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Everything posted by WhiteDove

  1. QUOTE: Dove--thanks fer finding my piggy again! Durn piggy gets away from me on these moves! I hollered an I hollered fer it to come back--musbe YOU get the hog-calling award!! hehhehe!!!!! :lol: Well I did not wanna see you flooding Paws new floor before Grand Opening. So quit yer blubbering I did not hurt your little flying Christmas Dinner. I did see what he would look like with a nice cherry glaze on him though..... QUOTE: I still wanna know what those blue bar thingys are under our names and why some posters have more or less than other posters! Those are notches for asswhoopins received fer making a mess of the place Psalmie, and yer about to get a nother notch if'n ya don't straighten up and fly right! Now go sit in time out!!! And quit spitting in the food........
  2. It's funny how the mind works or doesn't. While I was adding my avatar to the new site I thought I may as well find Psalmies piggy because she always looses it when things move. And then I thought I better go ahead and pull up Dovey's Dove because she will be emailing soon for help to get it posted. But Now I don't know what to do with this..... Brother Dove here's the Dove I like for avatar. Ain't she pretty. Love Dovey Paw it's a real nice place you got here and I love the smell of fresh paint and all but it's missing one thing. I tried all the new buttons but I did not see one for my SisterDove anywhere. :( So don't tear the old place down just yet Paw I may wander over and sit at the counter just in case my friend stops by.
  3. Psalmie Lamie Ding Dong I got your pig right here!!!! I told ya keep him penned up or I'll make MMMM bacon out of him........ Send me lots of cash or the PIG gets it......
  4. WhiteDove


    So here you all are!!! Somebody spilled bleach all over your board Paw. B) ahh much better WOW nice job guys!!!
  5. On Tuesday HUA received a call from a vet in New Orleans. A week earlier HUA volunteers had taken a badly ill Cocker Spaniel to this vet. The Cocker had been rescued from his home where he had been left when his family evacuated. He had been without food or water for over two weeks. Since he was an older dog, he suffered serious internal damage. We wonder what he thought about as the storm ravaged his home - alone, afraid. Then the water came. Somehow he managed to survive. We wonder what he thought as he slowly starved. Did he think his people were coming for him? He probably did. The whole time he probably thought they were coming for him. Now he won't eat, and the vet recommends letting him go. We have tried and tried to reach his family but can't locate them. He would probably give them kisses if they came to him now. That's a dog for you.
  6. Guess the filter did not like P e s h i t t a :D-->
  7. I dont know the answer to your questions Shaz, the Bible supply and book store here used to carry the Lamsa Bible not sure if they still do.. I think it is in the academic catalogs because it is one of the few translations from the Aramaic of the Pe****ta. I wonder if the sales in the new age market is because it is sold as an ancient eastern text.
  8. Don't know Shaz but they do include it in most of the Christian Academic Catalogs. http://www.christianbook.com/Christian/Boo..._search=1&cms=1
  9. Ok my thoughts: Where did this figure come from? With the exception of PFAL and the Advanced Class I never spent this much on any class most were $30.00 or so. Just for fun I pulled the class fact sheet from the Limb of Kansas this one was a update from Jan 1985. PFAL $40.00 (I paid 65.00 but the materials were different than here. Intermediate Class $50.00 Our Spiritual Contest $20.00 Christian Family and Sex $30.00 Rise and Expansion $30.00 Renewed Mind $30.00 Witnessing and Undersheperding $20.00 The Way Tree $30.00 Dealing with the Adv. was replaced but it was $30.00 also. I have instructed all of these classes several times and this is consistant with the class fees.
  10. You forgot Charles H Welch who did The Prize of the High Calling, Just and the Justifier,Dispensational Truth and In Heavenly Places. The High Calling appears in The New Dynamic Church Chp 14 Glenn Clark founder of Camps Farthest Out was where the family camp idea came from. http://glennclark.wwwhubs.com/
  11. WhiteDove

    I'M EXCITED !!

    Finally!!! Glad to see you are getting to put that talent of yours to work. I know that you are very happy to see it happen. Me Too!
  12. Well the picture forum is down for the move but if I find the pict's I may post them if I can figure out how to on the new one. I did notice that on the one that was from the Way Magazine, I think he did have another guitar player with him which most likely gave the song a better sound. Quote WordWolf: Ok, that answers my OTHER question. That is, he actually DID play the guitar, if not up to a professional standard, but he did PLAY. (Probably knew 3 chords, could play backup in a pinch.) His singing ability, I got from shazdancer, was something Simon Cowell would have some unflattering terms for. I can speculate why they didn't (HE didn't) try to release it as a record, but I think I've used up my speculation quota for the rest of the day. Quote: I'd say that was a fair rendering of the song that cowboy one two three strum.
  13. Actually WW while you were busy pontificating your version of The Way Living in Love you missed the first post on page 12 by shazdancer. To which I replied Yes. Then Ala posted and I confirmed her post that it was a ROA family table. Yes I was there it was in Sidney toward the east end of the fairgrounds on the way out of the gate to the little grocery store at the edge of the grounds. If you want to pay the airfair I most likely could find the spot for you. The pictures I have somewhere in storage are ones I took with some sort of camera that I most likely would not want to admit I owned. As Ala said it was a strange thing I was there to see Dove (no relation) a band from here who played later on. Ok I googled the song and came up with two choices. I think this one was it but it has been a few years. Since it is about dogs I'd guess this one. Artist: Grandpa Jones Tabs/Chords Song: Old Rattler Tab OLD RATTLER Recorded by Grandpa Jones [G] Old Rattler was a good old dog; As blind as he could [D] be Ev'ry night 'bout supper time; I believe that dog could [G] see. Refrain: [G] Here! Rattler, Here! Here!; Here! Rattler! [D] Here! Call old Rattler from the barn; Here! Rattler! [G] Here! Old Rattler tree'd the other night; And I tho't he'd tree'd a 'coon When I come to find out; He was barkin' at the moon./Refrain: Well, grandma had a yeller hen; We set her as you know We set her on three buzzard eggs; And hatched out one old crow./Refrain: Grandpa had a muley cow; She was muley when she's born It took a jaybird forty year; To fly from horn to horn./Refrain: Now if I had a needle and thread; As fine as I could sew I'd sew my sweetheart to my back; And down the road I'd go./Refrain: Old Rattler was a smart old dog; Even tho' he was blind He wouldn't hurt one single thing; Tho' he was very fine. One night I saw a big fat 'coon; Climb up in a tree I called old Rattler right away; To get 'im down fer me. But Rattler wouldn't do it; Because he liked that 'coon I saw them walkin' paw in paw; Later by the light of the moon./Refrain: Now old Rattler's dead and gone; Like all good dogs do You better not act a dog yourself; Or you'll be goin' there too./Refrain: As I said not being a player I will refrain from critique but he did play the guitar. He was not Les Paul,or Clapton by any strech but it was passable. Thinking back it is odd that they did not record it and sell it to the masses on tape even JP got a record deal.
  14. Ala you are correct it was at the ROA family table 1974. Now not being a player I will leave the critique up to someone else maybe Socks or Ted. But none the less he did play and sing so the answer is yes I did see him. I remember it also for he same reason as you as I had never seen him with a guitar. Somewhere around I have some pictures of it.
  15. WhiteDove

    LES Update

    Man two updates in one week I'll be 29 again!!!!
  16. Did anyone actually hear him play a guitar? -->
  17. Worship Jesus? Noooo Thanks...... I said Where did you get that? What's the chapter and verse? Can you show it to line by line Did it come out of Romans or just out of Rome If it did, think I'll leave it behind Is it really God's Word or just something you've heard. If it is think I'll leave it behind. Tom Burke.... http://www.blessed.ebusinesswebhosting.com...ooking_Down.mp3
  18. Ted here is what I know about that one. Recorded in New York City 11/14/62 Allegdly written on the taxi ride to Columbia Studios. Dylan's first band session alao became his first single. At the time he was a folk artist with a mind wandering toward Elvis Presley and Sun records. It was thought to have been a experiment that failed. The 45 was withdrawn, and so were any attempts at rock for the time being. It appears only on the Biograph 3 CD set. windows media Sample http://bobdylan.com/audio/albumtracks/Wind...up_biograph.asx Here is one of my picks Classic tongue in cheek Dylan. I always wanted to send a disk of it as my response to that insulting letter of loyality that Craig sent out to the Corps. But I thought better at the time. What was it you wanted? What was it you wanted? Tell me again so I'll know. What's happening in there, What's going on in your show. What was it you wanted, Could you say it again? I'll be back in a minute You can get it together by then. What was it you wanted You can tell me, I'm back, We can start it all over Get it back on the track, You got my attention, Go ahead, speak. What was it you wanted When you were kissing my cheek? Was there somebody looking When you give me that kiss Someone there in the shadows Someone that I might have missed? Is there something you needed, Something I don't understand. What was it you wanted, Do I have it here in my hand? Whatever you wanted Slipped out of my mind, Would you remind me again If you'd be so kind. Has the record been breaking, Did the needle just skip, Is there somebody waitin', Was there a slip of the lip? What was it you wanted I ain't keepin' score Are you the same person That was here before? Is it something important? Maybe not. What was it you wanted? Tell me again I forgot. Whatever you wanted What could it be Did somebody tell you That you could get it from me, Is it something that comes natural Is it easy to say, Why do you want it, Who are you anyway? Is the scenery changing, Am I getting it wrong, Is the whole thing going backwards, Are they playing our song? Where were you when it started Do you want it for free What was it you wanted Are you talking to me? Copyright © 1989 Special Rider Music http://bobdylan.com/audio/albumtracks/Wind...sit_ohmercy.asx
  19. Hey those things could happen!
  20. Ahh Ted don't go pickin on Bob Maybe you are just Confused :D-->Mixed up Confusion Bob Dylan I got mixed up confusion Man, it's a-killin' me Well, there's too many people And they're all too hard to please Well, my hat's in my hand Babe, I'm walkin' down the line An' I'm lookin' for a woman Whose head's mixed up like mine Well, my head's full of questions My temp'rature's risin' fast Well, I'm lookin' for some answers But I don't know who to ask But I'm walkin' and wonderin' And my poor feet don't ever stop Seein' my reflection I'm hung over, hung down, hung up!
  21. Ok update: Ohio authorities have arrested a couple after finding eleven children locked in cages inside of the home on Monday. At night, authorities say, eight of the children were confined in 3 1/2-foot-tall wooden cages stacked in bedrooms on the second floor. The cages were painted in bright, primary colors, with some rigged with alarms that would send a signal to the downstairs when a cage door was opened. One cage had a dresser in front of it, county sheriff's Lt. Randy Sommers said Tuesday. 3X3 cages 3 1/2 ft tall thats the size of a yardstick. And by the way I would not put my dog in a space like that much less children of which some were as old as 14. Lets talk about fire hazzards blocked with a dresser? --> Again I say what the hell is wrong with these people? Throw the first stone naw I hope they put them in a 3x3 cage for about 5 years when they hauled them off to jail.
  22. This is too crazy What the hell is wrong with people? Eleven kids found in cages in home Updated: 12:39 a.m. ET Sept. 13, 2005 WAKEMAN, Ohio - Sheriff’s deputies found 11 children locked in cages less than 3½ feet high inside a home, but a couple denied they had abused or neglected the children. A judge on Monday put the children — who range in age from 1 to 14 and who have various disabilities, including autism — in foster homes. The children were found in nine cages built into the walls of the house near this small city in northern Ohio, according to the Huron County Sheriff’s Office. They had no blankets or pillows, and the cages were rigged with alarms that sounded if opened, Lt. Randy Sommers said. The children told authorities they slept in the cages — 40 inches high and 40 inches deep — at night. Doors to some of the cages were blocked with heavy furniture. Sharen and Mike Gravelle are adoptive or foster parents for all 11 children, officials said. Prosecutors were reviewing the case, but no charges had been filed as of Monday night. A children’s services investigator saw one of the children in a cage Friday, Sommers said. The sheriff’s office obtained a warrant and returned to the house that evening and removed the children. The Gravelles do not have a listed telephone number. A woman who identified herself as Sharen Gravelle’s mother but would not give her name said the children were happy in their new home. “This year they have played and had fun and laughed like no other children have, which they have never been able to do,” she said. At a hearing, the judge placed the children in the custody of the Department of Job and Family Services, and officials placed them in four foster homes, said county Juvenile Court Administrator Chris Mushett. Appearing with a lawyer at the hearing, the Gravelles denied they had abused or neglected the children. County Prosecutor Russell Leffler said the Gravelles claimed a psychiatrist recommended they place the children in cages. The couple were reserved when deputies arrived at the house to remove the children, Sommers said. “The impression that we got was that they felt it was OK,” he said. Investigators believe nine of the children slept in the cages that were stacked two-high on the house’s second story. Two mattresses on a bedroom floor also showed signs of recent use, Sommers said. One of the boys said he’d slept in the cage for three years, Sommers said. Wakeman, with a population of about 1,000, is some 50 miles west of Cleveland.
  23. Sorry you missed the beer Ham guess that means you missed the pizza and burgers too. And these trucks :D-->
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