine their choice . I did not fire off saying they were wrong. Nor did I start off saying Gee did you all ride brooms too ? I could have instead I choose to post my assessment of the book from my point of view. If you want to infer words good or bad christian I suppose you can but they are not my words. Read my post again: WhitedoveQuote; Yes Rascal I spent some time looking through the first one at least until I could not stomach anymore. My opinion only I know how I felt. The spiritual kingdom does not hold any facination over me, I am well aware of their motives. Thats true for ME and also for many others as well. (ME No one else mentioned) I think the Bible tells us we are supposed to be aware. So while wee ones anxiously wait for the wee hours when a fictional tale of a wee wizard will be released. I'll be waiting also, for the risen Son of God to return. Just my opinion on why I won't be in line. Neutral- this is what I will be doing. Two waits one for a book and one for the return you could do both but I did not choose to. My Choice and I did not say anyone else could not. I think scripture also tells us we are to anticipate His return and to comfort one another with these words. I Thessalonians I believe. I don't see and good or bad Christian there either. I believe I was doing what the bible says to do keep the Hope in mind and remind others of it. The first snide remark was as I said from Belle. P.S. You also failed to note the post following Belle's by Raf he did not see it as a insult either as it appears. She is the one who read it that way because she wanted to. Quote Raf: Aw, be nice. Best as I can tell, all Dovey said was he doesn't like the stuff. Gotta be okay with that.
Quote Belle: Simply saying that personally you (rhetorical) don't much care for something has been said many times with no argument, discourse or otherwise "gang bang" as you put Not true! Here is my post: Sorry I just don't see the attraction. I wouldn't walk to the mailbox if there were a case of free ones sitting there. Well then again maybe if it were trash day.... If you look at my 1st post you wil see I did not mention you or anyone else only the book.You could have ignored it or replied Sorry you feel that way but I liked the book. But From that point on you have been in my face as to why I posted And why my point of view is wrong. If you look back it was you who posted the first insult look it up dear. Quote Belle: Well, Dovey, you're in good company. You and the pope can sit around with all the TWIts and discuss how we're all stoopid for enjoying these fantasy stories. You might want to reread your advice: Perhaps a little diplomacy, a little less judgmentalism would be too much to ask. But if you are going to continue to insult people who don't necessarily enjoy, think or agree with your pov, then don't be surprised when people treat you like you treat them.
Man been away all day I'll never catch up. Cowgirl You owe me Big time Enjoy it while it lasts because I think I'm about to be voted off the island. P.S. You've got mail. Garth Thanks I had a wonderful day today. Once we seperated your point from the abuse issue at the Way it makes perfect sense. I just dont see it that way. So we'll just agree to disagree Ok! Sorry if I pushed your buttons also. Dearest Vickles You might wanna paint your house or something while you wait for my reply you know how fast I am at typing. Tell Froggy Hi! P.S. I did more than glance at the books though. But I have no interest in books that promote magic,spells,wizards and so forth. My choice! I don't wish to contribute to its success or financial gain. It stands in opposition to my core of biblical beliefs. Reikilady Sorry it took so long been meaning to say this No offence to anyone else but I think you had the classiest post on this thread. While I don't share all of your views you were most kind in your presentation. Oak is a very lucky man. Well I do have to go for now the new Maralyn Manson CD drops at midnight tonight and I wanna get my copy..... -->
Gee Johnny How dare you express your opinion well you can but only if it agrees with the crowd otherwise it's not an opinion anymore somehow it changes into an insult. Thanks for being the new gang bang fodder Hey maybe I'll finally catch up...
Sorry Rascal Come again please I guess I have missed your point.
Well I don't think that was quite their point but I'll pass along your views to them. Judging from the response here I don't think you have to worry any about equal footing it's about 20 to 1 in the others favor.
Gee Oak I must have missed the joke.... Then again as a Christian I don't find abuse Spiritual or Physical Mental or Sexual particularly funny. Abuse happens every day around the world and still in the Way. It has absolutely nothing to do with validating some second rate fantasy book. To attempt do so in my opinion is insulting to those who have suffered its grip. In short I find it pretty f@#king offensive. Harry Potter is a book it will stand or fall on its own merits. So be it! Assuming Garth's point is correct for a moment even if the abuse is 100 times greater from the Way it does not validate some books greatness. Percent of abuse shows just that percent of abuse, not the worth of some pathetic read. Actually I think I was pretty easy on him all things considered. If he wants to be a funny man and poke fun at my Christian beliefs fine But to use real abused people as some statistic to somehow lend approval to a book is not funny in the least.
No words for you except I'm Sorry to hear of your loss and you will be in my prayers.
Originally posted by GarthP2000: A-n-n-d-d how many kids/readers/other Harry Potter enthusiasts have been harmed to anywhere near that how TWI harmed people? ... Or any verifiable harm done at all? I have no idea Garth perhaps that would be a good project for you to do to keep busy . I have no idea how you would gather the info though since it may take years to see the results of either. I do wonder why Harry Potter has anything to do with The Way and abuse though. Oh now I remember if you run out of points just say what about the abuse that somehow proves your point.
I spent some time reading parts which I generaly do when buying a book. I was not impressed with what I read so I declined to purchase any. As in the latest one Ghosts rising out of toilets is not my thing.
It was a joke Raf....hA hA hA
[Quote I didn't either, but I did try to wiggle my nose like Samantha. See there ya go you saw and immitated the first step on the road down. :D-->
While that question has been raised, WhiteDove, I'd like to add another. Since it's related, you can address it at the same time. What do you consider entertainment for those under 18 which is NOT "contributing to the dumbing-down of society and increasing Satan's power?" Is there any, or do you recommend a pure, intainted diet of Scripture only interspersed with time spent in an unadorned white room in order to avoid the near occasion of sin? As you can see I am a little backed up here so the quick answer sorry: There are thousands of fine books out there on many subjects I would call neutral subjects(my word as in not Christian or otherwise) Books about Cars, Animals current events and so forth. Books that don't promote what the Bible refers to as doctrines of devils nor give a wink as in ok to the exploration of such. That said it is not so much the book itself but the path it takes you down if that is your interest Hey go for it I would support your right to have those books available also. But also I have a right to speak an opinion as to their origin or purpose.
Rascal: Quote: Out of curiosity though, do you have a problem with the fairy tales that we were exposed to when we grew up? Dragons, witches, monsters and magic, children have been reading and enjoying these tales long before rowling wrote her stories...... How is Harry Potter any more dangerous than Grimm`s fairy tales or hans christian anderson that children have been reading for generations. Ok since everyone is waiting so patiently It's hard to say yes or no to such a large block of work together but the quick answer is Yes I do! I do not believe that they promote Christian values. Then again I respect the fact that that was not their purpose which is fine. I just have no interest in them. Now the long answer I've been working on between posts but you'll have to wait for it.
Raf since writing is your profesion I will defer to you on this even though I do not understand your difference. I wonder if perhaps sometime you could enlighten me on how to express that point correctly in English. I am serious here.
Does this mean the purpose of posting your opinion was that you feel a duty to warn us? Nope! Only because I had an opinion on the subject and wanted to speak here for myself because I thought I could do so.
I agree appearances are deceptive.... in the way and in her books both. but what you said was that her books were acceptable because in your opinion her books caused less damage. And I still say % of dammage does not make something a acceptable choice.
Ok Raf we will disagree. I was only trying to convey that I felt I have a responsibility for me to do.
I already explained my logic in disagreeing with yours. You can't say "I won't speak for you, but I won't drop my Biblical responsibility." Sure I can Raf because I am speaking for me not you my opinion. I can say I think ford cars are the best car. Now you might not agree but then I was not speaking for you.
Rascal Quote: Take a look at the fruit of both...who has caused the most harm? Who caused the most harm is not a qualifier for the right or wrong of something. So if I kill 23 people and someone else kills 50 that makes me right because I caused less harm? Comparing something to something worse does not make it right.
Me too Shellon I just pray that we make healthy choices until they can make them themselves with wisdom.