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Everything posted by WhiteDove

  1. QUOTE: Did he clothe the naked? I think it was the other way around Did he naked the clothed.
  2. WhiteDove

    Rated XXX

    I will seek and find you I shall take you to bed and have my way with you. I will make you ache, shake & sweat until you moan & groan. I will make you beg for mercy, beg for me to stop. I will exhaust you to the point that you will be relieved when I'm finished with you. And, when I am finished, you will be weak for days. All my love, The Flu :o
  3. What a nice post but I am not surprised, I would have already guessed that from reading your posts here Miss J .
  4. ...and the slap happy "book" that Elaina Whiteside threw together, where we first heard of the snow on the gas pumps, was NOT the official criteria for the corps training committment. Geese Groucho...... No but it was printed by the Way in 1971 and shows the intent of the program It's a history of the Way book for God's sake. As picky as the Way was about being and speaking correct do you really think they would print a book with a misrepresentation of one of their lead programs. Not likely Groucho. So I suppose a slap happy book in hand is better than a bird in the bush so to speak........ "A lifetime of service"...If I were to say that going to law school for 4 years, to become an attorney, prepared a person for a "lifetime of service" in the law profession...would that mean that you were obligated to take assignments from that law school telling you where and how to practice law? Only if they told you that upfront and you agreed. If so the answer is YES...... Groucho I'll give you ,that it was maybe an unreasonable request especially given the age of some of the people going in but it was still none the less the deal. That aside we all do what we want everyone here not in the Way and former Corps myself included has broken that agreement with the Way life goes on. Some try to live the intent in their lives today some choose to not. Each I believe will accept responsibility to someone someday for their actions. I'm good with that........ My dear friend EX10 and MR. Ex were in 10th Corps with you also perhaps she could let us know if she thought that she was being trained to serve in some other ministry after 4 years.
  5. QUOTE: OAKSPEAR I think the difference of opinion here involves, not the definition of "lifetime", but the definition of "service". Most Way Corps grads would have been glad to use their training for a lifetime in Christian service running fellowships, teaching, "undershepherding", counselling, etc. Most would have also been glad to accept assignments in "areas of concern, interest and need". The problem is that a desire to define for oneself what that service would constitute, usually got you dropped from the Way Corps. Oak I agree with you on the service thing for the most part but that was not the statement I responded to this was. Groucho I agreed to a 4 year training program...the 4 year committment was THEIR condition (IN WRITING)...shortly after arriving at Emporia, Martindale announces that the way corps is a LIFETIME committment and not just a 4 year committment ...I objected vehemently...QUOTE: This was never the intent of the Corps program. Socks added some info about the early Corps and in addition I believe that there was a one year spouse Corps program at some point but the common understanding through all the programs was a lifetime of service with The Way not 4 years. From The Way Living in Love 1971 page 19 "Unlike the ambassadors, who have a one year commitment to stand and hold forth the Word wherever they are,who are prepared on a day or even on a one-hour notice to move from one city to another as they are needed,the Way Corps members have made a two year commitment to work with the Way ministry. For these two years they live here on the farm,building in themselves discipline and knowledge of the Word of God. They are learning to be leaders and after their two years here will be able to lead in the work of this ministry in all parts of the country." I think it was Belle that pointed out that it was said the Corps were trained to lead a Twig Fellowship. I agree! I think that was always the minimum level of service expected (although at times I do know of Corps who did not run Twigs for good reasons) So if they were trained to run Twigs then it would be logical to expect that they would be serving in a group that had such so they could use their training. Now let me see do the Catholics offer Twigs aaah no.... How about the Lutherans aaah No...... O!!!! maybe the Krishna's No!!! not there either.... I think you get the point so much for the Oh I was going to serve somewhere else after my 4 years argument. You were being trained to serve after your 4 years in the Way everyone knew it. QUOTE: Groucho Perhaps a person wanted the 4 year corps training so that they could DECIDE FOR THEMSELVES how they wanted to serve in Christian ministry. This was the "official" program that twi offered...A 4 year commitment, NOTHING more! QUOTE] Excerpt From the By The Way article #119 " After graduation they go where they want to go and work at the job or profession of their choosing. But their major or primary goal will be to help people to get blessed so others also may have a "more than Abundant Life" The graduates serve in areas of concern, interest and need. ( I believe that this was later updated to The Way Corps go forth to serve in areas of concern, interest and need. where they serve depends upon their desire, ability, and the needs of the ministry.) Now I can dig up quotes about the intent of this program all day long but I think with these and the testimony of posters it is quite clear what is the truth, By the way I have seen no evidence as to the other point of view. I think that facts stand. The truth is in The Corps you were in training to be a leader in the Way not running a Twig for Santa Claus. Most people got that going in! I find it hard to believe you could survive an apprentice year and not have at least figured that out and if you did I wonder if you should have been there in the first place. So now that this has been put to rest, we can move on to the other topics like Was the Service really Christian? And were people strong armed into assignments? Or how did Craig Martindale treat the Corps in the 90s? And so forth......... I'll close with this good advise a Quote from Catcup from another thread: "Never post anything here you wouldn't want repeated back to you by opposing counsel in a court of law. In other words, give first hand testimony and above all, tell the truth. Always."
  6. Hey don't blame me I'm not your joke writer! Or am I ? :blink:
  7. George I was going to mention that as an extra off topic for discussion. I think that would maybe be a good one. But the question at hand was and is/ this: Was the Way Corps represented as a 4 year and your done program and then changed when you arrived or was it presented as 4 years of training for a Lifetime of Service. That is the issue at hand if you read back to Groucho's post, his objection was not how your kids were raised, how the Corps was treated, how Craig treated people in the 90's or any other of these fine off topic questions, it was that he thought he signed up for a four year stint only to find out it was not as he believes advertised ie: 4 years. My response is to that question alone at this time. I submit that it was not implied or presented as a 4 year program and then your done. And will provide support material to show that to be true. To sidetrack the question with yea but look at how this was does not dismiss the facts in print these are separate questions and deserve consideration as such. Why would I do this? Integrity in posts. Many people read here to find out about The Way.It has /is my intent to speak honestly about the Way. If we don't then it makes their job easy to tell people,hey look they said this here is proof that they lie. We then loose credibility in our presentations. I think others have said the same SPEAK OUT but speak honestly. I've said before there are plenty of things wrong at The Way to speak about without inventing things that are not true.
  8. LOL Ex I can't believe that you posted at 2:00 A M after we got off the phone. Don't you have something better to do? Girl you are Hopeless :D
  9. Why did I know that there would be questions? I guess a picture is not worth a thousand words after all so I will have to quit being so lazy and write the 1000 words which I will do later on. But Oak, good questions. The answers are inside and during the apprentice year training. Apprentice being before you entered into residence. ap·pren·tice ( P ) Pronunciation Key (-prnts) n. One bound by legal agreement to work for another for a specific amount of time in return for instruction in a trade, art, or business. But I do wonder where in the definition of LIFETIME that you found 4 years maybe you could point it out I seem to be missing it ........ life·time ( P ) Pronunciation Key (lftm) n. The period of time during which an individual is alive. The period of time during which property, an object, a process, or a phenomenon exists or functions. adj. Continuing for a lifetime; lifelong. Occurring or measured over a person's active career: a lifetime batting average. Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
  10. Any questions? Here is the front cover of the Corp Brochure. Looks like as I said they were pretty upfront about their purpose front page and all........ B)
  11. Then again a happy compromise move it a half hour and leave it....
  12. I agree Oak and in some cases that was an option to do just that. But I still say it was a leadership training program. The same holds true for the business world like Walmart. You would not go into store management training and then say hey I did not know I was going to have to run a store and move around at the Company's whim. That is what it is if you dont want to run a store by Walmarts rules don't sign up for their training likewise if you don't want to be a leader in the Way according to their rules don't sign up. Pretty simple.......
  13. [quote name=GrouchoMarxJr' When I signed up for the way corps (10th), I agreed to a 4 year training program...the 4 year committment was THEIR condition (IN WRITING)...shortly after arriving at Emporia, Martindale announces that the way corps is a LIFETIME committment and not just a 4 year committment ...I objected vehemently...and accused them of having no integrity....of course, that put me on their .... list and they considered me to be carnally minded and such... ...Fine with me. They had no integrity then and they have no integrity now. How dare them! In fairness I believe the Corps program was promoted as a four year leadership training program after which you would serve in an area of need. It was promoted as a program to train leaders. Why would you logicaly train leaders for four years only to not have them not lead? That makes no sense. I can't imagine anyone thinking that it was a 4 year stint going in thats why there was a college division where you could get specific years of training and then move on. Four years of training - A lifetime of Service thats the way the brochures promoted it.
  14. Happy Birthday Mrs. Coolness Here's your bday tune Cool Water All day I faced the barren waste Without the taste of water Cool water Old Dan and I with throats burned dry And souls that cry for water Cool, clear water Keep a-movin', Dan, don't you listen to him, Dan He's a devil not a man and he spreads the burning sand With water Dan can you see that big green tree Where the water's runnin' free And it's waiting there for me and you The nights are cool and I'm a fool Each star's a pool of water Cool water But with the dawn I'll wake and yawn And carry on To water Cool, clear water Keep a-movin', Dan, don't you listen to him, Dan He's a devil not a man And he spreads the burning sand With water Dan can you see that big green tree Where the water's runnin' free And it's waiting there for me and you The shadows sway and seem to say Tonight we pray for water Cool water And way up there He'll hear our prayer And show us where There's water Cool, clear water Keep a-movin', Dan, don't you listen to him, Dan He's the devil not a man and he spreads the burning sand With water Dan can you see that big green tree Where the water's runnin' free And it's waiting there for me and you Dan's feet are sore He's yearning for Just one thing more than water Like me, I guess he'd like to rest Where there's no quest For water Cool, clear water
  15. "But David this glove don't fit see I can't get my hand into it" -O J Well if it don't fit you must acquit.
  16. Yes I would have left if things were to continue in the same unscriptural, ungodly manner that they were and were heading toward. It was clear that no change was forthcoming. Call it what it was a teaching there is a difference in the two.
  17. I am registered with the State of Kansas you can call me Rev. WhiteDove, but I will answer to hey bird or most anything else.
  18. [quote name='oldiesman' Regarding blind obedience, that was there long before 1989. Of course it's reasonable to assume he wanted and expected it. Heck, that was a corps principle I heard back in 1976, long before Craig's letter of March 1989. So therefore it doesn't make much sense why anyone would be so surprised or shocked that Craig would ask for it of his staff and corps. If one didn't agree with that principle, one was free to leave, well before 1989. Those he wrote to knew exactly what blind obedience and loyalty was all about, in fact it was a reasonable principle for them all along -- except now, when Craig asks for it, it's "carnal" all of a sudden? Sorry could not let this one slide. Since when was blind loyality a Corps principle? There were five and NONE thats 0, nadda,of them had a thing to do with blind loyality. In contrast though the first one 1. Acquire an in depth spiritual perception and awareness. Would seem at be saying not blindly following but an in depth awareness another words knowing what is going on,making deliberate decisions based on knowledge. not lost in the dark blindly following.
  19. When you think that you lost everything You find out you can always lose a little more I'm just going down the road feeling bad Trying to get to heaven before they close the door I'm going down the river Down to New Orleans They tell me everything is gonna be all right But I don't know what "all right" even means. - Dylan
  20. Happy Birthday David I f I were you though I'd hide those pickers you never know when some pink flying thing might start throwing cake around here.
  21. Jesse Jackson, Jim Baker and Jimmy Swaggert have written an impressive new book. It's called: "Ministers Do More Than Lay People." Little Golden Books That Never Made It "You Are Different and That's Bad" "The Boy Who Died From Eating All His Vegetables" "Dad's New Wife Robert" "Fun four-letter Words to Know and Share" "Hammers, Screwdrivers and Scissors: An I-Can-Do-It Book" "The Kids' Guide to Hitchhiking" 'Kathy Was So Bad Her Mom Stopped Loving Her" "Curious George and the High-Voltage Fence" "All Cats Go to Hell" "The Little Sissy Who Snitched" "Some Kittens Can Fly" "That's it, I'm Putting You Up for Adoption" "The Magic World Inside the Abandoned Refrigerator" "The Pop-Up Book of Human Anatomy" "Strangers Have the Best Candy" "Whining, Kicking and Crying to Get Your Way" "You Were an Accident" "Things Rich Kids Have, But You Never Will" "Pop! Goes The Hamster...And Other Great Microwave Games" "The Man in the Moon Is Actually Satan" "Your Nightmares Are Real" "Where Would You Like to Be Buried?" "Eggs, Toilet Paper, and Your School" "Why Can't Mr. Fork and Ms. Electrical Outlet Be Friends?" "Places Where Mommy and Daddy Hide Neat Things" "Daddy Drinks Because You Cry"
  22. Oh yeah its always the birds fault. I happen to have a tip from a very good source that it was a dirty germy mud rolling flying pig in a cheap bird suit that started this whole thing. Now don't irritate me or I will cough on the whole lot of you...
  23. WW You were doing fine tilll you got to that Dark Ages thing, Now you know that anything from that dark period can't possibly apply to Prevailing Light of the Blah Blah Blah...........
  24. WhiteDove

    Autumn Days !!

    The trees are just starting to turn colors around here but along the trails are these.
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