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May/June 2005 magazine (has it been 2 months)
houseisarockin replied to houseisarockin's topic in About The Way
I agree on the good works, as far as when I left naturally. But their publications do reflect their mindset. If you're outside the hold you can see more clearly their usage of biblical passages as a subtle form of agreement with their doctrine. The immersing yourself into something like God's heart in His Word is to me very sound thinking. But when used as a platform for dictated actions that you the leader deem according to God you've violated the truth. I'm far from having not done that myself. But I don't represent at times thousands of lives. I can screw up with a bit less consequence. -
May/June 2005 magazine (has it been 2 months)
houseisarockin replied to houseisarockin's topic in About The Way
Good Morning John, you have some time off today? Have a good Memorial Day will you. Believe it or not some here know you have a good heart underneath it all. Keep tapped into it, it'll beacon your way out some day. And it is nice to see your name logged in once in a while, again that may surprise you John. -
A photo of her younger days caught in the act of choosing which face to wear. :P-->
May/June 2005 magazine (has it been 2 months)
houseisarockin replied to houseisarockin's topic in About The Way
Nah, don't know, don't care - just wanna be rid of the Way stink in this state once and for all. I would be surprised if anybody new would really commit to the Way from this effort... Yeah, I fell for this stuff once upon a time, but it really was a different organization way back when. I was part of both twi1 and twi2 and do admit the later was more controlling. Although I have some wonderful memories and did learn more than I may ever realize. But the failing of continued deliverance for their folks will send them heading toward the exit sign. -
May/June 2005 magazine (has it been 2 months)
houseisarockin replied to houseisarockin's topic in About The Way
So here we are back at cultivating fruit... --> I don't think they're talking about the fruit of the spirit here. Fruit of the spirit doesn't come from witnessing and "speaking the truth abundantly!" the way that TWI teaches. Besides that, I don't know many of them who are really living the more abundant life. Joe believer on average doesn't make much money, drives a clunker and is getting deeper into debt because he isn't going to be able to keep paying the rising rental fees once he retires. On top of that he's most likely miserable and thinks it's just because he isn't living "up to the standard of the word" instead of the fact that just maybe he isn't really being taught the accuracy and greatness of the word. Those depending on TWI for their lifestyle only appear to be living abundantly because they drive nice cars, live in nice homes, don't have to work and get to spend all their time playing around and interfering in people's lives, but most likely they lose sleep at night wondering what they're going to do when they get sick and start accumulating healthcare bills like Mrs. W. Who's @s s are they going to have to kiss next and will they still be able to collect a paycheck or will they finally have to face life in the "real world"..... pretty scary if you ask me. Belle, I don't know what GMIR is either, I just didn't mention it. --> I've wondered what the older corps either on staff or in the field thought also in regards to their financially security. I've heard it said by a couple that God will provide what they needed when needed. They were doing His will and he'd not fail them. When pressed with the logic of not being financially prepared I was told that was placing trust in worldly matters. While I see godly principals in not trusting in worldly things, I also understand our God as not wanting us to be fools. And not preparing for an age when you may not be able to work so you can pay your RENT is just plain foolish, IMHO. -
May/June 2005 magazine (has it been 2 months)
houseisarockin replied to houseisarockin's topic in About The Way
Fortunateone -- yup, I remember GMIR, and have most (if not all) of them. Best part of the magazine (imo) when they were putting them in the way mag. I took all the GMIR articles out of the magazine (they were easily detachable), and keep them on my bookshelf upstairs, while the rest of the way mags are in a box in my basement. :)--> Those GMIR articles are worth looking at, from time to time. (note -- figure of speech ommission -- gmir is mentioned, way mag is not). :D--> David Lest we think you are saying something you aren't. :)--> -
May/June 2005 magazine (has it been 2 months)
houseisarockin replied to houseisarockin's topic in About The Way
I know we're not to be dependent upon another as we would God. But they made us dependent upon them then let us down. They should have openly told us not to put our confidence in a man and kept it at that. But they tied things to obedience to them or else we would suffer loss. Respecting a teacher of the Word is quite different from respecting them as the source and believing if you leave them you will be outside. -
May/June 2005 magazine (has it been 2 months)
houseisarockin replied to houseisarockin's topic in About The Way
Belle, I would suggest that perhaps, just perhaps, they finally came to the conclusion that the "modern" informercial type of high pressure sales, loaded with "positive" veyspeak just doesn't do the job it used to. I think people are just plain worn out from being subjected to this kind of junk, an answer to EVERYTHING, promoting a product that they consider next to blasphemy to question in any way, results absolutely guaranteed until you do not receive them. Maybe they just can't muster up the excitement that they once had for an old, unworkable product. Maybe they are beginning to count up the lawsuits and the shekels.. Maybe they are getting a clue of what's really going on. Rosie may not outlive their dwindling nest egg, but the other guys most likely will. It would be far better for them to get a clue about what kind of abuse they heaped on thousands of people, but that would be wishing for a little too much. From the tone that I perceive from these articles, they are kinder and gentler, in word only. They still dismiss people as if they were expendable. That alone is proving isn't it! -
May/June 2005 magazine (has it been 2 months)
houseisarockin replied to houseisarockin's topic in About The Way
I would agree the ones telling what to do are the most critical to need what they preach. It apparently fell short of their gray matter along the way. Or the Word mattered less than the show of understanding that falls short when called upon. As I guess I may have stated already, but worth repeating. -
May/June 2005 magazine (has it been 2 months)
houseisarockin replied to houseisarockin's topic in About The Way
That is by far the most tender thing I can remember hearing come from TWI since my first year of being involved with them over 10 years ago. Again I agree with you. Her whole article was actually one of the most tender pieces I've read from them for many years. Sad thing is that they still tie all that to performance based religion. Otherwise, they are starting to sound like all the other churches out there. Pretty soon they aren't going to be able to hide the fact that there really IS something better out there....if not better, at least places that offer the same things with less control, manipulation and micro-management. Yes indeed, but they have the warm and human articles like hers that keep them interested. Although she may have no idea how important her tenderness supplied that bit of hope for the questioning to read. Such things aided in my holding on until I could walk away. -
May/June 2005 magazine (has it been 2 months)
houseisarockin replied to houseisarockin's topic in About The Way
May/June 2005 magazine (has it been 2 months)
houseisarockin replied to houseisarockin's topic in About The Way
May/June 2005 magazine (has it been 2 months)
houseisarockin replied to houseisarockin's topic in About The Way
You made an excellent point. And their closing statement in the "About This Issue" captures the direction, and words like "laborers" "advance" "word and deed" all fit into this year's theme quite well. Where "prevailing" and "victory" are less individualized possibly. The closing statement: Let's keep growing and flourishing in our cultivation of spiritual fruit, giving God the glory as we live and speak the truth abundantly! -
May/June 2005 magazine (has it been 2 months)
houseisarockin replied to houseisarockin's topic in About The Way
:)--> -
May/June 2005 magazine (has it been 2 months)
houseisarockin replied to houseisarockin's topic in About The Way
A tidbit from the article on WD's: We're partners in outreach and we're showing the proof We're spiritually minded and we're speaking the truth It's our job description to speak truth not fiction Partners in outreach with a bold conviction © TWI -
May/June 2005 magazine (has it been 2 months)
houseisarockin replied to houseisarockin's topic in About The Way
You're correct in the articles are done by the corps and many are staff. And just as the Sunday teachings were listened to and approved by someone assigned (doubt it was the Board themselves) I'm sure the articles are gone over before ever hitting the press. -
May/June 2005 magazine (has it been 2 months)
houseisarockin replied to houseisarockin's topic in About The Way
Yes you have to be an advanced class grad. And the commitment is for 6 months. I've recognized apprentice corps as well as interim corps in the last few groups. And it's called W*y Disciples. -
May/June 2005 magazine (has it been 2 months)
houseisarockin replied to houseisarockin's topic in About The Way
I agree. However, I bet the actual articles are still LOADED with them. If not, this could really take the fun out of the twi-speak drinking game.... I don't find those words in these articles at quick glance. But I see personal accountability emphasized like closing paragraph of R*pp's: As we hold forth the Word, we shine as lights in this world....Then we reach out by imitating Paul's manner of life, and we serve others....Those who are persuaded by our winning words grow to walk worthy of God.... And some quotes of P*rry's: As disciples walk these paths by applying the Word, they can advance with confidence because the way they walk is established by the Lord....Those who walk the paths of the Lord will not have to wonder or guess what God's will is for their lives.... And some quotes of G*orge's (although hers was really quite tender I have to honestly say: We can live in alignment and harmony with God, our heavenly Father, as we hide His Word in our hearts and live accordingly....If we fail to live up to the standard of His Word, whether in action or attitude or both, God is merciful and kind to forgive our trespass and cleanse us from all unrighteousness as we go to Him with meek and humble hearts....Then we in turn need to forgive ourselves.... And some quotes of B*rger's: When we walk as children of light, we can avoid the potential dangers of the spirit realm. Walking in the light keeps us in the presence of God, where there is fullness of joy....and that is the fruit of a rich, vital, and intimate relationship with God.... © TWI -
May/June 2005 magazine (has it been 2 months)
houseisarockin replied to houseisarockin's topic in About The Way
You trying to outgive Kevlar. :)--> -
May/June 2005 magazine (has it been 2 months)
houseisarockin replied to houseisarockin's topic in About The Way
Confronting outwardly stopped a few years back. It was moved away from slowly after Craig was put on probation. The Fox came in and poured syrup on the podium. The article stated the theme for this graduated group as Building the Body Together! The closing paragraph is a promo for the next group and describes it somewhat I imagine. Are there areas in your life that could benefit from being strengthened and sharpened? Would you like to hone your skills as a laborer together with God while building up the Body of Christ in a concentrated team effort? If so, applications are being accepted for WD Outreach Group XII! Our heavenly Father has given you power tools to be part of this dynamic team of Advanced Class graduates. © TWI -
May/June 2005 magazine (has it been 2 months)
houseisarockin replied to houseisarockin's topic in About The Way
I think some of these folks have a good heart, that's why they do the program. But sadly it falls short with the follow through when you really need someone. Fear rules way too much then, or did when I left. :(--> -
May/June 2005 magazine (has it been 2 months)
houseisarockin replied to houseisarockin's topic in About The Way
We'll be happy to send the one(s) from Maryland to you, if you'd like. ;)--> Aww such giving! ;)--> -
May/June 2005 magazine (has it been 2 months)
houseisarockin replied to houseisarockin's topic in About The Way
:D--> -
May/June 2005 magazine (has it been 2 months)
houseisarockin replied to houseisarockin's topic in About The Way
Oak, sorry but that's the graduating group. You may yet get some. :)--> David, well truth be told some of my reading material would probably bore others to death as well. WeWereScammed, now don't you feel ashamed of yourself (kidding or course) knowing one of the regular teachers of STS (Sunday teaching service) reads us all the time. In fact here's a recap of one of J*hn L*nder's teachings: "Jesus Christ took the burden of sin off our backs. He set us up for success. We can stand up straight and tall. We can put our shoulders back, lift our eyes up, and walk as children of the most high God. We can be proud of who we are spiritually. We have a right to take that message to those who need it." To that I would reply John we have a right to share our deliverance here as well. I hope you find some of that for yourself while keeping an eye on us. ;)--> © TWI