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Everything posted by WhiteDove

  1. I suppose if I was lost in darkness I would call it finger pointing and nagging too rather than endeavoring to help someone to return to some sense of Godly sanity..
  2. Ok so you are saying that the years 89-91 were a better version of Non Christian actions than after 94. Which proves it only got worse not that it was productive. I mean its better to have one finger chopped off than your hand but neither is desirable. I was around then and I saw nothing but hurt ,destruction ,lies, paranoia, broken promises, and ramped ego. Sure there was a show of what appeared to be Christian actions but lacking the power there in it quickly fell one by one. Having events with no genuine love to sustain them has never worked for any length of time and their show quickly fell apart.
  3. Yes I do Oldies that was not a condition of the agreement. And I have no record of ever being a disruption in any of their fellowships or classes. Even in mans court of law you are innocent until proven guilty surely they can do better than that one would think. Not to mention that they have their great walk with God to rely on for information but I guess that went out the window with the ones who left . They could not hear His voice if you cranked it through a 50,000 watt PA system.. More 5 senses excuses Genuine spiritual suspicion- a guess maybe right maybe wrong another words we have no clue why because we are so far from God we can't hear His Voice. By the Way what happened to their training from VP to know that you know that you know........ Oh let me guess they rewrote that prevailing perverted truth also. To guess that you suspect that you don't know that you are not sure so what the hell cover your foot cause your too stupid and lost to just ASK God............
  4. Those who couldn't or wouldn't leave the past behind, were asked to leave. No those who would not accept guesses and opinions rather than the biblical words that He and you for that matter were taught to use in decisions in spiritual matters - were asked to leave. Not the Same.......
  5. Well Raf if you would fix that jukebox in the music section to play 12 for a dollar like the old days I could afford to come there more often. :) Really though I have not been in as much there or here but it has nothing to do with the site per say just that it reminds me of Dovey. This week someone from the family signed into her MSN messenger and up popped the little your friend wyteduv has signed in box......Sigh But your PM emailer is working great I got one this week just fine..........
  6. Oldies that is such a load of @#$! I can say I'm the president but just because I said it does not make it true. The facts would show different. There were plenty of facts at that time and now to show he was not anywhere close to standing on the Word in his thinking personal life or his treatment of others or his teachings. He and the other BOT had admitted to that and why they thought that they had not. Very little if any of those things had changed so the facts bear otherwise. It is truth not a insult.
  7. [quote name='Oakspear' Because it's not really an answer, now is it? If he's not "standing on the Word", then the honest thing to do (which many did) was leave.
  8. Raf is exactly right and speaking of things comming true here is another one from VP himself In The POP "If Craig does not come back to the integrity of the Word then before too long he will begin to blame others around him for lacking spiritual perception and will begin to blame the loss of power in the Ministry on others. I've seen it before and I see it in the Word. . He will start to lash out wrongly. It will hurt so many. It will sound genuine, but it will not bring deliverance to those who follow what he says. Spiritually they will be empty words. Once God's Word is compromised in any way it no longer is God's true Word. You have error, and error is error. "I have fought this thing all my life. I know what I am talking about. I have seen it in the Church, the mission fields and in other ministries. Paul faced the exact same thing. Outwardly they salsam you and slobber all over you, but without a solid Biblical footing you flounder. He'll be grabbing at straws. I sure wish I could do something for those who will be around him when it happens, if he doesn't get back to the truth of the Word. The further you drift the worse it gets. Look how far Saul went when he stopped lovingly listening to Samuel.
  9. Oldies if the fellowships were self governing self propergating and self supporting as per the Way Tree then if that was the decision of the fellowship it is their money they can send it where they want. They should inform everyone as such and if they did not want to do that then they could send their money elsewhere. We sent money both places for awhile which ever people wanted it to go because we had some who wanted to send theirs to each so we offered both. Whats the problem with that? Oh and by the way a side note I sent a check three times to the Limb trying to get them to accept the letter and their money it came back twice the third time they had to sign for it ,they never cashed the check but Craig somehow thought it ok in his letter to accuse us of stealing their ABS. Hell!! I was begging for him to take it . Jerk..... Re Craig: He was not, acting in any kind of loving manner. He was evil and had no desire to change his path. He consistently turned his back on and fired those who offered their help to him. He admitted he was in a fog for years and that he was wrong in his running of the ministry. Why would someone want to play on a team who's leadership was lost and in that state? Another part of this letter said Quote If your not willing to give the Board of Trustees an honest and basic "benefit of the doubt" in decisions made and policies set, then I can not work with you. So many things are just simply a difference of opinion, Here is what I wrote in the margin of my letter about that: Now this is from a person who had just admitted that he was in a fog and had failed his responsibility in running things, why in God's name would I want to accept his "benefit of the doubt" when they proved to be in error the past few years? And why tell me are we basing things on opinions anyway? I thought we were to base our decisions on the Word of God ,since when has this changed and is this not a clear example of why your thinking is not sound. Perhaps a review of Commitment to Truth and The Christians Joy and Crown by VPW would be in order. I think it talks about being of one mind not several opinions. It also speaks of knowledge being available so we are not left to lean on our understanding. This is a clear indication of the state of thinking of The president of the Way. No change! after all this time still thinking by the senses which is exactly by the way what Craig said earlier in the letter that Chris Geer told him. Looks like it is true to me.
  10. Darn It....I thought there was a food fight about to happen I was just getting ready to wake up that flying pig to join in.
  11. I used to have access to the Dun and Bradstreet ratings when I worked at a bank but I don't now, however there are some interesting locations listed here. It used to be all under the Way Int. HDQT. Interesting? http://smallbusiness.dnb.com/search-result...hcd2=1129650780
  12. Belle you must have missed TWT ( Twisted Words Training) here is a crash course for you ! http://packages.gentoo.org/images/dev-pyth...isted-words.jpg :)
  13. No Secret WW http://www.eph320.com/poiema/tomburke/index.htm Toms web page or here http://www.eternallyblessed.com/music.html Tom needs to update his site the second one has more CDs Nothing Else Matters and Up Here Looking Down also some in clearance section
  14. 1. If you do a search on ebay for Wierwille you will most likely find a bunch of items. 2. The Belize BRC has items for sale also if you want new ones including teachings on CD.
  15. I do wonder if he performs stuff off "A Fistful of Scriptures", however. Yes WW if fact he has rerecorded some updated versions of those songs on the new CD's
  16. WhiteDove


    Ah yes a Canadian Cat -a- pult Maybe one of these.......
  17. WhiteDove

    Caption This!

    OOPS well it looked good on mine I'll try another. I swear guys that mouse was that big!!
  18. WhiteDove

    Caption This!

    I swear guys that mouse was this big...........
  19. Hey Ex You know on one of those mad Wednesday after work dashes we used to make to Emporia. I remember while making a stop in the bathroom on the way up the back stairs and VP coming in. I had my back to the door but of course I recognized his voice as he was talking to his security on the way in. Of course he said God Bless and asked how I was but it was sort of one of those awkward moments because I did not exactly have a free hand so I just turned my head and said good evening and that I was looking forward to the evening. He was in the doorway then and said something to his security. So I just turned back around. Next thing I heard was the door close and then What the hell do you suppose they left that like that for? I had no clue what he was asking about but as with VP you kind of felt like you should have some sort of answer to his question. Since we were the only two there I turned again to see that on the way over from the door he had spotted a soap dispenser that had dripped onto the tile floor. Before I could answer he answered his own question with Well probably just to drive me crazy. Then he took a towel and wiped up the soap and folded another neatly into a square and placed it on the floor beneath the drip. I remember that he was very irritated as his people kept on opening the door to check on him as I suppose they thought he was taking too long, playing with the soap dispenser. And he said I'm alright and muttered a man can't even go to the bathroom. They said something about needing to get upstairs and he said that Craig would just sing another song it was ok. I remember thinking at the time geese it's Emporia a bathroom one door in and out what's the big deal? I mean its not like someone is going to sneak in and shoot him or anything. I also thought boy someone is going to hear about that soap dispenser tomorrow. But anyway I was impressed that he noticed that soap on his way into the bathroom and that was after his eye surgery. He seemed pretty aware that night anyway. That would have been late 84 early 85.
  20. WhiteDove

    "Your Song"

    I could sing you a version but that is most likely not what you were looking for. I think the Z-man is right Elton does it best.
  21. Or maybe it is due to the fact that you are looming close to that dreaded 5000 post where people seem to disappear into the Twilight Zone. :(
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