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Everything posted by WhiteDove
You two are out of control :blink: and moony you already have a sex slave
Geese with all this cash I mean growth rolling in I guess I better start looking for a worldwide HDQTS. Hey Hap is that piece of woods up by you for sale cheap yet? :) I'm going to have to make Digidove VP of worldwide outreach.
To add to Catcup's furniture polish story. Why not to spray glass cleaner on things: I don't see the problem with glass but on glass frames it can run down between the frame and stain the matting or print.
Ha Dot You would think someone would have figured out not to splash these people across 100,000 PFAL brochures until they knew that they were going to be around long enough for the ink to dry. Then again it was our money they were wasting so no big deal to them I suppose.....
Truer words have not been spoken. Too bad when it comes to major church denominations the sickness for some reason does not go to the whole core.
:blink: Maybe Dovewing
Dot maybe Hope know's something I remembered this post she did and found it in the archives. But then, I think it was in March, S^nny dared to defy his authority and the whole Corps got dismissed. Seems she had gathered together a small group of Corps who were loyal to her. She didn't like Craig - thought he yelled too much - didn't care for his methods. People who got reamed by him would go to her for comfort - and I think she got sick of it. Anyway - she left - we all got dismissed - had to write on the back of a 3x5 card whether or not we wanted to come back - if not - we were to pack our bags and leave the next morning. I think about 50 - 60 people left at that point.
No idea Dot [edit] But didn't she make a dramatic enterence when she returned in the middle of a Corps night?
Sunny now there is a name I have not heard in a long time. What a great person she was I remember hearing her teach in Wichita in the 70's. I suppose we may never know Dot why? I always heard the same she and Craig always clashed but the reason of their clash was never revealed.
[quote seriously i have heard from reliable sources that people even raked their carpets, and even ones at rut locales, to make those fibers line up according to god's word Guilty as charged.......Exie Raking carpets in the 70's was popular for those long shags we had a rake at the branch house I think it was there when we moved in. Anyway I remember raking the carpet there,mostly to get the body prints around the fireplace out from our dates the night before. Pitch the wine bottle and rake the carpet and we were good to go. Don't ask about beer shots and the Limb TV.......
Hold It !!!!!!You got something against Doves Bliss? :unsure:
Thanks that way I will know when I am in the chat room...... :blink:
Mary I was afraid it was after I was long gone as I did not recognize the name or song. I don't have any tapes from then but I'll do some digging around. Anyone else ?
AAAH another convert !!!! Watch out George that yellow eyed cat looks kinda hungry
WhiteDove - I don't know why I picked that name probably because of it's association with Christianity, or maybe I thought there would be some cool pictures. After being around here awhile I realized though that for most of my life doves have been a reoccurring theme in my life. Starting with this poster from Woodstock: Then there was that song Melanie did Candles in the Rain an 8 minute epitaph to the festival and its people. Which still today is timeless and powerful vocal of the woodstock generation. Then of course the holy spirit dove all those years in the way. And then these past few years some friends that have been one way or another been associated with doves. I'll answer to about anything some prefer white,whitey,dove,doveman(note MAN), Birdbrain even Dovey although generally I reserved that for my dearly departed sisterdove the real Lovey Dovey. I know we drove many a poster to drink trying to keep us straight but now I'm the lone Dove here. We need more doves here so I'm starting my own Dove cult you know! So far I have Shazdove,and Dovemiller,Oilfielddove and I like the sound of DigiDove it has a nice flow to it. Sometimes I am BlueDove and sometimes BlackDove depending on the mood or posters perspective of me at the time. Most times though Doves are associated with Peace and Freedom. Some flying pigs here think we are Pigeons but we are not. Well that about covers it. Ok it's a wrap........
Ha Digi, Names and avators part 2 Maybe when everyone is done Kit can merge them together then we can just add to them as we need to.
What happened to the chat room listing under Board statistics?
Jonny who you trying to fool here? you know your name is party frat boy you've been outed.
Digi here is an archive link to a bunch more. http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.ph...1&hl=names+know
Mary could you narrow it down to a year or so that would maybe help someone find it a little quicker.
Wacky your messages may have been sent ok , if you don't check the box to save a copy it does not do it automatically like it used to.
Because it's a new year and if she does not change her ways she will get nothin fer Christmas again! just like this year.
I see today they are fixing this stupid law. Yea we can throw snow again...... Perhaps there is hope that we won't have to honk our horns when driving into town to warn the horses...... Full text of the LawSec. 54-123. Throwing of missiles. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to throw any stones, snowballs or any other missiles upon or at any vehicle, building, tree or other public or private property, upon or at any other person in any public or private way or place or enclosed or unenclosed ground. {b} It shall be unlawful for any person to throw any stone, snowball or any other missile from any vehicle, either moving, stopped or parked, upon or at any building, tree, sign or other public or private property, or upon or at any person in any public or private way or place of enclosed or unenclosed ground. (Code 1981, ยง 15-70)
I don't have any words of wisdom for the New Year so I borrowed these from Raf's Board. I thought they were admirable goals and worth repeating. They are from last year just six months before Dovey passed away. Live each day like it was your last.....it may be. wytedove44 Do you make resolutions and keep them? forget them after, or never make them. I myself don't make any except one, to live another year and hope along the way I can help or bless someone and try not to hurt anyone in either words or deeds. sometimes I blow the help or blessing someone and if I do it's usually by accident or my rather dry sense of humor that only my brother understands. So if I forget please forgive me. All in here and G.S. Cafe are my best and mostly only friends. Love to all, Dovey "When the tough get going the Doves fly ahead" Lord love a Dove