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Everything posted by houseisarockin

  1. In twi that would have been a very loose description of "iron sharpeneth iron"...again I repeat very loose. Questioning one on their views and understanding is good for the gray matter. More than once I have changed mine (views) from this group and now from my home board. It's a good thing indeed. But searcher, I see this group of which I am one (ex-twi) in many of the same ways as you stated, talk about having been micro-managed and perception of close scrutiny, oh yea how familiar that is.
  2. Had you never come here I would have never gone there and I would then not have my cape. Hey wait a minute! I still don't have my cape. Hmmm hey Excath did you get your pink one yet? Ummm Refiner dear man can you check your trunk to see if my black one is still in there perhaps.
  3. Where am I? Refiner...posting...blue and gray background...Refiner...posting. Where am I?
  4. Shaz, Although I have followed to some degree this thread I withhold an educated opinion regarding it. But it does seem we, as well as others out there, have been feed the lack of understanding to be able to just know what to do yourself. Regards in Return, House
  5. UncleHairy, that was the other part of my question, thank you for an example in reply.
  6. Pawtucket, I have cut and past only that which is my posts from JWO and if you chose to delete this post due to my going against your desires for this board please do so. Respectfully submitted: (addressee left blank) My argument with him (Chuck for context for you GS folks) was the lie, and since I know you are reading you would have noticed we have settled that with agreement neither would want to be lied to. Secondarily I told him I was not offended by his statement in the first place, if he did not believe it I was not outright told that by him. Thirdly I acknowledged his recent death, even told him amidst our "debating" how sorry I was for him. Fourthly I suggested he step back and chill for awhile, he responded to me within minutes obviously choosing not to do so. From that point on we have been "debating" our difference of opinion. If he does not agree with me as to where we are presently no doubt he will inform us all. As for following him, and just harassing him because I don't agree with him, and why would I a church lady with my skirt up over my head do so well...he started this thread, he wanted the debate, which is his free will. Would it have been better if I would have just kept silent and not addressed him, which is obviously not what he was wanting of us? I would love to continue to engage in debate with him when he gives me something to debate, and thus far with me he has chosen to do so. But with Satori he has chosen to give the man all the room he wants to rip him a new ***hole. And I am amazed at the restraint he has used in not doing so. Has he so little knowledge of Satori that he does not actually realize he is skilled at stunning a person momentarily until they can get their bearings as to whether they were just kissed or punched? Satori is a debater, Chuck is a formable opponent but for some reason is not choosing to engage like one. (end of post regarding this topic) As for my being one that claimed responsibility for bringing the death point up (which I did first on that board), I did it to help elevate heart ache for a fellow poster that thought she was responsible for bringing it there. Also I am sickened by the verbiage regarding Zixar and Pawtucket and have stated so on that board.
  7. Thank you for noticing my question.
  8. Question please...those of you that have been a part of this program...has there ever been anyone that you contacted to ask forgiveness of that have in reply stated it was not the best for their life for you to have called and reminded them (dug up bones)? And what were you taught regarding that response, or was that covered? Just curious is all, not stating an opinion one way or other on the program.
  9. Has there ever been ones contacted by students of this program that indicated calling and digging up old bones was not best for the recipient's life?
  10. You couldn't have known, so please no apology necessary. And nice to meet you as well. But I'm still not calling LCM, although somewhat intriguing, but certainly not happening. :)-->
  11. GeorgeStGeorge, umm thank you very much but I will pass on the call to LCM. That so understates my thoughts. :D--> By the way I am a she not a he. ;)--> But thanks, so he did do some work on my question after all. Hmmm.
  12. Forgive you, well since you asked so nicely. Nah, you had nothing for me to forgive man. And that statement of mine makes no sense does it, goodness my. Well what I meant to say was I knew some of the corps had educations, as well as, life experiences but hid it below the LCM wannabe cover. I sometimes wondered if it was in an effort to not be called on the carpet for their ideas and carry through on things not sanctioned by their overseers. Then after awhile you just bury it believing what could you possible add that God hasn't already covered with your leadership. Since we were told they would receive and know what was best for us before we did ourselves. I think most followed acceptable guidelines and took up the flame spewing traits of LCM in an effort to just have some sort of life. I realize I am generalizing things quite a bit, and am only one person's opinion.
  13. Okay JustThinking, you win. :D--> I am leaning more towards your understanding.
  14. JustThinking, you and I seem to have left close to each other in timing. Do you recall a magazine article by Kri**ina Wie**ille regarding college and corps training? More on that is a second. While I do agree many of the corps was like Stepford people I think there was a push on obtaining an education so that you had secular skills to offer as a leader. Some of the lack of intelligence I saw was hidden below the self-imposed burden of being a LCM wannabe. Few quotes: (thinking she needed to change her major from premed to education due to the time the first would require...) "Thus began my progression of college majors, from premed to marine biology to biology to elementary education. My parents encouraged me at every step. Because they wanted me to make decisions for myself, I knew I could come to them for counsel but the final decision would still be up to me...Making decisions for myself did not make the transitions more comfortable, however. Even though I had been successful in high school, I did not feel "ready" for college...(quoted VPW) "There is no good, wholesome exposure to the world you can have that will not help make the Word of God live more fully for you."...(after graduation she worked for a couple of years in her profession) but I knew it was time for the next transition, this time into answering the call to serve as a wc minister...all those previous life's experiences contributed to my training." And so this is part of why I said in my first post I was not sure as to how to vote. For what it's worth.
  15. Thanks for the link. I had not heard it before.
  16. Was that why I was always assigned the door patrol? --> :D-->
  17. I'm not sure how to vote. I think the fairly bright aspect was darkened to have reached the point of decision to go into the wc to start (myself included). However there was encouragement to acquire a college education prior to going into the wc so you had something to offer in a leadership position. So not sure which to vote.
  18. Sorry guys I got distracted. Thanks for the information. :)-->
  19. We have been told more than once a PT was not read by Pawtucket or the moderators. I took it at face value then and am glad to see it hasn't changed. :)-->
  20. Actually on the JWO site Chuck calls himself a liar. What we say regarding it really makes no difference if the author himself admits to lying to us from that platform. And somehow this action of his is suppose to make him the bigger man. Umm I certainly can't understand that thinking nor do I desire to. -->
  21. houseisarockin

    My Agenda

    Sudo, thanks! And I agree they grow up fast indeed. By the way, your horse is as safe now as it was before. ;)-->
  22. Nope, an Orange Crush...Yummy.
  23. Hang on, I think you talked about how different foods were called different things and you mentioned some lemon things, let me go check....be right back. Okay so it was only two lemon things -->: Well I don't like squash so we can't be the same person right. :P-->
  24. :D--> :D--> I think you like lemon things more than I do.
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