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Everything posted by WhiteDove
I hate ordering pizza for delivery it's a nightmare of doubletalk and endless choices none of which generally are good for the buyer. After this I don't feel so bad though it could be a lot worse... http://www.adcritic.com/interactive/view.php?id=5927
Rascal this has nothing to do with assesments of twi, that was my point all along the thread had nothing to do with TWI period it was about CFF. the topic that was being discussed. Wordwolf is right there is no reason to continue,it is doubtful that we will ever agree on the subject of this thread. Hopefully smurfette got some info from the people that responded to her question. Smurf if ya read this and would like you may email me and I'd be happy to answer anything I do know about your question on CFF.... ( My email is in my profile)
Something new to check out. Looks like some new outtakes on some of the old songs sometimes these go well sometimes not. http://bobdylan.com/index.html
:D--> Gotta love it he is about the only show where you can be there and still miss it. Well just so you know here is what you heard. It was a short show looks like he must be slowing down He was doing 17 song sets... Pittsfield, Massachusetts Wahconah Park Drifter's Escape Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) Moonlight Down Along The Cove Girl Of The North Country High Water (For Charley Patton) Every Grain Of Sand Highway 61 Revisited Blind Willie McTell Chimes Of Freedom Summer Days encore It Ain't Me, Babe Like A Rolling Stone
So does that mean last week when you and at least 10 others were on my behind you were a bully? Given the posting ratio 2 to 1 here and 10 to 1 there I'd have to say then according to your logic you were bulling me.
I dont know what to tell you Rascal. I don't have an answer really why some people believed their speel and some did not. For me and I can only speak for me, it did not make sense I saw that it was an attempt to cause fear in my life. I learned that from the Bible and Way teachings. So when those statements did not line up with scripture they had to go. It was a simple choice for me. One thing I have observed here is that a large number of people have indicated that they followed leaders to some extent that was also true for me but only to the extent that I beilieved that they were speaking truth. I agree there was a temptation to just follow leaders but in cases where I did that, I also feel I must accept the results for that. I was taught better and I knew better But I failed to check it with the scriptures. That was my responsibility no matter how convincing they sounded. Some of it I think depends on when you were involved. I don't think that those past the 80s had any foundation to rely on really. Another words I have noticed that the foundation that I feel I received to check things with the scripture was all but gone. Perhaps that is the differance why some stayed. Sometimes I wonder if many ever realy took to heart the teachings to search the scriptures. For years I thought that just could not be true. But the more I look and listen to peoples words though shocked I think maybe it is true. So when I heard their fear motivations like: We were taught from the scriptures that leaving the protection of the household would result in calamity and death. it was almost laughable. Because scripture told me otherwise. In the 70s we used to say On Guard from the (dealing with the Adv. Class)when something was not true. I just grew up that way in the Word I suppose so later on it was automatic to think that way I guess. It has nothing to do with smart or stupid just what you established as your habit . I remember sitting at my desk when the famous stand with us Corps letters came and going through each line and looking up in the Bible and making a note beside each error and I addressed each one in my reply to Craig. I've been round and round with some of the CFF folks about this same issue. I guess I just thought everybody checked things it was so basic. It was very shocking to see that some of them stayed around. These were the same people cheering the way we were being treated and would have helped remove us from the grounds,until it came their turn then they had a different view. So the tough question.... was it a choice a scripture based decision to leave or was it just that they got **** on and had to? This much I do know I am very thankful to God that I was given the chance to learn these important lesons for life and that somehow despite myself I seem to have grasped them at least some of them.....
Not at all Rascal I was only pointing out the fact that you did have at least some help where I did not. Thats ok the way it goes but none the less true.
It may appear that way to you but you had your fair share of help on this thread. Unlike last week when it was 15 to 1 and you all were clammering for me to answer your questions faster. Really Rascal it was not your point of view that bothered me I already knew it. It was just that instead of answering the question like others did you turned it into another abuse in the way thread. She was looking for information about CFF fellowships. They are not the way and the crimes in the way are not theirs she did not ask for a list of way crimes. Thats all!
No problem Oak I did not agree with some of the things Rascal posted too. I do take into consideration that they were spoken to those of Christian beliefs/or were supposed to be anyway so I would not expect you to consider them truth.
Did you go to the show in Pitsville Mass.? He did Every Grain of sand off of shot of love at that show. Every once in a while you will see Slow Train or When You Gonna Wake Up on a set list. I saw the same tour here,yep inaudible and this time almost invisible did he play keyboards off to the side of the stage all night. What the hell is up with that?
Yes it is Rascal but that aside that was not the topic here. I don't know Rascal you have 27 posts here I have 13 I think the piling odds were in your favour.
I would not agree with your assesment but if you want to believe that it's a free country.
Now, back to topic.... Can someone who doesn`t believe he was a false prophet give me any thoughts on why vp`s behavior WOULDN`T place him in this catagory? Quote Rascal: I don't believe that VPW was a prophet false or true... so no I can not help you there Cathy.
Just to be fair and balanced here are some other things we were taught.... If I seek truth from other sources other than God and His righteousness,I will only get ignorance. All true knowledge comes from God. The Master key to understanding God's Word is Jesus Christ. No man or woman is really very strong in themselves. Men and Women have to get their strength from God and His Word. Don't become fossilized in systems. Do what God tells you to do and not what people think you should do. Our first responsibility as believers is not in serving God,but in knowing Him as our heavenly father.
Glad to be of service hope you enjoyed the laugh, it was the least I could do in return for all of your insightful posts here at Greasespot. -->
Just thought I'd bring up the question back to the top in case someone would like to answer to it like Outin88 & diazbro did. I'm getting confused again here I thought I had clicked on yet another of those abuse in the Way threads.
No thanks there Coolchef I'm feeling fine quite comfortable thanks! Maybe you should just keep it for yourself.
:D--> Onionman I'm jealous he never recorded one for me.
Time fly's when your having fun. Can't believe it has been 24 years!! Shot of Love (1981) Bob Dylan Recorded Apr-May, 1981 Released Aug 12, 1981 Dead Man,Dead Man Uttering idle words from a reprobate mind, Clinging to strange promises, dying on the vine, Never bein' able to separate the good from the bad, Ooh, I can't stand it, I can't stand it, It's makin' me feel so sad. Dead man, dead man, When will you arise? Cobwebs in your mind, Dust upon your eyes. Satan got you by the heel, there's a bird's nest in your hair. Do you have any faith at all? Do you have any love to share? The way that you hold your head, cursin' God with every move, Ooh, I can't stand it, I can't stand it, What are you tryin' to prove? Dead man, dead man, When will you arise? Cobwebs in your mind, Dust upon your eyes. The glamour and the bright lights and the politics of sin, The ghetto that you build for me is the one you end up in, The race of the engine that overrules your heart, Ooh, I can't stand it, I can't stand it, Pretending that you're so smart. Dead man, dead man, When will you arise? Cobwebs in your mind, Dust upon your eyes. What are you tryin' to overpower me with, the doctrine or the gun? My back is already to the wall, where can I run? The tuxedo that you're wearin', the flower in your lapel, Ooh, I can't stand it, I can't stand it, You wanna take me down to hell. Dead man, dead man, When will you arise? Cobwebs in your mind, Dust upon your eyes.
Nope Wordwolf Read the question Does.... anybody.... here.... fellowship... with.... them. No one asked for a dissertation on people leaving the Way the subject was CFF.. Catcup and others managed to read the question and answer quite well with out attempting to redirect them to some other endeavor. Or bringing up an abuse issue that was in the Way a different group. It seems to me one would need to attend the meetings before one could warn anybody about what was going on there. Quote Wordwolf So, is it irrelevant to warn people that a group they are looking into has hurt people in the past? If you say 'yes', what are you doing on the GSC? Where is the record of CFF hurting someone in the past the issues brought up were with the Way. CFF is not the Way. And I'm here to keep things fair, balanced and truthful.
Linda It is to hot for cocoa but if your buying drinks..... ;)--> For the record nothing wrong with both I personally do. In three days I'm spending my day off to put up new fence in our dog park. As a member I also attend the meetings and help with the fundraising. My business also contributed to the purchase of the fence. I sponser two dogs at a rescue shelter in another state. I also attend Board meetings for a local church camp here at their request ( I don't attend their church). I just finished work for a MD fundraiser. and so on... The point Nothing wrong with civic minded things but it is not a substitute for Bible based fellowship. On Wed. & Sundays you will find me at fellowship evidently sitting around teaching the same old things I have been for thirty years. While those civic people are living it a real Christian life. --> It was not presented as hey why don't you do both it was - you been doing that same thing for 30 years why don't you get out of your comfort zone? and Gosh it isn`t like I don`t know what the bible says, and how it applies to me at this point. and we are prone to think that a biblical fellowship is the only place to get this particular little *itch* scratched. Not exactly a convincing argument to do both.
But it has the thread record speaks for itself. Topic CFF fellowship Your topic Abuse in the Way,do civic duty instead. Not quite the same......
Not at all Rascal just sticking to topic here and hoping others would also. The truth is there were two answers to the question asked 1.NO I don't or 2.Yes I do and then you could post what you know or not if you choose not to. That simple.... You see it's the same ole' same ole'. If the question would have been I'm thinking of checking out yoga the response would have been great,cool but because it was perceived to be Bible or TWI related then we must mention ABUSE ABUSE ABUSE and you dont need that its the same old thing as they have been doing for thirty years. You should do this these people are living it not like those Bible fellowship people that sit around teaching the same old thing. How can you be happy enjoying the Bible? The truth is if you are honest with yourself you don't like Bible fellowship you said so Quote(Guess that kind of taints the whole bible research fellowship thing for me) Which is fine it is your right, but don't try to cram your shoe on our foot and not expect a reaction.
Quote First, there was no truth taught in twi. It was all twisted to the point that people...you included...ended up not recognizing the truth.QUOTE Come on COOL... NONE? ZERO? not one thing that was true? Please....... It is well documented that VPW and others taught things borrowed from people that are recognised in the Biblical Academic community as being truthful.