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Everything posted by WhiteDove

  1. Actually the big top has had beer served in it so you are too late. Do you really think that the people that played there had no talent? Ouch Ted and Socks... I'd have to disagree with you there Mr. Ham many of these fine people are still making beautiful music today. Sometimes their talent was restricted or underused maybe but certainly not lacking.
  2. WhiteDove


  3. WhiteDove

    Need Info!

    --> Hi Jen-o WassssUp......?
  4. September 10, 2005 Hearts United for Animals has sent 22 people to the Hurricane area to recover animals. We have 12 people there now and are sending more. We have delivered 7 truck loads of supplies to various shelters in the area. Today there are 40 dogs, cats and hamsters en route to the safety of our no-kill shelter in Auburn, Nebraska. Two little dogs are coming to us because their guardian died of a heart attack trying to save them. Her last words were to save her dogs. More animals will be coming. :(-->
  5. Todays update: http://www.hua.org/Hurricane2.html
  6. Ron Yes there are lots of farm animals being rescued here is a horse rescue group that is there. The HSUS is also working with Days End Farm Horse Rescue, adding a truck and horse trailer to the fleet of rescue-specific vehicles that are designed for sheltering all kinds of animals—pets, horses, and livestock.
  7. Here is a list. The LOUISIANA SPCA is working still in Texas even though they have lost their building in N. O. so don't cross them off the list just yet. The address is posted on the site. Here is a updated list of what they need at each place. They update often so check back... http://www.hua.org/Hurricanehelp.html
  8. :D--> Yea Psalmie You will make a good detective yet. Tell her to answer her phone once in awhile. --> See you should have started your own thread long ago. Looks like four posts into this one she turns up. Geeese the things some people will do for a thread about them.
  9. WhiteDove


    Paw smiley on Infopop:
  10. And How Do You Measure Up? If you can start the day without caffeine, If you can get going without pep pills, If you can always be cheerful, ignoring aches and pains, If you can resist complaining and boring people with your troubles, If you can eat the same food every and be grateful for it, If you can understand when your loved ones are too busy to give you any time, If you can overlook it when those who love you take it out on you when something goes wrong through no fault of yours, If you can take criticism and blame without resentment, If you can ignore a friend's limited education and never correct him, If you can resist treating a rich friend better than a poor friend, If you can face the world without lies and deceit, If you can conquer tension without medical help, If you can relax without liquor If you can sleep without the aid of drugs, If you can say honestly that deep in your heart you have no prejudice against creed, color, religion or politics, Then, my friend, you are almost as good as your dog.
  11. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=smiley%27s Here are a bunch....Chef
  12. Some choices for: Psalmie Smurfette
  13. Battle Of The Smiley's Got a favorite ? Post your favorite and see who has the best smiley there is.
  14. Some more animal help links and updates http://www.hua.org/Hurricanehelp.html
  15. Rascal I have no idea what is taking the organizations so long to get to the pets. We have a seperate disaster relief network for pets. Money is available and I'm sure food and other supplies We have two huge dog food plants here that would I believe get food to where it is needed Hills and Quaker probably make at least 70% of the pet food around. Petsmart and Petco would donate cages I'm sure. My guess just like the human relief, territory,jobs,and politics are the problem here and it is p@**#@$ me off. The rescue shelter where I got my dog has space they are making available. And funds also. I am going to call them today and see if they know what the heck is taking so long. Some links from the other thread I posted that should have helped and these are only a few.... http://gscafe.com/groupee/forums/a/tpc/f/7...3051#1161093051
  16. No, But then again the chance of us seeing any beachfront property anytime soon are remote in Kansas.
  17. I just received this in an email. I just learned from CFF that the memorial service for Mrs. Wierwille will be held at a different location - it will be at The Nazarene Center, 272 Jack Oak Point Road {1/2 mile West of Grand lake Mary State Park entrance on 703}. Please contact Rev. Clapp for more details. [Edited by moderator to change thread title]
  18. WhiteDove

    Thank You !!!

    Thanks Paw for moving Dovey's memorial thread and for closing the Thread Killers Thread in her honor. Thanks also to those who helped in deleting their threads back to her last post so we could get this done,and also to(One God)who started this thread for his considerate understanding. Some of us that have been posting on this thread for awhile thought it would be a nice tribute to Our Dovey if we gave her the last post on the thread. Dovey had her share of setbacks in life with her health, and the loss of her son. So we thought maybe we could let her "win" this one! I regret that it comes too late because it would have made her smile. But her death was sudden and that was just not to be. Dovey
  19. “Yesterday, we found a Chihuahua sitting in a kitchen sink,” said Terri Crisp, Founder and Director of Noah’s Wish. “The waters in the house rose so high, the poor little guy got swept into the sink, where he remained when the waters receded.”
  20. And this from the rescue shelter where I got Lucca in Nebraska How to Help the Animals Devastated by Hurricane Katrina The stories are heartbreaking. We won't repeat all the stories we have heard and read - but one of the most horrifying was the first hand account reported by Jean Merserve on CNN about dogs in the storm surge tangled in live electrical wires howling as they were electrocuted. She also reported about the dogs being left on rooftops yelping. She was so struck by what she had seen that she could not get through the report without breaking down crying. The next morning in the live reports from New Orleans dogs could be heard yelping in the background. Animals were abandoned by their families all over the South when the families evacuated. Thousands of dogs and cats who are used to being taken care of by their families have been left to fend for themselves - battling flood waters, fighting starvation, dehydration, rats and snakes, and criminal gangs that are shooting them. Other animals whose families stayed to protect them were taken away from their families when the families were moved into shelters because animals are not allowed in the shelters. The little boy whose small white dog was taken from him at the Astrodome by the police stood screaming "Snowball, Snowball" so many times that he vomited. The families don't know what will happen to their beloved pet. And the pets are simply devastated by the loss of their people. Shelters across the South are overflowing with dogs and cats who are shell-shocked. There is much to be said about this but now the animals need help. Hearts United for Animals stands ready to take in dogs who are in need. We are coordinating with people from several organizations to arrange transport of dogs in need to the safety of our shelter. HUA is also making shipments of items that are needed by the rescue organizations - see the list at the link to the right. Shipments have already begun and will continue. We suggest that you take up a collection in your neighborhood and office and ship it to the organizations listed at the linke to the right. In Pennsylvania donations can be taken to the Post Office in Pocopson and will be shipped for free by HUA. We can also give you a donor substantiation form for a tax deduction. Our store, ihelppets.com (http://www.nexternal.com/tss) is sending care packages to the dogs. We are offering these care packages at our cost and then we are matching them. If you send one package, we will send two. Please do what you can to help now. YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE NOW!! Send donations to organizations on the front lines Send in kind donations to organizations on the front lines Needs list for organizations on the front lines Send care packages to the animals in shelters in the South Hearts United for Animals is a national no-kill animal shelter, sanctuary and animal welfare organization dedicated at the relief of suffering. HUA rescues animals from all over the country and specializes in long distance adoptions. Hearts United for Animals Box 286 Auburn, NE 68305 402.274.3679 hua@hua.org copyright 1996-2005
  21. I have pet insurance for my dog I got this email today from them. Glad to see they are helping. Veterinary Pet Insurance Responds To Hurricane Katrina In response to the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina, Veterinary Pet Insurance is donating $25,000 to the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) Disaster Relief Fund. HSUS is one of the nation's leading humane organizations. VPI employees have a tradition of caring about others. They are also raising donations for a variety of organizations – some focused on people, others putting their efforts on both people and pets. As Katrina touched down on American soil, the HSUS immediately launched a massive relief effort to rescue animals and assist their caregivers in the disaster areas. The HSUS Disaster Animal Response Teams in Mississippi and Texas are coordinating a multi-state animal rescue and recovery effort with volunteers working non-stop to save as many pets and caregivers as possible. The HSUS is also working with Days End Farm Horse Rescue, adding a truck and horse trailer to the fleet of rescue-specific vehicles that are designed for sheltering all kinds of animals—pets, horses, and livestock. In times of crisis, many people donate to more than one group, often to both human and animal organizations. Some others that welcome your donations include: American Veterinary Medical Foundation 1931 N. Meacham Road – Suite 100 Schaumburg, IL 60173 (800) 248-2862 http://www.avmf.org American Red Cross 2025 E Street, NW Washington, DC 20006 (800) HELP-NOW (800-435-7669) http://www.redcross.org Feed The Children PO Box 36 Oklahoma City, OK 73101-0036 (800) 627-4556 http://www.feedthechildren.org Noah’s Wish (non-profit dedicated to helping animals during disasters) PO Box 997 Placerville, CA 95667 (530) 622-9313 http://www.noahswish.org As we prepare for our Labor Day Holiday Weekend, we join VPI policyholders in remembering our fellow Americans in the Gulf State Region who will need our support long after the floodwaters have resided. Together we will make a difference for the pets and caregivers suffering from Hurricane Katrina.
  22. Then again there is that free bumper sticker.. For the car they no longer have
  23. Mstar You must really hate the people of NO what did they ever do to you. Would you really want to send some poor person there? Havent they suffered enough already? Why they would have to sit (in straightly lined chairs of course) in the largest tent in the world and listen to singing ladies of the way. Why they would have to listen to Beautiful Ohio at the crack of dawn and be eaten alive by flies. And...Hey this is sounding familiar for some reason......
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