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Psalmie update Today 12/23 She has spent the week mostly in bed,and said Every time she gets up to sit in a regular chair with the leg down, it swells up and throbs! The foot is still hurting alot also. Oh yes and she had this mesage for you all also: I have been storing up a buncha pies--at least 3 of each--cept it seems I can only pick up the middle one of each! But I'll be in to throw em as soon as I can--practicing batting with crutches. Merry Pigmas!!!!!
Hey Johnny Frat Boy I have one word for you TOGA..........
It was in the 50's and sunny yesterday I think it's supposed to stay nice through the weekend. If so it's take the dog to the dog park time to see the friends. He has cabin fever.
Oops nevermind
2 Corinthians 6 KJV. 1 We then, as workers together with him, beseech you also that ye receive not the grace of God in vain. 2 (For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.) 3 Giving no offence in any thing, that the ministry be not blamed: It reads better in the Revised Standard Version 3 We put no obstacle in any one's way, so that no fault may be found with our ministry, It really is about our ministry not a ministry as in The Way- another words walk well (make your momma proud)Dove translation It's about having the respect of others so that to the end you have enterance or their trust to help them when needed. Offf to work I'll see later what Walter did with this in the Corps notes just for fun.
Shaz those boxes sitting in the attic are full of Hallmark and Enesco ornaments. Those rocking horse series that you have will still do well if you keep the boxes in shape even though used. I don't recall how many there were in that series I know at least 10 but if you pick up the others on ebay they will be worth more as a set and a great hand me down for the kids. That first horse is booking at around $100.00 I know that you like them for enjoyment, I think the same but it never hurts to keep up on the value of those things. Those early sets do pretty well now,less were made then than now. One set that I bought was the thimble set those first ones are booking at $450.00 now. The sold for $4.95 back in the day.
Thanks WW Your point was not missed. I think those going in the program believed that they were being trained for Christian service in the way. It is reasonable to believe that since you were entering a program run by the way that you would be after being trained by the way work for the way which like working for a company means sometimes you go places that were not maybe your choice of where you would rather live.. I think if you took a poll most would agree that was their understanding that they would be directed at least in part where and how to serve. Then again like a company if you dont like it you can quit, which I suppose is why we are here now. Note: Corps Vet Shirts as I remember Corps Vets Shirts were for any graduated Way Corps setting them apart as graduates of the program as opposed to those in residence training. Really though it was another chance to sell you some more stuff for your collection of already bought Corps clothes and sweats. I think maybe in 74 that they came out.
Don't want to derail the current conversation but I just wanted to say Skyrider I'm glad we are on the same page I agree with what you posted about the Corps program in your last post. My only concern was keeping the factual record straight about what was or was not in print. It seems we all agree that it was in print but that the print did not always line up with the real life events. I can agree with that thinking also...... Now if we can ust find that darn missing quote :)
Me too Exie........
Rascal I think you missed the point. I never spoke about pretending that the pressure, the dishonest representation, the immoral manipulation to ensure compliance didn't exist.... And I never said it did not! Sky posted what was an inaccurate comment
Thanks Shellon for your thoughts and great story. To be honest I had considered sending it to Terry and I suppose I talked myself out of it. It was really more of a thing for Sandi a sort of hey you made it another year hang in there and in 20 years you'll have a tree full of doves. We never got to far and I suppose I just assumed he would not have the same interest in it. It was wrong of me to assume that as you have caused me to realize. Deaths and Divorces and such always pose such quandaries I just did not want to cause Terry any extra grief or cause him to wonder why someone is sending him an ornament for his dead wife- kinda creepy. I suppose I should let him decide what he wants to do so I'll call him later Thanks for the nudge......
Then what was the purpose of the twig coordinators training program why do a 3-4 year stint when you can do it in a weekend and be a cooridinator with no commitment attached. If all you wanted to do was run a twig why go thriugh the extra work? And why would the Way print a Brochure saying that " After graduation they go where they want to go and work at the job or profession of their choosing. But their major or primary goal will be to help people to get blessed so others also may have a "more than Abundant Life" The graduates serve in areas of concern, interest and need if they did not intend to require it? They print things like this because they are promoting their programs they don't include requirements that they have no intention of following just to fill space. They put it there because it explains the intentions of the program hense promotional brochure, they intend people to read and remember that was what they signed up for. Just in case years later they should forget and want a weasle clause if things did not turn out quite to their liking.
I don't doubt that some signed on for a program before taking the time to see what it was about. The statement was that it was not printed on literature It was! that's a fact. If one fails to investigate before leaping into a contract then I suppose that would be the fault of the leepee. While it may be a hard lesson ,it does not disprove the facts. Being a wise consumer is the responsibility of the person. The Way offered a program to learn Twig Leadership for those who did not want to make a lifetime of service commitment. It was different from the Corps program. I could post the binder cover and the contents ,but then why bother someone would just say it was not really there.
Sky said it was not- It was- on the front of the Corps brochure and other places. If you were too challenged to get this sorry maybe the program was not for you anyway. If you were awake at some point during your apprentice year you would have gotten this I'd think. WW - "ONCE a Marine, ALWAYS a Marine." means just that always a marine just like you are always a graduate of the school you graduated from not the same or to be confused with lifetime. LIFETIME-The period of time during which an individual is alive. life·time ( P ) Pronunciation Key (lftm) n. The period of time during which an individual is alive. The period of time during which property, an object, a process, or a phenomenon exists or functions. adj. Continuing for a lifetime; lifelong. Occurring or measured over a person's active career: a lifetime batting average. Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. Excerpt From the By The Way article #119 " After graduation they go where they want to go and work at the job or profession of their choosing. But their major or primary goal will be to help people to get blessed so others also may have a "more than Abundant Life" The graduates serve in areas of concern, interest and need. ( I believe that this was later updated to The Way Corps go forth to serve in areas of concern, interest and need. where they serve depends upon their desire, ability, and the needs of the ministry.) We have been through this before on another thread most posters who were in the Corps Got it, they understood what that meant. Regardless the claim that it was not on literature is not substantiated by facts. We are on the trail here of a very important lost Quote so I don't want this cleaver sideline to interrupt it, in case it shows up. So I'll stay on topic now thanks lest we forget what we are searching for. Unless that was the point? ........
I agree Oak people can have whatever standard for belief they want in their life, it's only when that standard is then applied and passed off as truth regarding what someone or some organization did or did not say or do that it becomes a problem. I've come too far in these last years to go back to believing in things that are not there to believe in. The days of the red drapes system of belief are over. I'm perfectly happy to believe in something that has tangible evidence of existence ,or something that is promised by God or in scripture. It is interesting that when disputes over a subject happen here we seem to employ a belief I'll call the duck theory. If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck It's probably a duck. This seems to be an acceptable belief system as long as it agrees with the posters agenda. It seems however when the agenda is not served (particularly I have noticed when one attempts to keep the record of what the Way did or did not teach honest.) then we switch standards for belief. In this case the majority of people yourself included posted that was not how they remember the Way's teaching on SIT and being saved. Many offered quotes from books and classes to show it was not. This was from TWI 1,2 and 3. No one ever produced any evidence for the quote from any TWI materials. I asked some in now what I would call TWI 4 and they never heard such a thing either. We have this overwhelming evidence on one side saying DUCK! DUCK! and then nothing on the other side except that's what I say ,it's true. And yet although it looks ,walks, and is waving it's arms and quacking here, because it does not fit the agenda of some that if it's about the way there has to be something wrong with it. We then change our system of acceptance. Lets ignore all the evidence and believe something that has no shred of tangible proof. I just think we need to keep the system of evaluation the same and let the chips fall where they may. If your going to use the duck system to evaluate the Way's moral record then you should use the same when it comes to the teachings. If you want me to believe that this quacking sound is not a duck then as I said before show me some tangible evidence as such otherwise my money is on the Duck here! I know that everything is not written down and recorded but in all the hours of video tape,books,notes, and teachings not anywhere? Hard to believe Especially when it was a direct quote from a class, it has to be there to quote it. Honestly why would The Way care anyway they have taught a lot worse and doccumented it plenty. Sorry it is just too many reasons why it makes no sense and none why it does.
My tree looks like nothing because thats what it is. There is not one there. If I had one up it would most likely be artificial (fake!). If I had one I would call it a Christmas Tree cause that is what it is. Ornaments - Geese I have about 10 large boxes of very expensive ones that I have been collecting since the 70s -they are decorating my attic again this year. -Yes I bought some more this year to put in boxes cause I"m crazy OK? Here is a picture of my tree ------------> Oops back again! I forgot Ornament Stories- I used to send my sisterdove a dove ornament but it seems that I wont be anymore. I guess it's kinda late now but if anyone needs an extra dove ornament I have one .
Yes oak it would . However I don't believe that you can then make the leap to say that The Way taught: This would imply that Christians who do not speak in tongues are not actually saved as the article said. The quote was ofered as proof that this was their teaching. I don't believe that is correct.
Thanks Oak for your thoughts. I should have posted that the quote was from I would just like to see the source of this mysterious very large change in TWI doctrine as I was departed by then. So far I can find no one that can document this quote. It seems that so far only a couple of people remember it that way. Everyone that I have found remember it taught the way you and the others that have posted here do the same as in TWI 1 & 2. Something so radically opposite I would think would be easy to document but so far "no go" Belle seems to think I've gone camping (maybe in Canaan's Happy Land) but really I'd just like to see one way or another some evidence for this position. To Believe rightly requires that you have something to believe in. We all have memories of things taught and like you mine are not always as they seem. This happens for a variety of reasons but these days I try to be careful to make sure I am believing in something that is believable as opposed to something that is a faded memory. So the request stands I'd like to see the quote and any Wayspeak about it...
EXCUSE ME? I'm not in anybody's camp I just prefer to have some tangible evidence before I believe someone's hearsay. I'm sorry I looked again but I must have missed that evidence for the Direct Quote session 12 "If you can't speak in tongues you aren't saved." Did someone have a page number or a tape number or anything to back up this idea. That was your claim, lots of people posted that they taught differently, hard evidence. Do you have any? If it is a direct quote from that session then there must be some. I said so....does not qualify as proof. Much like the Advanced Class "secret initiation" was real claim Cough** (Good thing we did not "just accept their word for that as truth" with no proof. ) It looks like this is just another Way Urban legend also we can now put to rest.........
Try Destroy the tree Take off your clothes Hide
Someone say Bacon????
Hey All: I heard from our favorite piggie this afternoon she said to let you know she had the surgery done Friday. She is feeling a little right now. She wanted me to let you all know that the surgery went well and to thank you for your prayers on her behalf. One small glitch in the surgery she said: The surgery went well--although the Novocain hadn't taken effect enough before they did the first cut! I was in a twilight sleep, so it took a few garbled words before they understood! :o :blink: OUCH.......... I told her maybe the Doc had to skip lunch and was making a little Ham sandwich to tide him over. She wont be around for a few days since she is having a little vision trouble but she has a laptop to use when she is seeing better and a pile of food next to her bed. (Course she would not know which of the three of you to hit! Right Now) She said the pain is pretty strong--in spite of a strong pain meds. Ok That's It ! On with the Pork Jokes....... Psalmie's favorite Christmas Song this Year: I'll be Stoned for Christmas
Oak your point is well taken. But another side of the same coin,is that the harmful effects of the drugs doesn't make the things you learned null and void of truth either. Sometimes it's not the path we have to travel but the place we arrive thats the important thing.