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Everything posted by WhiteDove

  1. I remember how to operate my Bible,then again it's not exactly rocket science. 1. Open Cover 2. Read.
  2. The other way you could do it if you dont want to tie up the computer is to use a home cd recorder. I use the Sony CD duplicator plug the your cassette recorder into the in jacks hit play on the tape and record on the CD recorder. To clean up the tape you can use a sound processer between the deck and Cd.
  3. Dang James hate to ruin your day but here it is, the Eagles did lying eyes so you are close but no cigar! Lyrics & music: daryl hall, warren pash, sara allen, janna allen I see you, you see me Watch you blowin’ the lines when you’re making a scene Oh girl, you’ve got to know What my head overlooks The senses will show to my heart When it’s watching for lies You can’t escape my Private eyes They’re watching you They see your every move Private eyes They’re watching you Private eyes They’re watching you watching you watching you watching you You play with words you play with love You can twist it around baby that ain’t enough Cause girl I’m gonna know If you’re letting me in or letting me go Don’t lie when you’re hurting inside ’cause you can’t escape my Private eyes They’re watching you They see your every move Private eyes They’re watching you Private eyes They’re watching you watching you watching you watching you Why you try to put up a front for me I’m a spy but on your side you see Slip on, into any disguise I’ll still know you Look into my private eyes
  4. I think I missed something here again? Is this a thread about that Hall & Oats song Private Eyes? And are they really watching me? :blink: My every move? Thats creepy :unsure:
  5. WhiteDove


    No GS bullies for sure! :)
  6. Ok! you guys have entirely too much food here. I thought each Greasebearer got a sack lunch and $20.00 traveling money.You need to get your need and wants together people... sheese
  7. Shell You are sounding more confused every day :blink: You are starting to sound like my dear sisterdove. I may just have to Knight I mean Dove you with an honorary Dove title! ShellonDove.
  8. Quote LG: There are plenty of good reasons for TWI to restrict access to those woods. Regardless of whether or not they brought the animosity of others upon themselves, there are people who would vandalize the woods or other TWI property, or use access to them to otherwise cause disruption to or provoke a confrontation with TWI. Some have posted such intentions on Waydale, GreaseSpot, and probably other Internet sites as well. Also, though I have no knowledge of this, I feel almost certain that TWI has received quite a bit of hate mail expressing ill intent toward them and probably even including death threats. Quote Yeah I'm sure the wierwille kids are just waiting for the chance to take out a couple of elm trees. They have security they can patrol the place just like other cemetary places do . They face the same vandal issues as the Way and yet they seem to be able to cope with it just fine. Surely with their hightened spiritual spidie senses they can do as good a job as the world.
  9. [quote GrouchoMarxJr I'm sure that the very talented Way Productions could provide the balance of dancers and write a new music score for it... Very doubtful Groucho the talented Way Productions are long gone! Some how the croaking ladies of the Way.....well just would not work.......
  10. I thought Rascal made an excellent suggestion so here is a new thread to continue this on. I'd have to agree with Rascal on this one. The property may be owned by the Way Inc. but they were doing public business there and they needed to provide access to the grounds. This is a little different than the cemetary issue but here is a question? Has anybody ever had to ask their bank if they can come in and make a deposit? Ever had to make an appointment to visit the teller and withdraw your money? Ever received a check in the mail with your account closed because you did not agree with the bank presidents doctrine? Ever had your bank rate your customer status on who you wrote checks to? The Way ran a financial institution on grounds making it public business to be there.
  11. Hey Seth Congratulations! Long time no see..... Ahhh here is the Rat that moved your cheese by the way. Actually I think he is eating it.......
  12. Ted and Moony Hey Ted now after all these years we can sing this one for you. This could be the beginning of something great for you. This could be the beginning of a life all shiny and new. This could be the begining of the best of your life!
  13. From Steve: Ronald Keith Lane, 66, passed away Monday, September 26, at Village Health Care Center resulting from prolonged diabetes complications. Ron Lane cofounded Rocky Mountain Log Homes in 1975. Retiring in the early 1980’s, he remained an avid entrepreneur throughout his life. An adventurous traveler who loved the ocean, Ron’s favorite island of the many he sailed was Tonga, somewhere in the South Pacific. Moreover, Ron was, by biblical definition, a man of God. His desire for spiritual truth and his close personal relationship with God remained undimmed over the years, bringing him into the company of angels. He was a man of insight who instilled in others sound words of wisdom in their most troubled times. Nonetheless, his greatest legacy was to be his affectionate family. A devoted father, our dad will be loved and dearly missed by us, his four children, eight grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren. Throughout his final moments we remained by his side, just as he has stood beside us throughout his entire life, interweaving a family endlessly dedicated one to the other. He will be cherished and yearned for by his children, until we are all gathered together again, as he believed and taught. Ron was born October 2, 1938, in Farmersville, NY, to the late Dorothy Beebe and RJ Lane. The family moved to Lomita, CA, in 1946 where during high school he excelled in gymnastics, being awarded a scholarship by Pepperdine University. He and Carla Bonner married in 1956, bringing forth their family of four. Their early years were spent in California and then Steamboat Springs, CO, relocating in 1975 to Victor, MT. Ron is survived by his brother Jerry Lane (spouse: Anita) in Kennewick WA, son Randy Lane (Karen) in Phoenix AZ, daughter Cathy McLauchlin (Derrick) in Spokane, daughter Terry Sann (Steve) in Missoula, son Greg Lane in Missoula, and the mother of his children Carla Allen, along with eight grandchildren and three great grandchildren. A pot luck Celebration of Ron Lane’s Life will be held Saturday, October 8, 2 PM, at the offices of Andrew Laue, 2825 Stockyard Road # F4, Missoula. Communications to the Lane’s may be emailed c/o Greg Lane: greg@ulookin4me.com or 549-5440. In lieu of flowers the family requests that donation checks be made out to: Community Hospital Diabetes Program c/o Ron Lane. Mail to: Community Hospital Foundation Office, 2827 Fort Missoula Road, Missoula, MT 59804.
  14. Birds? Did someone mention birds flying in? And Psalmie you just wanna erase your food fight mess so's you don't get dish duty! You don't fool us......
  15. I want a enemy tracker! So I can keep an eye on them.....
  16. Without the edit and delete thread ability the test area will be overflowing I used to have one window which could be reused to test now each test requires a post. I don't see any advantage to the limit so I 'd vote let it be. And most of all to correct spelling and typos as I did here.
  17. Chef The Fireside Song was from the group Agape.
  18. WhiteDove


    OHHH you are so busted Psalmie!!!!!!!
  19. WhiteDove


    Ok since it's almost that time of year and David made me think of it . I like this version better. Click the link below to listen to this Audio Clip from BobRivers.com: http://www.bobrivers.com/pickup/index.asp?ID=181003
  20. WW I thought you might like it. There are a zillion gems in there. Lamsa says some Scriptures were lost and others were destroyed (e.g., burned) or rejected because they were "contrary to the new doctrines and dogmas" adopted at the Council of Nicea in A.D. 325.43 He says certain passages were "deliberately forged" and added to the books of the Bible.44 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Forgers of the Word? ____________________________________________________________________________ Lamsa also attempts to establish scholarly credentials as a means of gaining acceptance. He claims to have been born about 1892, and to have acquired an A.B. degree equivalent in 1907 and a Ph.D. equivalent in theology in 1908 from Archbishop of Canterbury's College, Turkey.50 He also claims to have graduated from Episcopal Theology Seminary in Virginia51 and to have studied at the University of Pennsylvania and Dropsie College. Lamsa, however, appears to have exaggerated his academic credentials. First, he claims to have attained a Ph.D. at age 16, only one year after his A.B.52 Second, there are no records of his graduation from a seminary, and his own writings suggest that he was never at any school long enough to attain any valid degree ____________________________________________________________________________ Lamsa's writing style reflects his exalted view of his own mission and character. He usually writes embellished narratives or discourses, not documenting either blanket assertions or detailed comments. For example, he dismisses his lack of supporting evidence for his theory that the New Testament was originally authored in Aramaic by saying, "What is a fact needs no defense." ___________________________________________________________________________ Lamsa claimed that he was the only person on earth able to accurately interpret the Bible: __________________________________________________________________________
  21. I know Psalmie, and then bounced off of a table and into the waitress with the tray full of Paws new dishes. And then she would get up and dust herself off and say did you see that rug it tried to attack me. And we would all laugh along with her. Very Nice poem Outofthefog
  22. Some interesting stuff on Lamsa and some on Lamsa and the Way. http://www.equip.org/free/DL010.htm
  23. Kit Here ya go! http://www.greasespotcafe.com/forum-images/elvis.gif
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