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Like an eagle - For what it's worth I enjoy your input so don't feel your words are lost. You know the old saying you can lead a horse to water....... Guess us birds will have to stick together......
What about these? Mat 17:3 And, behold, there appeared unto them Moses and Elias talking with him. Mat 27:53 And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many. Mar 9:4 And there appeared unto them Elias with Moses: and they were talking with Jesus. Act 16:9 And a vision appeared to Paul in the night; There stood a man of Macedonia, and prayed him, saying, Come over into Macedonia, and help us. Without a lengthy explanation I think your answer is in the verses - a vision I don't know Belle we were in different ways I suppose. I do not remember being taught to discount that fact. I would agreee with you I think angels and Jesus himself appear at times. I suppose we are shocked or surprised because it is not the norm. But it is certainly in the realm of possibility.
I Corinthians 5:3,4 For though absent in body I am present in spirit, and as if present, I have already pronounced judgment 4 in the name of the Lord Jesus on the man who has done such a thing. When you are assembled, and my spirit is present, with the power of our Lord Jesus, (Revised Standard Ver.) Maybe a little clearer in the RSV Vs 3 ....in spirit{pneuma] is a dative construction and ought to be translated as ....by way of the spirit [used refering to spirit in manifestation] vs 4 .... Paul though actually absent in body,speaks of himself as being present on account of his judgement given in verse 3 ,and associated with metonymy of cause - where the word spirit is put for the work of the holy spirit within man.
Belle I think maybe you derailed your own thread, but that's ok. You introduced the subject I was following your lead. I thought that the thread was taking a new turn like cabana boys and slaves. I thought this was your question, it looked like one You are correct in saying it is easy to say that YOU are living God's will according to the Bible. People say lots of things that does not make them true. The point where you can tell which camp is speaking truthfully is in lining it up with scripture. Leaving aside the Bible for a moment it is evident that from the definitions that you are either one or another. Once established that you can't be dead and alive in the physical sense we can see that people in the Bible follow the same pattern. The definitions were to establish that pattern. If people are dead in the Bible then that would mean that they are not alive. So someone seeing them would have several options why much the same as today. Already mentioned medical conditions, mental conditions, spiritual conditions, could be a vision or dream. One thing for sure it is not a dead person .
The Word of God is the Will of God
WhiteDove replied to Belle's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
dead ( P ) Pronunciation Key (dd) adj. dead·er, dead·est Having lost life; no longer alive. Marked for certain death; doomed: was marked as a dead man by the assassin. Having the physical appearance of death: a dead pallor. Lacking feeling or sensitivity; numb or unresponsive: Passersby were dead to our pleas for help. Weary and worn-out; exhausted. Not having the capacity to live; inanimate or inert. Not having the capacity to produce or sustain life; barren: dead soil. No longer in existence, use, or operation. No longer having significance or relevance. Physically inactive; dormant: a dead volcano. Not commercially productive; idle: dead capital. Not circulating or running; stagnant: dead water; dead air. Devoid of human or vehicular activity; quiet: a dead town. Lacking all animation, excitement, or activity; dull: The party being dead, we left early. Having no resonance. Used of sounds: “One characteristic of compact discs we all can hear is dead sound. It may be pure but it has no life” (Musical Heritage Review). Having grown cold; having been extinguished: dead coals; a dead flame. Lacking elasticity or bounce: That tennis ball is dead. Out of operation because of a fault or breakdown: The motor is dead. Sudden; abrupt: a dead stop. Complete; utter: dead silence. Exact; unerring. the dead center of a target. Sports. Out of play. Used of a ball. Lacking connection to a source of electric current. Drained of electric charge; discharged: a dead battery. n. One who has died: respect for the dead. The period exhibiting the greatest degree of intensity: the dead of winter; the dead of night. adv. Absolutely; altogether: You can be dead sure of my innocence. Directly; exactly: There's a gas station dead ahead. Suddenly: She stopped dead on the stairway. Idioms: dead and buried No longer in use or under consideration: All past animosities are dead and buried now. dead in the water Unable to function or move: The crippled ship was dead in the water. With no leadership, the project was dead in the water. dead to rights In the very act of making an error or committing a crime: The police caught the thief dead to rights with my silverware. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Middle English ded, from Old English dad. See dheu-2 in Indo-European Roots.] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- deadness n. Synonyms: dead, deceased, departed, extinct, lifeless, inanimate These adjectives all mean without life. Dead applies in general to whatever once hadbut no longer hasphysical life (a dead man; a dead leaf), function (a dead battery), or force or currency (a dead issue; a dead language). Deceased and departed refer only to nonliving humans: attended a memorial service for a recently deceased friend; looking at pictures of departed relatives. Extinct can refer to what has no living successors (extinct species such as the dodo) or to what is extinguished or inactive (an extinct volcano). Lifeless applies to what no longer has physical life (a lifeless body), to what does not support life (a lifeless planet), or to what lacks animation, spirit, or brightness (a lifeless performance; lifeless colors). Inanimate is most often limited to what has never had physical life: “The anchored gunboat simply would not sink. It evinced that unnatural stubbornness which is sometimes displayed by inanimate objects” (Stephen Crane). ________________________________________________________________________________ _________ a·live ( P ) Pronunciation Key (-lv) adj. Having life; living. See Synonyms at living. In existence or operation; active: keep your hopes alive. Full of living or moving things; abounding: a pool alive with trout. Full of activity or animation; lively: a face alive with mischief. Idiom: alive to Aware of; sensitive to: alive to the moods of others. a·liveness n. alive In addition to the idioms beginning with alive, also see come alive; eat someone alive; look alive; more dead than alive; skin alive. Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. Main Entry: alive Pronunciation: &-'lIv Function: adjective : having life : not dead or inanimate Source: Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary, © 2002 Merriam-Webster, Inc. alive adj 1: possessing life; "the happiest person alive"; "the nerve is alive"; "doctors are working hard to keep him alive"; "burned alive" [syn: alive(p)] [ant: dead] 2: (often followed by `with') full of life and spirit; "she was wonderfully alive for her age"; "a face alive with mischief" [syn: alive(p)] 3: having life or vigor or spirit; "an animated and expressive face"; "animated conversation"; "became very animated when he heard the good news" [syn: animated] [ant: unanimated] 4: (followed by `to' or `of') aware of; "is alive to the moods of others" [syn: alive(p)] 5: in operation; "keep hope alive"; "the tradition was still alive"; "an active tradition" [syn: active, alive(p)] 6: (usually followed by `to') showing acute awareness; mentally perceptive; "alert to the problems"; "alive to what is going on"; "awake to the dangers of her situation"; "was now awake to the reality of his predicament" [syn: alert, alive(p), awake(p)] 7: capable of erupting; "a live volcano"; "the volcano is very much alive" [syn: alive(p), live(a)] It would seem that you can't have it both ways, you are one or the other by definition. Now brain dead is a choice in some cases! Well thats another story for another time...... -
When one denies the existence of something it then compels the opposing party to find the proof or evidence to make his or her point. When a attorney brings to light evidence they are not trolling for anything its called discovery. It it perfectly logical that one would do this regardless of their feelings or personal cost otherwise the truth will be denied by the opposing party due to lack of proof. It's a little low to deny something and then hurl cheap insults when they must prove their point.
I think maybe it was that smoke Tonto got from the medicine man for the peace pipe.
Mark I agree this is an interesting case and it will be interesting to see the outcome. Although I was not aware of your reasons for the post I was attempting to answer the question as honestly as possible. For me, none of the choices worked I just don't see the profit in speculating about something I don't have the facts about. If I was on his jury I would not decide his sentence until after he had due process and so I won't here. When the case is settled I may have an opinion one way or the other. I just read through today's posts and it looks like some others said the same not enough info to make a choice. That would be the one I would have checked also or not my place to make a choice maybe. I realize that the question was hypothetical and I suppose that was my point what I think one way or another will have no profit or bearing on the outcome. So to me it is a waste of time and a exercise in futility to decide sentences for hypothetical cases. and I'm not sure that is what I should be doing with my time from a Christian point of view. I'd rather put my thoughts on something else. But to each his own, I hope you get the info you were looking for from the posts thanks for taking time to email and explain your reasons for asking.
Verbiage was noted, but he has not pleaded guilty. In fact as the story (and until trial that is what it is) noted his attorney has said no rape has occurred based on that it's highly unlikely he will plead guilty. So based on that fact it would be wrong to speculate a sentence when a trial has not occurred and due process rendered to establish guilt .
None of the above. Wouldn't you need to have a trial before you would pass a sentence? I think it works that way.
Mark The books are still listed in the current bookstore catalog. They are the prevailing word edition though. The Belieze fellowship also sells new ones. Which has dropped the ebay value on PFAL Books. The rare book sellers still sell them at high prices because they don't know what they are they just saw the value at the peak and thought they could cash in . They still say things like rare out of print.
Aaaaahhh Eagle Somebody is always spoiling the fun. A couple of classes before mine they served wine at the break till someone told them it was probably not a good idea. I bet those SIT sessions were a riot.
Exie - Doveinero - Glad there was a happy ending, but it was not your post just the whole thread in general or maybe it's me...... :)
:( Well this has been a depressing read. Guess I'll take a walk along the trail, probably not a good day to attend the gun show....... :blink: There are those who worship loneliness, I'm not one of them, In this age of fiberglass I'm searching for a gem. The crystal ball up on the wall hasn't shown me nothing yet, I've paid the price of solitude, but at last I'm out of debt. - Dylan
That she is David Perhaps she and froggy will stop by for a shout , she might not see this down here though now.
Hi Tom Gee it's been along time hey speaking of radios did you know that I have collected 23,456 radios since I last saw you. The story of radio began with a Cambridge professor called James Clerk Maxwell. Though he had never seen or experienced radio waves, Maxwell successfully forecast most of the laws that govern their propagation, calculating their speed and noting their resemblance to light waves. Maxwell showed how radio waves could be reflected, absorbed and focused like the beam from a torch - and could change the very nature of the object on which they were focused. Hardly anybody believed Maxwell in 1864; however, the theories were later quantified by Oliver Heaviside into two equations, and in 1879, Prof. David Hughes walked up Portland Place with a device that caught the sound of radio waves. In 1887, German scientist Heinrich Hertz carried out a famous set of experiments that proved Maxwell had been right all along - and in 1894, the British scientist Oliver Lodge succeeded in transmitting wireless signals over 150 yards. Wireless and radio : when is 'wireless' called 'radio'? Wireless is the generic term for any transmission that is made without using wires between points, although it frequently is used to describe radio it also covers photophone, induction and broken wire systems. Radio is the term used first in the USA, derived from radiation - the principle that governs radio waves. It's a characteristic of all electromagnetic waves that both the electric signal and the magnetic field that accompanies it cycle many times a second. Think of a cork on a pond - as waves pass it, it goes up and down. The frequency of the wave is simply the number of times per second the cork goes up and down as the peaks and troughs of the wave pass it. Electromagnetic waves cycle a lot faster than this, and are measured in Hertz, where 1Hz is one cycle per second. The wavelength is the distance between each consecutive peak or trough, so if you multiply the wavelength by the frequency, you get the speed of the wave. A 100Hz wave with a wavelength of 1 metre travels at 100 metres per second. I don't like that girl anymore by the way, she would not marry me after we kissed and all. I graduated Special Ed with honors since we last met. And can I still have a WOW burger please I get hungry now. I have money now to pay cause I won the lottery. Is 23 million dollars enough to get two burgers? If so I will buy you one. Love your friend Dan
Probably not Zix they will have mysteriously vanished or have been erased like the Corps week tapes from the POP night where someone on stage was loooking like a whiped dog and crying for forgiviness. Hope I checked the tape log printout from the computer at International that I secured upon leaving there is no tape listed by that title from 86 - 91 for SNS .
Never fear Belle she is about somewhere, like big brother always looking. I talked to her a couple of weeks ago on IM she is fine.
Rev Milford E Bowen, son of God, is now awaiting Christ's return Betty Bowen Jan 10, 2006 This special Praise and Power message is being sent to you to let you know that our beloved Milford E. Bowen, son of God and minister of His Word, has finished his course and is awaiting the return of our lord and savior, Jesus Christ. Praise and Power has been the independent ministry of Milford and Betty Bowen for several years. It is Betty’s burning heart's desire to continue to bless you and make known God's Word. Betty will continue this wonderful work in due time. The joy and passion of Milford and Betty for the 58 years of their marriage has been to serve and to bless God's people, to bring God's love, healing, deliverance and joy to other's lives. Thank you for reading Praise and Power. Thank you for your love, prayers and support. You may write to Betty Bowen at 2010 Brownstone Ln, Charlottesville, VA 22901 or contact her by email ps146-2@adelphia.net ************************************************************************ A Memorial Service will be held Saturday, January 14, 2006 at 1:00 pm at the Hill and Wood Funeral Home at 201 North First in Charlottesville, VA 22902, phone 434-296-6148. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to The Bible Fellowship, 95 Deerwood Drive Suite C, Charlottesville, VA 22911.
The husband had just finished reading a new book, "YOU CAN BE THE MAN OF YOUR HOUSE." He stormed into the kitchen and walked directly up to his wife. Pointing a finger in her face, he said sternly, From now on, YOU need to know that I AM the MAN of this house, and my word is law! You will prepare me a gourmet meal tonight, and when I'm finished eating my meal, you will serve me a sumptuous dessert afterward. Then, after dinner, you are going to go upstairs with me, and we will have the sex that I want. After that, you are doing to draw me my bath so I can relax. You will wash my back and towel me dry and bring me my robe. Then you will massage my feet and hands. Then after that's done, guess who's going to dress me and comb my hair?" His wife replied, "The funeral director would be my guess."
The bathroom had to be perfect, too, ya know.
Digi I'm still around, I've been out visiting the "flock", flock get it hahahah) Looks like you have everything under control back there. Still thinking about that frozen thing though. You do remember we are doves not penguins don't you. I'm still thinking that Dove Family Camp by Hap will be for sale cheap soon I think there are about eighteen of us which is probably more than the Corps there now. You are doing a fine job on Worldwide outreach our membership has grown in record proportions. I suppose the red roof is ok on the cabin as long as the White Dove logo is in the center. Love the new mural Dovemiller. Digi , Psalmie was going to post on your thread about her piggie but her computer seems to have mysteriously been hacked. She will be around as soon as she can get online. I am pleased to announce she has seen the error of her ways and will be joining the faithful flock. We have not settled on a name yet but Klutzdove or should I say Crutchdove come to mind. I may make her in charge of security as she was mumbling something about a new pie- shooting Uzi she has been working on. :blink: :unsure: Well got to go I just got some new Dove-a-lation that I need to see someone in Jamaica about joining the flock.
Well it seems that you will be getting a reprieve from the mud pies for awhile. Today she was all set to let em fly but her computer was eaten by some sorta virus while she was off getting her foot pickled. Either that or when she fell off the couch she squashed it. Anyway it is wiped clean and not being mobile it may be awhile before she gets here again. Ron she said that the pecan pie was really good, too, and that she at least THOUGHT of you while she ate it all. . . The Dr says it will take 3 weeks to a month before she can walk without crutches and the clumpy ole support boot. She said to tell you all Hi and to be very very afraid cause she will be back!!!
Now David why would you put good music on those cheap nasty tapes?