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Everything posted by houseisarockin

  1. JustThinking is correct. Which included (but is not confined to) below examples that someone had to be on a higher level before being considered to become a part of twi: If they were lacking in social skills they would tarnish the image. If they were lacking in education they would not understand concepts, like the military which they held in high regard because of the discipline. If they were lacking in finances....do I need to say more.
  2. The church I attended as a youth also thought speaking in tongue was from Satan, but I think it was because the church across the street did so while rolling on the floor and playing with snakes. Freaked me out and I still can't stand snakes. :(--> Wonder if any other religion holds the same opinion regarding SIT. I never new JW did, thanks Paradiseden. :)-->
  3. Uncle Harry was VPW's brother. By the way, great thread WordWolf.
  4. Uncle Harry was VPW's brother. By the way, great thread WordWolf.
  5. Speaking in tongues with the same one interpreting it into a known language of the body of believers hearing it. And prophecy which is speaking a message not requiring the tongues prior. There is much more regarding it but in an effort to not derail this thread that is a brief.
  6. Speaking in tongues with the same one interpreting it into a known language of the body of believers hearing it. And prophecy which is speaking a message not requiring the tongues prior. There is much more regarding it but in an effort to not derail this thread that is a brief.
  7. WordWolf, I trust this will add to any references we make regarding the legalistic and subtle control tactics skillfully used by their organization. At first glance it looks like a formula for success if you are interested in helping someone with restoration to God. But there are two important messages there. The first being "in accord with the local fellowship coordinator", for without that approval you are powerless. Okay some may say I am stretching that a bit, I assure you I am not. The second being "from this power base...restore them to favor with God", which is not accurate. Our power base to aid in restoring someone is by way of Jesus Christ, it is not provided by way of an organization. And certainly is not limited to that ministry of which believes to be the only people in God's household.
  8. WordWolf, I trust this will add to any references we make regarding the legalistic and subtle control tactics skillfully used by their organization. At first glance it looks like a formula for success if you are interested in helping someone with restoration to God. But there are two important messages there. The first being "in accord with the local fellowship coordinator", for without that approval you are powerless. Okay some may say I am stretching that a bit, I assure you I am not. The second being "from this power base...restore them to favor with God", which is not accurate. Our power base to aid in restoring someone is by way of Jesus Christ, it is not provided by way of an organization. And certainly is not limited to that ministry of which believes to be the only people in God's household.
  9. So 'The Way' doesn't have a corner on weirdness then I guess. :D-->
  10. Refiner, Forgive my ignorance if the answer is right before my eyes and I missed it but... Do they think Jesus Christ was born 9/11 or 12/25? I have heard there are other religions that teach his birth to be 9/11 besides 'The Way'.
  11. Refiner, Welcome to you. Interesting stuff! Thanks for moving it over here guys.
  12. socks, I saw this creature near that same location when on vacation a few weeks ago. It meant nothing to me then but now I wonder if connected to your sighting of the disappearing rabbit. I didn't take a picture of it at the time so I just ran up to the police station and asked them to draw me a composite drawing from my memory. Below is the result of that. But I can't help but wonder if I may be mixing memories here.
  13. Told to keep going until you heard glass break. With the path determined by a man not God. Told selflessness in service to your leaders was a gauge of spiritual maturity. Told your earthly family couldn't add to your life so don't share with them fully. Told to disregard common sense in bad weather travel so you make a class or meeting. ....you might be in a cult.
  14. wonder1, Decide what you want to read from the topic headings. This forum 'The Way' may not be one you want to frequent at the start. You may be touched by 'The Prayer Room' and replies, as I once was when reading a poster's reply that I had all but assumed hated God yet they were right there with their tenderness for someone. As far as pigeonholing this website as ones who can not move away from their bad accounts, I would not agree that is a fair assessment. In the years I have been lurking here I have noted a few that seem to go in circles so I don't give them much mind. But the majority has incredible fortitude to have lived through abuse on one level or other and moved out of it into healthy and balanced lives. I am basing this on my reading of them but it is my take nonetheless. I even respect some who seem to have all but alienated themselves with most, yet they still persist with their views. Why? Because they have the same right to state it as the one that is convinced not to buy it, because they were there and it isn't sellable to them. No one is a part of twi for any length of time without it having some impact on their lives. I have not and will not throw it all away because I know God gave to me while a part of that group. I know a few here would say they learned nothing there which is their right, but it lessons the truth for my life not one iota! If you chose to stay around long enough you will learn you can hold fast to your conviction regardless of another's denial of same. I hope you chose to stay. If there are snow cones being passed around can I have one with tequila and lime on the side please. :)-->
  15. Okay so I have more, shoot me. Letting go of rage because it is obvious the abuser will never admit their wrongdoing is sometimes required to get beyond your personal view of yourself. Part of the rage includes wanting them to be as miserable as we were. I think in both cases they knew it to be wrong but I wonder if the guilt and shame they felt was put off on the victimized to help ease their minds. There is a balance of strength and openness needed with one you chose to bare your soul to. I believe these men singled out certain ones that did not possess that balance and rather than aid in their wholeness took unto themselves the opportunity for personal gain. I do know as stated before there were women that offered themselves freely, what they may have thought of themselves I don't believe they even considered at the time. But that does not dismiss the abuse of power in any way.
  16. Craig, How many of these have you considered in your isolated condition? 1) wished you had not imitated your Father in the Word so closely 2) wished you had not taken the wife he had chosen for you 3) wished you had blackmailed that evil fox behind the curtain when you could 4) wished you had admitted to us openly some of the things you felt inwardly 5) wished you had the balls to admit it was just dead wrong regardless of consequences 6) wished you had the freedom you sold That's all for now, hope my using wished and the number 6 don't freak you out too much.
  17. It's called 'copy and paste' from the net. :P--> :D-->
  18. Outkast were amongst the first groups to bring national attention to the flourishing southern hip-hop scene. Dre and Big Boi craft some of the most progressive and original tracks around, pairing intricate, highly musical production with articulate lyricism. Backed by Organized Noize's studio wizardry, the group's colorful, thickly accented descriptions of southern life transcend regional boundaries and strike a global chord.
  19. WhiteDove, is that monkey smiling and polishing the floor with a banana peel while being spanked? ;)-->
  20. oldiesman, I certainly can not force you to change your mind. If you need to hold those men in high regard in order to protect your learning while a part of twi you will more than likely never change your views regarding them. I have not thrown it all out, I know I have said this once already, but I also know they were dead wrong in some ways. Other than that, I don't think I have any more to add here.
  21. Going back to Bathsheba if I may. I do not see in her account that she was naked, as taught by VPW. I do read she was washing herself at evening tide on the privacy of her rooftop. David had to go on the rooftop of his taller home to view her. I don't see anything implying she encouraged David to do what he did. According to Levitical law both the adulterer and adulteress were to be put to death. She sent for David upon recognizing she was with child from their encounter. She accepted responsibility for her part knowing she could be put to death. Yet nowhere does God speak of her sin. Why was Nathan's example a lamb? If God viewed her as a seducing adulteress why inspire a story to his servant Nathan about a purified animal? Certainly another animal could have been chosen. Don't get me wrong here. I am not saying she was pure and innocent, but there is something to be said that God chose to not avoid the lamb here. Could it be the focus was on David's role for a reason? But most importantly is the fact that David recognized his sin and sought forgiveness from God. Still to suffer consequences of losing his child. And the added burden of having to go into his wife and comfort her for her loss as well. Do you not think he took full responsibility for that loss? Has anyone ever heard of VPW or LCM seeking forgiveness? I realize we can not know the heart of the man. But it would appear outwardly had either of them done so they would have also stopped taking unto themselves women that were not theirs to take.
  22. Bluzeman, As my motor labored to the point of fatigue I refused to look back. And would you believe that creature began to talk, "oh my goodness what have we here" I said to myself. Not wanting to hear its words I decided to start reciting my tall tales as they continued to unfold. Loudly so as to drown out that voice. I recalled how I overcame the monster under my bed as a child. And why was it taking so long to reach the shore. The monster under the bed yes that was the thought I was just having. I remember one night I gathered up the courage to get on the floor and lift up the bed skirt. I know I saw movement there but poof all that remained was dust. I was praying it was something going not coming (old joke). And that was the last time I was ever worried about the monster under my bed. Sidenote here: I know my fishing account may sound like I am a man but I am actually a frilly woman, felt it time to mention so you wouldn't think I was wimpy because of the monster story. --> Now how can I duplicate that effort to rid myself of this creature hitching a ride? Maybe just maybe I could bore it to death. I know I have done that once or twice with my husband's reluctant fishing buddies. I proceed to start telling it my tall tales and upon pausing long enough I start to hear its words. It smiles this wicked smile with bad breath and all and starts to sing "She put the lime in the coconut, and drank them both up".... Splash was the last thing it heard from me. How will I ever explain losing my husbands boat? --> I say, Doctor, ain't there nothin' I can take...
  23. Must be me, I read this as affirmative. And as far as... Not the truth, I beg to differ, but then will we ever agree? Later, got to get back to work.
  24. Later that day (DM possessed sighting) I decided to go fishing, for my tall tales had all but gone stale. "Why was I here again" I mumbled while trying to scratch an insect bite dead center in my back. Convinced someone educated these fish since last I looked. I swear I saw a blowfish spewing out fresh worms for each to eat. You'd think they could have given me the courtesy to at least have moved away from my boat. A bite! Am I too long under the sun? A bite! Reeling feverishly cursing that I not break the rod I see a glimmer of what, no way, what was that? And would someone tell me how in the world I could have left my hat in the truck. Deciding to cover my head with the cooler and catch a nap I hear something knocking on the side of the boat. Pulling myself up I manage to lay my hand down on one of my better hooks @&*#%. When after my eyes adjust to the sun I see that blasted possessed creature glaring at me so close I can smell it's breath. NOT a pretty thing I tell you. This close I can see it nearly dwarfs the size of my boat. I decided I had enough tall tales to add to my spew so off I sped thinking my Evinrude sounded a little rough. When behind me I feel a tug and see that thing is hitching a ride. Can't go any further, memories too intense! But now you know why my days have been so rough.
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