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Interesting: "Benjamin Gates" and "Stanley Goodspeed" were both characters that Nicolas Cage played. Benjamin Gates was the character in "National Treasure" Stanley Goodspeed was the character in "The Rock" He played a scientist in both films....
What IS the age when one automatically gains the respect? Frankly I don't see what age has anything to do with it. Hard work, integrity and other such virtues, yes. But certainly not age... And you prove my point! I realize that you have many years on me but it seems that your arrogance doesn't have an age limit. Seems people that know you here concur, too. Anyway, I tired of this discussion 3 posts ago. Maybe I'll go throw my rank around and make some younger kids do some push-ups. Yeah- that sounds good. Because that's what its all about, Right? I'm older than them, which makes me better... ...Those pesky young adults, always thinking their smarter than everyone around with their music up too loud and always walking on my lawn..:) (Now THAT'S my arrogance and sarcasm...) Take care...
Thanks, Garth...I really didn't intend to sound arrogant at all. I may have gone over board with the fry cook comment, but at that point I was starting to get a little irratated. Blessings, Senior Chief
My point remains. You said that "WE don't care what rank you hold or how you got there". Neither was mentioned in my original post, except to say that I am a Senior member which qualifies me to speak on Navy Regulations. How is that self promoting or in any way a "know-it-all" attitude. While what I don't know or understand I can just about squeeze into the Grand Canyon, I do hope that the past 15 years of military service provides SOME insight to the civilian life I am also a part of. (I married one...) Thank you for your service, sir. Regards, Senior Thanks, Pop. I wonder if my two undergraduate degrees and my M.A. in Bioethics will translate to civilian life...?? Love ya. J
Rocky, Are you speaking for all of GSC or just Galen when you say "we don't care what your rank is or how you got there"? I don't necessarily care about how you promoted from fry cook to drive thru cashier, either but that wasn't what we were discussing. I merely opened my reply to a post that I disagreed with by stating my rank. I was initially misunderstood, but I believe that I clarified. I don't believe that I went into detail about how I "got there" either, which, by the way, I did by working hard serving and leading with integrity, long deployments while leaving my wife and kids behind for many months at a time and going into harms way.(Not complaining, I do so freely and proudly) What we were discussing were regulations, rank structure and the proper way for a Sailor to render honors to the the Flag. It was neat to have seen how much has changed since Galen retired! Although when he first enlisted I was 3 years old! (Sorry Galen) However your snide tone and utter disrespect for me and all of the service members who have worked hard serving their country both angers and concerns me. I notice that you have the moniker "support the troops..." Glad that's working out for you. Regards, RPCS(FMF/SW/AW), USN
Galen, There was a time when LDOs were limited in rank to LCDR (O4). That changed in the late 1990s or early 2000s. I don't recall when. There are now many O6/CAPT LDOs. In the past few years regulations have changed and there are now many Commanding Officers who are LDOs. They can't command a vessel, but squadrons, bases and reserve centers are full of them Commissioned Officers, Line or "Mustang" (wheather LDO or Warrant (a whole different topic)) have no difference in entitlements. However, an LDO Ensign who was previously a Chief would certainly be the expert to turn to as apposed to the 22 year old college graduate of equal rank. BTW: Thanks for your service. Still don't agree with the beard... I'll never understand you Bubbleheads. :) R/ Senior
The MCPON is an appointment, not a promotion. He is in fact an E9. Regards, Senior
Galen, One more thing. Please tell me you shave your beard when donning your Dess uniform in parades... Although, looking at the length of it, probably not. Regards, Senior Chief
Wow, I didn't think that I'd have to do this but here goes: I am Senior Chief (E-8) currenly stationed in Washington D. C. Most would consider this to be senior as this is the second to the hightest rank in the Enlisted force. My handle (LDO USN) does in fact refer to "Limited Duty Officer", as I was selected for this Commission right around the time I registered here on GSC a few year ago. However, I was also selected and promoted to Chief the same year and I opted to remain enlisted as being a Navy Chief had always been my goal. I just never went back and changed the handle. I will eventually reapply for the commission. I never refered to myself as a "senior officer" as Galen says; rather a senior member. However, to refer to an LDO as not senior really is incorrect. Only those enlisted members E7 eligible and up are allowed to apply for this commission. Yes, once commissioned they are considered a Junior Officer, but that is ONLY in rank. They are the technical experts and far from junior in they eyes of the Chain of Command. I'm sure that the many Limited Duty Officer (LDO) members who are Luitenant Commander (O-4), Commander (O-5) and Captain (O-6), would greatly disagree with you, Galen. (...and you would NEVER call an LDO, "LDO". You address them by their rank or sir or ma'am) Your misinformation is suprising as you were "a lowly E6 with 20+ years active duty". Now, regarding the Hand Salute and Jim's comments: The rules that govern active duty Navy members, called Navy Regulations, specifically Paragraph 1207.3 states: "...Service members not in uniform are to stand at attention." U.S. Flag Code Title 4, Chapter 1, Sec. 4 (which the senator is trying to change) states "Military members in uniform are to stand at attention and render a hand salute. Veterans, Civlilans and others are to stand at attention and place their right hand over their heart." I could have been more specific in what I disagree with. The idea of an Active duty Sailor rendering a hand salute while in uniform is bothersome (my opinion) and against regulation (the Navy's opinion). I am not necessarily against Veterans saluting, but it seems to me that they should follow the regulations that current active duty members follow. However, I believe that the Senator should be focusing on the lack of medical care, VA benefits and other like things rather than working on their right to salute. The VA has much more important troubles worth his effort.
As a Senior member in the Navy I can speak with some autority on this subject. Placing your hand over your heart and standing at attention is the ONLY appropriate way for civilians and Vets to honor the flag. Active duty military members are required, per regulation, to stand at attention (no salute) when not in uniform at the playing of the National Anthem, Parading of the Colors, and when reciting the Pledge of Alliegence. Today, you must be covered in order to render a salute. (Wearing your uniform hat) Therefore, when in civlian clothes at a ball game or parade, the appropriate thing to do is stand at attention. I don't agree with the good senator. While the salute is regarded as a symbol of respect, it should be left for those currently in uniform. There are better things the senator could be doing with his time. Namely ensuring our Vets are properly taken care of... Fun knowldge: The history of the Salute dates back to the Renaissance period when knights used to raise the face shield of their armor when addressing a competitor. Regards, LDO
Happy Birthday Onion. It was nice visiting with you the other day... Regards, Chief...
have you ever been involved in ruining someone's marrage
LDO USN replied to coolchef1248 @adelphia.net's topic in Open
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CoolChef: Be careful...There are those that lurk here that can smell a lie like a fart in an elevator. Please stop your half truths. Warm Regards, LDO