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Everything posted by WhiteDove

  1. Holy Aquafina It's the Cool One long time no hear neighbor! Merry Christmas........
  2. FYI: Brian released Captain of Salvation on his post way tape Electrified. Freedom Soil is available on Deans Cd - Look into the Word If you are interested in one you can email or PM me here. Next year we should have a website up and running for all you old music fans. http://itiswrittenbooks.com is the address but right now all you can do is watch it snow and play with the Christmas Balls. Cd's should run about $6.00 for the older Pressed Down,Joyful Noise, Stevie Kay,Miles of Smiles.....Plus lots of new music from some old friends.
  3. Just checking back to see if anyone had SEEN THIS direct quote yet? Direct Quote "If you can't speak in tongues you aren't saved." Guess not.....................
  4. Exie I'm with you I'd say he did nothing wrong. Course I'm the wrong person to ask most likely cause I never had any interest in sports because of $*@! just like that....... and alot of other things that go on. Disipline and bull #$*@ seem one in the same when it comes to sports most times.
  5. Yeah I gonna get around to that sometime here maybe before the year end .....maybe
  6. Ok you can go long as you got my present all ready. Don't worry a bit cause while you are in bed I can work on that new swimming pool in yer basement that you have been wanting fer Christmas...... Hey if yer not better by the time the water gets to the third floor you can have a waterbed too.
  7. Yeah thats the one who did it Moony I 'd know him anywhere.....
  8. David that whole Rock Band /Rock records was a sad end for Rick but more so for the band and the investers. It's too bad really for them they made some great music which is now forever tarnished by his thoughtless actions.
  9. Rascal I believe that in general most of the people really thought that what they were offering was going to be a blessing to the persons life. Unfortunately they were talked into a system that was made for selling cars and stereos not the Bible. I fought for years about this very thing, when the Corps would come to town and want a list of people or friends to contact I never gave them any. I just said all my friends have already been contacted. Which was somewhat believable seeing as how since we were only 45 min from Emporia and we had some group here almost every other week. I just forgot to tell them that they were contacted by me. I can't stand being high pressure sold, like I'm too stupid to make my own choices and ask a question if I need to. Just yesterday at Best Buy I had this happen. I was trying to look at some things and I swear 10 people kept making me stop what I was doing and engage them in their offer to help. After about the tenth one I had enough and when he asked if he could help for a second time after I had said no thanks a few minutes earlier I said yeah you can you can leave me the hell alone so I can do what I came here to do. I explained that I did not really want to be rude but that I could not even shop because I was constantly having to stop and engage sales people in conversation. I explained that I knew how to find the things I was looking for and that if I had any questions I was smart enough to find someone in a blue vest on my own and ask. They got the point..... I watched the rise of "think and grow rich sales" in the Way happen it was always sad to see for me. I remember telling a branch leader that it was degrading to what we had to offer and to God to sell it like a refrigerator or a car. That went over as you can imagine real big and earned me a spot on the B list for the rest of their time here. I to this day don't doubt that they really thought that they were helping people they were unfortunately sucked into the carnal sales machine of the day. People who were sold something that they did not really want did not last it produced classes but with no fruitful end result. It's true in life. How well do you take care of something that you really wanted and worked hard to get, as opposed to something you got with no effort generally the thing you worked and saved for gets better care. A true Doveman story: There was a class promo thing happening and I wanted to take this girl that I had been dating a few times to it . I thought the class information would have benefited her life at that time. I think it was the when the Changed film was out and some Way Productions came down from Emporia and some Way Corps. I remember Skip Mesquite was there and shared about his life and they played some songs. Any way I knew what was going to happen and just wanted her to see the film and hear the music without the sales pitch after. So I devised this plan with 5 friends I knew the layout of the evening from the coordinators meeting and so I arrived at the last minute knowing that they would roll on time. That way we could slide in the back instead of being ushered up front (closer to the door) After the end I had arranged the five friends to run interference for me so I could escape out the door. I knew that they would be ready to pounce when the lights came up. I also knew I had the tactical advantage since they did not know who were grads or not so they grabbed anyone who looked like they were heading for the door. As they came our way my friends engaged them allowing me to escape into the night. I told the girl upfront, what was up and that they were good people and that they really believed in the what the class had to offer and it had changed their lives as well as mine. But I also knew that for that to happen you had to want that and I just wanted to offer her the chance to make her own decision. We went for coffee and talked for a long time but she eventually chose to not take PFAL. Of course after first weeks of hot sex, I dumped her unbelieving devil spirit possessed foot. Just Kidding! I can't say I was happy at the time with her choice but we remain friends and that coffee pot has not run dry to this day.........
  10. [quote Jardinero I used to receive Chris' newsletters when I first left twi. If I remember correctly, Doveman, one of the lawsuits was over copyrights and ownership of the PFAL class. One of his letters reflected that never in a million years did he ever think that in carrying out what vpw supposedly commissioned him to do would involve having to re-record a class to replace PFAL. And there he found himself, following a bitter legal battle with the evil and carnal trustees - - now having yet another burden thrust upon himself - - a burden to record a class series. After that happened, subsequent letters were just too painful for me to read anymore. He seemed to be more and more hurt, bitter, burdened. He seemed to be more and more isolated and he seemed (to me) to come across as some type of martyr - - that he alone was carrying out the true ministry of the Word - - isolated, alone, with little resources - - just Barbara and the girls to help him with the enormity of work left to do. J I don't know if all the lawsuits got eventually rolled into one but you are correct one was about the class ,and the rights to publish materials, and for Gartmore itself. The Ways attorneys tried after Craig signed all of it away to recover it. It seems that there was this grey area (isn't there always for attorneys) They argued that yes the legal documents said that he had ownership but that was for Europe only. Another words he could not send stuff back into the USA. I think it drug on for about ten years but he eventually won the cases. There may have been some plea offers I don't know I would think so. I do know that the class materials have to be distributed from Scotland not from Maine so there must be some reason for this. I gave up trying to guess why things with those guys take so long There is no reason I can see but then again I am not involved. Chris has the help available of some of the top former leaders in The Way. Trustees, Region leaders, Cabinet members and yet he seems to want to do it himself makes no sense to me. I think this is about the 5th time he has junked all the work on his Advanced Class and started over I'm not convinced that it will ever happen at this point (not that I am waiting for it.) He does have I believe two staff people at Word Promotions Cathy C. and another woman whose name escapes me at the moment. For all the business there seems to be little getting done.
  11. Jim - Johnny Townsend lives just outside Dayton Ohio he is well but his hair has greyed now. edited for OOOP's feeling stupid wrong Jim........ Thanks Bowtwi for the heads up!
  12. WhiteDove

    Hungry Pig

    Psalmie my pig keeps falling over and taking a nap after he eats. I fed him all the stuff pigs like shoes, bowling balls spoons,n' tin cans. Tell yer cousins to get with the program and quit being so lazy.......
  13. Chris and Barbara live in Maine He still has an office in Glasgow Scotland which houses Word Promotions Ltd. Word Promotions handles all the distribution of class materials for the Walking in God's Power Series. They also publish a free newsletter Glimpses of Truth. Last I knew they also have a fellowship that meets in their home but that may have changed.
  14. Digitalis I am aware of that event although I don't think that was why The Way Int. settled. They didn't have much to stand on really they had signed it away. Like the other lawsuits they thought they could outlast because of their money. In the end they got into a ....ing contest with the wrong person. It cost both sides a lot of money but at the end I believe The Way Int. footed the bill I heard they paid a hefty settlement bill around 5 million. I guess Craig left that part out when he announced it. This event was however not why Chris left Gartmore it was free and clear at that point and in the Way in Great Britains Ltd. name. He departed because of the class situation.
  15. WW I'd say you are correct. i can't speak firsthand it did not happen at the one I took but two people from here took the AC in 1971. They talked about it a few times their perception was about the same as here it was a joke. In those days there were few grads around and people looked up to them in a sense. We had no Corps grads in the city so they were our elders so to speak. It was rare that you got to hear much about the AC so there was this mystery about it ,and I believe that they were not supposed to share much about it and most took that to heart and did not. So when you went to the AC I think in some ways that mystery was carried into the class when you attended coupled with the fascination of the devil spirit realm. Their perception was they did it as a joke with a lesson, it was like hey guys this is not some mysterious thing here that you all have been expecting.
  16. Yeah while singing O we love you love you love you......... and any day generaly close to your birthday worked just as well......
  17. You mean Sith Lords? Well I guess Hollywood stole more than Athletes of the Spirit from TWI........ :blink:
  18. The walking in God's power class was developed while Chris worked for The Way In Great Britain ( Not The same as The Way) At some point he started Word Promotions and at that point the Gartmore SNS tapes and the class were transferred to Word Promotions but he was also still an employee of The Way in GB. Something about trustees could not be paid in GB so he was always an employee. The Way in Great Britain advertised the 1st class to be held at Gartmore House and people flew in from all over to take it. The weekend it was supposed to happen The 3 trustees of the Way of Great Britain had not approved the license agreement only Johnny Townsend signed off on it. My guess was it came down to money, I'm sure that The Way of GB thought that they should be getting the money since it was developed when Chris was an employee. Once it was done it was now in Word Promotions control. And the Way in GB was stuck having to pay a fee not getting income. It was a mess and the class never ran that weekend Chris apologized and ended up teaching some other teachings and everyone went home. He advised everyone to contact the other 2 trustees as to why they had defaulted on their agreement. Which did not go well with them. I don't know if people ever got refunds but they were out a lot of air fare cash plus expenses. A battle ensued and Chris and Johnny quit. Chris set up an office in Scotland and moved home. That left Robert Wilkerson and Graham A. with Gartmore House I suppose that they either had no desire to run the place or the cost was too high. I don't know how the support of the people fell maybe Trefor knows.
  19. http://www.content.loudeye.com/scripts/hur...6900&cid=600111 Instant karma’s gonna get you Gonna knock you right on the head You better get yourself together Pretty soon you’re gonna be dead What in the world you thinking of Laughing in the face of love What on earth you tryin’ to do It’s up to you, yeah you Instant karma’s gonna get you Gonna look you right in the face Better get yourself together darlin’ Join the human race How in the world you gonna see Laughin’ at fools like me Who in the hell d’you think you are A super star Well, right you are Well we all shine on Like the moon and the stars and the sun Well we all shine on Ev’ryone come on Instant karma’s gonna get you Gonna knock you off your feet Better recognize your brothers Ev’ryone you meet Why in the world are we here Surely not to live in pain and fear Why on earth are you there When you’re ev’rywhere Come and get your share Well we all shine on Like the moon and the stars and the sun Yeah we all shine on Come on and on and on on on Yeah yeah, alright, uh huh, ah Well we all shine on Like the moon and the stars and the sun Yeah we all shine on On and on and on on and on Well we all shine on Like the moon and the stars and the sun Well we all shine on Like the moon and the stars and the sun Well we all shine on Like the moon and the stars and the sun Yeah we all shine on Like the moon and the stars and the sun
  20. FYI- Recently Word Promotions released 20 MP3 disks of THE Gartmore SNS also on the disks were The Principles for Victorious Living Class and that 1st European Twig Coordinators . Meeting. Conspicuously absent was the A Pivot Point in History tapes. Everything else was on the disks, I'm guessing that he rethought his view on them.
  21. No Raf he was not in the WHO but he was in another rather obscure British group....
  22. It's hard to believe that it's been 25 years ago tonight that John was shot. Since his death he like many others has approached sainthood. But John was no saint, he was a Beatle,Artist,Husband,Father,Spokesman,Dreamer,Songwriter,Rock and Roll Star,Peacelover........ His death is one of those events in life that most remember where they were when they first heard about it. Where were you and who was this man John Lennon to you? (The Late Great Johnny Ace)Paul Simon On a cold December evening I was walking through the Christmas tide When a stranger came up and asked me If I'd heard John Lennon had died And the two of us went to this bar And we stayed to close the place And every song we played Was for The Late Great Johnny Ace, yeah, yeah, yeah http://www.glasspages.org/psimonpg.mp3 song ending by Phil Glass
  23. I am not Penguin, but I see how that some could feel that way. I think it comes from not separating God and man. And here is why, God has given me no cause to distrust Him. People are People they have their faults. I agree it was sad to see such kind people tossed by the wayside (no pun intended) But that had nothing to do with God. The Way is/was a group! programs were just that they have their pros and cons. They were at best man's attempt to reach people with the Good News of the Gospel that's all! To me I find that God is still as faithful and trustworthy as He always was. People on the other hand it seems will at some point fail you. I wish it were different but it isn't ,at best we can strive to reflect the Christ in us as much as humanly possible.
  24. De De da Da Tweet Tweet ......... Nothin like a nice bath to get rid of that stinky ole Pork gravy. Splash Splash...... MMMMM smells like Moma Leonnie is cooking up some s'kettie. Hey I don't remember being a red bird!!! AAACK...... Holy Pepperoni Batman Very Funny ..... Dern Pig Hey Pig need I remind you that it's only 17 days till Pigmas. Psalmie's gettin notin' fer Pigmas cause she's been notin' but BAD... Well Well Well if it isn't the pigmobile........ This sauce will work great in the pigmobile's washer fluid bottle......... Wait till that Pig hits the wipers driving down 675 Splat Splat .....Hahahaha hey Splat Splat some extra fer a new red paintjob on the pigmobile........
  25. Speaking of not touching that I think this guy is one of her studs.... Click the link below to listen to this http://www.bobrivers.com/pickup/index.asp?ID=185718
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